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(n.) an introduction; that which comes before or leads off

Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor), by Diego Velazquez.

1. Baroque oil painting on canvas.

Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus, by Peter Paul Rubens.

1. Baroque oil painting on canvas.


A graceful dance in three-quarter meter and moderate tempo, which was very popular in the court of Louis XIV.


A rhythmically free vocal style popular in 17th century opera in which passages are spoken or recited to sparse chordal accompaniment.


Advances in printmaking during the Northern Renaissance were a technological landmark, as printmaking facilitated the reproduction of images and illustrations more cheaply and in greater numbers than ever before, making printed and illustrated books now available to more than just wealthy patrons.

true of Marco Polo

After returning to Italy, Marco Polo gained instant fame with his narration of the details of his travels in China, which made the West (Europe) look poor and backwards in comparison to the Eastern (Chinese) empire. Marco Polo served China's Mongol emperor Kublai Khan for 17 years, and the emperor was an enthusiastic patron of cross-cultural dialog. Marco Polo crossed the Asian continent in the late 13th century with his father and uncle, who had established previous commercial ties with the Mongolian court. The great importance of The Travels of Marco Polo, which came to be known as Il Milione (The Million), is due to the fact that it opened Europeans to an interest in the wider world.


Albrecht Durer's Self-Portrait in a Fur-Collared Robe (pictured below) suggests that Durer intended the portrait as a kind of Imitatio Christi, or a self-image of the artist in the guise of Jesus.

true of Johann seabstian Bach

Along with his cantatas, Bach was also known for writing preludes, oratorios, concertos, and fugues. Bach's major musical inspirations were the teachings of Martin Luther and Lutheran hymns. Bach wrote over 200 cantatas to serve as musical "commentary" on the daily scriptural lesson of Lutheran church services. While serving as choir director for the Church of Saint Thomas in Leipzig, Germany, Bach composed music for the Sunday services and for holy days.


An artistic style of the seventeenth century characterized by complex forms, bold ornamentation, and contrasting elements


An elaborate solo song or duet performed as part of an opera or other dramatical musical composition.


An instrumental introduction to a longer musical piece, such as an opera.


Artistic movement against the Renaissance ideals of symetry, balance, and simplicity; went against the perfection the High Renaissance created in art. Used elongated proportions, twisted poese and compression of space.

David by gianlorenzo Bernini

Baroque marble sculpture.

The Milkmaid, by Jan Vermeer

Baroque oil painting on canvas

Judith Slaying Holofernes, by Artemisia Gentileschi.

Baroque oil painting on canvas.

The Crucifixion of Saint Peter, by Caravaggio.

Baroque oil painting on canvas.

Corner Chapel by Gianlorenzo Bernini

Baroque sculpture and architecture. Bernini's David contrasts with earlier Renaissance versions of the subject, as the figure is rugged and spirited, caught in mid-action, and breaks into space with athletic vitality. Bernini designed a multimedia altarpiece called The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, which engages the tools of architecture, sculpture, and painting. Bernini's The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa was conceived during the first age of Italian opera, and both share the Baroque affection of dramatic expression on a monumental scale.

False Diaz opened up Portuguese trading routes with India by sailing around the southern tip of Africa

Bartholomeu Diaz was a Portuguese explorer who opened Portuguese trading routes with Western Africa and the Americas.

Head of Oba from the ife culture

Benin, Western Africa cast bronze with red pigment The close-set vertical grooves seen in the Head of Oba (Ruler) pictured below may signify "scarification," which was a ritual technique of incising the flesh to indicate tribal identity or rank.

Self-Portrait in a Fur-Collared Robe

By Abrecht Durer oil painting on panel from the northern Renaissance in Germany

Louis XIV

By the end of Louis XIV's reign, he had brought France to a position of political and military leadership in Western Europe. Under Louis XIV's leadership, the center of European artistic patronage shifted from Italy to France, and French culture - including architecture and fine cuisine - came to dominate European tastes. Louis XIV was a superb dancer, and he commissioned extravagant ballets in which he himself would participate. Louis XIV referred to himself as le roi soleil, or "The Sun King." Louis XIV moved his capital from Paris to Versailles, and had the Palace of Versailles built for himself and his court in this new location. Louis XIV's extravagance left France in a woeful financial condition that contributed to the outbreak of the upcoming French Revolution.

