Human Anatomy LAB - eye & ear

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What are the two chambers in the Anterior segment and identify what its between of?

1. Anterior Chamber - Between cornea and iris 2. Posterior Chamber - Between iris and lens

area between cornea and lens. Contains aqueous humor; watery fluid

Aqueous segment

The posterior chamber is between what?

Between Iris and retina

Function of Choroid

Blood vessels - nourish all eye layers, gives rise to ciliary body Nourish the outer layers of the retina, prevents light from scattering in the eye

What are the three chambers of the Baby labyrinth? What fluid is it filled of?

Cochlea Semicircular Canals Vestibule Filled with perilymph

What cranial nerve is the vestibular nerve? What is its function?

Cranial 8. Transmits vibration to temporal lobe.

Shallow pit in center of macula lutea. structure of the retina with highest concentration of only cones. FOVEA= Focus

Fovea centralis

Why is the optic nerve known as blind spot?

Lacks photoreceptors

What are examples of accessory organs in the eye? Hint: 5 organs

Lacrimal apparatus extrinsic eye muscles conjunctiva eyelids eyelashes

function of cornea Is the cornea avascular?

Light enters the eye and is supplied with nerve endings Yes, its avascular, no blood vessels

Function of Conjunctiva?

Lubricates and protects the surface of the eye by mucus and tears

What are the parts of the middle ear?

Malleus Incus Stapes oval window round window Eustachian tube (auditory canal)

Function of Macula Lutea

Mostly Cones High concentration of photoreceptors, visual acuity

area between lens and retina. Contains vitreous humor; gel like fluid

Posterior segment

What are the three layers of the eye from superficial to deep?

fibrous tunic, vascular tunic, neural tunic

a. What are the three sectors of the ear? b. Where is the location for equilibrium? c. where is the location for hearing?

a. Outer, Middle, Inner Ear b. Inner ear c. Outer ear, middle ear

Determine the tunic in which you would find the structure. WORD BANK: fibrous tunic, vascular tunic, neural tunic a. retina b. iris c. cornea d. sclera e. choroid

a. neural tunic b. vascular tunic c. fibrous tunic d. fibrous tunic e. vascular tunic

What is an exocrine gland?

a gland that produces and secretes substances onto an epithelial surface by way of a duct. Examples of exocrine glands include sweat glands, salivary glands, mammary glands, lacrimal gland

Identify the cranial nerve for each extrinsic muscles. Word Bank: oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, abducens nerve a. superior rectus b. inferior rectus c. lateral rectus d. medial rectus e. superior oblique f. inferior oblique

a. oculomotor n. b. oculomotor n. c. abducens n. d. oculomotor n. e. trochlear n. f. oculomotor n.

The mechanoreceptors involved in hearing may be found in: a. within the cochlear duct b. on top of the basilar membrane c. in the organ of Corti d. all of the above

all of the above

Function of the middle ear

amplify sound

The inner ear is made up of what Labyrinth?

baby labyrinth

The axons from ganglion cells in the retina converge towards the optic disc, which establishes the area of "no vision" referred to as the: a. fovea b. blind spot c. macula lutea d. choroids

blind spot

The transmission of sound vibrations through the middle ear occurs primarily through ______. a. air b. fluid c. nerve impulses d. bone


function of lens Is it avascular?

changes shape and focuses light on retina yes, it is avascular ( No blood vessels)

extensive capillary network. Supplies oxygen and nutrients to internal eye structures. Dark pigmented structure that is apart of the vascular tunic


What are the structures in the eye that can be found in the VASCULAR TUNIC?

choroid iris ciliary body

Choroid gives rise to which structure?

ciliary bodies

What are the parts of the inner ear?

cochlea vestibule semicircular canals utricle saccule semicircular ducts

Which of these structures are part of the membranous labyrinth? Select all that apply. a. semi circular canal b. cochlear duct c. saccule d. utricle

cochlear duct saccule utricle

What are the three chambers of the Membranous labyrinth? What fluid is it filled of?

