Humanities Chapter 14-Modernism

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What seven-part literary masterpiece describes Parisian society of the turn of the century, analyzing one's memory and its influence on life experiences? Who wrote it?

"In search of the Lost Time" or Remembrance of Things Past. Wrote by Marcel Proust

- Who wrote "The Sentinel"? What was it later expanded into and who contributed to this expansion other than the writer?

Arthur C Clark. It was expanded into the cinamatic conceptualization of the Space Age 2001: A Space Odyssey.

What film depicted the 1905 mutiny of Russian soldiers in a documentary-like style? Who made this film?

Battleship Potemkin, made by Sergei Eisenstein

Who directed "The Great Dictator" and who does this film mock?

Charlie Chaplin. It mocked Adolf Hitler

Who painted "The Scream" and what twentieth-century movement did it inspire?

Edvard Much. It inspired the expressionism movement.

- Who designed the Fallingwater house?

Frank Lloyd Wright

Who designed the Guggenheim Museum in New York City?

Frank Lloyd Wright

Who wrote "The Trial"?

Franz Kafka

Who was a famous Mexican painter with more than a third of her paintings being self-portraits?

Frida Kahlo

What is Picasso's large mural, inspired by an event from the Spanish Civil War?


Who wrote a book in 1898, about the invasion of Earth by Martians? What is the title of this book, and what literary genre does it establish?

H. G Wells. The War of the Worlds. It stablish Science Fiction

Who painted "Suprematist Composition: White on White"?

Kasimir Malevich

Who claimed that the house is "a machine for living" and what villa did he design in Poissy, France?

Le Corbusier, he designed The Villa Savoye

Whose credo is "less is more", and what kind of buildings did he design?

Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe. Steel-and-glass skyscrapers, impersonal style

Who created the piece of art called "The Fountain"? What kind of art-work was it? To what early twentieth-century movement did the author belong?

Marcel Duchamp. It was a common urinal. It belongs to the Dada movement.

Who painted "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" and what style was this painting a precursor of?

Picasso. Precursor of Cubism

Who was one of the founders of Dutch movement "De Stijl"?

Piet Mondrian

Who painted "The Persistence of Memory"?

Salvador Dali

Who made "Un Chien Andalou" and what movement does this film belong to?

Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel, it belongs to the surrealist movement

- What movement physically expressed unconscious images, thoughts and dreams?


What is Modernism's most influential school of architecture called and who founded it?

The Bauhaus founded by Walter Gropius

What painting contains a written words "Ceci n'est pas une pipe"? What does it mean and who painted it?

The betrayal of Images. It means this is not a pipe. It was painted by Rene Magritte

What book is based on Homer's "Odyssey"? Who wrote it? What literary device does it employ?

Ulysses. Wrote by James Joyce. Employs interior monologue

Who are three painters from the beginning of the twentieth century who painted purely abstract paintings?

Wassily Kandinsky, Kasimir Malevich and Dutchman Pier Mondrian

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