Human Anatomy

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The female urethra has ______ function(s) and is about ______ centimeters long. 2, 2 1,7 2, 3 1, 4

1, 4

Place the following in order of the micturition reflex starting with the first event that occurs. Stretch receptors in the urinary bladder are activated. The detrusor muscle relaxes and the neurons of the micturition reflex center are inactivated. The parasympathetic impulses travel to the internal urethral sphincter and the detrusor muscle. Contraction of abdominal muscles aid the expulsion of urine. The conscious desire to urinate relaxes the external urethral opening. The smooth muscle in the internal urethral sphincter relaxes and the detrusor muscle contracts.

1. Stretch receptors in the urinary bladder are activated 2. The parasympathetic impulses travel to the internal urethral sphincter and the detrusor muscle 3. The smooth muscle in the internal urethral sphincter relaxes and the detrusor muscle contracts 4. The conscious desire to urinate relaxes the external urethral opening 5. Contraction of abdominal muscles aid the expulsion of urine6. The detrusor muscle relaxes and the neurons of the micturition reflex center are inactivated

Click and drag on elements in order Place the four tunics that form the wall of the urinary bladder in order from innermost, next to the urine in the lumen to outermost. Muscularis Submucosa Adventitia Mucosa

1.Mucosa 2. Submucosa 3. Muscularis 4. Adventitia

In the urinary system, there is/are normally ______ ureter(s) and ______ urethra(s). 4, 2 1, 2 2, 4 2,1


______ and ______ are secreted in response to low blood volume or low solute concentration in the tubular fluid within the kidney. Insulin, renin ADH, aldosterone Aldosterone, PTH ADH, calcitonin

ADH, aldosterone

What are the chronic problems that account for the majority of progressive renal failure? Autoimmune conditions Renal cancer Diabetes High blood pressure

Autoimmune conditions Diabetes High blood pressure

Which type of nephrons have relatively short nephron loops that barely extend into the medulla? Juxtamedullary Cortical


______ and kidney transplant are the two main treatments for kidney failure.


The renal tubule consists of which of the following? Distal convoluted tubule Proximal convoluted tubule Glomerulus Nephron loop Glomerular capsule Renal corpuscle

Distal convoluted tubule Proximal convoluted tubule Nephron loop

True or false: ADH causes the PCT to increase water reabsorption from the tubular fluid. True False


True or false: In tubular reabsorption, all needed solutes and most water that formed the filtrate are reabsorbed into the nephron. True False


True or false: The DCT are lined with simple cuboidal epithelium but the cells are larger than those of the PCT and the microvilli are more dense. True False


True or false: The trigone moves as the urinary bladder fills and functions as a funnel to direct the stored urine into the urethra. True False


True or false: Together, both kidneys have approximately 1 million nephrons. True False


Which of the following happens first in urine formation? Filtration Tubular reabsorption Tubular secretion


Which of the following are the most accurate descriptions of the structures that make up the filtration membrane? Vascular pole Filtration slits Capsular space Glomerulal endothelium

Filtration slits Glomerulal endothelium

The renal corpuscle is composed of which of the following? Distal convoluted tubule Proximal convoluted tubule Nephron loop Glomerulus Glomerular capsule

Glomerulus Glomerular capsule

Which of the following are reabsorbed by the PCT? Glucose Vitamins Lipids Amino acids Plasma proteins

Glucose Vitamins Amino acids Plasma proteins

Click and drag on elements in order Sequence blood flow through a nephron, beginning with the interlobular artery and ending at the interlobular vein. Efferent arteriole Afferent arteriole Glomerulus Interlobular vein Interlobular artery Peritubular capillaries/vasa recta

Interlobular artery - Afferent arteriole - Glomerulus - Efferent arteriole - Peritubular capillaries - Interlobular vein

Which is a component of the juxtaglomerular apparatus? Renal papilla Efferent arteriole Juxtaglomerular cells

Juxtaglomerular cells

Which type of nephrons have renal corpuscles that lie close to the corticomedullary junction with long nephron loops that extend deep into the medulla? Juxtamedullary Cortical Juxtaglomerular


Which type of nephrons have renal corpuscles that lie close to the corticomedullary junction with long nephron loops that extend deep into the medulla? Juxtamedullary Juxtaglomerular Cortical


Blood is carried to a kidney in a renal artery, which arises and extends from descending abdominal aorta at the level of ______. L1 or L2 L4-L5 T11-T12

L1 or L2

The male urethra is partitioned into three segments. Which of the following are these segments? Membranous Prostatic Spongy Cavernous

Membranous Prostatic Spongy

Select all that apply Which of the following are responsible for refining and modifying the filtrate? Nephron loop DCT Efferent arteriole PCT

