human bio

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Which one of the following parts of the eye is affected by cataracts?


Which of the following parts of the brain is associated with emotions and behavior?

limbic system

Short-term memory is associated with the ________, whereas long- term memory is associated with the ________.

limbic system; cerebral cortex

The vitreous humor fills the main chamber of the eye. Which one of the following structures of the eye would vitreous humor come in direct contact with?


This phenomenon, which is a medical emergency, involves the peeling of the retina away from the choroid.

retinal detachment

Which of the following tissues/organs is NOT a member of the endocrine system?

salivary gland

Which one of the following parts of the eye is continuous with the cornea and forms the outer surface of the back of the eye?


Which one of the following structures is used to sense rotational movement of the head and body?

semicircular canals

An individual never developed otoliths in the inner ear due to a genetic defect. Which one of the following will be impaired as a result?

sense of head position and linear acceleration

Which one of the following provides the central nervous system with information about the outside environment?

sensory division

Which one of the following establishes and maintains the resting potential?

sodium-potassium pump

Both voluntary and involuntary skeletal muscle movement are controlled through which one of the following divisions of the nervous system?

somatic division

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a demyelinating disease that results from nerve damage beginning in the

spinal cord.

As humans age, their ability to focus on nearby objects deteriorates. This is the result of

stiffening of the lens and loss of accommodation capability.

Olfactory receptors are located in which one of the following?

upper part of nasal passages

When oxytocin is released during childbirth, the hormone targets cells in the


Texting while driving involves which types of driving distractions?

visual, cognitive, and manual

Insufficient production of acetylcholine in the synapses of the brain, abnormal tangled neurons, and large deposits of beta-amyloid are problems associated with which one of the following diseases?

Alzheimer's disease

Regulation of the production of breast milk, carbohydrate metabolism, and temperature control are some of the functions of the


An insufficient number of particular types of cones causes

impaired color vision.

Which one of the following activities would be facilitated by the sympathetic nervous system?

increased blood pressure

All of the following may result from untreated diabetes mellitus EXCEPT which one?

increased susceptibility to cancer

The structure shown in the figure above is found in which one of the following?

inner ear

Uptake of blood glucose by liver cells is stimulated by


Electrical impulses are transmitted between components of the central nervous system via which one of the following?


Which one of the following is required in the diet in order for active thyroid hormones to be produced?


The pituitary gland is often called the "master of the endocrine system" because

it secretes eight different hormones that in turn regulate many of the other endocrine glands.

Nearsightedness and farsightedness are caused by the

length of the eyeball

Which one of the following hormones stimulates the production of testosterone in males?


Which one of the following diseases is a progressive degenerative disorder caused by destruction of dopamine releasing neurons in the brain that coordinate muscle movement?

Parkinson's disease

The following is a list of structures in the eye through which light passes. Which one of the following answers best describes the order in which light passes through or hits each structure? 1. lens 2. pupil 3. cornea 4. aqueous humor 5. retina

3,4, 2, 1, 5

The following is a list of events involved in the activation of a cell by a steroid hormone. Which one of the following answers best represents the order in which the steps occur? 1. cellular response to the hormone 2. activation of a gene 3. formation of a hormone-receptor complex 4. diffusion of the hormone through a target cell membrane 5. production of a protein

4, 3, 2, 5, 1

Whereas the sense of taste is based on ________ (how many?) classes of taste receptors, the sense of smell has over ________ (how many?) different receptors for chemicals associated with odor.

5; 1,000

By which one of the following methods is a stronger stimulus coded by neurons differently from a weaker stimulus?

A stronger stimulus results in more action potentials/unit time.

Thyroxine is released from the thyroid gland in response to the presence of


________ extend out from the exposed tip of taste cells into the mouth.

Taste hairs

The malleus and incus function to

amplify sound

The loudness (intensity) of a sound is specifically associated with the

amplitude of the sound waves.

During a brain surgery, a surgeon passes an instrument through the dura mater. Which one of the following does the surgeon pass through next?


Oligodendrocytes are similar to Schwann cells in that they

are a type of neuroglial cell.

Control of smooth muscle and internal organs is the role of the ________ division of the nervous system.


