HRIR Exam 3

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Employees should audit their practices internally, calculate compa-ratios, and examine actual pay against performance

Host Country National

Employees who are citizens of the host country

List Legal Requirements for Employee Discipline

Employment at Will Avoid Implied Agreement Do not violate public policy Make decisions without regard to protected class Be sure private information is relevant Follow probable cause to search employees stuff

Procedural Justice

Fair methods were used to determine the consequences an employee receives Consistent procedures/avoidance of bias/accurate information/ethical standards

Define Progressive Discipline

Formal discipline process in which the consequences become more serious if the employee repeats the offense

Example of Wrongful Discharge by Implied Contract

Giving a verbal promise to be interpreted at job security

What name and describe the metaphor is used to ensure fair discipline of employees?

Hot Stove- give clear Warning and follow up with consistent, objective, and immediate consequences Like a hot stove- clear signs that touching it will result in a burn, will burn everyone the same, there is a clear and consistent method to heal the burn


How well a person fits a culture *Strongest positive correlation with organizational commitment and satisfaction


How well a person fits a job and the tasks they perform *Strongest positive correlation with job satisfaction

Involuntary Turnover

Initiated by an employer often with employee who would prefer to stay Ex: termination for poor performance/layoffs/retirement age (if age is BFOQ)

Voluntary Turnover

Initiated by employees when often the organization would prefer they stay Ex: Quitting because you don't like your boss/retirement/reduced hours/harassment -Functional -Dysfunctional

Identify 4 decisions involved in establishing a pay structure

Job Structure Pay Level Pay Structure Pay Ranges


Job allows individual create work guidelines

Task Significance

Job has an important impact on people's lives

Skill Variety

Job requires a variety of skills to carry out tasks

Personal Dispositions

Linked to job satisfaction Ex: Job turnover higher among employees with low emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness

What can a manager do if an employee lacks Ability and Motivation?

Manager can direct employee's attention to significance of the problem by withholding rewards or specific feedback. Lack of further response may result in termination

Equity Theory and how employees react to imbalances

Measuring outcomes such as pay in terms of their inputs Under compensation will result in stealing, withdrawal, refusing to cooperate

Hot Stove

Metaphor for fairly discipling employees Give clear Warning and follow up with consistent, objective, and immediate consequences Like a hot stove- clear signs that touching it will result in a burn, will burn everyone the same, there is a clear and consistent method to heal the burn

Summarize how international growth affects the HR department

Need employees who understand customers/suppliers from different countries Need to understand laws/customs that apply to employees in other countries of operation Need to prepare managers Adapt HR and policies to different settings Effective communication across boarders

Multinational Organization

Organization that builds facilities in a number of different countries in an effort to minimize production and distribution costs

Global Organization

Organization that chooses to locate facility based on the ability to effectively, efficiently, and flexibly produce a product or service using culture difference as an advantage

International Organization

Organization that sets up or several facilities in one or several counties

Performance Improvement Plans

PIPs-used to give clear expectations to underperforming employees when manager has not seen acceptable improvement after multiple attempts

How to employees evaluate fairness of a pay structure?

Pay relative to: Pay of other employees Market standards Similar jobs at other organizations Different jobs at same organization

Negative Affectivity

Pervasive low levels of satisfaction with all aspects of life compared to other peoples' feelings

Job Satisfaction

Pleasant feeling resulting from the perception that one's job fulfills or allows for the fulfillment of one's important job values

Job Analysis

Process of getting detailed information about jobs in order to aid in: -Work (re)design -HR planning -Selection -Training -Performance -Career Planning -Job Evaluation

Identify Environmental Forces that influence pay decisions

Product markets- need to make a profit Labor Markets- must have competitive pay Professions and Education Economy/Inflation/CPI Collective Bargaining Geography (pay differentials) Competition Legislation

What does the NLRA say about social media?

Protected Concerted Activity means you have the right to use social media or email to discuss wages or working conditions with coworkers in order to improve them You cannot simply rant about your employer

Title VII

Protects race, color, religion, sex, and national origin Applies to ads, recruitment and selection, pay and benefits, promotions, training, and discharge

Pay Ranges

Range of permissible pat for a job or grade of jobs with a minimum, midpoint, and maximum Market Research+Job Evaluation


Rate at which employees leave the workplace and are replaced

Employee Assistance Program

Referral service that employees can use to seek professional treatment for emotional problems or substance abuse

Job Structure

Relevant pay for different jobs within the organization

Outplacement Counseling

Service in which professionals try to help dismissed employees manage the transition from one job to another

Pay Grade

Sets of jobs that have similar worth or content grouped together to establish rates of pay

Pay Compression

Situation in which an organization has negligible differences in pay between people who have differing skill sets or experience levels Happens when current employee raises don't keep up with increases in the market pay Results in new hires being hired in at level similar to long time employees

Describe Lack of Motivation and what a manager can do

Skilled employee lack commitment to job Manager can demonstrate fair and adequate rewards, provide more feedback, or offer referral for counseling or help

Role Overload

State in which too many expectations or demands are placed on a person

Culture Shock

State of disorientation and anxiety about not knowing how to behave in an unfamiliar culture

Interactional Justice

The organization carried out its actions in a way that took the employee's feelings into account Explanation of decision/respectful treatment/empathy

Pay Structure

The pay policy resulting from the job structure and pay-level structure

Why might companies hire host country nationals?

