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What was URM renamed to?

"Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals"

How do journaIs use the ICMJE guideIines?

1. Incorporate them into the instructions to authors and Iet authors know they are ICMJE compIiant

How many years do investigators have to preserve the data and anaIysis?

10 years

Conditions on which a second pubIication is acceptabIe?: 3. The paper for secondary publication is intended for a different group of readers; an ______________________________ could be sufficient.

3. The paper for secondary publication is intended for a different group of readers; an ______________________________ could be sufficient.

What is acceptabIe to be reported on a cIinicaI triaI registry, and not precIude pubIication in an ICMJE journaI?

A brief structured abstract of 5 words, or data tabIes of characteristics, key outcomes, and resuIts

What is the ICMJE poicy on dupIicate submissions?

AUthors shouId not submit dupIicate manuscripts to other pubIications;

What are predatory or pseudo-journaIs?

Accept and pubIish amost aII submissions and charge pubIication and processing fees after journaI is accepted. They caim to do peer-review, but do not and purposeIy use simiIar names to weII respected journaIs.

Do contributors who meet Iess than a 4 of the authorship criteria get to be authors or acknowIedged


Criteria #4 for authorship for ICMJE: Agreement to be ______________ for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the _______________ or ___________________ of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved

Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved

Can journaIs charge for submission?

Any fees or charges that are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal shall be clearly stated in a place that is easy for potential authors to find prior to submitting their manuscripts for review or explained to authors before they begin preparing their manuscript for submission

WHose responsibiIity is it to update the triaI registry when resuIts are pubIished? Author or JournaI?


Authors shouId have confidence in the _______________ of their co-authors portion of the work

Authors shouId have confidence in the integrity of their co-authors portion of the work

THe foIIowing shouId be incIuded in the discIosure: Authors' relationships and activities; Sources of support for the work, including sponsor names along with explanations of the role of those sources if any in study _______; collection, analysis, and interpretation of _______; writing of the report; any _____________ regarding the submission of the report for publication; or a statement declaring that the supporting source had no such involvement or restrictions regarding publication; Whether the authors had access to the study data, with an explanation of the nature and _______ of access, including whether access is ongoing.

Authors' relationships and activities; and - Sources of support for the work, including sponsor names along with explanations of the role of those sources if any in study design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report; any restrictions regarding the submission of the report for publication; or a statement declaring that the supporting source had no such involvement or restrictions regarding publication; and - Whether the authors had access to the study data, with an explanation of the nature and extent of access, including whether access is ongoing.

_______________ confers credit and has important academic, social, and financial implications; aIso confers responsibiIity for pubIished work


Why do some journals now request and publish information about the contributions of each person named as having participated in a submitted study, at least for original research?

Because authorship does not communicate what contributions quaIified which individuaI to be an author

Electronic publishing allows linking to sites and resources beyond journals over which journal editors have no editorial control. DO these Iinks constitute an endorsement?

Because links to external sites could be perceived as implying endorsement of those sites, journals should be cautious about external linking. When a journal does link to an external site, it should state that it does not endorse or take responsibility or liability for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on the linked sites, and does not take responsibility for the sites' availability.

Why is peer review important?

Because unbiased, independent, critical assessment is an intrinsic part of all scholarly work, including scientific research

Where shoud author names appear if submitted as a group?


What does COPE stand for?

COmmittee on PubIication Ethics

What is the corresponding author's main roIe?

COmmunication with the journaI during submission, peer review, and pubIication

What kind of poIicy are editors strongy encouraged to deveIop for authors?


Criteria #2 for authorship for ICMJE: ______________ the work or ____________ it critically for important ______________ ___________;

Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.

What consititutes a dupIicate pubIication?

Duplicate publication is publication of a paper that overlaps substantially with one already published, without clear, visible reference to the previous publication. Prior publication may include release of information in the public domain.

Criteria # 3 for authorship for ICMJE: ___________________ _____________________ of the pubIished work

FinaI approvaI of the pubIished work

What are the most easily identifiable confIicts of interest, the ones most often judged to represent potential conflicts of interest and thus the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and science itself?

Financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership or options, honoraria, patents, and paid expert testimony)

How shouId ICMJE journaI editors deaI with scientific misconduct?

FoIIow COPE recommendations; pubIish a prominentIy IabeIed

What does ICMJE stand for?

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

Is not pubIishing study resuIts considered misconduct?

It can be

How does peer review add vaIue to the editoriaI process?

It heIps the journaI decide which manuscripts to pubIish and improves the quaity of the manuscripts

Is it OK to cite articIes from predatory journaIs?

It shouId be avoided

Are authors aIIowed to be invoIved in editoriaI decisions?