Vibration of the ________ bends hairs of the hair cells, which ultimately generate impulses in ________.

basilar membrane; sensory neurons

A goiter results from low dietary iodine levels

because thyroxine cannot be made, which results in high levels of TSH.

Nonsteroid hormones differ from steroid hormones in that they

bind to a receptor on the outer surface of the cell membrane.

Color blindness usually results from a decrease in the number of


The transparent covering of the front of the eye is the


The left and right sides of the cerebrum are interconnected by which one of the following?

corpus callosum

Which one of the following is caused by the secretion of atrial natriuretic hormone by the heart?

decrease in blood pressure

Hyposecretion of ADH results in

diabetes insipidus

The central nervous system is enclosed by membranes or meninges called the

dura mater, pia mater, and arachnoid.

Insufficient production of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary may result in


The three main anatomical and functional divisions of the brain are the

forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain.

Convergence occurs when several presynaptic cells

form a synapse with a single postsynaptic cell.

Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is responsible for speech and conscious thought?


Receptors for fast pain

generally occur in or near skin.

During eye examinations, a test is done to monitor the pressure within the eye. This test is done to detect


Which one of the following hormone pairs is antagonistic, in that they have opposing effects?

glucagon, insulin

Different pitched (high-or low-toned) sounds are discriminated by the

hair cells in specific regions of the cochlea.

From an evolutionary standpoint, which of the following structures is considered the oldest, most primitive division of the brain?


During times of stress, which one of the following glands stimulates the anterior pituitary to release ACTH?


Which of the following receptors are MOST likely to demonstrate receptor adaptation?

olfactory receptors in the nose

The "blind spot" is associated with which one of the following?

optic disk

Within the cochlea, higher- frequency sounds are converted to electrical impulses near the

oval and round windows.

Sound is amplified by components of the middle ear when they vibrate. When one of these components, the stapes, vibrates, the ________ will vibrate.

oval window

Which one of the following divisions of the nervous system predominates during the relaxed state?

parasympathetic division

Somatic receptors distributed throughout the body are linked to sensory neurons that send impulses to which one of the following regions of the brain?

parietal lobe

When a sound wave first arrives at the ear, the wave is directed toward the auditory canal by


Which one of the following parts of the brain effectively links the nervous system and the endocrine system?


Cells that provide direct protection and physical support to neurons are

neuroglial cells.

The anterior pituitary gland produces all of the following EXCEPT which one?


Each of the following statements correctly describes an action potential EXCEPT which one?

Action potentials are propagated by the sodium-potassium pump.

During synaptic transmission, the influx of ________ causes vesicles in the axon bulb to fuse with the cell membrane, releasing ________.

Ca2+; neurotransmitter

Which one of the following events associated with the transmission of an impulse across a synapse occurs last?

Chemically gated channels for sodium open.

Each of the following statements about cones is TRUE, EXCEPT which one?

Cones are evenly distributed throughout the retina, accounting for visual acuity.

FSH is a hormone important to the proper functioning of the ovaries and testes. This hormone will not be released from the anterior pituitary until ________ is released from the hypothalamus.


All of the following statements about the endocrine system are TRUE EXCEPT which one?

Hormones act more quickly than the nervous system.

Luteinizing hormone is considered a gonadotropin because of which one of the following reasons?

It promotes the growth of reproductive organs in both males and females.

Prednisone is a glucocorticoid hormone that is sometimes prescribed to treat rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and severe allergic reactions. If prednisone were taken for several weeks, which one of the following might occur?

Production of natural cortisol may decrease.

All of the following statements about psychoactive drugs are TRUE EXCEPT which one?

Psychoactive drugs typically bind to the medulla oblongata.

Which one of the following happens during repolarization of a neuron?

Sodium channels close, and potassium rushes out of the cell to temporarily reestablish the membrane potential.

All of the following are functions of the myelin sheath EXCEPT which one?

The myelin sheath plays an important role in synaptic transmission.

Which one of the following occurs with each cycle of the sodium-potassium pump?

The net effect is removal of one osmotic particle and one positive charge from inside the cell.

