HS 305: Intercultural Comm. MIDTERM

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Confucius taught that society is made up of five relationships, including which of the following? a. mother and daughter b. uncle and nephew c. father and son d. grandparent and grandchild


Japanese-born Koreans, the largest minority group in Japan, experience little social or economic prejudice. a. True b. False


A home with good feng shui manipulates design and furniture to establish positive energy and balance. a. True b. False


According to Cohen (1997), face loss may happen, among other reasons, because of exposure to personal insult. a. True b. False


Air quality is a major problem in Chinese cities. a. True b. False


Alexis de Tocqueville found the United States lacking in independence of mind and freedom of discussion. a. true b. false


Among the factors contributing to a dominant national U.S. culture was the development of radio and television that nationalized politics and popular culture. a. true b. false


Among the factors contributing to the fragmenting of the national U.S. culture are local special interest and multilanguage media. a. true b. false


Charles Darwin argued that some nonverbal cues are biologically determined. a. True b. False


China has become a major competitor with the United States for oil. a. True b. False


China views U.S. demands for the Chinese to improve their human rights policies as attacks on its sovereignty. a. True b. False


Chinese leaders place a higher premium on social order and a lesser one on individual expression. a. True b. False


Edward Hall argued that standing in lines is more likely to be found in cultures where people are treated as equals. a. True b. False


For how many languages does Google Translate provide text translations? a. more than 100 b. 30 c. fewer than 10 d. 50


Freire used the term cultural invasion to refer to one group penetrating the culture of another group to impose its own view of the world. a. True b. False


Historian David Hackett Fischer argues that early immigrants from England established distinctive regional cultures in the United States that remain today. a. true b. false


How many distinct nations exist within the borders of the United States? a. 567 b. 155 c. 5 d. 1


Hundreds of thousands of Roma were exterminated in Nazi gas chambers and concentration camps. a. True b. False


If you consider that people display emotions inappropriately when the display of emotions in their culture is different from the display of emotions in your culture, you exemplify which type of intercultural barrier? a. assuming similarity instead of difference b. stereotyping c. ethnocentrism d. high anxiety


Immigration has eroded the ______ of the U.S. population. a. homogeneity b. safety c. heterogeneity d. transportation


In 1988, the U.S. Congress passed a Senate Resolution to recognize the influence of the Iroquois League on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. a. true b. false


In Hofstede's categorization of elements of culture, a country's Independence Day parades would be an example of a ______. a. ritual b. hero c. symbol d. value


In intercultural interactions, we are less likely to recognize how nonverbal symbols are different than how languages are different. a. True b. False


In low-context cultures, the message is explicit, detailed, and redundant. a. True b. False


In the United States, people have a strong faith in the scientific method of solving problems. a. true b. false


Korean has special vocabularies for each sex, for different degrees of social status and degrees of intimacy, and for formal occasions. a. True b. False


Messages conveyed through objects or arrangements of objects made by human hands are ______. a. artifactual communication b. haptics c. kinesics d. olfactics


Misinterpretations of nonverbal communication is a major barrier to intercultural communication. a. True b. False


Most scientists have abandoned the concept of biological race as a meaningful concept. a. True b. False


Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio contends that our world is so complex that cultures developed to regulate life so that we could survive. a. True b. False


One advantage of English as a universal language is its large vocabulary. a. True b. False


One study of English and French speakers in Quebec found that interethnic communicators limited their interaction to superficial encounters. a. True b. False


People in the United States tend to believe the source of motivation should originate in ______. a. the individual b. the family c. society d. the group


Profiling refers to the law enforcement practice of scrutinizing certain individuals based on characteristics thought to indicate a likelihood of criminal behavior. a. True b. False


Psychologists explain stereotypes as mistakes our brains make in the perception of other people similar to those mistakes our brains make in the perception of visual a. True b. False


Research on genetic material has shown that ______. a. humans alive today share ancestry from one group in Africa b. humans alive today descended from different groups from different continents c. ancestry of humans can only be studied for existing groups d. humans alive today share ancestry from one group in Europe


Scholars from the nature approach believe nonverbal behavior is genetically determined. a. True b. False


Stereotypes can become self-fulfilling prophecies for the person stereotyped. a. True b. False


Studies show that when prompted to discuss a scene, people in Japan discuss relationships between objects and people in the United States describe the largest object. a. True b. False


Subcultures tend to have similar nonverbal messages, as long as they are a part of the same dominant culture. a. True b. False


Subgroups are like cultures in that they have an important influence on the values and attitudes you hold. a. True b. False


