HRM 2501 Test Ch. 1-5

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americans with disabilities act

Extends protection and reasonable accommodations to those with a disability Defines disabled as a person who: Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities Has a history or record of such impairment Is perceived by others as having such impairment


fit company goals to workforce numbers

HR information systems

help to facilitate HR plans make decisions faster clearly define jobs evaluate performance provide desirable, cost-effective benefits

Knowledge workers

individuals whose jobs are designed around the a acquisition and application of information.

observation technique

job analyst watches employees directly or reviews film of workers on the job


job incumbents record their daily activities

civil rights act of 1991

First law to allow individuals to sue for punitive damages Reinforced the 1964 Act Returned burden of proof that discrimination did not occur back to the employer Includes the Glass Ceiling Act and established the Glass Ceiling Commission to study management practices

Mdonnell douglas test

Four components must exist Individual is a member of a protected group Individual applied for a job for which he or she was qualified Individual was rejected Employer continued to seek applicants with similar qualifications after individual was rejected

Four HR Departments

1employment, 2training, 3compensation, 4employee relations

pseudo team

A group of people (often a large group) who call themselves a team, while not functioning as such ... and whose interactions actually detract from each member's individual performance.

Employment-at-Will Doctrine

Allows dismissal of employees at any time for any reason except race, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.

Family and medical leave act of 1993

Allows employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12 month period for Birth or adoption of a child or placement of foster child Personal or family member illness Care of family member with serious injury or illness who is member of armed services Situations rising from active military duty of spouse, child or parent.

Equal Pay Act

As long as jobs are substantially equal, pay should be equal

labor unions

Assist workers in dealing with company management Negotiate wages, hours, and other terms of employment Promote and foster a grievance procedure between workers and management

Workplace romance

Concerns of this include Favoritism Ethical issues Low productivity Morale problems Workplace violence Options include Forbid co-worker relationships (fraternization policies) Require "consensual relationship" contracts

sexual harassment

Creates intimidating, offensive or hostile environment Unreasonably interferes with individual's work


Employee notifies authorities of wrongdoing in an organization.

the 1972 equal employment opportunity act

Enforced the 1964 Civil Rights Act Established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Expanded scope of civil rights protection to employees of state and local governments, education, and labor Introduced affirmative action

Adverse Impact

HR policy or practice has a discriminatory impact on a protected group ex: height requirements may discriminate against women or some minority groups

Adverse Treatment

HR policy or practice treats a protected group differently resulting in discrimination

organizational development

Help employees adapt to the company's changing strategic directions

Professional Employer Organizations

Help small- to medium-size companies attract stronger candidates and handle new laws in HR

restricted policy

Hrm policies exclude a class of individuals

Hot-Stove rule

Immediate response Advance warning Consistent action Impersonal application

glass ceiling

Invisible barrier blocking promotion to top management

vision statement

It's what your organization believes are the ideal conditions for your community; that is, how things would look if the issue important to you were completely, perfectly addressed.

employee relations

Keep employees well-informed of company doings, and provide a means of venting frustrations

ADA Amendments act of 2008

Makes it easier for employees to prove disability such as Cancer Diabetes Bipolar disorder Immune system function Epilepsy

Strategic human resource planning

Match prospects' skills to the company's strategy needs

The 1964 Civil Rights Act

Outlawed racial segregation and discrimination in employment, public facilities, and education

uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures

Outlines requirements for employers to prove that they are observing equal employment laws. HR policies must be made on job-related factors Policies cannot discriminate based on non-related factors

real team

People who take the risks of joint action and work product. They have specific goals and a common approach: for which they hold themselves individually and mutually accountable. focused on performance

work group

People who work in the same setting and share, or profess to share, a common set of concerns Members are individually accountable for specific goals, but there is no joint effort or mutual accountability.

pregnancy discrimination act

Pregnancy may not be considered in employment decisions Hiring Insurance Leaves Working conditions ADA allows accommodations for physical limitations FMLA allows leave with similar job upon return