Nephron loop DCT PCT

When viewed under the microscope, the lumen of the ______ looks fuzzy due to the brush border formed by the microvilli. collecting ducts PCT DCT glomerulus


Which of the following are responsible for refining and modifying the filtrate? PCT Nephron loop DCT Efferent arteriole

PCT Nephron loop DCT

The male urethra has two functions. Which are they? Passage for sperm Passage for urine Passage for all body waste

Passage for sperm Passage for urine

Which of the following escape into the filtrate? Plasma proteins Ions Fatty acids Water Vital nutrients Vitamins Glucose

Plasma proteins Ions Water Vital nutrients Vitamins Glucose

Which part of the male urethra is immediately inferior to the urinary bladder? Prostatic Spongy Membranous


The fibrous or renal capsule has which of the following functions? Helps the kidney filter blood Protects it from pathogens Maintains the kidney's shape Stimulates the production of EPO Protects it from trauma

Protects it from pathogens Maintains the kidney's shape Protects it from trauma

Besides removing waste products from the bloodstream, the urinary system performs many other functions, including which of the following? Blood sugar regulation Regulation of ion levels Urine storage Regulation of erythrocyte production Acid base balance Blood volume regulation Leukocyte production

Regulation of ion levels Urine storage Regulation of erythrocyte production Acid base balance Blood volume regulation

What muscle type is found in the wall of the urethra? Smooth Cardiac Skeletal


Which category of incontinence occurs during vigorous exercise? . Elderly incontinence Urge incontinence Prostate incontinence Stress incontinence

Stress incontinence

Which of the following form the wall of the urinary bladder? Submucosa Muscularis externa Adventitia Mucosa Muscularis

Submucosa Adventitia Mucosa Muscularis

True or false: The mucosa of the ureter is distensible (stretchy) and impermeable to the passage of urine. True False


The superior pole of the left kidney is at about the level of which vertebra? T12 L3 T1 L5


The mucosa of the ureter is formed from ______ epithelium. simple transitional columnar cuboidal


Which of the following are the processes by which urine is formed? Tubular transport Tubular reabsorption Filtration Tubular secretion

Tubular reabsorption Filtration Tubular secretion

______ is the active transport of solutes out of the blood into the tubular fluid. Filtration Tubular secretion Tubular reabsorption

Tubular secretion

The hilum of the kidney is where which of the following connect to the kidney? Ureter Urinary bladder Blood vessels Nerves Urethra

Ureter Blood vessels Nerves

Match the structure on the left with the description on the right. Ureter Urinary bladder Urethra extends from the kidneys to the trigone of the bladder inferior to the urinary bladder located in the pelvic cavity, posterior to the pubic symphysis

Ureter-extends from the kidneys to the trigone of the bladder Urinary bladder-located in the pelvic cavity, posterior to the pubic symphysis Urethra-inferior to the urinary bladder

Ureters enter the posterolateral wall of the urinary bladder through the ______ openings.


Which of the following are reabsorbed by the PCT? Vitamins Amino acids Lipids Glucose Plasma proteins

Vitamins Amino acids Glucose Plasma proteins

Tubular secretion is the ______ of solutes out of the blood into the tubular fluid. osmosis active transport passive transport diffusion

active transport

The outer layer of the urinary bladder is called the ______ and is composed of areolar connective tissue. adventitia epithelium muscularis


As the interlobular arteries enter the cortex, they extend small branches called ______ arterioles.


The wider diameter of the ______ arteriole allows the blood to enter the glomerulus under high pressure which helps filter the plasma and solutes out of the glomerulus.


One of the factors that causes materials to be filtered from the glomerulus is that the ______ arteriole is wider in diameter than the ______ arteriole. efferent, afferent afferent, efferent

afferent, efferent

The ______ arteriole leads to the glomerulus and the ______ arteriole leads away from the glomerulus. afferent, efferent efferent, afferent

afferent, efferent

The ______ arteries are parallel to the base of the medullary pyramid at the junction of the cortex and the medulla. arcuate glomerular interlobular renal


The juxtaglomerular apparatus regulates ______. hydrogen ion uptake sodium potassium secretion blood pressure respiration rate heart rate

blood pressure

The renal ________ is composed of dense irregular connective tissue that covers the outside of the kidney.