The "model minority" stereotype associated with Asian Americans has had negative effects. a. True b. False


The Chinese concept of guanxi is best translated as the "connections" one has. a. True b. False


The Employment Division of Oregon v. Smith decision has been used to limit religious expression in the United States. a. True b. False


The calendar in use today, the Gregorian calendar, dates back to 1582. a. True b. False


The neurological process by which we become aware of our environment is ______. a. sensation b. intercultural competence c. culture d. perception


To say "the world is external to our minds" overlooks the idea that perception and thought are not independent of the environment. a. True b. False


Today's estimate is that one fifth to one fourth of the world's population is familiar with English. a. True b. False


What term is used to describe the view that an individual's beliefs and behaviors should be understood only in terms of that person's own culture? a. cultural relativism b. ethnocentrism c. prejudice d. cultural universalism


What type of caste system exists in India? a. hereditary class system b. linear class system c. class system based on economic position in society d. class system based on relationship to the means of production


Which early culture established that a year was 365.24 days long? a. Maya b. Roman c. Sumerian d. Egyptian


Which of the following is the study of our use of personal space? a. proxemics b. olfactics c. haptics d. kinesics


Who can be the target of stereotyping? a. anyone b. only a member of a subculture c. only individuals of a majority group d. only individuals of a minority group


According to Nisbett (2003), Eastern cultures ______. a. see a world of discrete, unconnected things b. are inclined to see the world as continuous masses of matter c. have an analytic view of focusing on objects and their attributes d. sense the world largely the same as other cultures do


According to Ting-Toomey (1985), high-context cultures with a greater concern for privacy and autonomy tend to use direct-face negotiation and express more self-face maintenance. a. True b. False


Between 1968 and 2001, the percentage of U.S. college freshmen who said developing a meaningful philosophy of life was a top priority grew from 41% to 83%. a. true b. false


Communication and culture should be studied separately. a. True b. False


Conflict resolution in a high-context culture such as China is less likely to use intermediaries and indirect-face negotiation. a. True b. False


Emic knowledge is knowledge of the culture learned from the outside, often leaving some aspects puzzling. a. true b. false


Errors in translation can be avoided through ______. a. using an accurate dictionary b. back translation c. the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis d. computer translation


French language and culture are particularly prominent in which Canadian province? a. Manitoba b. Quebec c. Nova Scotia d. Alberta


In Hofstede's categorization of elements of culture, symbols refer to the socially essential activities within a culture. a. True b. False


In all communication models, the role of the communication receiver is passive. a. True b. False


In high-context cultures, verbal messages are elaborate and highly specific. a. True b. False


In the United States, people typically don't make a clear and separate distinction between human life and nature. a. true b. false


New research has identified a single race-defining gene. a. True b. False


Self-concept refers to the willingness of individuals to openly and appropriately reveal information about themselves to their counterparts. a. True b. False


That languages categorize perceptions differently describes the perceptual step of ______. a. selection b. organization c. sensation d. interpretation


The United States leads all nations in carbon dioxide emissions. a. True b. False


The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately with people of other cultures describes intercultural communication ______. a. effectiveness b. competence c. success d. maturity


The belief that possessions are important in life, which is a value that most of the rest of the world attributes to the United States, is ______. a. True b. False


The different possible translations of the word freedom would be an example of what translation problem? a. idiomatic equivalence b. conceptual equivalence c. vocabulary equivalence d. experiential equivalence


The two different translations possible for such expressions as "read between the lines" or "my leg went to sleep" would be examples of what translation problem? a. conceptual equivalence b. idiomatic equivalence c. experiential equivalence d. vocabulary equivalence


The wai is a Thai nonverbal gesture accompanied with verbal greetings. a. True b. False


The white AIDS ribbon became one of the most recognized symbols worldwide. a. True b. False


What is the official language(s) of Hong Kong? a. English only b. Cantonese and English c. Cantonese, English, and Putonghue (Mandarin) d. Cantonese only


Where did Irish and Scottish immigrants settle between 1717 and 1775? a. Massachusetts b. Appalachia c. Delaware d. California


Which expressions are easier to discern than other universal expressions? a. envy and sadness b. happiness and surprise c. fear and contempt d. anger and disgust


Which indigenous Northeastern American group may have influenced the U.S. Constitution? a. Cherokee b. Iroquois c. Inuit d. Dakota


Which of the following explains part of the Roma's history in Europe? a. The Roma have largely disappeared from Europe. b. The Holocaust is an important part of their history. c. Migration from Egypt to Europe is a major part of their history. d. They have largely assimilated into European cultures.


