Human Growth & Development Ch 13

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cognitive-affective complexity

A form of mature thinking that involves emotional awareness, the ability to integrate and regulate intense emotions, and the recognition and appreciation of individual experience; Capacity to be aware of emotions, integrate positive and negative feelings about an issue, and regulate intense emotions to make logical decisions about complicated issues

free radical

A highly reactive, corrosive substance that forms when a cell is exposed to oxygen. Through chemical reactions, free radicals destroy DNA, proteins, and other cellular materials; may also contribute to male infertility


A pattern of gradual age-related declines in physical functioning


A type of DNA that caps both ends of chromosomes and shortens with each cell division. Eventually telomeres shorten past a critical length and the cell to stop duplicating

what are some reasons why it is difficult for young adults to eat healthily?

Absence of parental controls, access to an abundance of food, and busy lives

age-related physical changes by age 20

Age-related changes in the skin

describe the general physical development in early adulthood

All of the organs and body systems, including digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems, peak in functioning

wear and tear theory of aging

An early theory of aging stating that aging is the result of the body wearing out from use; regular exercise increases longevity in all people regardless of ethnicity or socioeconomic status


BMI greater than 25

age-related physical changes by age 30

Gray hairs Hereditary baldness Less skin elasticity and some visible wrinkles around the eyes and forehead

binge drinking

Heavy episodic drinking; consuming five or more alcoholic beverages in one sitting for men and four drinks in one sitting for women

pragmatic thought

In Labouvie-Vief's theory, a type of thinking where logic is used as a tool to address everyday problems and contradictions are viewed as part of life

reflective judgment

Mature type of reasoning that synthesizes contradictions among perspectives; recognizes that options and opinions can be evaluated and generates criteria to do so

how does smoking incr. blood pressure and heart rate?

Nicotine stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, which increases blood pressure and heart rate

Gains in cognitive-affective complexity helps young adults do what?

Participate in social interactions ; Become more open of other viewpoints; Solve day to day problems

how has today's obesity epidemic in Western nations had stronger ties to environmental pressures than genetic factors?

Physical labor is less a part of the lifestyle in industrialized nations than ever before. Food, especially sugary, fatty, and fried foods, have become more abundant at the same time as people have become more sedentary. Sedentary lifestyles, and especially the number of hours spent viewing television, are closely associated with obesity

dualistic thinking

Polar reasoning in which knowledge and accounts of phenomena are viewed as absolute facts, either right or wrong with no in-between; typical of beginning college students

which types of college students have more opportunities to interact with peers and become involved in the academic and social aspects of campus life—and show the greatest cognitive gains in the college years?

Students who live in residence halls

isometric muscle strength

Subtle contractions in which the length of the muscle does not change, is maintained through adulthood

reduced capacity for cell division theory of aging

Telomeres that shorten past a critical length cause the cell to stop dividing all together, leading to increases in disease, cell death, and body aging

crystallization stage

The earliest stage of occupational development; begins in adolescence; Adolescents from ages 14 through 18 begin to think about careers in more complex ways, considering their own interests, personality, abilities, and values as well as the requirements of each career

caloric restriction theory of aging

The practice of restricting caloric intake for the purpose of slowing aging; A nutritious diet that is extremely low in calories is associated with a longer lifespan

epistemic cognition

The ways in which an individual understands how he or she arrived at ideas, beliefs, and conclusions

postformal reasoning

Thinking and problem solving is restructured in adulthood to integrate abstract reasoning with practical considerations, recognizing that most problems have multiple causes and solutions, some solutions are better than others, and all problems involve uncertainty

relativistic thinking

Type of reasoning in which knowledge is viewed as subjective and dependent on the situation; Most knowledge is viewed as relative, dependent on the situation and thinker; relativistic thinkers recognize that beliefs are subjective, that there are multiple perspectives on a given issue, and that all perspectives are defensible

alcohol dependence

a maladaptive pattern of alcohol use that leads to clinically significant impairment or distress, as indicated by tolerance, withdrawal, and inability to reduce drinking

when does aging become visible?

about age 30

specification stage

ages 18 to 21 identify specific occupational goals and pursue the education needed to achieve them

stabilization stage

ages 25 to 35; entails becoming established in a career. Young adults settle into specific jobs, gain experience, and adapt to changes in their workplace and field

aging immune system theory of aging

an aging immune system is less able to differentiate healthy cells from pathology, may direct the body's defenses against healthy cells, and may ignore harmful cells

wha is the recommended amount of exercise?

at least 150 minutes of moderate activity each week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, plus muscle strengthening exercises on at least two days each week

athlete vs non athlete muscle and motor skills throughout aging

athletes experience more subtle and gradual declines in physical abilities from the late 30s to the 60s. Their muscles and motor skills age much more slowly than their peers


body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above

cellular mutation theory of aging

cellular mutations lead to a deterioration in functioning and an increase in age-related diseases and cancers

which types of colleges do nontraditional students seek?