At least 20- 25% of the resting ______ normally flows through the kidney via the renal artery. carbon dioxide oxygen cardiac output metabolic rate

cardiac output

When the tubular fluid leaves the distal convoluted tubules, it must travel through a series of small ______ that empty into ______. collecting ducts, collecting tubules collecting tubules, collecting ducts efferent arteriole, afferent arteriole afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole

collecting tubules, collecting ducts

Extensions of the cortex, called renal ______, project into the medulla and subdivide the medulla into renal ______. capsule, pyramids columns, pyramids pyramids, calyces calyx, columns

columns, pyramids

When a kidney is sectioned along a coronal plane, there is an outer renal ______ and an inner renal ______. medulla, cortex cortex, medulla

cortex, medulla

The nephron loop originates in the ______ and descends down into the ______ and then ascends back into the ______. medulla, cortex, pelvis cortex, medulla, cortex cortex, medulla, pelvis pelvis, cortex, medulla

cortex, medulla, cortex

The nephron loop originates in the ______ and descends down into the ______ and then ascends back into the ______. medulla, cortex, pelvis cortex, medulla, pelvis pelvis, cortex, medulla cortex, medulla, cortex

cortex, medulla, cortex

The ______ nephrons make up approximately 85% of the nephrons in a human kidney.


The epithelial cells of the collecting tubules are ______ but are ______ cells in the collecting ducts near the renal papilla. cuboidal, squamous cuboidal, columnar columnar, squamous columnar, cuboidal

cuboidal, columnar

The internal urethral sphincter is a circular thickening of the ______ and is controlled by the ______. urinary bladder mucosa, conscious mind detrusor muscle, conscious mind urinary bladder mucosa, ANS detrusor muscle, ANS

detrusor muscle, ANS

Urine consists of solutes and water that have been ______ and ______ into the tubular fluid. filtered, reabsorbed filtered, secreted reabsorbed, secreted

filtered, secreted

When the blood plasma moves out of the glomerulus and into the glomerular capsule, it is now called ______. secretions serum filtrate


When the blood plasma moves out of the glomerulus and into the glomerular capsule, it is now called ______. serum filtrate secretions


Glomerular ______ is the process by which water and some dissolved solutes in the blood plasma passively move out of the glomerulus and into the capsular space of the renal corpuscle.


The pedicels are separated by thin spaces called ______ ______ which allow materials from the plasma to pass into the capsular space.

filtration slits

An afferent arteriole enters a structure called a renal corpuscle and forms a capillary network called the ______.


In the nephron, as blood flows through the ______ , the solutes and water within the blood are filtered into the capsular space.


In the nephron, the ______ is designed to be "leaky" to allow some plasma and solutes to be filtered.


The renal corpuscle has a thick tangle of capillaries called the ______. glomerulus afferent arteriole peritubular capillary efferent arteriole


The renal corpuscle has a thick tangle of capillaries called the ______. peritubular capillary afferent arteriole glomerulus efferent arteriole


The inability to control the expulsion of urine is called ______.


The external urethral sphincter is ______ to the internal urethral sphincter. superior inferior lateral


The right kidney is ______ to the left kidney. anterior posterior superior inferior


The segmental arteries branch to form the ______ arteries that travel through the renal columns. glomerular interlobar arcuate renal


The arcuate arteries give off branches called ______ arteries that project peripherally into the cortex. interlobular renal glomerular efferent


At the neck of the urinary bladder is the ______ urethral sphincter. internal external


The ______ urethral sphincter is the involuntary, superior sphincter surrounding the neck of the urinary bladder.


In order to urinate, the ______ and ______ urethral sphincters must relax.

internal external

The macula densa cells continuously monitor ______ in the tubular fluid. ion concentration acid base balance erythrocyte concentration

ion concentration

Renal failure that often affects the glomerulus and the other small blood vessels is ______. reversible, with proper medical attention irreversible, as there is no chance they can regenerate

irreversible, as there is no chance they can regenerate

The sympathetics innervate the ______ in the kidneys. proximal convoluted tubules juxtaglomerular apparatuses efferent arterioles afferent arterioles

juxtaglomerular apparatuses efferent arterioles afferent arterioles

The two types of nephrons are cortical nephrons and ______ nephrons.


Within the trigone region of the urinary bladder, the mucosa is smooth, thick and ______ rugae. lacks has


When looking at the distal convoluted tubule under the microscope the lumen appears ______ than the proximal convoluted tubule. less fuzzy more fuzzy

less fuzzy

The right kidney is slightly inferior to the left kidney due to accommodate the ______. spleen liver urinary bladder abdominal aorta


Urogenital ridges are derived from ______. ectoderm mesoderm endoderm


The expulsion of urine from the urinary bladder is called _____ or urination. mastication micturition deglutination ejaculation


Several ______ calyces merge to form larger spaces called ______ calyces. major, pyramid papilla, pyramid minor, papilla minor, major major, minor

minor major

Each renal papilla projects into a funnel-shaped space called the ______. minor calyx renal column renal pelvis major calyx

minor calyx

The ______ lines the urinary bladder lumen. mucosa serosa submucosa muscularis


The ______ lines the urinary bladder lumen. submucosa muscularis mucosa serosa


The lining of the ureter is called the ______. muscularis adventitia submucosa mucosa


The constricted ______ of the urinary bladder is connected to the urethra.


