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According to Belton, the threat of the monstrous (i.e., the monster a vampire, a zombie, the living dead, a mummy, a ghost, a demon, a werewolf, or another supernatural being ) symbolizes cultural anxieties about the loss, fragility, and integrity of our so-called humanistic values. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which Belton specifies and/or qualifies this above claim?

"The increasingly popular torture porn genre as embodied by films like Saw (2004) and Hostel (2005) focuses on the slow and elaborate torture of helpless victims. Although such horror films clearly satiate the sadistic impulses of audiences, the normative thrust of such movies is to remind moviegoers that torture and cruelty are inexcusable evils that can never be morally justified."

Between 1929 and 1949 how many people on average attended movies EVERY week in America?

80 to 90 million

Blaxploitation refers to what?

A group of films from the seventies that exploited African-American audiences A group of films that portrayed the black man protagonist as violent criminals, super studs, pimps, and drug dealers. The 1971 film Shaft The answer is All of the above


According to Anderson, a nation is ________________________ because the members of even the smallest nation will never know most of their fellow-members, meet them, or even hear of them, yet in the minds of each lives the image of their communion.

men feared the new found power of the woman during WWII.

According to Belton and Janey Place women were depicted as manipulative seductresses because ________.


According to Bird, ___________________ is the non-sexual attraction to members of the same sex.


According to Judith Andre, today the term "stereotype" means: "a conventional, formulaic, and usually _____ conception, opinion, or belief; a person, group, event, or issue considered to typify or conform to an unvarying pattern..."

The Disingenuous

According to Smith and Cook, females have a distinct set of desires for their lives. Smith and Cook categorize their character cravings in three ways. Which of the following is NOT one of those ways?


According to Van Buren, ____________________ is a dirty word. "Americans always win, even when they lose in an era in which, out in the world, the losses are piling up."

Which of the following is a striking feature of Bird's article on the Components of Hegemonic Masculinity and Skyfall?

Aligning to Bird's premise, the women in the film are represented as sexual objects for Bond and other men.

In the film clip, "Trading Schools," which of the following was a great discrepancy between the inner city and suburban schools?

All of the above

Which of the following are the 3 main areas of inquiry for media studies, according to Kellner?

All of the above are areas of inquiry

The modern day discussions of homosexuality resemble former discussions of race in which of the following ways?

All of the above were used in race and homosexuality discussions

Which of the following is NOT one of the concerns that Rowe expresses in her article about The Politics of Rhetoric and Space in the Formation of US Nationalism?

All of the answers concerns of Rowe


Althusser states that ISAs function by ideology, and RSAs function by ______.

Omi and Winant dispute the existing/standard definitions/approaches to race. Which of the following is NOT one of those approaches?

Aversive ideoloigcal definition of race

Hjarvard says that Institutional Religious Imagery, Folk Religious Imagery, and Non-Religious Imagery are all forms of __________________ Religious Imagery.


Which of Garnet's "New Paradigm" is clearly seen in Love, Simon?

Behavior is not identity

According to Lyden, what is the BEST way(s) to view film scholarship?

Both as a valid expression and a reinforcement of hegemony

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that boys/men are socialized to be "masculine".

Boys are penalized for being overly aggressive or insensitive.

Which of the following stereotype seen/discussed in Zootopia is NOT refuted in the film?

Bunnies bread a LOT


Cammorata argues that both Hollywood and the Education system push a policy of white people "helping" disenfranchised groups, without ever recognizing or trying to dissolve the system of inequality that disenfranchised those people to begin with. He discusses one major blockbuster, ________________ (1 word), which is often praised for its critical message that falls into this same trap.

White Saviors White Allies

Cammorata describes people who aid minorities in films as either those who are paternalistic and overlook system issues, called _________________ (2 words), or those who work with minorities against systemic inequalities, called _________________ (2 words).

Which of the following is NOT a stereotyped persona of a black person?


