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The <code> tag is a phrase tag. It defines a piece of computer code.


The <canvas> tag is used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript). The <canvas> tag is only a container for graphics, you must use a script to actually draw the graphics.


The <output> tag represents the result of a calculation (like one performed by a script).


The <p> tag defines a paragraph. Browsers automatically add some space (margin) before and after each <p> element. The margins can be modified with CSS (with the margin properties).


The <param> tag is used to define parameters for plugins embedded with an <object> element. Tip: HTML 5 also includes two new elements for playing audio or video: The <audio> and <video> tags.


The <pre> tag defines preformatted text. Text in a <pre> element is displayed in a fixed-width font (usually Courier), and it preserves both spaces and line breaks.


Defines emphasized text


Defines external interactive content or plugin


The <cite> tag defines the title of a work (e.g. a book, a song, a movie, a TV show, a painting, a sculpture, etc.).


The <dd> tag is used to describe a term/name in a description list. The <dd> tag is used in conjunction with <dl> (defines a description list) and <dt> (defines terms/names). Inside a <dd> tag you can put paragraphs, line breaks, images, links, lists, etc.


The <del> tag defines text that has been deleted from a document.


The <dfn> tag is a phrase tag. It defines a definition term.


The <fieldset> tag is used to group related elements in a form. The <fieldset> tag draws a box around the related elements.


The <section> tag defines sections in a document, such as chapters, headers, footers, or any other sections of the document.


The <small> tag defines smaller text (and other side comments).


The <style> tag is used to define style information for an HTML document. Inside the <style> element you specify how HTML elements should render in a browser. Each HTML document can contain multiple <style> tags.


The <tbody> tag is used to group the body content in an HTML table. The <tbody> element is used in conjunction with the <thead> and <tfoot> elements to specify each part of a table (body, header, footer).


The <td> tag defines a standard cell in an HTML table. An HTML table has two kinds of cells: Header cells - contains header information (created with the <th> element) Standard cells - contains data (created with the <td> element) The text in <th> elements are bold and centered by default. The text in <td> elements are regular and left-aligned by default.


The <time> tag defines a human-readable date/time. This element can also be used to encode dates and times in a machine-readable way so that user agents can offer to add birthday reminders or scheduled events to the user's calendar, and search engines can produce smarter search results.


The <ul> tag defines an unordered (bulleted) list. Use the <ul> tag together with the <li> tag to create unordered lists.


The <var> tag is a phrase tag. It defines a variable. Tip: This tag is not deprecated, but it is possible to achieve richer effect with CSS.


The <video> tag specifies video, such as a movie clip or other video streams. Currently, there are 3 supported video formats for the <video> element: MP4, WebM, and Ogg


The <wbr> (Word Break Opportunity) tag specifies where in a text it would be ok to add a line-break. Tip: When a word is too long, or you are afraid that the browser will break your lines at the wrong place, you can use the <wbr> element to add word break opportunities.


The comment tag is used to insert comments in the source code. Comments are not displayed in the browsers.


Defines a header for a section or page


Defines a horizontal rule


Defines a list item. The <li> tag is used in ordered lists(<ol>), unordered lists (<ul>), and in menu lists (<menu>).


Defines inserted text


Metadata is data (information) about data. The <meta> tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable. Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata. The metadata can be used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), search engines (keywords), or other web services.


The <!DOCTYPE> declaration must be the very first thing in your HTML document, before the <html> tag.


The <a> tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another.


The <b> tag specifies bold text.


The <blockquote> tag specifies a section that is quoted from another source. Browsers usually indent <blockquote> elements.


The <col> tag specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element. The <col> tag is useful for applying styles to entire columns, instead of repeating the styles for each cell, for each row.


The <colgroup> tag specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting. The <colgroup> tag is useful for applying styles to entire columns, instead of repeating the styles for each cell, for each row. Note: The <colgroup> tag must be a child of a <table> element, after any <caption> elements and before any <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, and <tr> elements.


The <html> tag tells the browser that this is an HTML document. The <html> tag represents the root of an HTML document. The <html> tag is the container for all other HTML elements (except for the <!DOCTYPE> tag).


The <progress> tag represents the progress of a task.


The <br> tag inserts a single line break. The <br> tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag.


The <details> tag specifies additional details that the user can view or hide on demand. The <details> tag can be used to create an interactive widget that the user can open and close. Any sort of content can be put inside the <details> tag. The content of a <details> element should not be visible unless the open attribute is set.


The <legend> tag defines a caption for the <fieldset> element.


The <mark> tag defines marked text. Use the <mark> tag if you want to highlight parts of your text.


