IB English 11: Do Andriods Dream of Electric Sheep (1-8)

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Why doesn't Isidore realize that the animal is real?

Isidore doesn't reaize that it is real because electric animals and real animals look so similar to one another.

What disturbs Isidore about the cat he just picked up?

Isidore is disturbs by how real the cat looks as it appears to be completely dying.

How does Isidore's struggle against kipple compare/contrast to Mercer's struggle against devastation?

Isidore struggles against kipple as he believes the universe wants to move towards a state of absolute kippleization, and no one can win against kipple. He battles it but it comes back all the time -Mercer's struggle against devastation is simmilar in the extend he

Why is Isidore's boss, Mr. Sloat, upset when he realizes the animal is real?

Mr. Sloat is upset because he feels bad killing something real when animals are in short supply and they could have saved it they knew and could have given it to a real vet

What is special about he Nexus-6 model of android?

The Nexus-6 Model is designed for intelligence and has a very low emotional response as they cannot feel any about of empathy.

Why is Deckard tempted by the bribe put forth by the Rosens?

The Rosens tempt him with an owl if he helps the Rosen organization hunt and kill all of the Nexus Six-Andriods. If he dies the owl will be passed on to his heirs.

Why does the Rosen association care about which test methods the bounty hunters use?

The association cares because about which test methods the bounty hunters use to make sure they use the most effective tests, so they don't have to cover up all the mistakes -For example, they use the normal test and the hunter's gut instinct to determine if one is an android.

Why is the current method of testing for androids a concern to police organizations?

The current method of testing for andriods (Empathy Test) can be a concern as few real human being can't pass the test such as sociopaths, schizophrenics -highlights the problems of the test

What does the empathy box depict?

The empathy box depicts Isidore "merging" or telepathically communicating with other followers of Mercerism in the sense that he is united with a bunch of people for the sole purpose of being better. Mercer is hit in the air with a rock and all of his followes, includind Isidore feel it. -it also depicts his taking on Mercer's personality and reliving his childhood care of his foster parents bringing animals back from the dead and eventually was caught when he tried to bring people back

How do bounty hunters test for this difference?

The empathy test is ultilized by hunters by asking andriods questions or showing images that should provoke an empathetic response.

What is odd about the new tenant in Isidore's building?

The new tenant in Isidore's building is odd because she is sickly, thin, and is very afraid and disturbed that her solitude is interrupted. (may suggest something)

Why does the prominence of both characters in society seem contradictory to Isidore?

The prominence of both characters in society seems contradictory to Isidore as he lives alone, has no pet, and is a special where he can only get certain jobs

What are the results of Rachel Rosen's test?

-originally he concludes that she is -they deny it -he asks her one more question about a suitcase being made of a human babyhide and realizes the truth and it us admitted to him by elton

Who is Wilbur Mercer?

A leader of the religion of Mercerism.

What is a "special"?

A person who has been affected by the fallout and suffers health conditions that affect their state of being (mental state). The ones that remain on earth that were considered biologically unacceptable.

Why does Deckard Keep the falsity of his animal from his neighbors?

Asking the question of if your sheep is genuine or not was considered a breach of manners and very impolite as -a real sheep and an electric one determined ones social status or wealth -given this, it is comparable to asking if you are rich or not

What is Barbour's reaction to Deckard's confession that his sheep is not real?

Barbour felt awful for Deckard owning an electric sheep as Deckard's real sheep was given to them by his wife's father and died of tetanus. -he promised not to tell the rest of the building and suggested buying cheaper animals

Why doesn't Deckard offer his real name to the sales person at the animal shop?

Deckard does not offer his real name to the real animal shop since he is about to call the fake animal shop to see the other price on the ostrich. He does not want to be seen not being able to afford such an animal in society's eyes and by using a fake name he will not be seen that way.

Why is Deckard more disturbed by the realization that the owl is fake than by the results of his test session?

Deckard is more disturbed by this realization that the owl is fake than by the results of the test building as he feels like the organization will kill him to get the line of owls back (he feels like he is being hunted)

Why is Deckard sent to the Rosen association?

Deckard is sent to the Rosen association in order to interview executes in the Rosen association and ask them about their andriods.

Why does Deckard wear a lead codpiece?

Deckard wears a lead codpiece in order to protect his part for reproduction, due to the dangers the fallout of the world war terminus caused on the earth's environment, if him and his wife decide to have children in the future.

What is measured by the Voigt-Kampff Test, and how do the results indicate whether or not the test subject is an android?

Empathy is measured If an emphatic response if given to the questions asked by the bounty hunter, the subject cannot be an android, (or have less of a chance of being one)

Why does Isidore find it odd that she doesn't have an empathy box?

He finds it odd as everyone has an empathy box in order to practice Mercerism and straightforward disapproval of Mercerism suggests she may not be human

What does Deckard find out about the Russian police agent, Kadalyi?

He finds out that Kadalyi is actually Polokov

Why does Isidore warn Pris Stratton about borrowing items from the other people's apartments?

He warns her about borrowing items from other people's apartment as kipple-ization (made up of mercerism) means kipple drives people out -suggest the environment has more control over the people

What is the fundamental difference between androids and humans?

Humans have empathy while androids lack any empathy

In what ways does Iran's use of the mood organ differ from Deckard's?

Iran and Deckard both dial their moods according to their schedules. -Iran dials hers to a six hour depression -Deckard dials his to a business like professional attitude

What does Isidore think about Buster Friendly and Wilbur Mercer?

Isidore thinks that Buster friendly is criticizing Mercer ism and wonders if he is competing with Mercer for the control of people's minds. He thinks empathy is a good quality from Mercer even if he is a fraud

Why does Isidore use his empathy box?

Isidore uses his empathy box in order "merge" or telepathically communicate with other followers of Mercerism in the sense that he is united with a bunch of people for the sole purpose of being better

What is 'kipple'?

It is clutter that seems to multiply on its own

Who is Deckard's first test subject?

Rachael Rosen

What does Rachel Rosen offer Deckard and why is this strange?

Rachael offers to come along since she is a robot and robot would feel more comfortable approaching their own kind. It is strange because she is helping the humans destroy her own kind.

Why is the real ostrich so expensive?

Real ostriches are so expenses since there are little animals left on the earth and larger animals have a tendency to be more expense. Furthermore, an ostrich being an exotic animal may up the price a bit more.

Why do some people own mechanized animals instead of animals that are real?

Some people own mechanized animals instead of real animals since world war terminus killed most animals and humans on the earth. With this in mind, animals were a rare and expense commodity, while an electric sheep was more common and affordable.

What does the interaction between Deckard and Polokov imply about the escaped androids?

This implies that Andriods are very similar to humans to the point where they can disguise themselves and hide in plain sight. They could be living among them unnoticed

What does the inability for some humans to pass the Voigt-Kampff Empathy Test imply?

This inability suggest the flaws of the test, making it a further challenge to retire these andriods. -suggests the complex nature of the human being One characteristic cannot define a human -compares these andriods to humans (in a way) -also suggest that if andriods lack empathy, is it wrong to kill them?

Why does Deckard look for Polokov at the Bay Area Scavenger's Company?

This is where he works

Why does the W.P.O. want to send one of their own officers to accompany Deckard on his mission?

To observe Deckard's work of killing androids and to see if he can offer any help to Deckard in his mission

How does the story involving Mercer affect users of the empathy box?

When Mercer was hit with a rock, Isidore's arm is bledding in real life. What happens in the empathy box is somewhat real, as it goes back to the real life.

Are the results to Rosen's test accurate?

no; she is an android which memories artificially implanted into her mind

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