HROB 101 Exam 1
harshness, leniency, and average tendency
What term refers to how some perceivers tend to be overly harsh in their perceptions, some overly lenient, and others view targets as being average? (hint: it is one of the perceptual biases)
similar to me effect
What term refers to people perceive others who are similar to themselves more positively? (hint: it is one of the perceptual biases)
negative affectivity
What term refers to people who experience negative moods with greater frequency? (more anxiety, nervousness, glass half empty type of people)
positive affectivity
What term refers to people who experience positive moods more frequently? (happier at work which spreads to the rest of the environment)
organizational commitment
What term refers to the collection of feelings and beliefs that people have about their organizations as a whole?
job involvement
What term refers to the degree to which a person identifies and actively participates in their job?
What term refers to the extent to which a target of perception stands out in a group of people or things? (hint: it is a characteristic of situation that affects perception)
internal locus of control
People who believe they control their own destiny and what happens to them is their own doing would be described as having a high ______________
primary effect
What term refers to the initial pieces of info that a perceiver has about a target have an inordinately large effect on the perceiver's perception and evaluation of the target? (hint: it is one of the perceptual biases)
personality, work situation, values, social influence
What are the four determinants of job satisfaction?
systems approach, quantitative approach, people's side approach, contingency approach
What are the four management approaches?
exit, voice, loyalty, neglect
What are the four ways employees can express job dissatisfaction?
openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism (aka emotional stability)
What are the key traits in the Big Five Personality model?
cognitive, affective, behavioral
What are the three parts of attitudes?
instrumental; terminal
What are the two types of values?
What factor that influences perception refers to the context in which the perception takes place?
What factor that influences perception refers to the person interpreting some observation they made?
What factor that influences perception refers to whatever the perceiver is trying to make sense of?
halo effect
What term refers to the perceiver's general impression of a target influences his/her perception of the target on specific dimensions? (hint: it is one of the perceptual biases)
contrast effect
What term refers to the perceiver's perceptions of others influence the perceiver's perception of a target? (hint: it is one of the perceptual biases)
displayed emotions (surface/deep acting)
What term refers to the required or appropriate emotions?
emotional intelligence
What is the ability to understand others more completely by becoming more aware of one's own and other's emotions, understand the emotions, and regulate one's emotions in a cascading model?
What is the abstract knowledge structures that are stored in memory and make possible the organization and interpretation of info about targets of perception (hint: they are very resistant to change)
felt emotions
What term refers to an individual's actual emotions?
What type of employees are passionate about their work and company?
What type of managers engage in all four managerial activities equally?
terminal values
What type of values are desirable end states of existence --- the goals that a person would like to achiever during his/her lifetime?
instrumental values
What type of values are views of acceptable modes of conduct, such as being honest and ethical, and being ambitious?
dependent variable
What variable is affected by the independent variable (the effect)?
When evaluating research, the consistency of measurement is known as what?
When evaluating research, what criteria captures what it is expected to capture?
organizational behavior
A systematic approach to understanding human behavior
universal emotions
Anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and surprise are the six _____________
inconsistent with others' expectations
Behaving or looking out of the ordinary is an example of being what type of cause of salience?
Being the only man in a room of women is an example of being what type of cause of salience?
Effective managers engage in more _____________ of the four managerial activities
emotional labor
Felt emotions, displayed emotions (such as surface acting and deep acting), and emotional dissonance are some of the impacts that _______________ has on employees
emotional regulation
Identifying and modifying the emotions you feel is known as ______________
Individuals, teams, and organizations are known as what type of variable?
OB matters
It addresses things you care about (getting along with others, lowering stress, making effective decisions, working as a team, etc), it addresses things employers care about, and organizations care about understanding people are three reasons why ______________
personality attributes
Locus of control, self esteem, machiavellianism, Type A/B personalities, and self monitoring are all ________________
traditional management, communication, human resource management, networking
Managers engage in what four managerial activities?
OB encourages __________ participation in decision making
understand (explain); predict; change
OB wants to ____________ behavior, ____________ behavior, ____________ behavior
Our opinions, beliefs, and feelings about aspects of our environment are known as _________
Productivity, satisfaction, commitment, turnover are examples of what type of variable?
emotions and moods
Recognizing that emotions are a natural part of the workplace, modeling authentic positive emotions and moods to foster effective decision making, creativity, and motivation in employees, providing authentic feedback to increase positivity of employees, encouraging positive displays of emotions in the service sector, and understanding the role of emotions and moods to improve the ability to explain and predict coworkers' and others behavior are all different ways in which __________________ apply specifically to OB issues.
person organization fit
The degree to which a person's values, personality, goals, and other characteristics match those of the organization?
evaluations; stereotyping
Some consequences of salience are extreme _____________ (positive or negative), and ____________
Stable life goals that people have reflecting what is most important to them are known as ___________
Successful managers engage in more ___________ of the four managerial activities
cascading model
The ________________ of emotional intelligence (from bottom to top) entails self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship management
job satisfaction
The collection of feelings and beliefs that people have about their current jobs is known as what?
