Human Geography UARK FINAL CH 1-10

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Is less than

A country has net in-migration if emigration ______ immigration.

a lot of farmers for every unit of farmland

A country with a high physiological density has...

Low agricultural density

A country with a small amount of arable land and a small number of farmers will have a...


A feature of the physical environment commonly used to separate states includes all but which of the following?

A high rate of natural increase

A future stage 5 country will be characterized by all EXPECT which one of the following?

The United Nations

A global organization created after WWII that provides a forum for the discussion of international problems is called


A name given to a portion of Earth;s surface is known as...

A refugee

A person who has been forced to migrate to another country to avoid war, general violence, human rights abuese and cannot return for fear of persecution is known as

with the diffusion of agriculture

According to Colin Renfrew's Sedentary Farmer Theory, Indo-European languages diffused across Europe

Distribution of languages

According to lecture, in much of Europe the boundaries follow the


According to your textbook and lecture, the country that is set to overtake the United States in total number of Facebook users is


Although Democratic of Republic of Congo has many culture groups, which of the following is shared by ALL citizens?

Short distances within the same country

Although there is no comprehensive geographical theory for migration, E.G. Ravenstein found that most migrants generally travel...

South Africa

An example of a perforated state

it must possess a military

Attributes of a state include all of the following except

Mostly concentrated in East Asia and Southeast Asia

Buddhism's asherents are

From the coast to the interior

By moving the capital city, the government of Brazil encouraged migration

relocation diffusion

Christainity first diffused from its hearth through

Differences in the dialects among the original settlers along the Atlantic Coast colonies

Dialects developed within the United States primarily because of...

tell a story about daily activties

Folk songs are distinguished from popular songs because they

Families, branches, and groups.

From most distant to closest relatives, languages can be classified into

Is a concept which is place-based.

Geographers are concerned with ethnicity because

Stage 4

Given your knowledge of the Demographic Transition, which stage would characterize a developed country such as France?

United Kingdom and Ireland

Half of all European immigrants who came to the newly independent United States came from which present-day part(s) of Europe?


If Zambia had a crude birth rate of 44 and a crude death rate of 16, and Guinea had a crude birth rate of 32 and a crude death rate of 8.

South Sudan

In 2011, which of the following countries became the newest member of the United Nations and brought the membership in 193 states?

Stayed in the south where many worked as sharecroppers

In the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, most African Americans in the latter decades if the 19th century

Sacred sites to Jews and Muslims are literally built one on top of the other.

Jerusalem's geography represents a particularly difficult religious conflict to resolve because...


Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi are examples of ________ states.


Marija Gimbutas' theory points to the first speakers of the Indo- European language as the ancient...

Permanent move to a new location

Migration is a...

The Quota Act of 1921 and the National Origins Act of 1924

Migration to the United States declined during the 1920s primarily becuase of

Cyrillic, Latin, Chinese, or Arabic

Most written languages use one of the following principal writing systems

The music tends to be written by specific individuals for the purpose of selling or being performed for a large number of people

Nashville, Tennessee is known for popular music rather thank folk music because

Stage 2

Rapidly declining crude death rates are found in which stage of the demographic transition?

a language family

Sino- Tibetan is an example of

Location relative to other objects

Situation identifies a place by its...

Clubs were founded in the United Kingdom to provide factory workers with organized recreation during leisure hours.

Soccer is considered the most global of sports. What led folk sport soccer to become so global?

natural increase

Stage 2 of the demographic Transition is characterized by a high ___________ rate

both have low rates of natural increase

Stages 1 and 4 of the Demographic Transition are similar in that

Soviet Union

The 1991 breakup of which of the following countries resulted in the creation of 15 new countries?

Taiwan is not a sovereign state but part of China

The Chinese position with respect to the status of Taiwan is that

180 degrees longitude

The International Dateline mostly follows...

Single ethnicity divided between two states

The Korean peninsula with North and South Korea is a good example of a(n)

Vernacular Region

The Midwest of the United States is an example of a

Armenia and Azerbaijan

The Nagorno-Karabakh enclave is a source of geopolitical tension between which two nations?

Latin, Romans

The Romance languages evolved from _____ spoken by the _______ 2,000 years ago.


The attempt by one country to impose political control over another territory is


The city of Los Angeles has 7,544 people per square mile. This is a measure of...


The concept that the physical environment limits human actions, but that people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment is...

Nationalities usually form independent countries

The difference between nationality and ethnicity is important because


The diffusion of Islam has resulted in this nation becoming the most populous Muslim nation in the world?