The <q> tag defines a short quotation. Browsers normally insert quotation marks around the quotation.


The <summary> tag defines a visible heading for the <details> element. The heading can be clicked to view/hide the details.


bdo stands for Bi-Directional Override. The <bdo> tag is used to override the current text direction.


The <meter> tag defines a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value. This is also known as a gauge. Examples: Disk usage, the relevance of a query result, etc. Note: The <meter> tag should not be used to indicate progress (as in a progress bar). For progress bars, use the <progress> tag.


The <nav> tag defines a set of navigation links. Notice that NOT all links of a document should be inside a <nav> element. The <nav> element is intended only for major block of navigation links. Browsers, such as screen readers for disabled users, can use this element to determine whether to omit the initial rendering of this content.


The <span> tag is used to group inline-elements in a document. The <span> tag provides no visual change by itself. The <span> tag provides a way to add a hook to a part of a text or a part of a document.


The <strong> tag is a phrase tag. It defines important text.


The <sub> tag defines subscript text. Subscript text appears half a character below the normal line, and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Subscript text can be used for chemical formulas, like H2O.


The <sup> tag defines superscript text. Superscript text appears half a character above the normal line, and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Superscript text can be used for footnotes, like WWW[1].


The <table> tag defines an HTML table. An HTML table consists of the <table> element and one or more <tr>, <th>, and <td> elements. The <tr> element defines a table row, the <th> element defines a table header, and the <td> element defines a table cell. A more complex HTML table may also include <caption>, <col>, <colgroup>, <thead>, <tfoot>, and <tbody> elements.


The <th> tag defines a header cell in an HTML table. An HTML table has two kinds of cells: Header cells - contains header information (created with the <th> element) Standard cells - contains data (created with the <td> element) The text in <th> elements are bold and centered by default. The text in <td> elements are regular and left-aligned by default.


The <option> tag defines an option in a select list. <option> elements go inside a <select> or <datalist> element.


The <optgroup> is used to group related options in a drop-down list. If you have a long list of options, groups of related options are easier to handle for a user.


The <abbr> tag indicates an abbreviation or an acronym, like "WWW" or "NATO".


The <address> tag defines the contact information for the author/owner of a document or an article. If the <address> element is inside the <body> element, it represents contact information for the document. If the <address> element is inside an <article> element, it represents contact information for that article. The text in the <address> element usually renders in italic. Most browsers will add a line break before and after the address element.


The <area> tag defines an area inside an image-map (an image-map is an image with clickable areas). The <area> element is always nested inside a <map> tag.


The <article> tag specifies independent, self-contained content. An article should make sense on its own and it should be possible to distribute it independently from the rest of the site. Potential sources for the <article> element: Forum post Blog post News story Comment


The <aside> tag defines some content aside from the content it is placed in. The aside content should be related to the surrounding content.


The <audio> tag defines sound, such as music or other audio streams. Currently, there are 3 supported file formats for the <audio> element: MP3, Wav, and Ogg


The <base> tag specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document. There can be at maximum one <base> element in a document, and it must be inside the <head> element.


The <body> tag defines the document's body. The <body> element contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, etc.


The <button> tag defines a clickable button. Inside a <button> element you can put content, like text or images. This is the difference between this element and buttons created with the <input> element. Tip: Always specify the type attribute for a <button> element. Different browsers use different default types for the <button> element.


The <caption> tag defines a table caption. The <caption> tag must be inserted immediately after the <table> tag. Note: You can specify only one caption per table. Tip: By default, a table caption will be center-aligned above a table. However, the CSS properties text-align and caption-side can be used to align and place the caption.


The <datalist> tag specifies a list of pre-defined options for an <input> element. The <datalist> tag is used to provide an "autocomplete" feature on <input> elements. Users will see a drop-down list of pre-defined options as they input data. Use the <input> element's list attribute to bind it together with a <datalist> element.


The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document. The <div> tag is used to group block-elements to format them with CSS.


The <dl> tag defines a description list. The <dl> tag is used in conjunction with <dt> (defines terms/names) and <dd> (describes each term/name).


The <dt> tag defines a term/name in a description list. The <dt> tag is used in conjunction with <dl> (defines a description list) and <dd> (describes each term/name).


The <figcaption> tag defines a caption for a <figure> element. The <figcaption> element can be placed as the first or last child of the <figure> element.


The <figure> tag specifies self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc. While the content of the <figure> element is related to the main flow, its position is independent of the main flow, and if removed it should not affect the flow of the document.