The Italian Baroque


true of Caravaggio

Caravaggio's paintings introduced into European art a lifelike realization of the natural world that inventively mingled the sacred and the profane. Caravaggio was known for his personal life as much as his artistic career, as he was arrested for various violent acts and even accused of murder. Caravaggio's paintings appealed to the senses rather than to the intellect. Caravaggio's paintings copied nature faithfully, without idealization, and he brought past Classical and Christian events to life as though they were occurring in the local taverns and streets of 17th century Italy.

Martin Luther and the protestant reformation

Church reform became an urgent public issue during the sixteenth century because papal extravagance and immorality had reached new heights. Martin Luther denied that the pope was the spiritual heir to the apostle Peter, and also claimed that the head of the Church was subject to error and correction, like any human being.


Conquistadores means "conquerers" in Spanish, and referred to the Spanish explorers of the 15th-16th centuries who sought wealth and fortune in the New World.

the ecstasy of saint teresa by Gianlorenzo Bernini

Detail of the altar in the Cornaro Chapel, Rome, Italy. Baroque marble sculpture.

Miguel de Cervantes

Don Quixote

Jan Vermeer

Dutch artist Jan Vermeer's paintings represent his immediate surroundings with such directness and intimacy that many scholars have suggested his pictures were conceived with the aid of a camera obscura, which was an optical device that anticipated the modern pinhole camera.


El Greco El Greco was a Mannerist artist who was known for producing paintings marked by bold distortions of form, dissonant colors, and a daring handling of space.

West African Ghana empire

Ghana was the first centralized Sudanic state in West Africa. The name "Ghana" means "war chief," and refers to how a single powerful chieftain would take control of the surrounding villages to centralize power. Ghana's rulers imported salt from desert fringes, which was used as a food preservative, a flavoring, and an early kind of antibiotic. Ghana fell to the Muslims in the 11th century, and afterwards much of the local culture came under Arabic influence, which is why the history of Ghana and other African kingdoms is recorded primarily in Arabic sources.

William shakespeare


false Engravings use metal plates for the process, not wood.

In the engraving printmaking process, lines are incised on a wooden surface, then inked and printed.

true of miguel de cevantes

In the story, Alonso Quixado is a 50-year-old man who assumes the title of "Don Quixote de la Mancha," and he sets out to defend the ideals glorified in the medieval literature of chivalry and romance in which he has immersed himself. Correct Cervantes is known for writing in vernacular, or the language of everyday speech. Correct In the story, Don Quixote pursues a series of heroic misadventures, including believing that a flock of sheep is a hostile army and that windmills are a horde of giants. Correct In the story, Don Quixote's faithful sidekick is Sancho Panza.


Italian for "little book," this term refers to the text of a vocal work, such as an opera or oratorio.

Inca civilization

Machu Picchu was an elaborate Inca city that straddles two high mountain peaks. Similar to the ancient Romans, the Inca built thousands of miles of roads and bridges to expedite trade and communication within their empire. The Inca were known for their sophisticated masonry, which they constructed with only bronze tools and without mortar.


Mannerism was an artistic style that was marked by spatial complexity, artificiality, and affectation, and mannerist artists brought a new psychological intensity to their works.

terraced pyramid

Maya temples took the form of a _________________ with a staircase ascending to a platform, similar to the Mesopotamian architectural form of the ziggurat. v

Martin Luther

Ninety-five theses

Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch

Oil panting on wood, triptych

The northern Baroque

Rembrandt van Rijn

examples of English literature

Shakespear's writings are generally considered to be the greatest __________, and have had enormous influence on the evolution of the English language and the Western literary tradition.

Queen Elizabeth 1

Shakespeare emerged during the Golden Age under the rule of ?

Globe Playhouse.

Shakespeare formed an acting company in London, Lord Chamberlain's Company, which performed most of its activities where ?

roads, canals, and aqueducts

Similar to the Romans, the Aztecs were masterful engineers, with _______, ________, and __________ that astounded the Spaniards who arrived in 1519.

Arnolfini Double Portrait, by Jan van Eyck

Tempera and oil painting on panel Northern Renaissance in the Netherlands The burning candle in the chandelier burning candle symbolizes the divine presence of Christ The dog at the feet of the couple symbolizes fidelity (or loyalty/devotion) The ripening fruit near and on the window sill symbolizes the union of the First Couple (Adam & Eve) in the Garden of Eden The carved image of Saint Margaret on the chairback near the bed symbolizes the patron saint of women in childbirth and aspirations for a fruitful alliance

52 years

The Aztecs adhered to a solar calendar of 365 days, and anticipated the cyclical destruction of the world every how many years?


