hunter ed answers

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a compass always points to ?

Magnetic north

what provides the set of guiding principles for managing wildlife resources ?

North america model of wildlife conservation

what is the correct treatment for shock ?

Keep the victim lying down. Loosen any restrictive clothing.

the zone-of-fire in front of each hunters spans about?

45 degrees

You need to clear an obstruction from your firearm. What is the proper tool to use?

a cleaning rod

What group sets hunting regulations in most states?

a wildlife management agency

under most conditions, how long can you survive without water ?

about three days

what is the effect of alcohol on the skills and abilities needed to hunt safely and responsibly?

alcohol impairs coordination, hearing, vision, communication, and judgment

which species require hunters to have a habitat stamp ?

all game species

Clothing can affect your ability to perform safely and responsibly. How should you choose your clothes for a hunting trip?

always wear clothing suitable for the weather you expect

a youth under 12 years of age plans to hunt with a firearm or crossbow. who must accompany this hunter ?

an experienced hunter at least 19 years of age

how far must a hunter stay from a picnic area or campground while hunting?

at least 100 yards

a hunter has a turkey permit and a habitat stamp. when is it legal to shoot at a turkey that is perched in a tree?

between sunrise and sunset during the spring or fall turkey season

to set hunting regulations, wildlife managers monitor habitat conditions. they also monitor?

birth and death rates

what is the best way to purify water?


how can you show respect for natural resources ?

by following game laws and regulations

how do game conservation laws affect hunters ?

by limiting hunting methods and equipment

what is the hunter's most important item of clothing?

daylight fluorescent orange outerwear

which of the following factors limits the potential production of wildlife ?


aldo leoold is the father of wildlife management. he once defined ethical behavior as doing the right thing when no one else is watching, even when ?

doing the wrong thing is legal

which of these is prohibited when hunting game birds?

electronic calls

What does a topographic map show?

elevation and contours of the land

what should be worn at all times while climbing a tree or a tree stand ?

fall-arrest system

What five essential elements must be present to provide a proper habitat for wildlife?

food,water,cover,space, and arrangement

hunters tend to pass though five stages of development. what is the focus during the shooting stage?

getting off the shot

an example of safe and ethical operation of an all-terrain vehicle is?

getting out of the vehicle before taking a shot

to survive, every animal needs a proper arrangement of food, water,cover, and space. these items make up the animal's ?


when is a hunter allowed to use a semi-automatic firearm to hunt big game?

if the firearm does not hold more than six cartridges or shotshells

a person plans to hunt deer and antelope. when must he or she be accompanied b a licensed hunter at least 19 years of age?

if under 15 years of age

when are you allowed to hunt on private land ?

if you have the owners permission

your remove a firearm from its storage location in your should you handle the firearm?

immediately point the muzzle to a safe direction

what is the correct treatment for first-degree or second-degree burns with closed blisters?

immerse in cold water

what is the recommended way to transport a firearm?

in a gun case

Moving a victim with a back or neck injury should be left to professionals whenever possible. If a victim MUST be pulled to safety, what is the correct method?

move the victim lengthwise, head first, supporting the head and neck

you are hunting with others.which two factors are most important in choosing how to carry your firearm?

muzzle control and terrain

where can you find the hunting regulations for the area where you plan to hunt ?

official state publications

you are loading your firearm. you start by pointing the muzzle in a safe direction and putting the safety on. what should you do next

open the action, and make sure the barrel is unobstructed

You are unloading your firearm. You start by pointing the muzzle in a safe direction. What is the NEXT step you should take?

put the safety on

what shot angle should be avoided by bowhunters because the vital areas are protected by bone?


which of the following is a proper way to treat hypothermia ?

replace wet clothing with dry clothing

what is the first responsibility of the hunter once an animal has been shot?

search for the animal

how should a hang-on stand be secured ?

secured with belts or chains

what do hang-on stands require ?

separate climbing aids

your skin is pale, cold, and clammy. your pulse is rapid. your breathing is shallow. your feel fear. these are symptoms of?


A hunter may have allergies, asthma, a heart condition, excess weight, or poor physical conditioning. These conditions:

should be considered before planning a hunting trip

You get lost and find yourself in survival mode. Your priorities are shelter, fire, and:


wild animals are commonly divided into groups with similar characteristics. the two categories used for mammals are?

small mammals and large mammals

you are hiking into unfamiliar terrain. what is the best way to keep your bearings ?

take frequent compass readings and plot your progress on a map

landowners soften complain that hunters?

that hunters don't get permission to hunt

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. What is the focus during the method stage?

the process of the hunt

hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the sportman stage?

the total hunting experience

which statement concerning rare, threatened, or endangered species is true?

these species are fully protected by law

which persons must carry an apprentice hunter education exemption certificate while hunting ?

those 12 through 29 years of age without a hunter education certificate

why were hunting regulations passed ?

to establish safety guidelines for hunting

What is the hunter's role in wildlife conservation?

