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Client server network

- Complex / hard to set up - designed for end users called clients to access resources such as files, from a central computer called a server - Servers are connected to one or more network switches -Server is present - Expensive - Peripherals are controlled centrally

Peer to Peer network

- Easy to set up - Two or more computers are connected together without needing a file server to be part of a network - Commonly found in the home or small offices -Files are not centrally backed up - Can support about ten clients (work stations) -Need basic skills

Key factors that have to be taken into account when considering a new system

- Ensuring the cost of implementation is worth the benefits it will bring. -Timescales for implementation must be realistic and allow time for thorough testing -Need to involve clients and end users to ensure system meets their needs -Requirements of the client and end user, these have to be realistic and clearly stated

Transaction processing

- Made up of data and processes that update data held on a system - each ? is completed before the next one starts booking airline tickets

Conventional Encryption

- Plain text or original message is fed into an algorithms input -Secret key is input to the algorithm and all transformations and subsitutions depend on this key . - Performs various substitutions and transformations on plain text - Ciphertext scrambled message is produced is produced as an output

Employers duty of care to provide

- Safe Working Environment - Appoint someone trained in Health and Safety - Emergency training - Risk assesments

Characteristics of an effective IT team

- Work together in an organised and effective manner- Deadlines are met - Strengths and weaknesses taken into account - Some form of monitoring put in place -Structure in place - good balance of the team

Skills for ICT professional

-Good Oral Communication skills - Good written communication skills - Problem solving skills -patience -Willingness to work flexible hours -Teamwork

Giving help to Users

-Search facility where the user types in the feature they need to have help with. Hover function- where the user involves the mouse over unfamiliar control, the name of that control appears. -Video tutorials - Help guide

Data Protection Act

1.Data must be secure 2.Collected fairly and lawfully 3.accurate 4. not kept longer than necessary 5.not transferred out of EU


50% of organisations it problems are caused by their staff. Employee could actually sell the data for personal gain. Data could get lost and passed on through carelessness. E.G. leaving the laptop on, it is prone to theft in a unlocked car. Can make multiple copies of sensitive data Can delete copies of data

Disadvantage of standards

A de-facto standard comes about usually by one dominant company in a sector setting out what they want to do. This de-facto standard may not be the best technical solution. In technology especially, standards can rapidly go out of date so there is a need to keep revising it to remain relevant. They can become out of date almost as soon as they are released e.g. the wireless standards had a problem keeping up with technical developments

Local Area Network

A local area network covers a small geographical area such as a single building. Connected via copper/optic fibre cable


A piece of malicious code that is written by programmers and used to corrupt data and systems. It comes in different forms such as trojan horses and worms.

Problem Solving skills

Ability to analyse and solve problems ins useful in many it jobs and working on a help desk and solving users problems. Logical thinking essential


Acts as a barrier between the public internet and your private computer or network and blocks threats including some viruses. Preventive measure against external threats and is a first line of defense but must be used with care and in conjunction with other security measures

Star Network

All computers are connected on a server through a switch, the signals are transmitted one to another. It is expensive as you need a lot of cables.One goes down network still works

Full Back up

Backs up all information on the hardware - takes a long time to do

Menu -driven interface

Can be useful in situations where the user needs to be restricted to a limited choice of actions. Originally, menus were usually chosen by entering a single number or letter chosen from a simple text based list. Still used on automated telephone systems, by entering numbers

Disability Monitors

Can zoom in, check and change font size. Change screen resolution and adjust color contrasts


Collection of multimedia resources which is hosted by the internet

Magnetic Tape

Commonly used medium, for storing large quantities of data

Good oral

Communicate well so that they can talk to users or colleagues. Not make them sound dumb

Encoded data

Converted into a form that the system / computer understands


Copyright laws prevent the free passage of music on file sharing websites. Using Mobile phones when driving is banned so they have been adapted so that you can use them with hands free systems while driving. Law such as the Data Protection Act means that our data is more private and protected