Juan describes his experiences in ______________ as a boy, when he was told he looked blue in the moonlight


According to McNamee and Miller, ______________ (3 words) is the term used to describe the mistaken belief that the lower class is anti-education, anti-work, and anti-family.

Cycle of Poverty

In order to hide is real identity, what does Susan tell her Aunt David's name is?

David Bone

Which of the following Goals/Themes of American comedy, according to Belton, is demonstrative of a Goal or Theme of Bringing Up Baby?

Deal with Chaos and disorder


Diana asks Steve if he is a(n) ____________, because she has never seen one before.

Warrior Woman

Diana from Wonder Woman and Judy from Zootopia are examples of a Bennion-Nixon's description of the representational character who exemplifies and embodies a range of contested meanings about femininity, especially being physically capable and resourceful, which she calls the _____________ (2 words).

What was the source of most film noir stories?

Dime Novels

Wasko argues that the Disney brand has five myths associated with them. The ____________ myth is refuted by its stereotypical and racist representations of princesses.

Disney is harmless, safe, and unbiased

Wasko argues that the Disney brand has five myths associated with them. The ____________ myth is refuted by its wide ranging media sources that are targeted to all age ranges.

Disney is only for kids

Which of the following is NOT one of the "advice" given to young girls from The Little Mermaid?

Don't ever talk to a man, unless he marries you first. Then, as a woman, you are allowed.

runaway slaves

Dryptomania is the term used to describe the psychological condition of ______________________________ (2 words).

In Belton chapter one, what are the four aspects of the cinematic institution?

Economic, social, technological, psychological

According to hooks, biases that uphold and maintain white supremacy, imperialism, sexism, and racism, etc. are still seen in which "industry"?


Which statement does NOT accurately summarize one of Marx's central theses in "The Destructive Power of Money"?

Encouraging altruism rather than egoism, money facilitates cooperative social behavior.

Within the Studio System, the term "vertical integration" refers to how the studios control what?

Every level of the marketplace from production to exhibition

According to Judith Andre, a stereotype CAN be beneficial (good for the group being stereotyped).


According to Lyden, films must be evaluated as an industry, rather than on a case-by-case basis.


According to Omi and Winant, writings about the biological nature of race resulted in justification of inequitable allocation of political and social rights, while also NOT maintaining the ideology of the "rights of man".


According to Smith and Cook's research, the number of speaking parts given to women is roughly equal to that of men.


According to Stuart Hall, this is cat: (=^_^=)


Diana is never in front of the troops; she always follows Steve and the other soldiers after they cleared the way.


Garnets states that the data clearly shows that one's experiences in childhood definitely influence sexual orientation.


Since Arabic is the language of the Qur'an, all countries who speak Arabic are theocratic Muslim countries.


In Love, Simon Blue compares being closeted to a ______________ (2 words)

Ferris Wheel

Judy carries ___________________ spray that later becomes important in her discussion with Nick Wilde.

Fox Repellent

Which of the following is NOT a Marxist claim?

Free markets benefit everyone, rich and poor alike

At one point _________________ come crawling out of a papaya.

Frida Kahlo

According to Dean's criteria, Love, Simon is a ________________ film.

Gay/Lesbian Film

Risman discusses some of the biggest problems with gender role enforcement in children. Which of the following is NOT one of the problems that arises?

Gender Roles create fringe groups who are often anarchist

Match the theory or term with the author who wrote about it. Select the BEST choice. Each answer will only be used once.

Gender Theory - Risman Meritocracy Myth - McNamee and Miller Microaggression - Sue, et al.

Winter's Bone demonstrates the myth of Meritocracy and that merit does not always equal success. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that this is demonstrated.

Gender discrimination keeps her from being paid well in the army.

Match the body with the brain.

Georgina - Mariann Armitage Walter - Roman Armitage Andre - Logan King Chris - Chris Washington

Using Lyden's criteria, which of the following is true of films we have seen in this class?