to help control wildlife populations at a healthy balance for the habitat

why were the principles in the north america model of wildlife conservation developed?

to manage and conserve wildlife resources

what is the goal of wildlife conservation?

to use and manage renewable resources wisely

what resource can best help you learn about the terrain in a particular area before you arrive ?

topographic map

which type of elevated stand does not need a tree?


which method is recommended for climbing a tree to enter an elevated stand?

using a fall-arrest system( safety harness)

what is one way to find the rules and regulations for the specific species you plan to hunt?

visit the wildlife agency's website

which of the following is a proper way to treat frostbite ?

warm the affected area in warm, dry clothing

which of the following is symptom of hypothermia

weak heartbeat

when should a hunter begin to get in shape for a hunt?

well in advanced of the hunt

when should a firearm be unloaded?

when crossing a fence

what is it legal to use a centerfire rifle during November firearm deer season?

when hunting deer

a person is hunting with a shotgun. when is non-toxic shot required ?

when hunting waterfowl

which of the following is the best way to prevent hypothermia ?

avoid potentially dangerous weather conditions

choose the true statement about alcohol and hunting?

it's never safe to drink alcohol while hunting

you need to check for an obstruction in your firearm. what is the first step you should take?

point the muzzle in a safe direction

what is the international emergency signal for distress?

three repeats of any signal

when is a hunter at least 16 years of age required to have an hip registration number?

when hunting waterfowl

which material provides warmth even when wet?


Always unload a firearm before:

crossing rough terrain

a hunter who drinks alcohol before or during the hunt is more likely to?

have a hunting incident

you are hunting in a group. it is safe for you to shoot on the area called the?


carrying capacity

can be changed by mature or humans

which is a type of portable stand ?


you are carrying a firearm. before crossing a fence, the first thing you should do is?

unload the firearm

two duck hunters are seated back-to-back in a boat. how large is the zone-of-fire for each hunter ?

180 degrees

what is the best prevention for frostbite ?

avoid severe weather

how can hunters make a positive impact and improve their image?

by putting in time to improve wildlife habitat

you are getting ready to carry a firearm on a boat, what is the first step you should take ?

unload the firearm, and keep the action open

what is the safest way to transport a firearm?

unloaded and cased

when using a snowmobile to get to a hunting area, how must firearms and bows be transported ?

unloaded and cased

You need to haul your firearm into a tree stand. What is the first step you should take?

unloaded the firearm, and open action

when are state and federal refuges open for hunting ?

when posted with a sing that says hunting is allowed

You get lost in extremely cold weather. You are unable to start a fire. Which of the following is the best way to survive?

wrap up in thermal foil blanket

what information on your hunting plan can help law enforcement officials find you ?

your cell phone number and cell phone carrier

you get lost and need a shelter. what should you do first?

look for a natural shelter

which of these shotguns is legal when hunting deer and antelope ?

20-gauge shotgun that fires a single slug

to take game and minimize its suffering, what must you know about the animal you are hunting ?

its anatomy

there are four main causes of hunting incidents. which cause is most likely to lead to accidental discharges and stray shots?

lack of control and practice

HELP refers to the position you should assume in cold water. What does HELP stand for?

heat escape lessening posture

after spending several hours outdoors, your skin is pale and clammy. your mouth is dry. you feel weak and have muscle cramps. these are symptoms of?

heat exhaustion

while outdoors, you drink plenty of water, take frequent breaks, and shed layers as you warm up. these are step to prevent ?

heat exhaustion

Some hunting behaviors are governed by hunting laws. Other behaviors have to do with ethics. Which of the following behaviors is a LEGAL issue rather than an ethical issue?

hunter keeps hunting after reaching the bag limit

one of the seven principles of the north america model for wildlife conservation states that wildlife is an international resource. what does this mean?

hunting and fishing are managed cooperatively across state and province boundaries

there are several ways to carry a gun. the trail carry?

leaves a hand free for balance

Aside from being a good marksman, what is the key to making a clean kill?


what is the first step for both loading and unloading a firearm ?

point the muzzle in a safe direction

Safety rule violations can cause hunting incidents. An example of a safety rule violation is:

pointing the muzzle in an unsafe direction

You wait for game while sitting or standing in one spot. This hunting strategy is called:


Hunters reduce surplus wildlife populations. Hunters play an additional role in wildlife management by:

providing wildlife managers with information from the field

what type of information would you find in a hunting regulations publication ?

license,permits, and stamps requirements

hunters ted to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

quality of game rather than quantity

you are using the still-hunting strategy. how much time should you spend walking versus standing still and observing ?

stand still ten times as much as you walk

what is the recommended method for attaching a haul line to a firearm?

tie it to the sling

Why must you learn to recognize key characteristics of the animal you're hunting?

to avoid illegally harvesting non-game animals

why should hunters wear daylight fluorescent orange clothing ?

to be more visible to other hunters

what should you do if you all overboard into cold water ?

