ICM Chapters 1&2

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The choice of appropriate marketing communications tools and media naturally flows from the answer to which of the following questions? a. "What is the most cost-efficient communications to use?" b. "Which communications tool best serves the company's needs?" c. "How easy will it be to evaluate the effectiveness of the communications?" d. "What are the communications supposed to do or accomplish?" e. "Who is the target audience for the communications?"

"What are the communications supposed to do or accomplish?"

Which of the following is central to the definition of marketing communications? a. All marketing mix variables, and not just promotion alone, can communicate with customers. b. Marketing communications is intentional rather than unintentional. c. Purchase behavior that is delayed in nature is more desirable than immediate purchase behavior. d. Communication tools should be handled as virtually separate practices. e. Mass media advertising should receive consideration before other communication methods.

All marketing mix variables, and not just promotion alone, can communicate with customers.

Brand associations can be conceptualized in terms of _____. a. type b. favorability c. strength d. uniqueness e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

Harold is trying to determine the appropriate metric his company should use to gauge the effectiveness of its marcom efforts. Which of the following is a possible option? a. brand awareness b. attitudes toward the brand c. purchase intentions d. sales volume e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

Which of the following is a source by which brand meaning can be leveraged? a. other brands b. places c. things d. people e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

Which of the following variables do companies use to identify potential target markets? a. demographics b. lifestyles c. product usage patterns d. geographic considerations e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

Which of the following statements is true regarding brand awareness? a. Only consumer-oriented (B2C) firms must be concerned with building brand awareness. b. Most consumers are able to retrieve a brand name from memory without any reminders. c. There are two levels of brand awareness: primary and secondary. d. Brand recall reflects a relatively superficial level of awareness, whereas brand recognition indicates a deeper form of awareness. e. Although building brand awareness is a necessary step toward brand equity enhancement, it is insufficient.

Although building brand awareness is a necessary step toward brand equity enhancement, it is insufficient.

What does the phrase "speak with a single voice" mean? a. Carefully select those tools that are most appropriate for the communications objective at hand. b. Reach the target audience efficiently and effectively using touchpoints that fit the audience. c. Successful marcom requires building relationships between brands and their consumers/customers. d. All marketing communication elements should use the same endorser so that consumers do not get confused. e. Coordination of messages/media is critical to achieving a unified brand image and moving consumers to action.

Coordination of messages/media is critical to achieving a unified brand image and moving consumers to action.

_____ involves the use of any of several media to transmit messages that encourage buyers to purchase directly from the advertiser. a. Direct response advertising b. Personal selling c. 360-degree branding d. Media-neutral advertising e. Multiple-media advertising

Direct response advertising

Why is it difficult to gain agreement on a suitable system for measuring marcom performance? a. People are uncooperative. b. People in other disciplines do not understand marketing and marketing communications c. Individuals from different backgrounds and with varied organizational interests often see the "world" differently or operate with varying ideas of what best indicates suitable performance. d. There is so little difference among the measures that it is difficult for individuals outside of marketing to understand them. e. If it isn't in terms of dollars, others in the organization don't even want to look at it.

Individuals from different backgrounds and with varied organizational interests often see the "world" differently or operate with varying ideas of what best indicates suitable performance

Which of the following is NOT a key feature of integrated marketing communications? a. Start with the customer or prospect. b. Use any form of relevant contact or touchpoint. c. Speak with a single voice. d. Influence brand awareness and enhance consumer attitudes toward the brand. e. Build relationships.

Influence brand awareness and enhance consumer attitudes toward the brand.

Which of the following is NOT a trait shared by the world's strongest brands? a. The brand excels at delivering the benefits customers truly desire. b. The brand stays relevant. c. The pricing system is based on consumers' perceptions of value. d. The brand relies on mass media advertising to satisfy the brand's positioning strategy. e. The brand portfolio and hierarchy make sense.

The brand relies on mass media advertising to satisfy the brand's positioning strategy.

From the company's viewpoint, which of the following is the best statement a customer can make about a brand? a. I like this brand. b. This brand has the best value. c. This brand is my favorite. d. I like the way this brand works. e. This brand has the best quality.

This brand is my favorite.

What is the initial challenge for new brands? a. achieving brand awareness b. enhancing brand image c. achieving brand preference d. achieving brand insistence e. building revenue premium

achieving brand awareness

John is a subunit manager at a large consumer packaged goods manufacturer. Every year, he and the managers of the other subunits determine how much is needed to achieve their objectives, and the amounts are then combined to establish the total marketing budget. This is an example of _____ budgeting. a. top-down b. bottom-up c. top-down/bottom-up d. bottom-up/top-down e. combination