personality job fit
The degree to which a person's skill, knowledge, abilities, and other characteristics match the job demands is known as what?
independent variable
The factor in an experiment that is systematically varied to determine its impact on behavior (the cause) is known as what?
nature; nurture
The factors that determine an individual's personality are ____________ (the qualities one is born with) and ____________ (past experiences, religion, family values, etc.)
job engagement
The investment of one's mental, emotional, and physical energies into work --- reflection of employees' enthusiasm, involvement, satisfaction with their work and impacts their workplace behavior
The process by which we receive and interpret information from our environment is known as what?
affective events theory
The theory that explains how events on the job cause different kinds of people to feel different emotions. It explains the connections between emotions, attitudes, and behaviors at work.
novel; figural; inconsistent with others' expectations
The three causes of salience are being __________, being ____________, or being _____________.
generalizability, reliability, validity
The three criteria for good research and evaluating research are what?
perceiver, target, situation
The three factors that influence perception/major elements of perception are what?
individual, group, organization
The three levels of analysis in OB are what?
the measure capturing what it is supposed to measure
Validity is: A) an entity that can take on different values B) the strength of the relationship btwn two variables C) the consistency in measurement D) the measure capturing what it is supposed to measure
Wearing bright clothes is an example of being what type of cause of salience?
What are characteristics of the situation that affect perception?
dysfunctional schemas
What are overly simplified, inaccurate beliefs about the characteristics of a particular group (hint: stereotypes!)
ambiguity, social status, use of impression management
What are the characteristics of the target that affect perception?
primary effect, contrast effect, halo effect, similar to me effect; harshness, leniency, and average tendency
What are the five perceptual biases (errors)
schemas, dysfunctional schemas, motivational state, mood
What are the four characteristics of the perceiver that affect perception?
self awareness
Which aspect of the cascading model of emotional intelligence refers to when one can accurately perceive, evaluate, and display appropriate emotions (hint: it is at the bottom of the model)
self management
Which aspect of the cascading model of emotional intelligence refers to when one can direct emotions in a positive way when needed (hint: second from the bottom)
relationship management
Which aspect of the cascading model of emotional intelligence refers to when one is able to help others manage their own emotions and establish supportive relationships with others (hint: it is at the top of the model)
social awareness
Which aspect of the cascading model of emotional intelligence refers to when one is able to understand how others feel (hint: second from the top)
job satisfaction, job involvement, organizational commitment
Which attitudes are important to organizations? (3 specific work attitudes)
deep acting
Which displayed emotion refers to the behavior requiring an individual to try to experience the emotions they are displaying?
surface acting
Which displayed emotion refers to the behavior requiring individuals to exhibit physical signs such as smiles that reflect emotions they don't feel?
social influence
Which of the four determinants of job satisfaction refers to coworkers, groups, and culture?
Which of the four determinants of job satisfaction refers to the intrinsic and extrinsic work values?
Which of the four determinants of job satisfaction refers to the ways a person has of feeling, thinking, and behaving?
work situation
Which of the four determinants of job satisfaction refers to the work itself, coworkers, supervisors, and physical working conditions?
Which of the three parts of attitudes refers to a feeling (hint: it is the STRONGEST of all three and is the hardest to change)
Which of the three parts of attitudes refers to an action?
Which of the three parts of attitudes refers to an evaluation?
Which of the traits in the Big Five Personality model refers to the degree to which a person is affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind, and warm?
neuroticism (emotional stability)
Which of the traits in the Big Five Personality model refers to the degree to which a person is anxious, irritable, temperamental, moody
Which of the traits in the Big Five Personality model refers to the degree to which a person is curious, original, intellectual, creative, and open to new ideas?
Which of the traits in the Big Five Personality model refers to the degree to which a person is organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented, and dependable?
Which of the traits in the Big Five Personality model refers to the degree to which a person is outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoys socializing?
Which personality attribute refers to the behavior of people that manipulate others/engage in unethical behavior (such as being pragmatic, manipulative, prone to lying to achieve goals, and can distance themselves for conventional morality)
self esteem
Which personality attribute refers to the degree to which a person has overall positive feelings about themselves?
locus of control
Which personality attribute refers to the degree to which people feel accountable for their own behaviors? (hint: two types)
self monitoring
Which personality attribute refers to the extent to which a person is capable of altering his or her actions and appearance in social situations?
Type A and Type B personalities
Which personality attribute refers to the way employees react to stressful situations? (hint: two types)
emotional contagion
contagious positive and negative emotions (with spillover of negative emotions lasting longer than positive emotions) are known as what?
longer held, less intense feelings not really occurring as a result of our environment are known as what?
external locus of control
people who believe that things happen to them because of other people, luck, or a powerful being would be described as having a high ______________
Type A
someone who reacts negatively/struggles under pressure, is aggressive, competitive, impatient, and achievement oriented would be described as having what type of personality?
Type B
someone who thrives under pressure, is more relaxed, more easy going, patient, and less competitive would be described as having what type of personality?
emotional dissonance
the inconsistency between the emotions people feel and the emotions they project is known as what?