Wide Area Network

Covers a large geographical area such as a continent. ? are connected by radio satellite

Batch Processing

Data is collected together, in a set amount of time Processed all at once No Human Interaction Payroll systems

3 Acts

Data protection act , computer misuse act, copyright,design and patents act


If an ICT system is to work effectively, it is important to have ? in place . Most organisations have a code of practice. Users must ensure they follow the correct IT security procedures such as anti virus

ICT provides

Improved search faculty Improved Presentation Data easily backed up Fast Repetitive processing Improved accessibility Improved security of data Vast storage capacity


In some countries women cannot use computers . We can share cultural data all over the internet, which means we have a better knowledge of other cultures. Similarly we can now talk to people from all over the world on social networking sites. We can now shop internationally through the internet Some people are at a disadvantage if their government blocks access to certain websites.


Increasing threats from ? can lead to organisations networks becoming more exposed to further attacks. Installed on the users computer and is not always easy to detect.


Individuals or organisations break law through using computers


Information produced

Ways to prevent threats occuring

Encryption, Hardware measures, software measures, procedures


Every computer connected to eachother by a cable. It is a robust and reliable way to cable a network - but is expensive

Hardware Measures

Firewall to prevent hackers Using physical security - bolting laptops down Biometrics

Computer Misuse Act

Gaining unauthorised access to a computer e.g. looking at files Gaining unauthorised access with intent to commit crime Gaining unauthorised access and altering files

Good written communication Skills

Have ability to write technical documents

Hard Disks

Have low access time, high capacity and very easy to use

Factors that affect quality of information

How up to date, How accurate, how relevant is information

Human error

Insist that users change their passwords regularly and that security is increased. Easy to forget that printed files must be shredded when they are finished with use. Backup media could get stolen if the data is not in a secured area. Hardware could be spoilt because of coffee spills


Interconnected computer system


Is a series of interlinked networks which cover the globe or world

Data Commissioner

Is responsible for enforcing the act


Is the capturing of data


Is the converting of data


It is by force of law'. Wireless 802.11n Internet TCP / IP protocol ASCII character set Unicode international character encoding

Coded data

It saves time on a manual data capture Search times are reduced Takes up less storage



Printer Types

Laser,inkjet, plotter,thermal


List of instructions for solving a problem in ICT and computer science , usually means a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem

Main area network


Types of backup media

Magnetic tape - removable hard drive -optical disk


Main memory where all locations can be read and written equally quickly

Four threats to ict systems

Malware, Human Error,Natural Disasters, Hacking

Security Mechanism,

Mechanism that is designed to detect ,prevent or recover from a security attack


Memory that cannot be changed. Amount of data is measured in KiloBytes

Visual Output devices

Monitors, Projectors, Printers

Graphical user interface

Most commonly used type of interface, use icons or pictures that are easily understood by the user and can be clicked using an input device. They vary between manufacturers but are generally seen as the most intuitive way of using a computer , giving access to users with different levels of knowledge

How and Why organisations use ICT systems

Most modern organisations use ict systems to help them fulfil their goals, but the exact nature of the ict system will depend on what those goals are.It is commonplace for many organisations to use ict systems to produce information that would traditionally have been produced by paper based systems. This might include receipts, invoices ,sales, reports and wage slips. Others have been created for situation which would have been impossible without the processing speed of modern computers

Professional Printing

Most towns have several off these shops. Use offset lilo printing. saves staff time and it is cheaper

Forms of data

Moving Images, Still pictures,text,numbers,sound

Photo Printing

Much cheaper than printing at home More expensive to run for standard documents Prints available 6x 4


Must be checked for errors and have regular updates, as it can loose value

Reliable source

Must be from teach ict rather than wikipedia


Need to have , so that they are approachable, to prevent users from becoming flustered or anxious about the fact they have lower skills


No it system can work without people being involved at various stages Systems are more likely to succeed if the client and end users are involved at every stage *Sales *Purchasing *Finance *Email and other communication stages *Stock control


