HSC 4008 EXAM 1

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5. Principle of Beneficence

"Acts of charity and mercy." Doing good for the patient; acting in the patients best interest. There is a due to perform that which promotes the health and welfare of the patient. 3 C's: Care, Consideration, and Competence.

6. Principle of Non-malfeasance

"Primum non nocere": First do no arm. The caregiver must takes steps to avoid making things worse, attempting to do no harm, while treating the patient. Avoiding malpractice. Also using Good Samaritan Laws.

What healthcare professionals are autonomous?

(MODVOPP) M: Medicine O: Osteopathy D: Dentistry V: Veterinary Medicine O: Optometry P: Pharmacy P: Podiatry

How can you navigate around HIPPA?

-Age issues/Minors -Mental Competence issues -Seek patients interactions directly, information can be given to close relative -Greater good/public concern

Appearance of a Professional

-Conservative apparel -Hair should be cleaned and well groomed -Nails should be clean and nothing in extreme length -Hygiene such as cleanliness and deodorant -Subtle use of jewelry (NO piercings visible other than simple earrings -No tattoos should be visible -Light natural make up -Colognes and perfumes minimal (due to allergies. So best not to use at all) -Limit use of personal cell phones

Subjective Criteria

1. Affected by state of mind or feelings 2. "Affective domain" evaluated 3. Behaviors and attitudes evaluated

What are the three types of resumes?

1. Chronological: Contains educational and employments history organized by date. Good for students who can demonstrate experience related to their profession. (Most preferred type) 2. Functional: Focuses on skills acquired through educational coursework, students organizations, internships, and volunteer work. Good for students without much employment. 3.Combination: Combination of the chronological resume and the functional resume. Concentrates on skill sets as well as employment history. (Resumes are often this type)

The three types of learning (domains)

1. Cognitive: Mental skills (knowledge/how we learn) 2. Psychomotor: Manual or physical skills (skills/hand-eye coordination) 3. Affective: Feelings, values, or emotions (attitudes and behaviors)

Materials you would find on resume?

1. Heading 2. Objective 3. Education 4. Qualifications 5. Experience (work/school/internships/clinicals 6. Certifications and licenses

Potential consequences of HIPPA violations

1. Legal Consequences: Civil penalties and Criminal penalties. It is a felony. 2. Professional Consequences: Suspension or revoked license. 3. Academic Consequences: Reprimands or loss of points for course. Dismissal from academic program.

Objective Criteria

1. Measureable 2. Data driven 3. Psychomotor and cognitive domains

HIPPA was designed to..?

1. Protects individuals' rights to privacy and confidentiality. 2. Assure the security of electronic transfer of personal information.

Health Care's Basic Principles of Ethics

1. Respect 2. Autonomy 3. Confidentiality 4. Veracity 5. Beneficence 6. Non-Malfeasance 7. Justice 8. Role Fidelity

Materials found in professional portfolio

1. Title page (name, address, career path) 2. Table of Contents 3. Cover letter 4. Resume 5. Reference list/Letter of recommendation 6. Transcripts 7. Certifications/Awards

What is a resume?

A marketing tool which highlights your skills, knowledge, qualifications, education, and expertise.

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio Is a compilation of evidence which demonstrates the acquisition, development, and exercise of knowledge and skills. Systemic and organized collection of work and assessments that documents a person's efforts, progress, and achievements.


A profession is a self-policing group of specifically trained individuals who set forth in practice to monitor their own education, expertise, and behaviors to sustain the standards they set forth within their group. (Group decides how that profession operates)

What is a professional portfolio?

A professional portfolio is a collection of tangible items that shows prospective employers and school administrators examples of your most relevant skills and experiences. Helps to chart your professional growth!

Profession (To profess, affirm, or avow)

A vocation or occupation requiring special, usually advanced education, specialized knowledge, and high skill levels.

Dependability and Reliability

Ability to accept the responsibility of your position. Prompt in reporting to work in good attendance record. Taking and giving reports at shift changes. Also, perform assigned tasks on time and accurately because patient safety depends on this!

Protected Health Information (PHI)

Any data about the patient that would tend to identify the individual

HIPPA and students

Applies to students involved in patient's care or who has access to PHI within the clinical environment. Reasonable effort must be ensured that only de-identified PHI is used for educational purposes. License of student is under the preceptor.

A type of affective domain skill?

Bedside manner


CE's census or list of patients used by volunteers and telephone operators direct visitors to various locations in the facility. Patients may "opt-out" of this list.

Willingness to learn

Changes occur rapidly in healthcare because of research, new inventions, evidence based medicine. Changes mean learning new techniques or procedures (constant updating of skills). At times, additional education may be required to remain competent (CEU's).

Lifelong Learning (Continuing education)

Continuing education provides self-improvement as a clinician, continued professional development to obtain your license, and new research.

Health insurance accountability

Ensures that your health information is kept private and secure. Only those people who must have information about you to provide care or to process your records should know your protected health information (PHI). Health professionals are accountable for this information.

"Can we vs Should we."

