I juan de pareja characters

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Don Basilio Rodríguez

(Master #1) Dark, slender man, skin was yellow from so many fevers, he was always sickly, died, Don Diego's Uncle


Apprentice of Don Diego, good boy, dutiful, well-mannered, little, thin, stuttered, like by Juan

Juan Bautista del Mazo

Apprentice of Don Diego, rather handsome, fell in love with Paquita,


Apprentice of Don Diego, sixteen, round faced, pink cheeked, blue eyed, blond hair, most innocent smile in the world, trouble maker, liar and thief, remarkable at drawing

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo

Apprentice of Don Diego, very happy all the time, loved to sing, nice to animals, stocky and broad, round, dark face, fine brown eyes, good humor, hair was a dark chestnut brown, curly and long, wore a crucifix, brought joy to everyone, left after 3 years, meet again with Juan in Serville

Brother Isidro

Cared for Juan, old man, fringe of white hair, lost several teeth, told Juan that God saved him because there was a duty he wants Juan do to, used to be a soldier, was on a ship that sunk and he was the only survivor

El Bobo

Could not talk sensibly and laughed all the time, kindly, poor soul, God's innocents

Ignacia (la niña)

Daughter of Don Diego, died when Don Diego and Juan were in Italy

Francisca (or Paquita)

Daughter of Don Diego, fell in love with Juan Bautista del Mazo, nice to plants and animals married Juan Baustisa del Mazo, has a daughter, died while giving birth to her second child, her baby's was stillborn

Niño de Vallecas (his real name was Fransisco Lezcano)

Dwarf, greatly deformed, very twisted, suffered intermittent pain, not overly intelligent

Don Rodrigo de Foncerrada

Elderly, kindly, stout, accorded Don Diego every honor

Diego de Acedo

Face of an intellectual, deep-set, sad eyes were brilliantly intelligent, small, wizened body, very small hands

Don Gil Medina

Gnarled, ferret-faced little man


Juan's Mother, very beautiful black woman, Died when Juan was 5


Juan's age, delicately pale and dainty, large dark eyes, tightly curling hair, very good at singing, had attacks

Juan's suspected Father

Keeper of Juan's Master's Warehouse, white Spaniard who could not afford to buy Zulema


Mistress' dog, was very sickly during the plague, Brother Isidro nursed the dog back to good health


Mistress' new slave, helped in the kitchen, quiet, looked after Mistress, full bodied, strong boned, can tell the future, was asked by Juan to marry him, said no at first because she was still a slave married Juan, moved to Seville with Juan

Don Carmelo

Muleteer, dark, scarring face, 30 or so years old, broad shouldered, handsome in a savage way, fine teeth, large flashing eyes, loved to sing, dance, and drink wine

Rodrigo's Lady

Old and wrinkled, lacking some teeth

Peter Paul Rubens

Painter from the Netherlands, great, florid, handsome man, broad shoulders, curly reddish gold hair and a golden beard and mustache

Don Diego Rodríguez y Silva de Velázquez (Master #2)

Painter in Madrid, Juan's new master, nephew of Don Basilio and Doña Emilia, austere, slim and sensitive fingers, Studied people, considered the best painter in all of Europe, badly injured his right hand on a boat trip, freed Juan so he couldn't get punished for paining and could now paint freely, died after being sick for 21 days, was named a Knight of Santiago by The King with the help of Juan

Dr. Méndez

Pale, thin man, eyes were always circled with dark shadows, King was devoted to him, made all his medicines


Pet Kitten

Doña Juana de Miranda (Mistress #2)

Round, bustling, little, very active and competent, freed Lolis so she could marry Juan, died soon after Paquita died

Duke of Olivares

Swart and fat, black hair, vulgar, mean eyes, devoted to Master


Tall, severe, middle-aged gentleman, dressed in black velvet, wore a gold chain around his neck


Tall, very pale, broad shoulders, long, thin legs, bony, sad face, hoped for friendship with Don Diego, had a speech defect, liked to hunt, became good friends with Don Diego, found Juan's secret painting, showed his true friendship to Don Diego when he daughter and wife died, he would come sit and comfort him, named Don Diego a knight of Santiago with the help of Juan

Doña Trini

Thought Juan was good luck, sold Juan a pet kitten

Doña Emilia de Silva y Rodríguez (Mistress #1)

Took Juan as her page boy, dressed him nicely, kind but capricious, watched over Juan, taught Juan his letters, became thin and fretful after her husband's death, later died from the plague, Don Diego's Aunt

Don Dimas

Town baker, asked Juan go work for him while his son is sick

Juan de Pareja

Wanted to read, loved to write, what in a terrible condition during the plague, respectful to animals, had to steal food on his journey to Madrid or he would've died, worked for the town baker for 40 days, wishes to paint, fell in love with Miri, sold his earring so he could buy painting supplies, hated the idea of killing animals, paints in secret, copied Don Diego's paintings, wants to marry Lolis, was made free by Don Diego so he could paint legally, ended up marrying Lolis, help The King name Don Diego a Knight of Santiago, moved back to Seville with Lolis, meet again with Bartolomé, he offered Juan to stay at his place

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