Not ? it will lose value. for example on a home insurance if the form is not ? the house will loose value

Input Media


Optical Mark Recognition

On an exam paper, multiple choice, the scanner / reader would find out where the mark is on the paper

Anti Virus

One of main defenses against online problems from internal and external threats . It continually scans for viruses including Trojans and worms and can be set to run at particular times of the day . To be effective it must be kept up to date


One of the largest areas of growth for traditional commerce

What is an ICT system

One that involves input,processing and output, which goes directly to a human being


Online shops allow people to buy things for less money due to competition between companies Training and education can be done online using different technology / systems - makes it easier for people to improve skills and knowledge Organisations need to buy new ICT Systems to keep up to date with the other organisations, this can be very expensive for the company. It is easier to get a job because you can look at different companies online. Hardly anyone uses cash anymore - people payonline using pay pal / credit and debit card and even bit coins as a means of currency


Only different data is saved when backing up - Very quick to do

Public area network



Programs that make the computer a useful tool by carrying out processes Special purpose software

The copyrights,design and patents act 1998

Protects peoples work from being used without their permission. It gives the creators the right to control the ways in which their material might be used. Means people are rewarded for their work

Health and Safety at work act 1974

Protects workers from things that could cause them to have accidents or damage to their health .


RFID tracker, Biometrics, Alarms,CCTV, Swipe cards


Raw facts and figures which have no meaning

Software Measures

Running virus software virus scanning software Passwords to prevent unauthorised access Anti Spyware


Saves all files that have changed since the last backup

Users of ict systems can use a variety of input devices including ?

Scanner, Digital Camera, Touch pad, Keyboard, Mouse, Touch screen, Touch tone pad

Employee's must ?

Take reasonable care and use protective equipment

Thin Film Transistor

Take up less room


The computer and peripherals will depend on the type of processing and the output that is intended for the task. Storage space and processing power are two of the key aspects

User Interface

The link between the user and the technology that they are using , involves both hardware and software

Cathode Ray Tubes

They fire electrons , making each pixel glow

Special Purpose input devices

Tracker ball, foot mouse , speed of mouse adjusted, single key strokes

Input devices

USB stick , Keyboards, Mouse, Webcams, Camera, Scanner


Use of removable hard drive to ensure data has been removed from the system

What is ICT

Use of technology for the input, processing of data and the output of information


Use pens- move across paper, to draw detailed and accurate images. Mostly large scale drawings


Use same protocols as an internet, it can only be accessed by employees/ members of an organisation


Use same protocols as the internet. Is a part of an intranet which makes it accessible by those outside of an organisation

Optical Mark Recognition ?

Uses a light beam, senses position of pencil or other marks on paper. Software allocates the value. It is very expensive , however results are produced quickly

Optical Character Recognition

Uses a scanner and specialist software to turn paper based text into computer characters

Magnetic ink character recognition

Uses magnetic ink to print characters . shaped to ansi standards and used to direct cheques and also read easily.


Valuable to someone who has to use it , so must be ?

Up to date

Value in time scale. Info is produced on customer tastes- so needs to be ? information



Radio Frequency ID

Way of tracking objects by attaching a transmitter that sends a signal, getting the serial number and location

Six factors to consider when designing a backup strategy

What needs backing up ? How often ? When? Backup media ? Who's responsible ? Where will it be stored ?

Bits and Bytes

Whatever the type of data being input, computers store and process data using binary numbers . A single unit in binary is called a bit which stands for binary digit Computer memory is measured in Bytes. One byte is made up of 8 bits. Store one character - A = 01000001 and B = 01000010


When an employee goes against company ICT codes of practice

Willingness to work flexible hours

Willing to see a task through to the end when it is completed. ICT problems can take many hours to solve and professional cannot simply walk away. Digital world rely on their it systems 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK.