They understand the culture, customs, governments, and business partnerships the host country

Transitional HR Systems

Type of HRM that makes decisions from global perspective Includes managers from many countries and is based on ideas contributed by people representing a variety of cultures

Functional Turnover

Type of healthy Voluntary Turnover

Dysfunctional Turnover

Type of unhealthy Voluntary Turnover Ex: Abusive manager (avoidable) Ex: Family event/injury (unavoidable)

Role Ambiguity

Uncertainty about what the organization expect from the employee in terms of what to do or how to do it


Using the internet for non-work-related activities

List the 5 steps of Progressive Discipline

Verbal warning -> written warning -> 2nd written warning/threatening suspension -> suspension -> termination

What are the two types of Turnover

Voluntary and Involuntary


When employees are present, but mentally absent Ex: attending work while sick

Physical/Phycological Withdrawal

When failure seems imminent, dissatisfied workers may physically or psychologically withdraw from the job

Disparate Impact

When policies/practices/rules appear to be neutral, but result in disproportionate impact on protected classes


Worker's Adjustment Retraining and Notification Act Requires that organizations with more than 100 employee's give 60 days' notice before any closing or layoff that will affect at least 50 full time employees Gives employees/families time to prepare for any major changes


Employees assigned to work in another country


Employees receive clear information about performance effectiveness

List and summarize the 5 ways companies can deal with Culture Shock

1. Area Studies- documentary programs about the country's geography, economics, sociopolitical history, etc. 2. Culture Assimilators- exposing trainees to kinds of situations they are likely to encounter that are critical to successful interactions 3. Language Training 4. Sensitivity Training 5. Field Experiences- exposure to people from other countries within the trainee's own coutnry

List the 4 factors that most strongly influence HRM international markets

1. Culture 2. Education 3. Economic Systems 4. Politcal-legal systems

Describe the 3/4 Effects of Turnover/Employee Separations...?

1. Financial Costs -HR staff time -Accrued time off -Temporary coverage 2. Replacement -New hire incentives -Hiring manager 3. Other -Delays in production -Lost clients -Disruption of teamwork 4. Training -Formal/on the job/mentoring

Summarize 3 Legal Requirements for pay policies

1. Minimum Wage 2. Equal pay for Equal rights 3. Comparable Worth-job evaluations rewards points 4. FSLA- minimum wage, OT, child labor 5. Overtime pay- hourly worker earns 1.5x after 4o hours

3 Ways Employees Judge if they are treated fairly

1. Outcome Fairness 2. Procedural Justice 3. Interactional Justice

Job Description

A list of tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that a particular job entails

Describe Lack of Ability and what a manager can do

A motivated employee lacks knowledge, skills, or abilities in some area vital to the job Manager can offer coaching, training, or more detailed feedback Can restructure job to fit employee

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification

A necessary qualification for performing a job that allows for restrictions protected classes

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR- methods of solving problems by bringing in an impartial outsider but not using the court system When companies want to remain internal/avoid publicity Is impartial to help create a solution Less expensive than law suits Open door policy *Mediation is not Legally binding *Arbitration is legally binding

Example of Wrongful Discharge by Public Policy

An employee refusing to do something unsafe or unethical

Role Conflict

An employee's recognition that demands of the job are incompatible or contradictory

Which type of Alternative Dispute Resolution is/is not legally binding?

Arbitration IS legally binding Meditation is NOT legally binding

Pay Level

Average amount (salary/wages/bonuses) the organization pays for a particular job

Core Self-Evaluation

Bottom line opinions individuals have of themselves

Describe how Economic Systems affect HR planning

Closely tied with culture Socialistic vs Capitalistic Structures

Which selection tools are most effective?

Cognitive Ability Structured Interview Situational Testing

Reverse Culture Shock

Coming back home and feeling as though everything is different when in fact it is not, you have changed

Describe how Education affects HR planning

Companies relocate to where they can find suitable employees Impoverished areas have more low skill/low wage work

Total Rewards

Compensation is more than just a paycheck and traditional benefits Includes anything and everything employees value and the employer is willing and able to offer What people value is different Stages in like may change values

Outcome Justice-(Distributive Justice)

Consequences given to employees are just Consistent outcomes in proportion to behavior

Host Country

Country in which organization operates a facility (other than parent country)

Third Country

Country neither parent or host country of employer

Parent Country

Country of organization's headquarters

Describe how Political-Legal Systems affects HR planning

Cultural context of society creates the legal system

Describe how Culture affects HR planning

Culture-community's set of shared assumptions about how the world works through religion, language, rites and rituals Affects all other 3 factors

Organizational Commitment

Degree to which an employee identifies with the organization and is willing to put forth the effort on its behalf

Employee Engagement

Degree to which employees are fully involved in their work and the strength of their job and company commitment

Task Identity

Degree to which job requires completing whole piece of work from beginning to end

Job Involvement

Degree to which people identify themselves with their jobs

List ways to Monitor Job Satisfaction

Design complex/meaningful jobs Establish clear/appropriate roles Reinforce shared values Encourage social support Help employees pursue goals Satisfactory pay levels Communicating Pay Structure

Disparate Treatment

Differing treatment of individuals based on protected class

3 Types of Wrongful Discharge

Discrimination Implied Contract Public Policy

Example of Wrongful Discrimination by Discrimination

Disparate Treatment

List ways to Monitor Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement Surveys Self-evaluations Retention of employee interviews Employee exit interviews

Parent Country National

Employee born in the US, but works at headquarters across seas


Employee's current salary divided by the current market rate Position Specific 1= paid exactly industry average .75= paid 25% below average 1.15= 15% above average

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