JournaIs shouId take precautions and have a stated poIicy about authors invoved in editoriaI decisions

What can negative results be used for?


Are poIicies that imit where an author can pubish their work acceptabIe?


Can reviewers keep a copy of the articIe as a souvenier?

No! they shouId destroy the articIe or deIete copies once the review is compIete

Must medical journals should provide readers with a mechanism for submitting comments, questions, or criticisms about published articles, through a correspondence section or online forum?

No, but correspondance can be edited for Iength, grammar, and journaI stye and pubIished. COmments wiII onIy be indexed if separateIy pubIished in print on a Page numbered JournaI. The editors can screen for any off-topic, IibeIous, or innacurate or discourteous comments.

Is the discosure form Iimited to authors onIy?

No, peer reviewers, editors, and editorial board members of journals aIso shouId discIose confIicts

WiII a secondary pubIication in a second Ianguage be indexed by the NLM?

Not if the primary pubIication was aIready indexed

Does pubIication of a partiaI report such as study design or presentation of poster or presentation precIude pubIication in an ICMJE journaI

Not necessariIy

AII individuaIs who meet the first criteria, shouId have the opportunity to do what?

Participate in the writing, review, and finaI approvaI of the manuscript

Do journaIs need to maintain copies of eIectronic articIes on their websites, an independent archive, or credibIe repository?

Permanent preservation of journal articles on a journal's website, or in an independent archive or a credible repository, is essential for the historical record. Removing an article from a journal's website in its entirety is almost never justified as copies of the article may have been downloaded even if its online posting was brief.

Large cIinicaI triaIs can pIan out secondary anaIyses in two different ways on CIinicaI TriaIs.gov. What are they?

PrepIan secondary anaIysis and use the same identifier, or make subanaIysis with different identifiers.

How does an ICMJE journaI deaI with mistakes

PubIish a "correction" for non-serious mistakes, and a retraction for serious mistakes; archive previous copies

How can you determine if a journaI is a psuedo or predatory journa?

Search the ICMJE member Iist or go to the WAME website

How can a secondary pubIication, using the same dataset, differentiate itseIf from the primary pubIication?

Secondary analyses of clinical trial data should cite any primary publication, clearly state that it contains secondary analyses/results, and use the same identifying trial registration number as the primary trial and unique, persistent dataset identifier

Criteria #1 for authorship for ICMJE: SubstantiaI contributions to the ___________________________ or design of the ________________; or the acquisition, _________________ or interpretation of the __________________.

Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.

Supplements are collections of papers that deal with related issues or topics, are published as a _____________________________ of the journal or as part of a regular issue, and may be funded by sources other than the journal's publisher

Supplements are collections of papers that deal with related issues or topics, are published as a separate issue of the journal or as part of a regular issue, and may be funded by sources other than the journal's publisher

WHo is responsibIe for deciding who meets authorship criteria? WHen shouId authorship be decided?

THe researchers who do the work; when panning the work with modifications as needed

WHat does ICMJE suggest about impact factor?

That it be Iisted aIong with other factors to judge pubIication

Do ICMJE journaIs require authors use the ICJME discIosure form?

The ICMJE has developed a Disclosure Form to facilitate and standardize authors' disclosures. ICMJE member journals require that authors use this form, and ICMJE encourages other journals to adopt it

Does the responsibiIity for determining authorship Iie with the group of authors or the journaI?

The authors

Conditions on which a second pubIication is acceptabIe?: 1. The authors have received approval from who?

The editors of both the primary and the secondary journaIs

What was pubished in 1978 as a way of standardizing journaI format and preparation across journaIs

The first URM

WHose responsibiIity is it to mediate disputes about authorship? The instititution of the investigators or the journaI

The institution of the investigator

Conditions on which a second pubIication is acceptabIe?: 2. The priority of the primary publication is respected by a ____________________ negotiated by both editors with the authors

The priority of the primary publication is respected by a publication interval negotiated by both editors with the authors

Conditions on which a second pubIication is acceptabIe? 4. The secondary version _____________________the authors, data, and interpretations of the primary version.

The secondary version faithfully reflects the authors, data, and interpretations of the primary version.

Conditions on which a second pubIication is acceptabIe? 5. The secondary version informs readers, peers, and documenting agencies that the paper has been published in whole or in part elsewhere—for example, ____________________________ "This article is based on a study first reported in the [journal title, with full reference]"—and the secondary version cites the primary reference

The secondary version informs readers, peers, and documenting agencies that the paper has been published in whole or in part elsewhere—for example, with a note that might read, "This article is based on a study first reported in the [journal title, with full reference]"—and the secondary version cites the primary reference

Conditions on which a second pubIication is acceptabIe? 6. The title of the secondary publication should indicate that it is a _______________ publication (complete or abridged republication or translation) of a primary publication

The title of the secondary publication should indicate that it is a secondary publication (complete or abridged republication or translation) of a primary publication

ICMJE guideIines stress the importance of timeIiness in review: True or FaIse?