try to reboard your boat, even if it is swamped

you want to hunt non-migratory upland game birds. what type of permit do you need ?

hunt permit

in nebraska, what must a person 12 through 15 years of age have in order to participate in a novice hunter education event?

hunter education certificate

Why were hunting laws passed?

to conserve wildlife

you are handling a firearm to another person, when do you let go of the gun?

when the other person says something to let you know he or she is holding it securely

When should a hunter wear a fall-arrest system?

whenever the hunter is off the ground

when you go on a hunting trip, you should leave a hunting plan with someone you trust. what information should the plan include ?

where you will be hunting and when you expect to return the names of any hunting partners

three factors contribute to spoiled meat after game is harvested. one of these factors is?

heat, moisture,dirt

after spending several hours outdoor, your skin is dry,hot, and flushed. your pupils are dilated. you have a rapid, weak pulse. your breathing is shallow. these are symptoms of?

heat stroke

in nebraska, what must a person 12 trough 29 years of age have in order to hunt deer with a bow and arrow or firearm?

hunter education certificate

which of the following describes safe handling of a firearm?

unload and case the firearm before transporting it

You stumble in the field. The barrel of your firearm dips into the ground. You follow the steps to check for an obstruction in the firearm. After pointing the muzzle in a safe direction, what is the NEXT step?

unload the firearm

which of the following statements about hunting is true ?

hunting is an effective wildlife management tool

Two hunters are duck hunting in a boat. What is the safest position?


the rule of fair chase address?

how game may be taken

which nebraska residents must have the permits and stamps required for the species they are hunting ?

those 16 years of age or older

you are passing a firearm to another person, what should you do before unloading the firearm?

turn you back toward the other person

what do all good orienteering compasses have?

two arrows

how much water do you need each day?

two to four quarts

how long can you survive without food?

two weeks or more

there are several ways to carry a firearm. which technique should you use when you may need to fire quickly?

two-handed or ready carry

one way to help keep animals and habitats healthy is to make sure the number of animals never exceeds the habitat's carrying capacity. this is job for ?

wildlife managers

what is the proper way to start a fire?

gather more firewood than you think you will use. then light your fire

you are planing a hunt that will involve strenuous physical activity. well in advance of the hunt, you should begin to?

get in shape

Which shot angle rarely results in a clean kill, ruins a lot of meat, and provides an animal the best opportunity to detect the hunter?


there are several ways to carry a gun. the shoulder carry is good a choice?

if all hunters are in front of you

what part of wildlife management involves trapping animals in areas where they are abundant and releasing them in areas of suitable habitat where they are not abundant ?

artificial stocking

a person hunting with a rifle is on private property and does not have the owner's permission to hunt near the owner's house. how far must the hunter stay from the house while hunting ?

at least 200 yards

a person is hunting deer during a firearm season. what are the requirements for wearing hunter orange ?

at least 400 square inches of hunter orange on the hunter's head, chest, and back

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. What is the focus during the limiting-out stage?

bagging the limit

what must be true for an animal to be classified as legal game?

be useful primarily for food

how can you shoe respect for other hunters ?

by sharing your knowledge and skills with other hunters

How can you show respect for non-hunters?

by transporting animals without displaying them, by keeping firearms out of sight

there are several ways to carry a gun. the elbow carry?

can cause the gun to snag in brushy terrain

which platform allow a hunter to walk a stand up a tree using two separate climbing devices for the hands and feet?

climbing stands

which statement is true about conservation versus preservation ?

conservation favors hunters

After field dressing game, take steps to protect the meat. One of these steps is:

cover the body with cheesecloth to keep it clean

you need to help a hunting companion with a deep, open chest wound. what should you do first ?

cover the wound with the palm of you hand until a bandage is located

during the appropriate hunting season, what are the hours when big game hunting is allowed?

from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset

one of the seven principles of the north america model for wildlife conservation states that hunting, fishing, and trapping shall be democratic. what does this mean ?

anyone in good standing can participate

there are four main causes of hunting incidents. which cause is most likely to lead to mistaking another person for game?

hunter judgment mistakes

Which is the safest device to use while climbing a tree or in a tree stand?

full body harness

choose the true statement about dressing in layers ?

layers offer superior insulation

Hunting laws preserve wildlife. Hunter ethics preserve:

the opportunity to hunt

which of the following describes a proper way to prepare for a hunting trip?

learn as much as you can about the hunting area before you arrive

which of the following is a factor in determining a zone-of-fire?

the game being hunted

three hunters are walking single file. which of the following would be safe ?

the hunter in front uses the elbow carry

Three hunters are walking side by side. which of the following would be safe?

the hunter in the center uses the trail carry

which of the following is a proper way to treat heat stroke?

get the victim to a hospital immediately

how should you mark a blood trial when you are tracking a wounded animal?

use fluorescent orange flagging

what part of wildlife management involves setting daily and seasonal time limits, bag limits, and legal methods for taking wildlife?

hunting regulations

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