The european country with the largest total population of immigrants is

The emigration of whites known as "white flight" coupled with the predatory practice known as "blockbusting"

The expansion of the African American clusters known as ghettos was made possible mostly by


The largest current flow of refugees in the world is from

Spread popular culture through hierarchical diffusion

The main effect of modern communications has been to...

Declining crude birth rates

The main reason for declining natural increase rates in less developed countries today is...

The severe economic recession that started in 2008

The major reason the number of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States has declined starting in 2007 is because of

A self-imposed boycott in the Muslim world over products sold within Israel.

The preference of Pepsi over Coke throughout much of the Muslim Middle East is due to

Popular Culture

The spatial distribution of soccer during the twentieth century is an example of

unify all German speakers into one state

The territorial ambitions of the Nazi party in the 1930s attempted to

Concentration, Pattern, Place.

The three main properties of distribution are...

Indo- European

The three most commonly spoken languages in the Western Hemisphere-- English, Spanish, and Portuguese- are all found within which language family?


The vast majority (97%) of Hindus reside in which Country?


The world's largest ethnic religion is


The world's largest multinational state is

Migration Patterns

U.S. folk housing styles demonstrate a distribution be explained by

created "homelands" for blacks to legitimize discrimination

Under Apartheid, the South African Government

A severe lack of correspondence and subsequent ethnic conflicts between territories occupied by ethnicities and by nationalities

Western Asia consists of multiple nationalities and dozens of ethnicities. The region is characterized by

Family reunification, skilled workers, diversity

What are some of the preferences that Congress established to select the immigrants that would fufill the established quota?

likely stage 2 because of the high percentage of very young people

What does a wide base in a population pyramid suggest about a country's population?

European imposed boundaries in the 19th century with little regard to ethnic distributions created a host of 20th-century nations with a large collection of dissimilar ethnicities

What has been a primary agent for ethnic violence within contemporary Africa?

Water(too little or too much)

What is the most common environmental threat facing migrants?


Where would you be located if you experienced exactly 12 hours of daylight?


Which branch of Indo- European includes Hindi, Urdu and Farsi, and happens to have the most native speakers?

Latin America has a Roman Catholic majority

Which characteristic distinguishes religion in Latin America from North America?

Nations are usually governed from abroad by city-states

Which concept is FALSE regarding nations?

Poverty, Evolution, and Increased Connections

Which of the following are a set of reasons for the reemergence of infectious diseases?

Christainity and Buddhism

Which of the following are both universalizing religions?


Which of the following ethnic groups in Myanmar is currently experiencing extreme ethnic cleansing and genocide?

Hispanic Americans

Which of the following groups are clustered mostly in the southwest region of the United States?

More employment opportunties in the suburbs

Which of the following is NOT a driving factor pulling Americans from urban to suburban areas?

Popular culture has led to a reduction in literacy rates in traditional folk cultures

Which of the following is NOT cited as a result of the diffusion of popular culture into institutions of folk culture?

North America

Which of the following is NOT one of the world's largest population concentrations?

To Europe from Africa

Which of the following is NOT presently on of the three largest migration in the world?

The area of dominance of a tv station

Which of the following is best described as a functional region?


Which of the following is the largest map scale?

Carl Sauer

Which of the following people is known as the "father of human geography"?


Which of the following people is known as the father of geography and calculated the Earth's circumference within .5% accuracy?

Jews have historically been welcomed by Christain and Muslim nations, both of whom have had long histories of tolerance and peaceful embracement of the Jews living among them.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Jewish settlement patterns and migration?

The civil war in Syra pits the minority Alewives (led by dictator Bashar as-Assad againist the majority Sunni population

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the ongoing civil war in Syria?

centripetal force

Which of the following tends to unify people and enhance support for their country?

To allow indigenous empires to thrive as equals during colonial rule

Which of the following was not considered a prime motive for European states to establish colonies in other parts of the world?

Stage 2

Which stage of the epidemlological transition is known as the stage of "degenerative diseases"?

The population of Israel consisted of refugees and migrants from many different countries, and Hebrew was still used in Jewish Prayers.

Why did Israel choose to revive Hebrew when Israel was established as an independent country in 1948?

Still a mojor trend in developing countires today

Worldwide, rural to urban migration is

Folk, diffusion

______ Culture is transmitted from one location to another relatively slowly and on a small scale, primarily through relocation ___________.

Identity with a group of people who are perceived to share a physiological trait, such as skin color

race is

the same state laws apply everywhere in the region

the State of Florida is best considered a formal region because...

Physiological density takes into account the number of people supported by arable land

why is physiological density sometimes used by geographers instead of arithmetic density to describe how many people are in a given area?

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