______ refers to attaching meaning to sense data and is synonymous with decoding. a. Sensation b. Interpretation c. Selection d. Organization


China's government promotes "Internet ______" rejecting the idea that a nation's virtual borders should be less meaningful than its physical borders. a. jurisdiction b. supremacy c. sovereignty d. dominion


Cultures differ in the ______ of conformity. a. value and weight b. valance and volume c. content and type d. material and importance


Due to self-motivation values, U.S. citizens are ______. a. more likely to vote on the basis of social class b. less likely to vote on the basis of social class c. less likely to vote on the basis of economic class d. more likely to vote on the basis of economic class


In Fragante v. City and County of Honolulu, the Supreme Court let stand a federal appeals court decision supporting an employee's termination based on ______. a. physical appearance b. use of personal space c. a heavy accent d. use of time


Knowledge of the culture learned from the inside, seldom consciously discussed, is ______ knowledge. a. epic b. etic c. emic d. cultural


Negatively judging the aspects of another culture by the standards of one's own culture is ______. a. prejudice b. racism c. ethnocentrism d. stereotyping


One's identification with and perceived acceptance into a group that has a shared system of symbols, meanings, and norms is ______. a. religion b. race c. cultural identity d. culture


People in the United States tend to view time as ______. a. relational b. rational c. a commodity d. mutable


Selma and Nathan stand very close to each other outside the classroom, but in the classroom they remain several feet from each other. This is an instance of transmitting information nonverbally through ______. a. olfactics b. kinesics c. proxemics d. haptics


Speakers of English have difficulty hearing the difference between Japanese words that differ only in vowel length is an example of ______. a. organization b. interpretation c. selection d. sensation


The ______ person is one who respects cultures and has tolerance for differences. a. postethnic b. inclusive c. multicultural d. ethnocentric


To prove entitlement to the land, fisheries quota, shares, and cash that are being returned to Mâori in compensation for successive Crown breaches a person must ______. a. be able to speak Mâori b. be a "pure-blooded" Mâori c. trace heritage back to the 1848 census d. elect to be considered Mâori


When considering perception, sensation is ______. a. external rather than internal b. not affected by our brain c. culturally marked d. a three-step process


Which of the following, according to LaRay Barna (1997), is one of the barriers to intercultural communication? a. perceptions of money b. spatial distance between cultures c. nonverbal communication d. relationships


Who applied uncertainty reduction theory to intercultural communication by developing the concept of the "stranger"? a. Yosei Sugawara b. Boucher c. Gudykunst and his colleagues d. Cohen


A gesture, such as a wave, is included in the study of ______. a. artifactual communication b. olfactics c. haptics d. kinesics


Human perception can be thought of as the three-step process in the order of ______. a. sensation, organization, and interpretation b. organization, interpretation, and selection c. interpretation, organization, and selection d. selection, organization, and interpretation


North America was home to a diverse population of how many before the time of Columbus? a. 20 million b. 1 million c. 5 million d. 10 million


The degree to which perception of an object is influenced by the background in which it appears is called ______. a. field confidence b. environment confidence c. environment dependence d. field dependence


The most well-known creole language is ______. a. Tok Pisin b. Hiri Motu c. Pidgin English d. French-based Haitian


The number of people living in 1990 who could speak English was ______. a. 1 in 3 b. 1 in 50 c. 1 in 20 d. 1 in 7


The study of communication by smell is known as ______. a. oculesics b. chronemics c. haptics d. olfactics


Which of the following is a characteristic of the wai gesture? a. It is used to pay homage to Confucius. b. It is a learned behavior in Nigeria. c. It is a learned behavior in France. d. It varies by the degree of deference that is called for.


Which of the following is one of the skill areas of intercultural communication competence identified by Chen (1990)? a. social skills b. relationship strength c. financial responsibility d. cultural awareness


Which of the following is true of Berlo's model of communication? a. It is the only model of communication. b. Berlo emphasized that communication is a linear process. c. Berlo was interested in using communication to create relationships. d. Berlo drew from engineering to conceptualize communication.


Which of the following terms is used to describe the communicative strategies one uses to enact self-face and to uphold, support, or challenge another person's face? a. face behavior b. face power c. face control d. facework


______ are sometimes arbitrary in character, sometimes based on a real or fancied analogy, and usually simpler than symbols. a. Words b. Symbols c. Markers d. Signs


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