Get Out BOTH critiques the dominant view of racism and white saviors AND encourages normative views of men as powerful and leaders.


Gideon Gray becomes a partner with Judy's parents, he makes great ________.

Sydney Poitier stands out because he was an African-American actor who played middle-and upper-class roles during the sixties. He was equal and often superior to any white antagonist. What film did he star in as a doctor?

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Kumail tells Emily that her __________ threw off his standup, to which she replied, that she only Woo-Hooed. He said positive as well as negative comments are a form of it.


Susan gets Baby from ________________ (person, not place).

Her Brother

Which of the following is the term to describe the expectation in society that straight is the standard type of sexuality and any deviation or difference from that is considered abnormal and unusual?


According to Kellner, media are a profound and often mis-perceived source of cultural pedagogy. What do they teach us?

How to behave, think and feel

Marx's sociological analysis of the degradation of human relationships within capitalist societies contains an ethical ideal as its operating presupposition. Which of the following best summarizes this basic moral ideal as relayed at the end of his argument in "The Destructive Power of Money"?

Human relations ought to be determined by our natural capacities for love and trust.

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of a war film, according to Belton?

Hypermasculinity is critiqued and represented as destructive

Which of the following best describes the Meritocracy Myth as described by McNamee and Miller?

In America, you get out of the system what you put into it.


In Blade Runner 2049 Sapper tells K that the new models don't fight because they have never seen ___________________.

Which of the following is NOT common in war genre films?

Individual goals prevail

What does Fuller say is a problem with the way feminism previously was focused?

It failed to take into account the different problems of minority and lower class women.

According to Tim Wise, what is the main problem with the "War on Drugs"?

It is not a war on drugs, but a war on black people - it is racially enforced disproportionate to abuse


Jim says he purchased Chris for his _______________.


Judy tells Benjamin Clawhauser that a bunny can call another bunny __________, but when another animal does it, it is offensive.


K knows that Rachel likes Deckard from her audio file because she is trying to _______________ Deckard.

The main character is in love with ______________ throughout the film.


Which of the following is NOT a sphere of film for homosexuals according to Dean

LGBT Cinema

Marx claims that the greater separation between WHAT and life causes alienation?


Susan escapes jail by telling the constable that she is in a gang called,

Leopard Gang

According to Lull, which of the following is one of the most effective tools of hegemony to perpetuate their own "philosophies, cultures and moralities"?

Mass Media

Match the type of microaggression with its explanation

Microassault - often conscious, racial slur that is meant to hurt someone. Microinsult - often unconscious, demean a person's heritage. Microinvalidation - often unconscious, "I don't see color."

Schrock and Schwalbe discuss how "masculinity" has been propagated in society. Which of the following of their discussions is NOT referenced in Blade Runner 2049?

Middle- and upper-class men often invoke their position as the family provider to avoid childcare and housework.

Which of the following is an RSA?


Match the definition that BEST matches the term.

Multiculturalism -Groups of different cultures in one location. Race - Based on heritage and common characteristics. Gender - Based on characteristics of feminity and masculinity. Sexuality - Sexual orientation Class -Based on social standing, usually tied to money.

Which of the following is NOT a component of a Screwball Comedy?

Mundane Settings

Which of the following are examples of religious imagery seen in The Big Sick?

Muslim's Praying

Giroux's article is about ....

National Identity and Multiculturalism

What imagined community(ies), as defined by Anderson, is(are) NOT present in Wonder Woman?


Low lighting levels and jarring cuts are used to create what type of atmosphere in film noir? (If you don't know the meaning of a word Look it up.)

Ominous and seedy

Where do Susan and David meet?

On a golf course

male privilege

Peggy McIntosh states that she began to realize her white privilege after experiencing co-workers who were unaware of their __________.

Which of the following is NOT an ISA?


According to Belton, which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of comedy?

