Implicit Attitudes (April 9)
Implicit Attitudes
- Attitudes we hold that we are not immediately aware of (or less willing to express) -unconsciously activated -unintentionally activated -harder to control -addressed in experiments
Explicit Attitudes
- These attitudes are easily identifiable - They can also be controlled easily -asked in ways where you can describe your attitude ex: do you like comm 118 -surveys are directed at explicit attitudes
Implicit Association test (IAP)
Uses the speed of associations to determine implicit attitudes - Developed to look at attitudes about race/ ethnicity -When taking IAT 1) Sit at computer, putting fingers on two keys 2) Computer then asks you to sort items/ words, measuring the amount of time it takes. 3) Response latencies are used to determine with association were related 4) Results are supposed to represent people's actual attitudes toward certain issues
Effects of priming
short term- media portrayals can prime thoughts long term- neutral objects become part of cognitive network
Counter Stereotypes
Representation of groups of people - or an individual within the group - in roles that contradict a stereotype
-All about schemas and accessibility and it focuses on memory and recall. - It can influence our implicit attitudes and subsequent behavioral responses. - Hot and cold coffee example. When receiving warm coffee, people tend to be kinder and opposite when receiving cold coffee.
Affective Misattribution Procedure (AMP)
-Alternative of IAT -Doesn't rely on response time -initial picture is expected to influence the evaluation of the subsequent object Ex) People are shown a picture of a Chinese character, then a static screen, then asked about how they feel about the Chinese character. (If someone speaks chinese, they are excluded). The instructor says to ignore your feelings about the first picture, but the only thing the people can think of is the attitude towards the first picture that they can't control (Implicit Attitude)