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true or false: People in good moods tend to be more creative than people in bad moods.


true or false: The three components of an attitude are cognition, affect, and behavior.


true or false: Transactional leaders guide their followers toward established goals by clarifying role and task requirements.


true or false: We have thousands of attitudes, but OB focuses on a very limited number that form positive or negative evaluations employees hold about their work environments.


true or false: people seek consistency between their attitudes and their behaviors


Discuss attribution theory.

Attribution theory suggests that when we observe an individual's behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused. That determination, however, depends largely on three factors: (1) distinctiveness, (2) consensus, and (3) consistency. First, distinctiveness refers to whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations. A behavior high in distinctiveness is more likely to be given an external attribution. Second, if everyone who faces a similar situation responds in the same way, we can say the behavior shows consensus. A behavior high in consensus is more likely to be considered an externally caused behavior. Third, the more consistent the behavior, the more we are inclined to attribute it to internal causes.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is a person's ability to: (a) be self-aware (to recognize his/her own emotions when he/she experiences them), (b) detect emotions in others, and (c) manage emotional cues and information. People who know their own emotions and are good at reading emotional cues-for instance, knowing why they're angry and how to express without violating norms-are more likely to be effective.

Explain how emotions and moods are different from each other.

Emotions are more likely to be caused by a specific event, and emotions are more fleeting than moods. Unlike moods, emotions like anger and disgust tend to be more clearly revealed by facial expressions. In addition, some researchers state that emotions may be more action-oriented and they may lead one to take some immediate action. On the other hand, moods may be more cognitive, meaning they may cause one to think or brood for a while.

What impact do social activities have on one's moods?

For most people, social activities increase positive mood and have little effect on negative mood. Research suggests activities that are physical, such as skiing or hiking with friends, or informal, such as going to a party, or epicurean, like eating with others, are more strongly associated with increases in positive mood than events that are formal or sedentary, such as watching TV with friends.

Using the concept of organizational survival, how would you define what makes an organization successful? Why is organizational survival important to defining organizational success?

Organizational survival refers to evidence that an organization is able to exist and grow over the long term. The survival of an organization depends not just on how productive the organization is, but also on how well it fits with its environment. A company that is productively making goods and services of little value to the market is unlikely to survive for long, so survival factors in things like perceiving the market successfully, making good decisions about how and when to pursue opportunities, and engaging in successful change management to adapt to new business.

what are the major causes of job satisfaction?

The major job satisfaction facets are the work itself, pay, advancement opportunities, supervision, and co-workers. Enjoying the work itself is almost always the facet most strongly correlated with high levels of overall job satisfaction. Most people prefer work that is challenging and stimulating over work that is predictable and routine. For people who are poor or who live in poor countries, pay does correlate with job satisfaction and with overall happiness. Once an individual reaches a level of comfortable living, however, the relationship virtually disappears. Personality also plays a role in job satisfaction. Research has shown that people who have positive core self-evaluations, who believe in their inner worth and basic competence, are more satisfied with their jobs than those with negative core self-evaluations. Not only do they see their work as more fulfilling and challenging, they are more likely to gravitate toward challenging jobs in the first place. Those with negative core self-evaluations set less ambitious goals and are more likely to give up when confronting difficulties.

Explain how organizations can create team players.

The primary options for trying to turn individuals into team players include:a) Selection. Some people already possess the interpersonal skills to be effective team players. When hiring team members, in addition to the technical skills required to fill the job, care should be taken to ensure that candidates can fulfill their team roles as well as technical requirements. Many job candidates don't have team skills. This is especially true for those socialized around individual contributions. When faced with such candidates, managers basically have three options. The candidates can undergo training to "make them into team players." If this isn't possible or doesn't work, the other two options are to transfer the individual within the organization to a unit without teams (if this possibility exists) or don't hire the candidate. In established organizations that decide to redesign jobs around teams, it should be expected that some employees will resist being team players and may be untrainable. Unfortunately, such people typically become casualties of the team approach.b) Training. On a more optimistic note, a large proportion of people raised on the importance of individual accomplishments can be trained to become team players. Training specialists conduct exercises that allow employees to experience the satisfaction that teamwork can provide. They typically offer workshops to help employees improve their problem-solving, communication, negotiation, conflict-management, and coaching skills. Employees also learn the five-stage group development model.c) Rewards. The reward system needs to be reworked to encourage cooperative efforts rather than competitive ones. Promotions, pay raises, and other forms of recognition should be given to individuals for how effective they are as a collaborative team member. This doesn't mean individual contributions are ignored; rather, they are balanced with selfless contributions to the team. Examples of behaviors that should be rewarded include training new colleagues, sharing information with teammates, helping to resolve team conflicts, and mastering new skills that the team needs but in which it is deficient.