Employee training

Prepare employee for future position(s) in the company

polygraph protection act of 1988

Prohibits employers in the private sector from using lie-detector tests in all employment decisions

4/5ths rule

Proportion of minority members hired must equal at least 80 percent (4/5ths) of the majority members in the population hired

worker adjustment and retraining act of 1988

Protects employees from unexpected plant closings. Organizations of 100+ employees must give 60 days notice if closing facility or laying off 50 or more workers

1967 age discrimination in employment act

Protects people 40 and older Stopped companies from requiring mandatory retirement at any age

career development

Provide necessary information and assessment in helping employees realize career goals

the fair credit reporting act of 1971

Requires employers to notify employees that their credit is being checked Provides additional information to applicants who are negatively affected by a credit check Information used must be job-relevant

privacy act of 1974

Requires government agencies to make information contained in their personnel files available to employees Employees can review letters of recommendation made on their behalf

the drug-free workplace act of 1988

Requires government agencies, federal contractors, and those receiving federal funds of $100,000 or more to: Establish and disseminate drug-free policies Provide substance-abuse awareness programs

affirmative action

Seeks to correct past injustices in hiring by actively seeking minority applicants

quid pro quo harassment

Sexual behavior is expected as a condition of employment

organizational culture

Shared beliefs, assumptions, and understandings in an organization about its mission, vision, goals, practices and challenges.

performance appraisals

Standards for each employee; must provide feedback


Teach the rules, regulations, goals, and culture of the company

potential team

Team has begun the process of taking joint action, but they are still in an early stage of development.


Thin out pool of applicants to find the best choice

high-performance team

Ultimate in team effectiveness Teams possess all the attributes of a real team ... plus a deep commitment to one another's personal growth and success.


Use accurate job descriptions to obtain an appropriate pool of applicants

hostile environment harassment

Workplace environment is offensive enough to interfere with the ability to work

honesty tests

Written tests to get applicants to reveal information about their integrity Legal alternative to polygraph Used to predict theft and drug use Multiple questions on the same topic to assess consistency of responses

code of ethics

a formal statement of an organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects members to follow.

group interview

a number of job incumbents are interviewed simultaneously

individual interview

a team of job incumbents is selected and extensively interviewed

four most common violations requiring disciplinary action

attendance, job behaviors, outside activities, dishonesty

Sarbanes Oxley Act

enacted in response to ethical failures in several large companies, Seeks to hold top management responsible for ethical practices

mission statement

defines what business the organization is in, including Why it exists Who its customers are Strategic goals set by senior management to establish targets for the organization to achieve

SWOT Analysis

determines what is needed to meet objectives

race and color discrimination

discrimination Based on personal characteristics related to race such as: Skin color Hair texture Facial features Name Attire Accent Marriage to a minority

religious discrimination

discrimination Based on religious beliefs and how they are practiced: All religions are covered Absence of religion is covered too Protected beliefs must be sincerely held Employer must be notified

national origin discrimination

discrimination based on Name Dress Accent

HR Generalists

provide service in all four HR functions


reduction in workforce numbers

HR executives

report to top management and coordinate HR functions to organizational strategy


sending work outside the organization to be done by individuals not employed full-time with the organization used by over half of organizations

four functions of HRM

staffing, training and development, maintenance, motivation

HR assistants

support other HR professionals

HRM dual nature

supports the organizations strategy AND represents and advocates for the employees

Griggs v Duke Power Company

supreme court case that ruled tests must fairly measure the skills and knowledge required for a job

job analysis

systematic exploration of the activities within a job.

modern management theory

the contemporary science of examining the function of organizational structures and hierarchies of authority. This includes not just the study of productivity, but also how power is constructed and how disputes are resolved.

technical conference

uses supervisors with an extensive knowledge of the job

progressive approach to discipline

verbal warning, written warning, suspension, then dismissal

HR specialists

work in one of four HR functions

structured questionnaire

workers complete a specifically designed questionnaire

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