Provide an opportunity for entertainment without thinking

Which of the following elements of the Science Fiction genre according to Belton are NOT present in Blade Runner 2049?

Reaction against cultural change

Which of the following terms does Belton use to describe a shift in the early 80s towards a conservative re-imagining of the nation: an era that promoted optimism and justification for the American neoconservatism foreign policy? It encouraged consumerism and traditional family, while villafying feminism and civil rights movements.

Reaganite Cinema

In Winter's Bone, which of the following is a type of enactment of Gender Theory, as Risman describes?

Ree fights against the constraints of gender because of her class status and age. The Milton women give up power for patronage when they serve as the policers of Ree. Ree's role as caretaker of her younger brother and sister demonstrates societal expectations of women to care for the domestic sphere.

What is the central characteristic of a stereotype?


Which of the following is an synonym for hegemony?

Ruling Power

Which of the following is NOT one of the films or clips required for this class?

Sassy Gay Friend

In Skyfall, which of the following answers is incorrect according to Gender Theory, as Risman describes?

Severine gives up power for patronage in her relationship with Bond.

Disney portrays masculinity in what way, according to the clip in the course library?


Which of the following describes Pansexuality?

Sexual attraction to a person regardless of gender assignment.

Which of the following is(are) a characteristic(s) of hegemonic masculinity, as described by Bird?

Sexual objectification of women

What is the benefit for Low-Key lighting?

Shadow effect with uneven distribution of light for "darker" themes

According to Stuart Hall, the meanings for symbols and signs (representation) is produced in societies through

Shared knowledge and mutual agreement

Rose questions the cop's request for Chris' ID because _____ (pick the MOST ACCURATE answer).

She does not want a record of Chris in the area with her

How does Luv find K in Las Vegas?

She tracks his police vehicle

Traditional Hypersexual

Smith and Cook's data reveal that two types of females frequent film: : females more likely to be depicted as parents and in committed relationships; over half of female characters are depicted in a nurturing and stereotypical manner : refers to an overemphasis on attractiveness and sexuality by way of clothing and body proportions


Steve and Diana leave Themyscira in a(n) ___________.

Film noir has been debated for decades by scholars as to what it is. All of the following are designations of film noir EXCEPT ___.


Belton characterizes the difference between Science Fiction and Horror by highlighting the former genre's focus on:


According to Grossman, which of the following would NOT qualify a woman for the femme fatale?

The Good Girl

Screwball comedy gained immense popularity quickly due in great part to the witty dialogue of the main characters. What factor(s) helped to create this wit?

The Hays production code and Writers from broadway came to LA. Both A and B


The _______________ (1 word) character straddles the borders between two (often considered opposing) communities. In Sci-Fi and Horror this character often addresses the central question of the genres.

The Spider Woman describes which character in Film Noir?

The femme fatale

Skyfall passes the Bechdel test in which of the following ways?

The film does not pass the Bechdel test.

Is Kevin gay?

The film does not tell us.

Which of the following characteristics of a war film, as stated by Belton, is/are seen throughout Wonder Woman?

The need of the individual give way to the needs of the group (Group goals win over individual)

According to the clip, "Wealth Inequality in America," how has the distribution of wealth changed since 1976 (to 2012)?

The richest 1% now earns 24% of the national income, as opposed to only 9% from the 70s.

In the clip, "A Girl Like Me," which doll did the children most often respond as the "good" doll?

The white doll

Within the confines of our class, the terms Multicultural, Race, Gender, Class, and Sexuality all have what in common?

They are all a social construct

Which of the four key findings of women of Smith and Cook are presented in Zootopia?

They are not always damsels in distress

According to Belton what do Horror and Sci-Fi have in common?

They both focus on what it means to be human.

According to Ahmed, the fear of homosexuality is associated with the "pleasure principle" and the failure to reproduce. Homosexuality then is seen as a threat to the social order.