A transactional leader is likely to ________. A) reward employees for the work that they have done, thus recognizing accomplishments B) help followers trust the leader and develop a loyalty toward the common vision C) stimulate others in the organization to become thinkers of what the organization is all about D) pay attention to the emotional needs of others and consider individual differences E) avoid authoritarian, command, and control behaviors when dealing with employees


Anna Jonas owns a manufacturing firm in Indonesia and strongly believes that it is important that workers' rights be respected. However, because of the recent economic meltdown, she makes the management pay workers a wage which is below ethical standards. In addition, the working conditions are below standards because of low investment in safety equipment. She knows her actions are unethical but continues to do so to avoid major losses. Jonas is most likely to be experiencing ________. A) cognitive dissonance B) emotional contagion C) ethical evasion D) self-concordance E) positivity offset


Employees with ________ strongly identify with and care about the kind of work they do. A) high job involvement B) high cognitive dissonance C) low psychological empowerment D) low organizational commitment E) high emotional contagion


Negative affect is a mood dimension consisting of ________ at the high end. A) nervousness B) relaxation C) contentment D) serenity E) depression


Which of the following is a characteristic of emotions? A) Emotions are short-lived feeling experiences. B) Emotions last for a longer time period than moods. C) Emotions are never action-oriented in nature. D) Emotions lack a contextual stimulus. E) Emotions involve less intense feelings than moods.


Which of the following statements is an example of the behavioral component of an attitude? A) I have decided to apply for the position of a campaigner in the climate department. B) I am thrilled to know that the human resource department is looking for a climate campaigner. C) The position of a climate campaigner is challenging and interesting. D) The position of a climate campaigner will allow me to explore my skills as a campaigner. E) I think the position of a climate campaigner involves extensive travel.


Which of the following terms refers to a person's ability to detect and to manage emotional cues and information? A) emotional intelligence B) self-concordance C) emotional spectrum D) illusory correlation E) cognitive dissonance


_______ leaders inspire followers to transcend their self-interests for the good of the organization and can have an extraordinary effect on their followers. A) Transformational B) Transactional C) Task-oriented D) Laissez-faire E) Production-oriented


________ refers to a gut feeling not necessarily supported by research. A) Intuition B) Reasoning C) Rationality D) Logic E) Inference


________ refers to a positive feeling about one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. A) Job satisfaction B) Job design C) Positivity offset D) Constructive dismissal E) Picketing


groupthink is most commonly seen in the group decision-making approach using ________. A) reference groups B) nominal groups C) brainstorming D) interacting groups E) electronic meeting groups


Briefly explain the arguments against ei:

a) EI Is Too Vague a Concept: To many researchers, it's not clear what EI is.b) EI Can't Be Measured: Many critics have raised questions about measuring EI. Because EI is a form of intelligence, for instance, then there must be right and wrong answers about it on tests, they argue.c) The Validity of EI Is Suspect: Some critics argue that because EI is so closely related to intelligence and personality, once you control for these factors, EI has nothing unique to offer.

Briefly explain the arguments for ei:

a) Intuitive Appeal: There's a lot of intuitive appeal to the EI concept. Most everyone would agree that it is good to possess street smarts and social intelligence.b) EI Predicts Criteria That Matter: Evidence is mounting that suggests a high level of EI means a person will perform well on the job.c) EI Is Biologically Based: One study has shown that people with damage to the part of the brain that governs emotional processing (lesions in an area of the prefrontal cortex) score significantly lower on EI tests.

