Human Biology___McGraw Hill___SmartBook 8

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Beginning with blood in the left atrium (at the top), arrange these parts of the heart according to the order in which blood passes through them.

1. Bicuspid valve 2. Left ventricle 3. Aortic semilunar valve 4. Aorta

Arrange the layers that make up the wall of an artery from the outermost at the top to the innermost at the bottom.

1. Connective tissue. 2. Smooth muscle Elastic tissue. 3. Endothelium.

Arrange these blood vessels according to their blood pressure, with the highest pressure on the top.

1. aorta. 2. arteriole 3. capillary 4. venule 5. venae cava

The human heart has how many chambers?


The heart rate of a healthy adult human at rest is normally __________.

60 to 80 beats per minute

In the diagram of the internal conduction system of the human heart, which letter indicates the pacemaker?


Match the letter of the internal heart structure with its correct name.

A- Left Atrium B- Right Atrium C- Right ventricle D- Septum E- Left ventricle

Match the letter of each external structure of the heart with the correct name in the given figure.

A- Left atrium B- Right atrium C- Left ventricle D- Right ventricle E- Apex

Identify the labeled structures in the illustration of the heart's internal electrical impulse conduction system.

A- SA node B- AV node C- Branches of atrioventricular bundle D- Purkinje fibers

Match the letter of each internal structure of the heart with the correct name.

A- Semilunar valve B- Left atrioventricular (bicuspid) valve C- Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve D- Chordae tendineae

Match the letter of each external blood vessel associated with the heart with the correct name.

A- Superior vena cava B- Aorta C- Pulmonary trunk D- Right coronary artery E- Inferior vena cava

Which cardiac structure conducts the heart beat from the atria to the ventricles?

AV node

Select all of the following that are part of the electrical conduction system within the heart.

AV node SA node Purkinje fibers

Blood pressure is highest in which blood vessel?


Blood pressure is most commonly measured by wrapping a blood pressure cuff, or sphygmomanometer, around which part of the body?


Select the three major types of blood vessels in the human body.

Arteries Capillaries Veins

Constriction or dilation of which type of blood vessel plays the greatest role in controlling blood pressure?


Why is the human heart referred to as a double pump?

Because each side of the heart pumps blood to different areas of the body

The two components of the cardiovascular system are the ___________, which pumps the blood, and the blood ____________, which carry the blood.

Blank 1: heart Blank 2: vessels or vessel

Because it must pump to the entire body, the ___________ ___________ has the thickest wall of the heart chambers.

Blank 1: left or left ventricle Blank 2: ventricle or ventricles

Select all correct interpretations of the graph of blood flow through vessels.

Blood velocity is slowest in the capillaries. Blood velocity speeds up as capillaries empty into venules. Blood pressure decreases from arteries to arterioles to capillaries.

Select all correct statements about the cardiac cycle.

Both atria contract at the same time. The cardiac cycle includes systole and diastole.

Through the walls of which of the following blood vessels does the exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes take place?


The myocardium consists of which type of muscle tissue?


Which of the following return blood from the coronary capillary beds, and empty into the right atrium?

Cardiac veins

Which body system is primarily affected by hypertension?

Cardiovascular system

The human pulse is usually felt at which two blood vessels that run close to the body's surface?

Carotid artery Radial artery

Select all functions of blood.

Carries nutrients to tissues Brings oxygen to tissues Removes waste products from tissues

What does an electrocardiogram record?

Changes in electrical activity of the heart during the cardiac cycle

The myocardium receives oxygen and nutrients from which blood vessels?

Coronary arteries

Which of the following is the application of a strong electrical current to the chest to reset coordinated beating of the heart?


A patient enters the hospital complaining of chest pain. Which test will the doctor most likely perform to analyze the electrical activity of the heart?


True or false: Diastole refers to the contraction of the atria and ventricles.


True or false: In the human body, blood is always contained within the blood vessels or within the lymphatic vessels.


Select all components of the cardiovascular system.

Heart Blood vessels

Long-term elevated blood pressure is correlated with an increase in which of the following health problems?

Heart Disease Kidney Disease Stroke

Which of the following tightly join cardiac muscle fibers to neighboring fibers?

Intercalated disks

What is the function of the sinoatrial (SA) node?

It is the pacemaker of the heart.

Which of the following chambers of the human heart has the thickest wall?

Left ventricle

Extrinsic control of the heart includes the action of which two hormones, released from the adrenal medulla?

Norepinephrine Epinephrine

Select the three main functions of the cardiovascular system.

Regulate temperature, pH, and salt balance Transport gases, nutrients, and wastes Protect the body against infection

After blood leaves the tricuspid valve, what structure will it encounter next?

Right ventricle

Which of these is the natural pacemaker of the heart, which regulates the heartbeat?

