Human Occupations Quiz Self Created

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Give an example for "remember" in Bloom's

Define, label

What is meant by double loop feedback

Double loop feedback: remember feedback goes both ways, you give and should get

True or False-Bloom's Taxonomy is a strong stand alone model?

False-Bloom's should be used in conjunction with another model

What are the nine steps of Gagne's instruction?

Gain attention: start with a stimulus to get students focused in Inform Students of learning objective: this helps with keeping the goals in mind Stimulate recall of prior knowledge: this can help gauge the lecture for the day Present the material: make sure its clear with a variety of presentation types Provide guidance for learning: you have to know how to learn to be able to learn Elicit performance: this checks to make sure the student has the core idea Provide feedback: this should be meaningful, not right or wrong Assess performance: think about what was successful and include that Enhance retention and transfer: this is about connecting and transferring information

What are the eight main points of teaching effectively:

-Acquire relevant knowledge about the learner, and use that knowledge to develop the proper content and environment for their learning -Align the three major components of instruction: learning objections, assessments, and instructional activities -Communicate the explicit goals and learning objectives each time you educate -Prioritize the knowledge that you are teaching -Provide direct feedback -Recognize and adjust for expert blind spots -Adopt appropriate teaching roles to support learners goals -Progressively refine courses based on feedback

What are the seven main learning principles

-Allocate your attention: do not divide your attention, stay focused on the learning goal -Organize: identify patterns, models, etc. Think about how your professor organizes the info your given -Actively Elaborate: make connections about what you know to what you're learning -Vary Studying: this is in reference to your physical environment and your learning modality -Space it out: learning is best done in small chunks over a period of time, aka, don't cram -Draw an image: take what you learn and conceptualize into a visual -Anticipate: create study questions and think about what will be asked -Teach the information: physically act as the teacher and educate someone

What are the two dimensions of Bloom's model and how many subsections does each contain?

-Cognitive Dimension (contains 6 subsections) -Knowledge Dimension (contains 4 subsections)

Name three common teaching techniques

-Explanation and Discussion -Problem-Solving -Behavioral Management -Role Play -Demonstration and Performance

What two things does the instructional design consider

-How students learn -What process will be the most effective for learning

Fill in the blank "Learning is influenced by the person's ____ _____ _____"

-Learning is influenced by person's personal life, socioeconomic status, and current assets/limitations

Name three of the best teaching practices

-Lecture practices: lecturing is common, but follow engaging practices to help aid in learning -Group discussions provocations: advancing the discussion with provocation -Thoughtful questions: make the student actively think about the content -Reflective responses to learners: a way to communicate that shows the student that you understand

Name three types of instructional designs

-Robert Gagne's Nine Steps of Instruction -M. David Merrill's First Principle of Instruction -Bloom's Taxonomy

What are the four main considerations for learners and teachers:

-Students have prior knowledge: this can positively or negatively affect student learning -Students naturally organize knowledge: their organization effects how they learn AND how they then apply the knowledge they've learned -A student's motivation will determine, direct, and sustain what they do to learn, but this can be enhanced -A student's current level of development interacts with their social, emotional, and intellectual climate and this impacts their learning

Fill in the blank "________ ___________ in the learning process helps learn more because experiential learning is more effective"

Active involvement in the learning process helps learn more because experiential learning is more effective

What is meant by Active learning

Active learning: anyway that asks the student to be engaged in their learning

What is meant by climate setting

Climate setting: safe and judgment free, the client has to feel comfortable and optimistic

Give an example for "analyze" in Bloom's

Compare, classify

Fill in the blank "____________ and ____________ must be recognized, and provisions made for their resolution or accommodation"

Conflicts and frustrations must be recognized, and provisions made for their resolution or accommodation

Fill in the blank "Continuity between the planned therapeutic learning experiences and the ____________ situations for which the individual needs to be prepared facilitates the effective ___________ of learning and the generalization of the knowledge and skills"

Continuity between the planned therapeutic learning experiences and the real-life situations for which the individual needs to be prepared facilitates the effective transfer of learning and the generalization of the knowledge and skills

What is meant by cooperative groups

Cooperative groups: encourage whenever appropriate

What are the subsections of the knowledge dimension and briefly what cognitive dimensions do they include?

Factual-includes remembering and understand Conceptual- includes understanding and applying Procedural- includes analyzing and evaluating Metacognitive- includes evaluating and creating

What is meant by Fostering learning responsibilities

Fostering learning responsibilities: make sure your students are taking initiative in their learning

Fill in the blank "Frequent __________ and _________ in different situations facilitates learning and encourages generalization"

Frequent repetition and practice in different situations facilitates learning and encourages generalization

What is meant by Goals to grade connection

Goals to grade connection: make connections between the grade they want and what needs to happen

Fill in the blank "___________ solutions to problems should be encouraged"

Inventive solutions to problems should be encouraged

Fill in the blank "Individual differences in the way ____________ affects the individual's learning must be considered"

Individual differences in the way anxiety affects the individual's learning must be considered

Define instructional design

Instructional designs are systematic processes that can aid with developing education and training programs. Their goal/intent is to enhance learning so that learning is more effective and efficient.