The degree to which a person identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her performance as being important to self-worth is referred to as ________. A) emotional contagion B) job involvement C) job stability D) emotional dissonance E) direct action


The role of a(n) ________ is a type of informational role according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles A) figurehead B) disseminator C) liaison D) entrepreneur E) negotiator


Virtual teams are characterized by ________ in comparison to teams which interact face-to- face. A) low popularity among companies B) the use of computers to interact C) low sharing of unique information D) low need for supervision E) low need for publicizing throughout the organization


What is the first step in the rational decision-making model? A) developing alternatives B) defining the problem C) identifying the decision criteria D) weighing the decision criteria E) evaluating the alternatives


______ teams are defined as groups of employees who perform highly related or interdependent jobs and take on many of the responsibilities of their former supervisors. A) Independent B) Self-managed work C) Cross-functional D) Problem-solving E) Traditional


________ is defined as a psychological state that exists when you agree to make yourself vulnerable to another because you have positive expectations about how things are going to turn out. A) Consideration B) Trust C) Support D) Empathy E) Respect


According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, a(n) ________ searches the organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects to bring about change: A) spokesperson B) disturbance handler C) entrepreneur D) resource allocator E) negotiator


To get his company through some hard economic times, Ben's working hours have just been reduced from 40 hours a week to 33. Ben is upset about the reduction in time and pay, but he shows up at work every morning and is willing to patiently wait until economic times improve and he can go back to working full time. Which of the following types of response is being displayed by Ben? A) voice B) neglect C) loyalty D) exit E) acceptance


Transformational leaders enhance performance of employees by ________. A) restricting creativity among employees B) focusing on short-term goals for employees C) instilling pride in employees D) establishing goals, roles, and requirements E) abdicating all responsibility to employees


Which of the following is a shortcut used in judging others by making generalizations? A) hindsight bias B) randomness error C) stereotyping D) illusory superiority E) telescoping effect


Which of the following is an advantage of group decision making when compared to individual decision making? A) increased ambiguous responsibility B) increased conformity pressures C) increased diversity of views D) increased dispersion of accountabilityE) increased pace of decision making


Which of the following is true about the correlation between salary and job satisfaction? A) Pay is not related to job satisfaction for employees in underdeveloped countries. B) Salary and perks do not have a role in overall happiness of employees from poor countries. C) Pay does not play a critical role in job satisfaction when an individual reaches a level of comfortable living. D) Financial perks and benefits always create job satisfaction irrespective of standards of living. E) High salary level always creates organizational commitment.


Which of the following statements is true regarding a work team? A) Work teams are rarely used in organizations today. B) Work teams are generally less flexible than traditional departments. C) Work teams generate positive synergy through coordinated effort. D) Work teams are less responsive to changes in the internal and external environment of the company. E) Work teams involve members of random and varied skill sets.


________ refers to feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that lack a contextual stimulus. A) Affect B) Cognition C) Mood D) Thought E) Reaction


What are the three components of an attitude?

cognition, affect, behavior

According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a(n) ________ is to make or approve significant organizational decisions and assign human, physical, and monetary assets. A) disseminator B) liaison C) entrepreneur D) resource allocator E) disturbance handlers


According to the situational leadership theory, if followers are unable and willing to do a task, then a leader needs to ________. A) follow a supportive style B) engage in participative leadership C) refrain from providing too many inputs D) display high task and relationship orientation E) demonstrate high task and low relationship orientation


Charismatic leaders ________. A) engage in traditional behaviors that follow norms B) focus on their own responsibilities largely ignoring the needs and feelings of employees C) avoid personal risk D) propose a vision of the future that is better than the status quo E) ensure their own position as leader even if it means sacrificing others


Effective teams translate their common purpose into ________ goals. A) universal B) generic C) vast D) specific E) diverse


Job dissatisfaction is more likely to translate into ________ when employees feel or perceive they have many available alternatives and when employees have high human capital. A) high productivity B) employee engagement C) increased customer satisfaction D) turnover E) organizational citizenship behavior


Leadership is best defined as ________. A) the ability to merely project one's abilities in the lack of actual accomplishments B) the ability to reduce the dependence of team members on each other C) the ability to induce the team members to focus on individual goals rather than collective goals D) the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals E) the ability to use factors like training and experience to reduce dependence on formal leadership


Which of the following statements is true regarding negotiation? A) Displaying a negative emotion at a negotiation can never be effective. B) Angry negotiators who have less power than opponents have better outcomes. C) Individuals who do poorly in a negotiation are more willing to be cooperative in future negotiations. D) Feeling bad about your performance during a negotiation tends to impair future negotiations. E) Individuals who do poorly in a negotiation develop positive perceptions of their counterpart.