The basic dimension of brand equity is _____. a. brand image b. brand preference c. brand tolerance d. brand insistence e. brand awareness

brand awareness

Creating and increasing brand loyalty results in a corresponding increase in the value of the _____. a. firm b. target market c. product position d. market share e. brand equity

brand equity

The goodwill that an established brand has built up over its existence is _____. a. important only to marketing b. brand dress c. its value d. brand equity e. brand safety

brand equity

The types of associations that come to the consumer's mind when contemplating a particular brand is known as _____. a. brand image b. brand equity c. brand awareness d. brand cognitions e. brand parity

brand image

Loyalty programs and creating brand experiences that make positive and lasting impressions are ways to _____. a. speak with one voice b. create synergy c. build customer/brand relationships d. start with the customer/prospect e. reach consumers who cannot be reached through traditional mass media

build customer/brand relationships

One way relationships between brands and customers are nurtured is by creating brand experiences that make positive and lasting impressions. This is done by creating special events or developing exciting venues that attempt to _____. a. appeal to consumers' demographic characteristics b. reposition products or services by connecting with consumers' functional needs c. generate increased sales to current customers d. develop new target markets e. build the sensation that a sponsoring brand is relevant to the consumer's lifestyle

build the sensation that a sponsoring brand is relevant to the consumer's lifestyle

Toyota automobiles are regarded by consumers as reliable, intelligent, and successful. The levels of satisfaction of Toyota owners is at or near the top of satisfaction ratings. Which brand-related personality dimension best describes Toyota? a. excitement b. competence c. sophistication d. ruggedness e. innocence


In using marketing-mix modeling, the finer, or more disaggregated, the data the better the analysis can be in determining which specific marketing mix elements are most and least effective in _____. a. generating awareness b. creating brand loyalty c. developing new markets d. reaching the current target market e. driving sales

driving sales

The objective of marketing communications is to _____ as a means of moving customers to favorable action toward the brand. a. increase brand awareness b. cut costs c. increase product usage d. enhance brand equity e. increase the rate of purchase

enhance brand equity

Julie and her department are responsible for making brand-level fundamental and implementation marcom decisions. What are the expected outcomes of these decisions? a. increasing sales and profits b. enhancing brand awareness and attitudes c. enhancing brand equity and affecting behavior d. increasing purchase intentions and affecting behavior e. enhancing brand equity and increasing brand awareness

enhancing brand equity and affecting behavior

Grocery brands possessing higher equity _____. a. generate higher revenue premiums b. lose their popularity c. change prices often d. have less goodwill than other brands e. do not represent the store's values

generate higher revenue premiums

The effect of marcom, or of its specific elements such as advertising, can be measured in terms of whether it _____ from the marcom investment. a. improves popularity b. increases sales c. generates reasonable revenue d. improves public relations e. increases purchase frequency

generates reasonable revenue

Which of the following is a motivation underlying the increased focus on measuring marketing performance? a. greater demands for accountability on the marketing function b. the difficulty of measuring marketing performance c. IRS requirements to report the gains from marketing investment d. new importance of company profits e. lack of tools to measure performance

greater demands for accountability on the marketing function

A key characteristic of integrated marketing communications is the building of relationships with customers. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of building relationships? a. repeat purchases b. loyalty toward a brand c. enduring links between a brand and its customers d. greater profitability e. huge acquisition costs

huge acquisition costs

An example of _____ is the sticker on a Dell computer that says "Intel Inside." a. cross-branding b. multi-branding c. reference branding d. ingredient branding e. planned branding

ingredient branding

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the difficulty in measuring marcom effectiveness? a. lack of ability by marcom practitioners b. obstacles in identifying an appropriate measure, or metric, of effectiveness c. complications with getting people throughout the organization to agree that a particular measure is the most appropriate d. snags with gathering accurate data to assess effectiveness e. problems with determining the exact effect that specific marcom elements have on the measure that has been selected to indicate effectiveness

lack of ability by marcom practitioners

Marketing communicators _____ associations for their brands by connecting them with other objects that already possess well-known meaning. a. define b. locate c. leverage d. advertise e. change


Brand associations can be shaped and equity enhanced through marketing communications that associate the brand with people, places, and "things" that are available to consumers. This approach is known as the _____. a. speak-for-itself approach b. message-driven approach c. leveraging approach d. culturally constituted approach e. meaning transfer approach

leveraging approach

Which technique is increasingly being used to assess the relative effect each program element has compared to the effects of other elements? a. marketing-mix modeling b. structural equation modeling c. marketing optimization modeling d. multidimensional scaling e. calibration modeling

marketing-mix modeling

In which approach to enhancing brand equity do marcom practitioners attempt to build advantageous associations through creative, attention getting, and believable messages? a. speak-for-itself approach b. message-driven approach c. leveraging approach d. shotgun approach e. cast-a-wide-net approach

message-driven approach

Allison is trying to determine how much to allocate for advertising and how much to allocate for promotions during the next year. Which implementation decision is Allison making? a. mixing elements b. creating messages c. selecting media d. establishing momentum e. targeting

mixing elements

Affecting the behavior of the target audience means that marketing communications must _____. a. influence brand awareness b. move people to action c. enhance consumer attitudes toward the brand d. reach the target audience efficiently and effectively using touchpoints that fit the audience e. speak with a single voice

move people to action

Marketing-mix modeling typically employs which statistical technique to estimate the effects that the various marcom elements have in driving sales volume? a. cluster analysis b. structural equation modeling c. multivariate regression analysis d. ANOVA e. MANOVA

multivariate regression analysis

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why organizations have been reluctant to change from a single-function, specialist model to an integrated marketing communications approach? a. managerial parochialism b. fear that change might lead to budget cutbacks in one's area of control c. no way to assess the effectiveness of integration d. fear of reductions in authority and power e. fear of reductions in perceived expertise

no way to assess the effectiveness of integration

Which approach will best serve the customers' needs and motivate them to purchase the brand? a. inside-out b. outside-in c. top-down d. bottom-up e. combination