The Aztecs called themselves

true of baroque period

The Baroque style is characterized by dynamic movement, extravagant ornamentation, and theatrical display. The Baroque style led to the emergence of new forms of music, such as the opera and oratorio. There are three phases of the Baroque: the Italian Baroque, the Northern Baroque, and the Aristocratic Baroque.


The English sonnet is a poetic form devised by William Shakespeare, a form which was indebted to Petrarch's sonnets.

great mosques, libraries, and the Arabic language itself

The Mali Empire displayed many of the hallmarks of Islamic culture, including its ___________, ___________, and _______________

mathematicians and astronomers ; calendar

The Maya became accomplished _________ and ___________, and they developed a _________ that was more accurate than any used in medieval Europe before the 12th century.

written language

The Maya were the only known Native American culture to produce what ?.


The art of composing, arranging, and notating dance movements.

Classical history, Medieval chronicles and contemporary romances

The plots on Shakespeare's plays drew largely on what ?


The prosperous city of _______________ , the greatest of the early African trans-Saharan trading centers, lay along one of the trade routes controlled by the Mali Empire.

Thomas More's Utopia

The title, Utopia, is a Greek word which means both "no place" and "a good place." In Utopia, More describes an imaginary island that is a socialistic state in which goods and property are shared, war is held in contempt, learning is available to all citizens, and freedom of religion is absolute. Utopia was in part inspired by accounts of wondrous lands reported by sailors returning from the "New World" across the Atlantic Ocean.

north African trading routes.

The wealth and influence of the Mali Empire derived from its control where

Woodcut printmaking

This printmaking process is a relief printing process by which all parts of a design are cut away except those that will be inked and printed.


Trompe l'oeil is a French term that literally means "fool the eye," and refers to artwork that tries to convince the viewer that the image is real and not painted.

Thunderbird House Post

Vancouver, British Columbia replica totem pole in carved and painted wood

true of Vivaldi

Vivaldi was musical director at a Venetian school for orphaned girls, and their performance of his compositions offered them a unique opportunity to become professional musicians. Correct Vivaldi is known for systemizing the concerto musical form into three movements, and heightening the contrasts between the solo and ensemble groups. Correct Vivaldi wrote many musical forms, including operas and oratorios, but he is best known for his 456 concertos. Correct Vivaldi's landmark work is a group of four violin concertos called The Four Seasons, each of which musically describes a single season (spring, summer, winter, autumn).

Thomas Moore

Which of the following figures was a scholar and statesman who served as chancellor to King Henry VIII of England during Henry's break from the Catholic Church, and was ultimately executed for refusing to support Henry as head of the new Anglican Church?

Martin Luther

Which of the following figures was known for his criticism of the Church, especially the sale of indulgences, as noted in his famous writing Ninety-Five Theses, which he posted on the door of a cathedral?


William Shakespeare's plays were largely written in blank verse, which means they did not rhyme, and closely approximated the rhythms of vernacular speech


With oil paints, artists were able to achieve effects such as the impression of dense, atmospheric space and simulated naturalistic effects of light reflecting off the surface of objects - these effects were almost impossible to achieve in the previously popular painting media of fresco or tempera.

Temple of Kukulcan (feathered serpent) "El Castilla" by the Spanish

Yucatan, Mexico Mayan step-pyramid architecture

Blood sacrifice and bloodletting

_______________ were important rituals to the Maya - members of a losing team in a ball game held at the sacred precincts would be sacrificed to the sun god.


a composition of three or four independent movements, written for one or more solo instruments, one of which is usually a keyboard instrument


a musical composition for a solo instrument or instruments accompanied by an orchestra, especially one conceived on a relatively large scale.


a musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text dramatic poem set to music


a musical form consisting of a theme repeated a fifth above or a fourth below its first statement


a way of applying paint, specifically a thick, textured application of paint where the marks made by the brush or painting knife stay visible

Sun disk "calendar stone

aztec relief sculpture

Hall of Mirrors, in the Palace of Versailles, France.

baroque architecture

Self-Portrait as Saint Paul, by Rembrandt van Rijn.

baroque oil painting

Captain Frans Banning Cocq Mustering his Company, by Rembrandt van Rijn.

baroque oil painting on canvas

Johann Sebastian Bach


Antonio Vivaldi


Machu Picchu

cuzo, peru inca architecture and city

Claudio Monteverdi

is known as the first master of Baroque music-drama, or oper

Claudio Monteverdi


George Frederic Handel



story set to music to be sung by a chorus (shorter than an oratorio)


the Thunderbird House Post is a Native American wooden pole carved and painted with heraldic family symbols, also known as what

thomas Moore


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