The <footer> tag defines a footer for a document or section. A <footer> element should contain information about its containing element. A footer typically contains the author of the document, copyright information, links to terms of use, contact information, etc. You can have several <footer> elements in one document.


The <form> tag is used to create an HTML form for user input. The <form> element can contain one or more of the following form elements: <input> <textarea> <button> <select> <option> <optgroup> <fieldset> <label>

<h1> to <h6>

The <h1> to <h6> tags are used to define HTML headings. <h1> defines the most important heading. <h6> defines the least important heading.


The <head> element is a container for all the head elements. The <head> element must include a title for the document, and can include scripts, styles, meta information, and more. The following elements can go inside the <head> element: <title> (this element is required in the head section) <style> <base> <link> <meta> <script> <noscript>


The <i> tag defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood. The content of the <i> tag is usually displayed in italic. The <i> tag can be used to indicate a technical term, a phrase from another language, a thought, or a ship name, etc. Use the <i> element only when there is not a more appropriate semantic element, such as: <em> (emphasized text) <strong> (important text) <mark> (marked/highlighted text) <cite> (the title of a work) <dfn> (a definition term)


The <img> tag defines an image in an HTML page. The <img> tag has two required attributes: src and alt.


The <input> tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. <input> elements are used within a <form> element to declare input controls that allow users to input data. An input field can vary in many ways, depending on the type attribute.


The <keygen> tag specifies a key-pair generator field used for forms. When the form is submitted, the private key is stored locally, and the public key is sent to the server.


The <label> tag defines a label for an <input> element. The <label> element does not render as anything special for the user. However, it provides a usability improvement for mouse users, because if the user clicks on the text within the <label> element, it toggles the control. The for attribute of the <label> tag should be equal to the id attribute of the related element to bind them together.


The <link> tag defines the relationship between a document and an external resource. The <link> tag is most used to link to style sheets.


The <map> tag is used to define a client-side image-map. An image-map is an image with clickable areas. The required name attribute of the <map> element is associated with the <img>'s usemap attribute and creates a relationship between the image and the map. The <map> element contains a number of <area> elements, that defines the clickable areas in the image map.


The <menu> tag defines a list/menu of commands. The <menu> tag is used for context menus, toolbars and for listing form controls and commands.


The <noscript> tag defines an alternate content for users that have disabled scripts in their browser or have a browser that doesn't support script. The <noscript> element can be used in both <head> and <body>. When used inside the <head> element: <noscript> must contain <link>, <style>, and <meta> elements. The content inside the <noscript> element will be displayed if scripts are not supported, or are disabled in the user's browser.


The <object> tag defines an embedded object within an HTML document. Use this element to embed multimedia (like audio, video, Java applets, ActiveX, PDF, and Flash) in your web pages. You can also use the <object> tag to embed another webpage into your HTML document. You can use the <param> tag to pass parameters to plugins that have been embedded with the <object> tag.


The <ol> tag defines an ordered list. An ordered list can be numerical or alphabetical. Use the <li> tag to define list items.


The <script> tag is used to define a client-side script, such as a JavaScript. The <script> element either contains scripting statements, or it points to an external script file through the src attribute. Common uses for JavaScript are image manipulation, form validation, and dynamic changes of content.


The <select> element is used to create a drop-down list. The <option> tags inside the <select> element define the available options in the list.


The <source> tag is used to specify multiple media resources for media elements, such as <video> and <audio>. The <source> tag allows you to specify alternative video/audio files which the browser may choose from, based on its media type or codec support.


The <textarea> tag defines a multi-line text input control. A text area can hold an unlimited number of characters, and the text renders in a fixed-width font (usually Courier). The size of a text area can be specified by the cols and rows attributes, or even better; through CSS' height and width properties.


The <tfoot> element must have one or more <tr> tags inside. Tip: The <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> elements will not affect the layout of the table by default. However, you can use CSS to style these elements.


The <thead> tag is used to group header content in an HTML table. The <thead> element is used in conjunction with the <tbody> and <tfoot> elements to specify each part of a table (header, body, footer). Browsers can use these elements to enable scrolling of the table body independently of the header and footer. Also, when printing a large table that spans multiple pages, these elements can enable the table header and footer to be printed at the top and bottom of each page. The <thead> tag must be used in the following context: As a child of a <table> element, after any <caption>, and <colgroup> elements, and before any <tbody>, <tfoot>, and <tr> elements.


The <title> tag is required in all HTML documents and it defines the title of the document. The <title> element: defines a title in the browser toolbar provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites displays a title for the page in search-engine results


The <tr> tag defines a row in an HTML table. A <tr> element contains one or more <th> or <td> elements.

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