Humanities and Social Sciences Term 1

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Name 2 characteristics of a Coastal landscape

-Beaches -Mudflats

Name 2 characteristics of a Karst Landscape

-Caves -Sinkholes

Name 2 characteristics of a Arid landscape

-Get less than 250 milimetres of rain a year - Scarce vegetation

Name 2 characteristics of a River landscape

-Water Falls -Valleys

How is a coastal landscape created?

A coastal landscape is created when land mass meets the sea. Coastal landscapes are shaped by the natural forces of the wind and waves. These geographical forces erode or construct the natural environment, constantly changing its shape.

Coastal Landscape

A coastal landscape is where a land mass meets the sea. Coastal landscapes are shaped by the natural forces of the wind and waves.

Countour Line

A contour line is a line drawn in a topographic map to indicate ground elevation or depression

What is an arid landscape?

A desert is defined as an area of land which receives no more than 250 millimetres of rain per year. Deserts cover about one-third of the Earth's surface and contain some of the most uninhabitable regions on Earth. There are two types of deserts - hot deserts and cold deserts. Hot deserts are located along the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Cold deserts are located closer to the artic and Antarctic circles.

What is a karst landscape?

A karst landscape is formed when easily dissolvable bedrocks (the rock below the surface of the land) such as limestone is worn away by slightly acidic water, from an underground source or a source on the Earth's surface. These flows or water from unique features such as caves, stalactites, springs, and areas of land. Karst landscapes are extremely unstable areas of land. Sinkholes are formed when rock beneath the Earth surface has eroded away and sections of the land on the surface collapse. Sinkholes can range in size from a few metres to more than 1 kilometre deep and have been known to occasionally collapse, swallowing up everything the surface including cars and buildings.

What is a landscape

A landscape is part of the Earth's surface. It consists of a variety of geographic features that are characteristics of an area. Landscapes are divided into two main categories - natural and human.

What is a mountain landscape?

A mountain landscapes are formed by tectonic plates on the Earth's surface pushing against each other, This movement and pressure causes the shape of the land to change. The land is pushed up in a vertical direction and over time forms mountains. Mountains rise high above their surroundings.

What is a Delta?

A river delta is a landform created from deposition of sediment that is carried by a river as the flow leaves its mouth and enters slower-moving or stagnate water. This occurs where a river enters an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, reservoir, or another river that cannot carry away the supplied sediment.

What is a riverine landscape?

A riverine is one formed by the natural movement of a water system such as river. A riverine landscape includes the ecosystems in and around the area of a river. A riverine landscape may also be defined as a network of rivers and the surrounding land.

Explain the terms riverine and floodplain

A riverine landscape is one formed by the natural movement of a water system such as river. A riverine landscape includes the ecosystems (all living organisms) in and around the area. A riverine landscape may also be defined as a network of rivers and the surrounding area. A floodplain is an area of low-lying ground adjacent to a river l formed mainly of river sediments and subject to flooding.

What is a subduction zone?

A subduction zone is formed when the oceanic plate converges with the continental plate which the oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate. Then a vent is formed which then the oceanic plate will block the vent from forming into a volcanic mountain. Though the vent is blocked, the molten rock will have to escape elsewhere. Where it creates another path from the main vent. The molten rock then solidifies and then can either create into a cone or a shield volcanic mountain.

Explain how block mountains are formed

Blocks mountains are created when cracks in the Earth's crust known as faults force blocks of land upwards. Rocks that are cooler because they are close to the surface tend to crack And break apart when compressed from the sides. Rather than folding, they are often lifted up in giant blocks along fault lines to create block mountains. Geologists refer to this mountain-building process as faulting.

What causes Earthquakes to occur?

Friction between one or more tectonic plates.


Generally, the relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole, specifically the relationship between the size of an object on a map and the size of the actual feature on Earth's surface.

What is the mantle?

Most of the earth's interior is in the mantle. It is so hot in the mantle that rocks melt and move slowly in giant currents.

What are Tectonic plates?

Tectonic plates are the outer layer of the Earth's surface known as the crust is broken into large pieces called tectonic plates. These plates are around 100 kilometres

What is a Contour Interval

The contour interval is the difference of elevation between contour lines

Differentiate between a physical and a cultural feature

The difference between a physical and cultural feature is that a physical feature is a natural feature from the earth, while a cultural feature is something such as artifacts.

Define the term scale

The portion of map being compared to the actual place on the globe. Such as 1 centimetre on the map equals a couple of kilometres. They can be written in Linear or ratio form. We use them to measure the distance between the map vs the real world.

What are Cultural features?x

Visible cultural features include artifacts symbols, and practices; art and architecture; language colour, and dress; and social etiquette and traditions... Values are the central feature of a culture. They shape tangible cultural differences.

Explain how fold mountains are formed?

Volcanoes are formed when molten rock from the mantle or from beneath the Earth's crust flows through cracks to the Earth's surface. Which then the molten rock spews from the vent, which solidifies into rock or rock mass, into either a shied or cone volcano depending on the pressure. It can also be formed when the continental plates diverge and create a crack on the Earth's surface, which later molten rock travels to the crack which is called a vent.

What is an Oasis?

a fertile spot in a desert where water is found.

what is a Convergent boundary?

the place where two plates come together, or converge, the result of a collision

What is a Divergent boundary?

the place where two plates move apart, or diverge; mostly occur along mid-ocean ridges and land

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