Ethical dilemmas of high technology medicine: brain death, organ transplant, quality of life. Along with increases in technology (medicine can do things beyond its ability to fully understand the consequences)

What is Medical Ethics?

Ethics is what establishes our personal set of beliefs, feelings, and opinions on which we judge the events of the world that surrounds us. Medical ethics is defined further as "applied ethics." Applied ethics promote ethical and legal practice within a specific profession.

Measuring and Evaluating Professionalism

Evaluating job performance (such as yearly valuations using: Objective and Subjective evaluation processes.

360 Degree Feedback System

Feedback obtained from the person's job performance from supervisors, peers, subordinates, team members, "customers/clients/patients", and others giving input on the person who is being evaluated.

What does "Primum non nocere" mean?

First do no harm

What does HIPAA stand for?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

4. Principle of Veracity ("Telling the truth")

If you override this, you endanger the clinician-to-patient relationship (based on trust).

Health insurance portability

If you want to modify your health insurance plan or change insurance companies, it is easier to do it under HIPPA. Situations such as "Qualifying status changes"

Covered Entity (CE)

Includes any health plan, healthcare provider, or agency that processes claims, and any company that subcontracts with them. All are covered under this law.

What is protected health information (PHI)?

Information that is considered "individually identifiable"-details about a patient's past, present, and future. Information such as PHI can be written, orally spoken, or through social media.

3. Principle of Confidentiality

Information which passes between the patient and the practitioner must stay between them. Only on "Need to know basis."

Purpose of a cover letter

Introduces you to the position/graduate/professional school. It allows you to explain why you are a good fit and provides insight about your communication skills. It should also outline your strongest qualifications. SHOULD BE SENT ALONG WITH REUSUME.

How should scarce medical resources be allocated?

Medical needs of medical benefit


Must be willing and able to admit mistakes so they can be corrected/ sometimes difficult for healthcare professionals (Medical student model)


One who is engaged in one of the learned professions or in an occupation requiring a high level of training and proficiency.

What is the privacy rule?

Only people who must know this information in order to provide care and conduct business related to this care have the legal right to access this information. They also have the responsibility to maintain confidentiality regarding it.

7. Principle of Justice

Our society provides legal processes of citizens. Three main levels are procedural: due process compensatory: make right for harm done $$ distributive: allocation of scarce medical resources.

2. Principle of Autonomy

Patient is free to choose their own course of care. Free will participation in treatment/basis of informed consent.

Examples of PHI

Patient name, DOB, patient account number, SSN, phone number, medications, treatments, and lab results.

Self-directed description of who you are as a professional or future professional

Professional Portfolios

Benchmark evaluations

Providing feedback on performance from past year. Recommend corrective actions for any problems. Identify goals for the year that you can reach by the next evaluation period!

What does a reference page do?

Reference pages are always on a separate page and only given when asked. Get permission from these individuals before you list them. They should not be a relative.

1. Principle of Respect

Respect for the individual patient. All efforts are patient-centered. The needs of the practitioner always comes second.

Difference between resume and professional portfolio?

Resumes are honor documents that states what you can actually do. Resumes are usually brief and most often only 1 page. Professional portfolios provide examples of your qualifications, descriptions of personal traits, experience, accomplishments, training. Contains PROOF of these qualifications.

How should information be presented on a resume?

Reverse chronological order. Most relevant first!

Accounting of Disclosure (AOD)

Shows when and why the patient information has been disclosed. Patient has the right to have an AOD for PHI.

Work Specific Skills

Skills that pertain to a specific type of job. They can include technical skills unique to a profession. They are gained through professional course work and job experience. Such as vitals for a nurse, muscle testing for a PT.


Stand alone profession, they can operate on their own. Society grants professionals varying degrees of autonomy due to their specialized knowledge and skill.

Sympathy vs Empathy

Sympathy: Caring, concern, and feeling sorry for someone, but not necessarily understanding what they are feeling. Empathy: Caring, Concern, and identifying with that person so you can see the situation as they do/ understanding what they at feeling/relating to your own experiences (requires more effort, but allows you to become more effective in helping patients.)

"The buck stops here." -Harry Truman

Taking accountability for your actions. You're responsible for whatever happens to your patients.

Release and Disclosure

Terms used in describing the release of PHI to other CE's for TPO, (treatment, payment, or health care operations.)


The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterizes or mark a profession or a professional person.

8. Principle of Role Fidelity

To practice faithfully and competently within the established parameters of an established professional "scope of practice."

Transferrable Skills

Transferrable skills can be across careers, jobs, and industries. Examples of these skills include: Organizational skills, interpersonal skills, work-style skills, and basic office skills.

Cover letter basics

Use active writing style that is direct (business type letter) Be concise and use correct grammar. Should be one page. Address the letter to the specific person and use formal salutations. Make sure to end the letter with formal language such as sincerely.

What is the purpose of a resume?

Used to get the interview, not the job or the position in a professional program.

Privacy Officer (PO)

each facility has an employee who is responsible for implementing and enforcing this law.

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