colleges that are readily accessible; offer training relevant to their current life needs; and are cost-effective, flexible in course scheduling, and supportive of adult lifestyle commitments

"fight-or-flight" stress response

cortisol is released and the body readies for action, raising blood pressure and heart rate

general trend of reproductive capacity

declines with age, increasing the risk for women in their mid to late 30s of experiencing difficulty conceiving

what are some factors that can prevent ovulation?

drug and alcohol abuse, environmental toxins, obesity, and being underweight

consequences of regular moderate exercise

enhances immunity, lowering the risk of, and speeding recovery to, illnesses; mental health benefits such as improved mood, energy, self-esteem, working memory, and ability to cope as well as reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression

vocational indications for artistic personality type

enjoys individual expression; likely to select a career in the arts, incl. writing and performing arts

vocational indications for social personality type

enjoys interacting with people; likely to select a human services career (e.g., teaching. nursing, counseling)

vocational indications for enterprising personality type

enjoys leading and persuading others, values adventure; likely to select a career in sales, politics

vocational indications for investigative personality type

enjoys working w/ ideas; likely to select a scientific career (e.g., biologist, physicist)

vocational indications for realistic personality type

enjoys working w/ objects and real-world problems; likely to select a mechanical career (e.g., carpenter, mechanic, plumber)

true or false: Nontraditional students are less likely than traditional students to attend college part-time, work full-time, be financially independent, and have dependents


true or false: Young adults who become ill or die from illness are less likely to be of low socioeconomic status.


which type of students often experience the most difficulty transitioning to college and are at highest risk of dropping out of college or attending discontinuously?

first-generation students and those who are from minority of low socioeconomic homes

free radicals theory of aging

free radicals destroy DNA, proteins, and other cellular materials in an attempt to replace the missing electrons. Free radicals are thought to contribute to many age-related diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and arthritis

consolidation stage

from age 35 and up, individuals accumulate experience and advance up the career ladder, moving into supervisory positions and becoming responsible for the next generation of workers

what does aging entail?

gradual changes in strength, body proportions, sensory capacities, and fertility

factors related to obesity

heredity, environmental pressures

what health problems are associated with obesity?

high blood pressure; stroke; circulatory problems; diabetes; digestive disorders; arthritis; cancer; and, ultimately, early death

when does performance on activities that require body coordination and bursts of strength peak?

in the early 20s

when does performance on activities that require endurance peak?

in the early 30s

what do advances in reasoning during the adult years entail?

integrating cognition with emotion. Young adults become better able to make rational decisions and are less swayed by emotion-fused thinking than are adolescents

how does marijuana use interfere with thinking?

it impairs a person's ability to shift attention from one item to another and to learn, form memories, and recall material

what is the most common cancer caused by tobacco smoke?

lung cancer

what is the most commonly used substance after alcohol and nicotine in the US?


why do nontraditional college students find the practical details of college more difficult to navigate?

most colleges are oriented toward traditional students

physiological effects of chronic stress

negative cardiovascular side effects of stress, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, and arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries, which places more stress on the heart and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke)

does college enrollment influence heavy drinking and alcohol-related problems among young adults?

no; heavy drinking and alcohol-related problems are more common among young adults regardless of college enrollment

The Forgotten Third

one third of high school graduates in the United States that transition from high school to work without attending college; relatively few resources are directed toward learning about and assisting them, as compared with college-bound young adults

vocational indications for conventional personality type

prefers well-structured tasks, values social status; likely to select a career in business (e.g., accounting, banking)

Successful treatments of alcohol dependence

provide individual and family counseling, group support, coping skills, and possibly aversion therapy (the use of medication that produces negative reactions to alcohol such as vomiting) to spur a distaste for alcohol

what is a common cause of female infertility?

the inability to ovulate; With advancing age, ovulation becomes less regular; Chromosomal anomalies accumulate as egg cells age, increasing the risk of pregnancy loss, or miscarriage; Ovarian cancer and ovarian cysts; Dwindling reserves of ova

what is the most important factor in selecting a career?

the match between young people's personality traits and abilities and their occupational interests; contextual influences such as family and educational opportunities also influence our choice of career

programmed genetics theory of aging

the rate of aging is influenced by DNA and heredity

which strengths do nontraditional students possess?

they show a readiness to learn and a problem-centered orientation toward learning that emphasizes acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for career advancement; experience and multiple roles can help make meaning of theoretical concepts that may be purely abstract to younger learners


to release an ova into the fallopian tube

true or false: Attending college is associated with advanced moral reasoning and the ability to synthesize the considerations of autonomy and individual rights with promoting human welfare


true or false: most men remain able to conceive into older adulthood

true; However, the number and quality of sperm produced does decline in middle adulthood, beginning at about age 40

Heavy drinking

two or more instances of binge drinking within the past 30 days

why is marijuana addictive?

when inhaled, the active ingredient, THC, passes from the lungs to the bloodstream to the brain and activates the brain's reward system, making the user feel euphoric

implementation stage

young adults ages 21 to 24 complete training, enter the job market, and make the transition to become an employee

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