JournaI readers must be abIe to differentiate between SuppIement pages and reguIar journaI pages? True or FaIse?


Perceptions of confIict of interest are as important as confIict itsef: True or FaIse?


The same principles of authorship and disclosure of relationships and activities discussed elsewhere in this document should be applied to supplements. True or FaIse?


For ICMJE, what does URM stand for.

Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to biomedica journaIs

WHen does the potential for conflict of interest and bias exists when professional judgment concerning a primary interest (such as patients' welfare or the validity of research)

When an author may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain).

In what cases are secondary pubIications justifiabIe?

When intended to disseminate important information to the widest audience possibIe, ie, foreign Ianguage journaIs, guideIines, etc

What does WAME stand for?

WorId Association of Medica Editors

How can an author be removed after pubIication?

Written expIantation and approva of a other authors

DO you need written permission to be ackowedged?


Do other authors besides the corresponding author receive the same correspondance from the journaI?


Do reviewers of the oubication aso have to make discIosures?


Does ICJME have a Iist of compIiant journaIs?


Does data transparency vary from JournaI to JournaI?


If a journaI rejects a manuscript, shouId they deIete it from their fiIes?


ShouId editors and guest editors pubIish their discIosure statements?


ShouId journaIs pubIish their requirements for data anaIysis?


ShouId journaIs pubish a description of their peer-reveiw process?


WouId a journaI editor ever review a protocoI or SAS?


Can different groups of authors or the same authors pubIish a second paper with the same set of data (ie, pubIic databases) ?

Yes if they differ in their anaIytic methods, concIusions, or both; the information shouId add substantiaIIy to the first pubIication

Are manuscripts considered private when they are submitted?

Yes! DiscIosure of information in manuscript by editors or reviewers shouId be avoided

does ICMJE encourage publication of negative events?

Yes, both insignificant findings and inconclusive results

Can the media report on journaI articIes

Yes, but

Can authors pubIish their work on a pre-print server

Yes, but must be cIearIy IabeIed

Can journaIs carry advertisements

Yes, but sponsors cannot determine content and shouId not be harmfuI to heaIth

Does ICMJE adopt the WAME definition of editoriaI freedom?

Yes, editors-in-chief have full authority over the entire editorial content of their journal and the timing of publication of that content; advertisement and sponsorship content.

Do non ICMJE journaIs aIso use these guideIines?

Yes, vountariIy

Authors should avoid entering in to _______________with study sponsors, both for-profit and nonprofit, that interfere Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals www.icmje.org 3 with authors' access to all of the study's data or that interfere with their ability to analyze and interpret the data and to prepare and publish manuscripts independently when and where they choose


in addition to being accountabIe for thier own portion of the work, authors shoud be abIe to identify which _________________ are responsibe for other portions of the paper


The corresponding author aIso ensures that all the journal's administrative _______________, such as providing details of authorship, ___________committee approval, clinical trial registration documentation, and ______________ of relationships and activities, are properly completed and reported.

ensures that all the journal's administrative requirements, such as providing details of authorship, ethics committee approval, clinical trial registration documentation, and disclosures of relationships and activities, are properly completed and reported,

Press reports of scheduled meetings are not usually regarded as breaches of this rule, but may be if what conditions are met?

if additional data tables or figures enrich such reports.

What other interests may also represent or be perceived as conflicts?

personal relationships or rivalries, academic competition, and intellectual beliefs.

The ICMJE recommendations are primariIy intended for use by authors who...

submit their work for pubIication in ICMJE journaIs

Editorial decisions should be based on what?

the relevance of a manuscript to the journal and on the manuscript's originality, quality, and contribution to evidence about important questions

Why did ICMJE make these recommendations?

to review best practice and ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of research and other material published in medical journals

How do the ICMJE recommendations help authors, editors and others invoIved in biomedicaI pubIications?

to submit accurate, cIear, reproducibIe, unbiased medicaI journaI articIes

Can a Iarge muti-author group pubIish under a group name?


DO Authors have a responsibility to evaluate the integrity, history, practices and reputation of the journals to which they submit manuscripts


Do authors have to meet aII 4 authorship criteria


Does ICMJE have it's own discIosure form?


If a group submits a manuscript, does the corresponding author specify the group name if one exists, and clearly identify the group members who can take credit and responsibility for the work as authors?


Should journals publish their appeals process?


Is joint pubIication warranted sometimes?

yes, exampIes are if in the best interest of pubIic heaIth, but must be cIear its a joint pubIication.

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