SA node

Select the two main blood vessels that carry blood into the right atrium of the heart.

Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava

Select all examples of external controls that regulate the heartbeat.

Sympathetic stimulation Epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which deflection on an ECG represents the ventricles recovering from contraction?

T wave

Select all correct characterizations of desmosomes.

They are a type of junction between cells. They help bind adjacent cardiac cells together. They are a part of the intercalated disks of the heart.

True or false: Veins have thinner walls than arteries do.


Which type of blood vessel has valves to prevent the backflow of blood?


Which of the following refers to uncontrolled irregular activity of the ventricles?

Ventricular fibrillation

Where is blood located within the human body?

Within blood vessels

Capillary walls are made of _________.

a single layer of epithelial cells attached to a basement membrane

Extrinsic control of the heart includes the action of the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are released from the __________.

adrenal medulla

Match each valve of the human heart with its correct location within the heart.

aortic semilunar valve- between left ventricle and aorta bicuspid or mitral valve- between left atrium and ventricle pulmonary semilunar valve- between right ventricle and pulmonary trunk tricuspid valve- between right atrium and ventricle

Strong-walled blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called __________.


Arteries feed directly into smaller blood vessels called _________.


The upper chambers of the heart that receive blood from systemic and pulmonary veins are called the ________.


The superior chambers of the heart, which receive blood from veins, are called __________.

atria, atrium, or atriums

Blood moves slowest in ________.


The three types of blood vessels in the human cardiovascular system are arteries, veins, and


Venules are small veins that drain blood from smaller blood vessels called


The fibrous strings indicated by the letter A in the illustration, which support the atrioventricular heart valves, are the ___________ tendineae.


The fibrous, cordlike structures that prevent the atrioventricular valves from inverting as the heart contracts are the ____________.

chordae tendineae

The lymphatic system works with the cardiovascular system by __________.

collecting excess tissue fluid

The first arteries that branch off the aorta are called the

coronary arteries

The resting or relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle is called _________.


The arterial pressure when the ventricles are relaxing is specifically called _________ pressure.


A myocardial infarction or "heart attack" is most often the result of ________.

disruption of the blood supply to the heart

The functions of the cardiovascular system include generation of blood pressure by the heart, transportation of blood, regulation of blood flow and ______.

exchanges of nutrients, wastes, and gases at the capillaries

The muscular organ located between the lungs directly behind the sternum is the ____________.


External control of the heart is maintained by nervous stimulation and by chemicals called ___________, such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are released from the adrenal glands.


High blood pressure is called _________.


The walls of arterioles mainly contain smooth muscle. When these muscles contract in a sufficient number of arterioles, blood pressure ________.


The first sound of the heartbeat ("lub") occurs when __________.

increasing pressure of blood inside the ventricles forces the AV valves to close

The human heart is located between the lungs and is tilted with the apex angled to the individual's __________.


The human heart is a double pump because the right side pumps blood to the ________ while the left side pumps to the ________.

lungs; body

The system that assists the cardiovascular system by collecting excess tissue fluid is the _______ system.


The heart valve that prevents blood from re-entering the left atrium from the left ventricle is the _________.

mitral valve

A heart attack is also known as a(n) __________ infarction


The major portion of the heart is the _______, which is composed of cardiac muscle tissue.


Blood brings carbon dioxide to the lungs, where it also picks up _______ needed by cells of the body.


The heart is surrounded by a tough membranous sac called the _________.


The membranous sac that supports and protects the heart is the


The blood vessels leaving the heart and going to the lungs are the ___________.

pulmonary arteries

The rhythmic expansion and recoil of an arterial wall can be felt as a ________.

pulse or heartbeat

An internal wall called the __________ separates the right and left sides of the heart.


The wall that separates the heart into right and left sides is the ________.


Another name for the pacemaker of the heart is the ________ node.

sinoatrial, SA, sinus, SA node, sinoatrial node, or sinus node

The middle layer of an arteriole contains mostly _________.

smooth muscle

Blood pressure is most commonly measured in the brachial artery of the arm using a blood pressure cuff, also called a(n) __________.


The cardiac cycle has two phases. The working phase of the cycle, when the chambers contract, is known as ________.


The part of the cardiac cycle during which the chambers of the heart contract is called _________.


On an ECG, the P wave indicates ________.

the atria are about to contract

The second sound of the heartbeat ("dub") occurs when _________.

the ventricles relax, causing the semilunar valves to close

Veins have one-way __________ which prevent the backward flow of blood to the heart..


Blood vessels that return blood to the heart are called _________.


The chambers located beneath the atria that are the stronger pumping chambers for the heart are called _____________.


The human heart has four chambers; two atria and two _________.


The thick-walled, lower chambers of the heart are called _________.


Small veins that drain blood from capillaries are called __________.


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