Fill in the blank "Learners' sources of motivation must be ________ and _______ while engaging in the learning experience"

Learners' sources of motivation must be identified and used while engaging in the learning experience

Fill in the blank "Learning can be enhanced through _____ and ______"

Learning can be enhanced through trial and error

Fill in the blank "Learning goals made by the individual are _______ likely to be met"

Learning goals made by the individual are more likely to be met

Fill in the blank "Learning is enhanced when activities and experiences proceed at a ___________ _________ for the individual"

Learning is enhanced when activities and experiences proceed at a comfortable rate for the individual

Fill in the blank "Learning is __________ when the individual understands the purpose of the learning experience"

Learning is enhanced when the individual understands the purpose of the learning experience

Fill in the blank "Learning is the _________ of _____________ or ___________ through __________, _____________, or by being ___________t"

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught

Describe "learning styles"

Learning styles are individual and preferred ways in which information can be consumed

What is meant by lecture practices?

Lecture practices: lecturing is common, but follow engaging practices to help aid in learning

What is meant by modeling

Modeling: this is actually doing how you would like to see something accomplished

Give an example for "apply" in Bloom's

Organize, choose

What are the five steps of M. David Merrill's First Principle of Instruction?

Problem-solve: learner should be engaged in solving real-world problems Activate existing knowledge of the learner: existing knowledge acts as a foundation for skill Demonstrate: you show the learner the new knowledge by doing yourself Allow learner to apply knowledge: the learner applies the knowledge by doing themselves Integrate into the learners world: new knowledge is connected to the learner's personal world

Fill in the blank "Recognizing the individual's level of _______ and implementing the learning experience at that point __________ learning"

Recognizing the individual's level of function and implementing the learning experience at that point enhances learning

What is meant by Reflective responses to learners

Reflective responses to learners: a way to communicate that shows the student that you understand

Fill in the blank "Reinforcement and feedback on the individual's behavior and/or task performance can be used to support ________ __________ and _______ ___________ ones"

Reinforcement and feedback on the individual's behavior and/or task performance can be used to support desired behaviors and extinguish undesirable ones

What are the subsections of the cognitive dimension and briefly what do they mean?

Remember-this is strictly the recall of info Understand-this is the ability to explain the general idea/concept Apply-this is the ability to use the knowledge in a new way, typically involves showing Analyze-this is the ability to break down the concept into parts Evaluate-this is the ability to understand each part and have new ideas about them Create-this is the ability to actually make something new from the information given

What does research show that people believe is optimal for learning and what is actually optimal for learning?

Research shows most people believe repeated exposure to material is optimal for learning, but that is not the case There are a lot of things considered optimal for learning. The two main ones are being an effortful learner and a self-directed learner

What is the common discrepancy shown in research from patient to practitioner?

Research shows there is a discrepancy between what the practitioner thinks is important and what the client thinks they should know

Give an example for "understand" in Bloom's

Restate, paraphrase

What is meant by Rewarding learner participation

Rewarding learner participation: not necessarily candy, but this can facilitate the conversation with the hopes it will eventually be more natural

State the teaching and learning summary

Teaching approaches should be easy to understand, respect culture, match capabilities, and be presented in formats that are accessible to the the client

Define Learning

The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught

Define Personal Health Literacy

The degree to which an individual can find, understand, and use health-related information to make decisions for their own or someone else's care

Define Organizational Health Literacy

The degree to which larger organizations make health-related information equally accessible for individuals to find, understand, and use to make decisions for their own or someone else's care (this can also apply to services)

Fill in the blank "The environment can influence the __________ of the learning experience"

The environment can influence the success of the learning experience

Explain and give an example of kinesthetic learning

The learning style that includes a component that is physically completed; for example-hands on, tactile representation, models, movement

Explain and give an example of logical/mathematical learning

The learning style that includes a logic/strategic flow of thought; for example-following patterns, data, statistics, examples, classifications

Explain and give an example of visual learning

The learning style that includes a visual component; for example-a graph, chart, map, flashcards

Explain and give an example of read/write learning

The learning style that includes a written component; for example-reading, writing, detailed notes, rewriting notes

Explain and give an example of auditory learning

The learning style that includes an auditory component (spoken or heard); for example-listening, speaking, discussion, mnemonic devices

Explain and give an example of social learning

The learning style that includes at least one more individual; for example-group discussion, group projects, collaboration Typically in combination with another learning style

Explain and give an example of solitary learning

The learning style that includes at only one individual; for example-individual assignments, group work with end date, group work that is completed individually and then combined Typically in combination with another learning style

Define teaching and Learning in a Clinical practice

The process by which the practitioner (the OT) designs experiences for to facilitate the individual's acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed for living

Define teaching

There were a multitude of definitions given-Main idea: Teaching is an interaction between at least two people which involves the transmission of knowledge typically in the form of ideas or principles

Define effortful learning

This learning type involves effort as the name implies, typically in the form of identifying gaps in knowledge and then actively filling the gaps. Can be thought of strategic learning Research shows it is more durable and last longer, aka more deeply encoded

Describe Bloom's Taxonomy as a model

This model is the hierarchical ordering of cognitive skills

Define self-directed learner

This type of individual can guide and gauge themselves within the context of learning. Specifically, this individual is able to change their learning approach when it shows to be ineffective

What is meant by thoughtful questions

Thoughtful questions: make the student actively think about the content

Name the seven learning styles

Visual, auditory, read/write, kinesthetic, logic/mathematical, solitary, and social

Describe health literacy

We use the term health literacy to exemplify how literate someone is about health and healthcare

Give an example for "create" in Bloom's

construct, generate

True or False-The use of learning styles is evidence based

false-there is not enough evidence to show that people will only use the style they prefer. Based on social context, the situation, or content of information, individuals will change the style they use.

Give an example for "evaluate" in Bloom's

hypothesize, develop

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