Karen is attempting to put into words the key idea that encapsulates what her company's brand is intended to stand for in its target market's mind. Karen is writing a _____. a. relationship statement b. creative brief c. positioning statement d. contact brief e. touchpoint

positioning statement

Which of the following encapsulates what a brand is intended to stand for in its target market's mind and then consistently delivers the same idea across all media channels? a. positioning statement b. contact point c. relationship statement d. creative brief e. creative platform

positioning statement

Over the past two decades, the trend has moved toward greater expenditures on _____ and fewer on _____. a. advertising; promotions b. public relations; digital marketing c. personal selling; public relations d. promotions; advertising e. point-of-purchase displays; promotions

promotions; advertising

Consumer sales promotion includes all of the following EXCEPT _____. a. contests/sweepstakes b. rebates c. premiums d. quantity discounts e. free samples

quantity discounts (consumer, not trade)

Bill is given a list of brands of shaving products by a researcher and is asked to mark all those that he is aware of. Which level of awareness is this assessing? a. recall b. recognition c. aided recall d. unaided recall e. positive awareness


Whatever the measure chosen, any effort to meaningfully assess marcom performance necessitates having data that are _____. a. short-term and long-term b. communication-based and sales-based c. representative and normal d. normal and bi-modal e. reliable and valid

reliable and valid

From the marketer's standpoint, marcom's objective is to ultimately affect _____. a. brand equity b. brand awareness c. brand image d. sales volume and revenue e. investment

sales volume and revenue

Which of the following is a symbolic need that can be addressed by a marcom appeal? a. self-enhancement b. cognitive stimulation c. sensory pleasure d. variety e. physical exercise


All of the following are examples of place advertising EXCEPT _____. a. billboards and bulletins b. shopping cart ads c. transit ads d. posters e. cinema ads

shopping cart ads

A satisfactory mixture of advertising and promotion expenditures can be formulated by considering the different purposes of each. A key strategic consideration is whether _____. a. short- or long-term schemes are more important given a brand's life-cycle stage and in view of competitive realities b. the budget would allow for the relatively larger expense of advertising c. the organization has the expertise in its current staff to develop successful promotions d. the majority of the target market is price sensitive e. use of sales promotion is necessary given current economic conditions

short- or long-term schemes are more important given a brand's life-cycle stage and in view of competitive realities

This dimension includes brands that are down-to-earth, honest, wholesome, and cheerful. a. excitement b. sophistication c. competence d. sincerity e. ruggedness


Which personality dimension has General Motors attempted to create for its repair services through its hypothetical "Mr. Goodwrench," who represents the name and "face" of the trained technicians who work in thousands of GM dealerships? a. sincerity b. excitement c. competence d. sophistication e. ruggedness


Associations about locations and structures such as Ellis Island and the Lincoln Memorial are passed on through _____. a. marcom b. the media c. socialization d. brand awareness e. active synthesis


What is necessary to create favorable, strong, and unique associations about a brand? a. heavy mass media advertising b. co-branding c. sustained marketing communications d. ingredient-branding e. brand preference

sustained marketing communications

Which of the following is achieved when multiple communication tools are used in conjunction with one another producing greater results than tools used individually and in an uncoordinated fashion? a. synergy b. duplicity c. multiplicity d. redundancy e. repetition


The most important requirement for co-branding is that _____. a. there is a common fit between the two brands b. the two brands are similar in price c. the two products are not directly competing against each other d. the two products have the same target market e. the two products are manufactured by the same firm

there is a common fit between the two brands

For a given level of expenditure, there is no way of determining the optimum mathematical allocation between advertising and promotion that will maximize revenue or profit because _____. a. they are somewhat interchangeable b. they produce a synergistic effect c. advertising is appropriate for early stages of the product life cycle, and promotion is more appropriate during later stages d. they are somewhat interchangeable and produce a synergistic effect e. None of these are correct.

they are somewhat interchangeable and produce a synergistic effect

Which of the following is NOT a budgeting method? a. top-down budgeting (TD) b. bottom-up budgeting (BU) c. top-down/bottom-up/top-down process (TDBUTD) d. bottom-up/top-down process (BUTD) e. top-down/bottom-up process (TDBU)

top-down/bottom-up/top-down process (TDBUTD)

The appearance and image of the product, including its packaging, labeling, shape, color, sounds, design, lettering, and style is _____. a. a trademark b. a logo c. a symbol d. trade dress e. a brand

trade dress

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