The functional filtration unit in a kidney is the ______. vasa recta nephron calyx renal cortex


The ureters project through the urinary bladder wall ______. obliquely inferiorly horizontally superiorly


When full, the urinary bladder exhibits an ______ shape. square upside-down pyramid oval


The ______ innervation to the kidney has no known effect. sympathetic parasympathetic


The glomerular capsule has two layers, which are a visceral layer and a ______ layer.


Urogenital ridges will eventually form ______. parts of the urinary system and reproductive organs parts of the urinary system only reproductive organs only

parts of the urinary system and reproductive organs

The filtration slits between the ______ permit the ready passage of filtered material into the capsule space.


The podocytes have long processes called ______ or feet that wrap around the glomerular capillaries.


The major calyces merge to form a large funnel-shaped renal ______. pyramid cortex medulla pelvis


The female urethra opens to the outside of the body at the external urethral orifice located in the female ______. vagina perineum rectum urinary bladder


The solutes and water that are reabsorbed from the PCT enter the blood through the ______ ______ and are returned to the general circulation.

peritubular capillaries

When the water and solutes are reabsorbed from the nephron loop, they are reabsorbed to the blood via a capillary network called the ______. peritubular capillaries efferent arteriole glomerulus afferent arteriole

peritubular capillaries

The visceral layer of the glomerular capsule is composed of specialized cells called ______.


The kidneys are located in the ______ abdominal wall. posterior anterior


The prostatic urethra extends through the ______ gland.


The ______ is lined by simple cuboidal epithelium with tall microvilli for maximum reabsorption. proximal convoluted tubule distal convoluted tubule nephron loop

proximal convoluted tubule

In males, the urinary bladder is anterior to the ______ and directly superior to the ______ gland.

rectum prostate

Collecting tubules and collecting ducts project through the ______ toward the ______. renal medulla, renal cortex renal papilla, renal medulla renal medulla, renal papilla

renal medulla, renal papilla

The hilum is continuous with an internal space within each kidney called the ______. renal cortex renal medulla renal sinus renal capsule

renal sinus

In the urinary bladder, there are mucosal folds, called ______ , that allow for even greater distension.


Blood flows from the renal artery to the ______ arteries in the area of the renal sinus. afferent segmental arcuate interlobar


Click and drag on elements in order Sequence the arterial blood flow through the kidney, beginning with the renal artery and ending at the efferent arteriole. Segmental artery Interlobar artery Interlobular artery Arcuate artery Afferent arteriole Glomerulus

segmental artery-interlobar artery- arcuate artery- inerlonular artery- glomerulus

Both collecting tubules and collecting ducts are lined by ______. simple epithelium pseudostratified epithelium stratified epithelium

simple epithelium

The external urethral sphincter is formed by ______ muscle and is under ______ control. smooth, involuntary smooth, voluntary skeletal, involuntary skeletal, voluntary

skeletal, voluntary

As the urinary bladder distends, there is less likelihood of urine backing up into the ureters because ______. the urinary bladder has a sphincter that closes the ureters have a sphincter that closes the ureters are compressed due their oblique angle of entry

the ureters are compressed due their oblique angle of entry

The mucosa is formed by ______ epithelium that accommodates the shape changes that occur with distension.


The ______ of the bladder is formed by imaginary lines connecting the two ureteral openings and the urethral opening.


When substances in the filtrate move back into the blood it is called ______. tubular secretion filtration tubular reabsorption

tubular reabsorption

The proximal convoluted tubule attaches to the renal corpuscle at the ______ pole.

tubular, urinary,

When empty, the urinary bladder exhibits an ______ shape. oval upside-down pyramid upside-down square

upside-down pyramid

When empty, the urinary bladder exhibits an ______ shape. upside-down pyramid oval upside-down square

upside-down pyramid

A structure called the ______ transports urine from the urinary bladder and expels it outside of the body. urethra renal calyx ureter pelvis


The ______ are long, fibromuscular tubes that conduct urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.


Urine flows from the renal papilla through the calyces into the renal pelvis and then directly into the ________.


In females, the urinary bladder is anterioinferior to the ______ and directly anterior to the ______ .

ureter vagina

The ______ are tubes that are about 25 centimeters (10 inches) long and are retroperitoneal.


The ______ originates at the neck of the urinary bladder and conducts urine to the exterior of the body.


Which structure extends through muscles of the pelvic floor and opens into the perineum? Urethra Urinary bladder Renal cortex Pelvic basin Ureter


Urine is produced continuously but is stored in the _______ ________for release when convenient.

urinary bladder

Once the tubular fluid exits the collecting duct, it is called ______.


The renal corpuscle has two poles. Where the glomerular afferent and efferent arterioles are found is called the ______ pole.


The glomerular capsule has two layers. One layer, the ______ layer lies directly over the glomerulus. podocyte parietal visceral


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