________ refers to basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific proof. A) Emergency management B) Personal knowledge management C) Property management D) Evidence-based management E) Knowledge management


which of the following statements is most likely to be true about differences between men and women in relation to emotional reactions? A) Men are more emotionally expressive than women. B) Men experience emotions more intensely than women. C) Women express anger more frequently than men. D) Women tend to hold onto emotions longer than men. E) Men display positive emotions more frequently than women.


which of the following statements is true regarding team composition? A) A team's performance is merely the summation of its individual members' abilities. B) High-ability teams find it hard to adapt to changing situations. C) Agreeableness is the only personality dimension that aids the ability to work in groups. D) In successful teams, members should be selected to ensure all the various roles are filled. E) A high-ability team will function well irrespective of the deficits in the abilities of the leader.




Katherine Connor started her day with a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. However, something about the day makes her feel low. When she reaches the office, she feels upset and distracted from work although she cannot pinpoint a reason for feeling this way. She continues to feel upset and distracted through the rest of the day. Which of the following is she most likely to be experiencing? A) a response B) a reaction C) a counteraction D) an attitude E) a mood


Rachel Hartley is a former top management graduate student who now works as a project manager at a retail firm. However, despite her strong educational background, she often finds it difficult to manage her team efficiently. She is not able to understand her team's emotions when they feel frustrated with a work challenge or when they need appreciation for a job well done. Which of the following does Hartley suffer from? A) downing effect B) low emotional dissonance C) depressive realism D) low cognitive dissonance E) low emotional intelligence


which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding moods?A) Moods are always brought about by a specific event. B) Moods last for a very short period of time, such as a few seconds. C) As compared to emotions, moods are more likely to be clearly revealed by facial expressions. D) Moods are more fleeting than emotions. E) Moods are cognitive in nature.


true or false: most managers agree that the evidence on EI indicates that it should not be a factor in hiring employees, especially for jobs that demand a high degree of social interaction.


What is intuitive decision making?

ntuitive decision making is an unconscious process created from distilled experience. It occurs outside conscious thought and relies on holistic associations, or links between disparate pieces of information. It is fast and is affectively charged, which means that it usually engages the emotions. While intuition is not rational, it is not necessarily wrong. Nor does it always contradict rational analysis. Instead, the two can complement each other. In certain instances, relying on intuition can improve decision making. But it is important not to rely on it too heavily. This is because it is unquantifiable and thus it is hard to know when our hunches are right or wrong. The key is neither to abandon nor rely solely on intuition, but to supplement it with evidence and good judgment.

Why is it important to complement intuition with systematic study in our attempts to understand behavior within organizations?

o understand behavior within organizations in order to make accurate predictions of behavior. Underlying this systematic approach is the belief that behavior is not random. Rather, one can identify fundamental consistencies underlying the behavior of all individuals and modify them to reflect individual differences. The systematic study of behavior is a means to making reasonably accurate predictions. Systematic study involves looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and basing our conclusions on scientific evidence, that is, on data gathered under controlled conditions and measured and interpreted in a reasonably rigorous manner.

what is servant leadership?

scholars have recently considered ethical leadership from a new angle by examining servant leadership. Servant leaders go beyond their own self-interest and focus on opportunities to help followers grow and develop. They do not use power to achieve ends; they emphasize persuasion. Characteristic behaviors include listening, empathizing, persuading, accepting stewardship, and actively developing followers' potential. Servant leadership leads to higher levels of commitment to the supervisor, self-efficacy, and perceptions of justice; it also increases team potency. Servant leadership may be more prevalent and more effective in certain cultures; the East Asian prototype is more like a servant leader, which might mean servant leadership is more effective in these cultures.

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