I-06 Part 2
The methodology using behavioral principles to assess work performance in the workplace that has strong support in the research literature is
(none of the above)
Performance analysis/diagnostics can be completed at the level of the
-Process -Individual -System
Which is an example of a performance issue where problems with training are likely to be the controlling variable?
A therapist fills out her data sheets, but all the levels of intervention for least-to-most prompting (1-5) are numerically recorded as if they were most-to-least prompts (5-1).
Which is an example of a performance issue where problems with resources, materials, or processes are likely to be the controlling variable?
Although she finishes each session on time, the therapist is late to the last three of her four therapy sessions by the several minutes as she runs to the bathroom in between sessions.
PDC-HS is useful despite employing an indirect measure of behavior, as many performance problems are
Behavioral deficits, which are not well suited for assessments using direct observation.
The PDC-HS may be useful to behavior analysts by providing them with a tool to understand performance problems that do not respond to simple, quick solutions and to
Develop interventions sensitive to the controlling variables of specific performance problems.
When principles of behavior analysis are used in performance analysis/diagnostics, the focus is on
Identifying the function or controlling variables of the performance problem.
An ABC analysis (antecedent-behavior-consequence) of workplace performance problems is performed at the
Individual level.
In the analysis of excessive break taking below, how would the most likely consequence for taking a break be characterized?
Positive, immediate, and certain
Most performance problems are the result of
Positive/Immediate/certain consequences and negative/future/uncertain consequences for the undesirable behavior
Which of these variables is NOT assessed in the PDC-HS?
Staff Work Relationships
Diagnostic checklists, based on behavior analysis, that are designed to assess the workplace variables underlying poor employee performance typically focus on
Staff skills, task clarity, resource availability, and the consequences for staff behaviors.
Performance analysis/diagnostics is defined as
The process of problem solving around staff performance problems based on the principles of behavior analysis.
Which is an example of a performance issue where problems with performance consequences/effort are likely to be the controlling variable?
The therapist rarely gets through all her session trials as she is frequently checking her phone for text messages and social media up-dates
Which is an example of a performance issue where problems with task/clarification/prompting are likely to be the controlling variable?
The therapist routinely neglects to bring all her teaching materials to her home-based sessions for the two children she sees on Saturdays.
A staff person is teaching a man with disabilities to identify coin denomination from a field of three, using least-to-most prompting and a detailed teaching plan. The staff person glances at the plan quickly, sets out four coins and says, "Find the quarter," as she touches the quarter. The man touches the quarter, and the staff person scores an independent response. The staff person then completes the data sheet for 10 trials and closes the data book. This is likely to be identifies as a performance problem associated with
Training and performance consequences.
In the analysis for "coming to work late" below, are the consequences likely to maintain this behavior?
Yes, as all the positive consequences are certain.
Assessing the likely workplace variables attributing to the problematic performance of employees is the focus of
performance analysis/diagnostics.
Following the curriculum instructions, the therapist has identified five letter blends to teach and has coded the data sheet for 10 trials, using the level of blend difficulty (1 or 2) and exemplars number (1-5). The therapist glances back and forth amongst her papers to track her data, often losing the child's attention between trials and making little progress in learning. This is likely to be identified as a performance problem associated with
resource, materials, and processes.
Using a functional assessment approach, the PDC and PDC-HS can be used to identify the variables that influence
substandard performance.
A therapist working with a kindergartener on identifying numbers lays out all 10 numbers and says, "Show me 6," as the child is looking under the table. The child finally looks up and picks "5", saying, "I am five". She is physically prompted to pick up the 6 several times and the therapist scores a 4, erases this and then finally marks an 8. This is likely to be identified as a performance problem associated with
training and task clarification/prompting.