Which one of the following steps occurs during the absolute refractory period?

The neuron cannot generate an action potential.

Which one of the following occurs when bright light hits the eye?

The pupil decreases in size.

LASIK treatment functions to improve eyesight by

changing the shape of the cornea.

All of following statements are TRUE regarding estrogen and progesterone, EXCEPT which one?

They are peptide hormones that activate target cells through the cyclic AMP second messenger mechanism.

A stronger stimulus result in which one of the following?

activation of more receptors and initiation of more action potentials

The thymus produces two peptides that function to

aid in the maturation of T lymphocytes

There are several toxins that interfere with synaptic transmission. Botulism toxin, for example, interferes with the fusion of acetylcholine containing vesicles with the membrane of the axon bulb. This would result in which one of the following?

blocking of neurotransmitter release by the presynaptic membrane

Which one of the following is NOT directly involved in the production of a typical spinal reflex?


The central nervous system is composed of which of the following?

brain and spinal cord

Axons branch into axon terminals, which have ________ located at the terminal ends.


Which one of the following conditions results when the transparency of the lens decreases?


People who are intoxicated cannot coordinate their movements or walk a straight line because alcohol disrupts the normal function of which region of the brain?


The region of brain that coordinates antagonistic muscle movements is the


Conscious thought is associated with which one of the following?

cerebral cortex

The vestibule contains two fluid-filled chambers, called the utricle and saccule, which are alike in that

each has a gel-like substance on the inside.

Which one of the following types of neurotransmitter functions as an inhibitory agent, typically suppressing the sensation of pain?


An individual, driving through his neighborhood, suddenly jams on his car brakes to avoid hitting a child who runs into the road after a ball. A few seconds later, the driver finds that he is shaking and his heart is pounding. This is primarily due to the secretion of which one of the following?

epinephrine from the adrenal medulla

The ovaries of women function as endocrine organs by producing

estrogen and progesterone.

A student noticed that when he closed his eyes, he could still determine the position of his arms and legs. This is largely due to the activity of


Control of respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure is integrated through the

medulla oblongata.

Which component of the nervous system is divided into the somatic and autonomic divisions?


Which one of the following cells transmits impulses away from the central nervous system to the muscles and other organs?

motor neurons

Mechanoreceptors specifically designed to monitor muscle length are termed

muscle spindles.

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid that helps maintain blood glucose levels during fasting by

promoting fat utilization.

Insulin helps regulate blood sugar at homeostatic levels by

promoting the entry of glucose into cells.

Which one of the following nonhormonal chemical messengers is important in local control of blood flow and blood clotting?


Which one of the following diseases is caused by a virus that is introduced to the body through the skin and travels along sensory neurons to the brain?


Some sensory receptors stop sending action potentials even though the original stimulus persists. This is known as which one of the following?

receptor adaptation

Which of the following receive(s) a physical or chemical stimulus and ultimately cause(s) nerve impulses to be generated in sensory neurons?


Slow pain originating from an internal organ is often perceived as coming from an area of the body totally unrelated to the source This is known as

referred pain.

During which one of the following phases of an action potential do the sodium channels close and potassium channels open, releasing potassium from the neuron?


A neuron at rest has a charge difference across its cell membrane, with the interior of the cell negative relative to the exterior. This difference in charge across the plasma membrane is referred to as ________ potential.


Excitatory neurotransmitters encourage the generation of new electrical impulses by which one of the following?

stimulating depolarization of postsynaptic neurons

Preganglionic motor neurons of the ________ division of the nervous system originate in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord.


Which one of the following causes the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla?

sympathetic nerves

Which one of the following processes is depicted in the figure above?

synaptic transmission

Hormones act upon specific target tissues because

target tissues display the appropriate receptor for a particular hormone

Saltatory conduction is

the process of conduction leaping along myelinated neurons.

Receptor adaption occurs when

the sensory neuron stops sending action potentials.

Which two endocrine glands exert the most control over blood calcium levels?

thyroid and parathyroid

The action of nonsteroid hormones often results in conversion of ATP to cyclic AMP, which then functions

to initiate a cascade of enzyme activations.

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