Liquid Crystal Display

Works by two polarizing material with liquid crystal surface surface sandwiched between. Electric current passed through liquid causing crystals to darken.

Ring Network

has a cable connecting them. A token is passed around the network, they carry data all the time. If one fails the others do too


image is printed on a page, due to a laser beam being shone on a light sensitive drum. It uses electrostatics charges Monochrome lasers- Print in black and white, used more in the office, it's a high quality.


one created almost by default because of one dominant player in that industry. There is no formal outside organisation that approved or signed off the standard.



Advantages of Standards

Allows equipment made by different companies to work together as long as the follow the same standards. They provide a known level of quality Having no agreed standard in a new industry can slow down innovation and cost a lot of money. e.g. the companies backing the early Blu-Ray disc were competing with companies backing other technologies. Those non-Blu Ray companies ended up losing a lot of money as their technology lost ground.


Anti- Virus Passwords Access rights Encrypting files

8 principals of the DPA

Data shall be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully. Personal data shall only be held for one or more specified and lawful purposes. Personal data shall not be disclosed or used in any manner incompatible with that purpose or purposes. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purpose. Personal data shall be accurate and up to date Personal data shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for the purpose. An individual shall be entitled to be informed of what data is held on them, to view it and to ask for it to be corrected. NB not actually change it. Appropriate security measures shall be taken against unauthorised access to, alteration or disclosure or destruction of personal data. Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European economic area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection


Data that has been processed into something more meaningful

Components of an ICT systems



Deep Vein Thrombosis

Interactive processing

Dialogue between the user and a system. Immediate response from the system

Effectiveness of solution

Does the solution do what it is supposed to do Does it do it in the way it is supposed to do Is the solution an effective one What's wrong with it


People can work from home so less fuel is used in transport. People can forget to switch devices off which wastes energy. Technology such as skype / video conferencing / Teleworking has meant that people can work from home - less need for driving to meetings. Server farms are not good for the environment - more and more required as we go onto the cloud ICT systems produce a lot of carbon dioxide. Print preview prevents mistakes when printing so paper is saved. Paperless offices (yeh right!) due to email and online software / storage GPS technology allows drivers to save fuel as they find the most economic route Because it is now really expensive to repair old printers etc, it is cheaper to buy a new model . This resulting in people throwing away their unwanted devices. We are using all the earths resources to create digital devices - is this sustainable. We live in a throw away culture people just buy new pc's laptops and phones each year.


People get lazy and can not be bothered to go out to socialise Allows people to easily find similar friends with similar interests Can now telework, meaning that we do not have as much social interaction with other employees. Also with teleworking you can get distracted by social networking sites and can also perhaps get addicted to gambling on the internet, because you can work your own hours. Work can be done faster so it saves people time which they could spend with their family.

Data Subject

Person who has data stored about them

Characteristics of user

Physical characteristics, age, environment of use, task to be undertaken, experience


Play a leading role in stock control and customer ordering for web based commerce in warehouses. One of key features is a automatic check is made for any errors using validation. All codes have a personal code


Popular in the home- cheaper than laser but is slower Prints in colour - x3 inkjet colours

Bus Network

Simpliest topology. The computers are connected down a straight cable called the backbone. Data is sent from one computer address to the others . However it should only do this one computer at a time, because it is a slow network. If one computer fails the others work.


Some people misuse the Internet or use digital devices to upset and offend others e.g. trolling, cyberbullying, use of pornographic website People openly plagiarise material and original work done by others Can be used to inform or persuade others about ethical situations or moral issues e.g. polls Companies look at your social media content and use this to decide if you are the best person to employ! Privacy can affect systems, people may refuse to supply information because the lack of privacy. There needs to be proper security in place so that ICT systems cant be accessed by those without authorisation Robots taking jobs from humans, this is because there will be less human errors, but they will be missing a personal human touch.

Data controller

Someone who controls the data in an organisation

Output devices

Speakers, Monitors, Printers, Projectors, Headphones

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