cochlear duct semicircular duct saccule and utricle Filled with endolymph (ECF that is high in potassium)

Function of outer ear

collecting sound and sending it to the eardrum through the auditory canal and to tympanic membrane

What is the disadvantage of the eustachian tube (auditory tube)?

connected to the throat.Any infection can go to the throat and into the middle ear. Very common in young kids.

anterior cavity of eye

contains aqueous humor

posterior cavity of eye (between lens and retina of eye)

contains vitreous humor

structure that refracts light


What cranial nerve is the optic nerve?

cranial nerve 2


darkly pigmented structure of the vascular tunic that absorbs excess light rays. Supplies oxygen and nutrients to internal eye structures.

What are the parts of the outer ear?

pinna auditory canal tympanic membrane ceruminous glands

What does the semi circular duct detect? a. dynamic equilibrium b. hearing c. static equilibrium

dynamic equilibrium

found in semi-circular canals. Keeps the head to remain upright while spinning.

dynamic equilibrium

Is the eye exocrine or endocrine?


Which of the following structures could be impaired sensorineural deafness. Select all that apply. a. hair cells b. otoliths c. vestibulocochlear nerve (CN 8) d. tympanic membrane

hair cells CN 8

what does the cochlear duct detect? a. dynamic equilibrium b. hearing c. static equilibrium


Function of the inner ear

hearing and balance

The ear is responsible for

hearing and equilibrium

A reading of 20/40 on the Snellen eye chart indicates that the subject sees at 20 feet what someone with normal vision sees at 40 feet. The condition is called: a. emmatropia b. hyperopia c. myopia d. astigmatism


Shining a light into the eye causes the _______ to reduce the diameter of the pupil in order to reduce the amount of light entering the eye a. lens b. iris c. ciliary body d. cornea


regulates the size of the pupil. It is an anterior most extension. Contains smooth muscle in vascular layer and it's involuntary.


What are the auditory ossicles?

malleus, incus, stapes

membranous labyrinth structures contain what receptors?

mechanoreceptors to activate movement on the basilar membrane for heading or the head for equilibrium

The stapes delivers the vibrations to which window? a. oval window b. round window

oval window

Function of Lacrimal Gland?

produces tears drains lacrimal secretion to nasal cavity

Function of Sclera? Is it Avascular? (No BV)

protects and shapes the eye Yes, its avascular.

Function of Retina

receive light that the lens has focused, convert the light into neural signals, and send these signals on to the brain for visual recognition contains photoreceptors and supporting neurons Photoreceptors = rods and cones stimulated by light

function of nasolacrimal duct

receives tears from lacrimal sac and empties tears into the nasal cavity

Function of Iris?

regulates the amount of light entering the eye

Function of Pupil?

regulates the amount of light entering the eye

What are the structures in the eye that can be found in the NEURAL TUNIC?

retina with contain photoreceptors of rods and cones

Which of the following structures is/are needed to maintain static equilibrium? a. otoliths b. hair cells c. cristae d. saccule


The portion of the fibrous tunic that is white and opaque is called the: a. cornea b. sclera c. choroid d. choroid plexus


found in the fibrous tunic and attachment site for extrinsic eye muscles. Called "white of the eye". supports the shape of the eye.


What are the structures in the eye that can be found in the FIBROUS TUNIC?

sclera cornea

Which of the following structures are found in the middle ear? Select all that apply. a. stapes b. tympanic membrane c. auditory tube d. malleus e. round window

stapes auditory tube malleus round window

found in saccule and utricle. Keeps the head upright.

static equilibrium

what does the utricle detect? a. dynamic equilibrium b. hearing c. static equilibrium

static equilibrium

What is an accessory organ?

structures vital to the function of an organ or system, but not involved in the primary function of the organ.

What are the 6 EXTRINSIC skeletal muscles that voluntary control the eye?

superior rectus inferior rectus medial rectus lateral rectus superior oblique inferior oblique

What is the function of the eustachian tube (auditory tube)?

to equalize the pressure of the air on either side of the tympanic membrane.

What is the eye responsible for?


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