Hunt/Gun Basics (2 of 2)

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What is a "load"?

"Load" is the amount of gunpowder in the cartridge or shot-shell together with the weight of the bullet or shot charge.

What are the common shotgun chokes, listed from an "unconstricted" barrel to most "constricted" barrel?

1) Cylinder or "No Choke" - Unconstricted barrel 2) Improved Cylinder - Choke has slight constriction 3) Modified - Choke has moderate constriction 4) Improved Modified - Choke is slightly tighter than Modified 5) Full - Choke has tight constriction Note: Turkey hunters sometimes use "Extra Full", or "Turkey choke" for even denser patterns at long range.

When field dressing, what are the 3 main factors that contribute to spoiled meat?

1) Heat - The biggest concern 2) Dirt 3) Moisture

What is a choke on a shotgun?

A choke is the degree of narrowing at the muzzle end of a shotgun barrel.

Broadheads kill by cutting, (blank), unlike the high velocity shock of bullets.

By cutting blood vessels. Therefore, hemorrhage is typically the result.

Shotgun barrels have a, (blank), to control the spread or shot pattern.


What is the suggested choke & shot size for hunting turkey?

Choke: Full or Extra Full Shot Size: Lead 4, 5, or, 6

What is the suggested choke & shot size for hunting geese?

Choke: Improved Cylinder or Modified Shot Size: Steep shot in 1, BB, BBB, or, T

What is the suggested choke & shot size for hunting duck?

Choke: Improved Cylinder or Modified Shot Size: Steep shot in 3 or 2

What is the hunting strategy called "driving"?

Driving involves a group of hunters, some acting as, "drivers, and other as, posters. Drivers spread out across a field or woods and push game out of cover. Posters take positions as the end of the cover to intercept game pushed out by the drivers.

Basic field dressing techniques help cool game by removing, (blank), which lowers body heat by allowing air into the body cavity. As a rule, it is best to field dress immediately.


What are the 4 complete environmental requirements of an animal for survival?

Food, water, cover, & space

A person should always approach downed game from, (blank).

From behind the head

What choke is usually a good choice for quail, rabbits, and other upland game?

Improved Cylinder

Where are the vital organs located in large game animals?

In large game animals, these organs lie in the forward body cavity behind the front shoulder. A lung shot is the most effective shot for big game.

The only arrowhead that may be used for big game hunting is the, (blank).

Is a "broadhead" point

Many waterfowl hunters use steel shot one or two sizes, (blank), to make up for the difference in height from lead shot.


What are Puddle Ducks?

Puddle Ducks live on shallow ponds and marshes, where they eat seeds and grasses. They spring into the air to fly.

In general, as the size of your target decreases, a hunter should, (blank), the diameter of the shot he or she uses.

Should also decrease

How do steel shot pellets react differently than lead when shot?

Steel weighs about two-thirds as much as lead, but is much harder. Because of this, steel does not deform and is not as unstable in flight as lead. And so, steel will produce a tighter patter than lead shot. Therefore, if using steel shot for hunting, a person should choose a steel shot-size one or two sizes larger than the lead shot he or she would select.

Why is non-toxic shot required throughout the U.S. for waterfowl hunting?

Studies showed that many waterfowl died each year because of lead poisoning. Lead pellets from traditional shotshells were picked up and digested by waterfowl. The toxic effect spread to other birds, such as the bald eagle, who consumed the poisoned waterfowl.

What is "succession"?

Succession is the Natural progression of vegetation and wildlife populations in an area. For example, as trees grow and form a canopy, shrubs and grasses will disappear along with the wildlife that use them as cover.

Once a game animal is dead, the hunter should immediately, (blank), indicating the date of kill. Then begin field dressing.

Tag it

The area in which a hunter may safely shoot is referred to as a, (blank).

The "Zone-of-fire". Note: Before, setting off in a group, hunters should agree on the zone-of-fire each person will cover.

What is the basic shape of most upland birds?

The basic shape of upland birds is similar to chickens. They usually have short-rounded winds, short bills, and heavy bodies. Note: Upland birds seek cover in brush or woodlands and prefer to live on dry land close to water.

What are "quartering-away shots" and when are they best used?

The quartering-away shot is when your target is facing away from you, but at an angle. It's the most effective shot on deer, antelope, and similar-sized game. From this angle a shot aimed at vital organs may miss the rib cage entirely.

The most effective firearm shot for a turkey is to the, (blank).

To the head. However, bow-hunters should aim broadside for the heart or lungs.

What are 4 popular upland birds?

Turkey, pheasants, grouse, & quail

The most effective shots are delivered to an animal's, (blank).

Vital organs, which are the heart and lungs.

Waterfowl are, (blank), blooded animals that live on or near water. They are mainly divided into diving ducks and puddle ducks.

Warn-blooded animals

What is an "edge effect"?

"Edge effect", is an area where two types of vegetation meet, often with a wider variety and higher number of game than either type by itself.

Your, (blank), from the target determines the choke that you will need on a shotgun.

Distance Note: The choke does not alter the shotgun's power, it just controls how tight or spread-out the shot pattern will be at a specific distance.

What are Diving Ducks?

Diving ducks live on lakes and deep ponds and dive for fish, crustaceans, and water plants. They run on top of the water to take off.

If an animal is still alive after being shot, finish it with a quick shot to the base of the, (blank), or, place a shot in the heart-lung area.


What choke is a good choice for squirrels, turkey, and other game shot at 35 to 40 yard ranges?

Full, or, an Extra full or turkey-choke for turkey hunting

Because of their mass, the best shot for larger game animals, such as elk or bear, is a (blank), shot

Is a broadside shot. Note: This is particularly true for bow-hunters. Large animals have bigger stomachs & intestines, which may stop an arrow before it reaches vital organs in a quartering-away shot.

What choke is often used for dove hunting and is the preferred choke when using steel shot to hunt for ducks or geese?

Modified or sometimes Improved Modified

When should a hunter take a "straight-on shot"?

Rarely ever, especially if they are a bow-hunter. A straight-on shot can be effective if your firearm is already positioned for the shot. However, they rarely result in a clean kill and will ruin a lot of meat.

When should a hunter take a "quartering-forward shot"?

The quartering-forward shot is when your target is facing toward you, but at an angle. A deer or other game quartering toward you presents a clear shot to the vital organs. Note: However, bow-hunters should NOT take this shot because the vital areas are protected by bone.

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