In order to avoid governmental censorship, Hollywood has instituted self-censorship since the 1920s. During the era of film noir, this meant that films could NOT have implications of sex, including a shared bed for married couples.


Marx claims that humanity is enslaved by money because value is found in money alone.


Miguel discovers he is not in the land of the living when people walk through him and he is invisible


Omi and Winant state that race functions at both the smallest and largest features of social relationships. They term these the micro and macro states of race.


Which of the following film(s) portrays Arabs in a stereotyped light?

True Lies Aladdin The Siege

Wonder Woman passes the Bechdel test in which of the following ways?

Two named female characters speak to each other about their role/position in society, for cumulatively greater than a minute.


When Steve and Diana arrive in London, she asks him why 2 people are __________________ hands.

Which of the following is NOT a stereotyped representation of Arabs in Hollywood?


Using Andre's criteria, which of the following is NOT a stereotype?

Women have a longer life expectancy

Kumail's favorite TV show, according to his wedding profile is _________.


Which of the following is an example of a microinsult?

You are so articulate.

What is one of the negative affects of White Privilege according to Tim Wise?

You don't have to consider other people's points-of-view, leaving you open to surprise attack

Social consent

________________________ (2 words) is a powerful part of hegemony because it means that people allow themselves to be governed by principles, rules and laws they believe operate in their best interests, even though in actual practice they may not.

Benedict Anderson proposes the definition of the nation is what?

an imagined political community

According to Sue, et al. the problem with microaggressions, and the reason they typically create more stress and more damage to minority groups, is that they are NOT which of the following?

are relatively rare

To return to the land of the living Miguel must have a ___________ from a relative.


Ree decides not to join the army when she learns that she cannot _______________.

bring her siblings

Hektor is tauntingly called ____________________ because he presumably choked on a sausage.


Silva vowed vengeance on M for leaving him in a Chinese prison where he took _______, which disfigured his face instead of killing him.


According to McNamee and Miller, the idea of Meritocracy is a Myth because non-merit factors impede success. For example, _______________________________ based on color, sex, or sexual orientation can often result in lower wages or lack of access to careers and mobility within those careers.


Stu Hopps (Judy's dad) states that him and her mother are "so darn happy" because they . . .

gave up on their dreams and they settled

Naveed tells Kumail that if he does not break up with Emily, and his mother finds out, she will ____________ him.


Ree borrows the car from her best friend in order to try to find her father at his _______________ house.


Why does David do at dinner that leads Mrs. Random and her guest to believe he is crazy?

he follows the dog around

Simon asks "Why is Straight the default" and imagines life where straight people must come out, rather than gay people. The humor in the scene and his frustration that gay is the Other is an example of ____________________________. (1 word)


According to DiBattista, which of the following is NOT a component of the "fast talking dame" from the Screwball comedy genre?

highly sexualized and would get their man at "all costs"

Emily tells Kumail that she was previously ______________, when he asks her about her wine knowledge.


According to hooks, biases that uphold and maintain white supremacy and discrimination are racism, militarism, and _____________________.


According to Hjarvard, _______________________ of religion is both the way that religion has been presented and understood through media and how media has informed the performance of religion.


Which term includes the relation of everything in the shot to everything else in the shot?


After Simon comes out to his parents, his father is upset. While at first Simon believes it is because he is gay, when they have a conversation, he realizes it is for another reason. What does his father apologize for?

not seeing the truth

Which of the following is NOT an ISA seen in Zootopia?


Which of the following is NOT one of the five concepts Dean uses to analyze sexual identity and normative heterosexuality?

presentation of heterosexual identities

The ______________ wave of feminism is about social and political equality.


_____________ (2 words) is the term to describe the benefit and privilege you receive from your family in learning how to behave in circumstances appropriate to your class. (i.e. both who you know, and how to behave)

social capitol

Van Buren says that enemy is depicted as blindly following orders, while Americans fight for a purpose.


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