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What did the AFL maintain?

-A national strike fund (when they are on strike they already had money saved up so they get paid a little amount)

What is Vertical integration?

-A process in which a corporation buys out all their suppliers in order to control the raw materials and transportation systems

What was the Bessemer process?

-A technique used to convert large quantities of iron into steel

What did Terence V. Powderly say?

-All types of laborers should be hired

Who was Terence V Powerderly?

-American labor union leader -Head of the knights of labor

Who was Gustavious Swift?

-An American industrialist -Created/owned meat packing plant -Revolutionized the industry -Used Vertical Integration to have his meat packing process into a single streamline process

What was the Standard Oil trust?

-An example of a destructive trust -The trust created by John D. Rockerfeller that allowed him to sell his products so cheaply that all competators went out of business -

What is a proprietorship?

-An individual person who starts the business alone -Often a small business

What were some robberbaron tactics?

-Monopolizing huge industries through the formation of trusts -Engaging in unethical business practices -Exploiting workers -Paying little to customers -Terrible to their laborers

What is a Corporation?

-Organized by associates and legalized through state charter

Who was the leader of the International Workers of the World (IWW)?

Big Bill Haywood -He believed in violence

By 1899, the Carnegie Steel company did what?

Manufactured more steel than all the facotries combined in Great Britian

What was the goal of the IWW?

To orgainize all of the workers of the nation into the single union and then work to abolish the capitalist system

What were captains of industry?

-A business leader who furthered their wealth in ways that contributed positively to the country

Why/how did the Pullman Strike start?

-A fearful crisis hit Pullman's business hard so in result he had to lay off workers and cut wages -he lent his name to a company town where he then had all the residents (also employees) of him pay high prices for rent and for company store items -Because of the low wages and high rent prices, workers used a wildcat strike tactic and walked off the job

After police involvement, what happened on May 4th?

-A mass meeting was scedueled in Chicago's Haymarket Square -Came to discuss/protest the police cruelity and the shooting that occured a few days prior -Police showed up demanding the meeting to disperse

What did Thomas Edison do?

-At age 21 he recieved a $40,000 bonus for improving his company's stock tickers, and then became an independent inventor -From 1868 to 1872 Edison patented a new invention almost every five months -In 1880 he patended the incandescent light bulb -His biggest invention was the DC- direct current which generated electric current for powering small bulbs

Who was Samuel Gompers?

-Big time leader of the American Federation of Labor -He is responsible for most of the labor movement characteristics and strategies

What were robber barons?

-Businessmen that were willing to do unethical things to get a competitive advantage -They monopolized huge industries and treated laborers terribly while they made fortunes

What happened just a few days prior to the Haymarket Square Riot Strike?

-Chicago unions participated in a strike to limit the workday

What did the AFL push for?

-Closed shops (only hiring union workers)

What was the goal of the Socialist Labor Party?

-Collective Ownership of the economy and a socialist industrial union government

What did J. Pierpont Morgan do?

-Combined up suffering company's and put them all together as one -Was a financial businessman -Bought Andrew Carnegie's steel business for $500 million -People said he was crazy and that it was a horrible idea since he couldn't afford it -He ended up doubling the money and made $1 billion

Who was George Pullman?

-Creator of the Pullman car, AKA luxury railroad sleeping cars

What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?

-Declared that trusts that restrained trade were illegal - In response, many corportations, including Standard Oil just reorgainized into single corporation -Paved the way for more effective legislation

Who is John D Rockerfeller?

-Founder of the Standard Oil company -Considered the wealthiest person of all time -MAJOR philanthropist -Donated almost all of his money -He brilliantly lowered his prices until all competition was gone when he raised his prices (many people saw this as being a robber baron)

What is philanthropy?

-Giving back to the poor; donation of money to good causes

Who put down the strike and why?

-Grover Cleavland and the US government -In order to open railroads back up

What were the goals of the knights of labor?

-Have an 8 hour workday -Workers cooperatives (businesses that benefit certain workers: ex-Teachers Credit Union -Worker-owned factories -Abolition of child and prison labor -Increase money supply -Equal pay for men and women

What is monopoly?

-Having complete control over production, wages, and prices (no compedadors) ex: AT&T

What did Andrew Carneige do after he worked in the cotton factory?

-He became a messenger boy for the city's telegraph office

What did Andrew Carnegie decide to do in 1873 and why?

-He entered the steel business after touring a British steel mill and witnessing the Bessemer Process

What did Andrew Carnegie do in 1865?

-He left his job at the railroad

What did Andrew Carneige do in 1848?

-He moved from Scotland to Pittsburg at the age of 12, and then went to work for a cotton factory

What did Cornelius Vanderbilt do?

-He was a famous industrialist who worked in railroads and shipping

What did Horatio Alger do?

-He was an author that wrote books that encouraged people to persevere, work hard, never give up, etc.

Where did Andrew Carnegie go in 1853?

-He went to work for the Pennsylvania Railroad where he became the super intendednt by age 23

Who and when invented the Bessemer process?

-Henry Bessemer and his American Iron maker assistant, William Kelly, in the 1850's

Who was one social darwinist and what did he accept?

-Herbert Spencer (British economist) -Advocate of laissez-faire -Said don't help the poor because they are weak

What did Railroads start doing?

-Hiring scabs

What did Edwin Drake do?

-In 1859, he successfully used a steam engine to extract oil from below the Earth's surface in Titusville, PA

What is the idea of Laissez Faire?

-Individuals should compete freely in the marketplace and there is no room for the government to get involved

What did Andrew Carnegie believe in as a Christian (about being wealthy)?

-Inequality is inevitable (unable to be escaped) and good -Wealthy should act as trustees for their poor

What did George Eastman do?

-Invented the Kodak camera in 1888 -Allowed for more office jobs and more job opportunities for women

What did Alexander Graham Bell do?

-Invented the telephone in 1876 with his assistant Thomas Watson

What did Christopher Sholes do?

-Invented the typewriter in 1867 -Revolutionized office work and created job opportunities for women

What did the members of the IWW became known as and whta were they given?

-Known as Wobbilies -Given Red Membership Card

Who did the public blame to be responsible for the riot?

-Labor Movement -Anarchists -Socialists

Who was Eugene V Debs?

-Labor leader and socialist -Organized the American Railroad union -People honored him for the motivation to have the average working man build socialism without large state involvement

Who did the AFL prevent disputes between?

-Many craft unions (craft unions are unions that combine workers that are involved in a particular skill but may work for someone else in a different location) -Management and labor

What benefits does a corporation include?

-Raising large amount of money by selling stock certificates -Has a CEO, so when the owner dies the corporation lives on -Limited Liability allowed the share holders to not be responsible for a coporations debt/finance issues -Had professional management which seperated owners from day to day management of the company

Who did the railroad union accept?

-Skilled and unskilled workers -However, in order to join you had to work on a railroad

What is Social Darwinism?

-Supports Charles Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest -Certain people/things become more powerful in society because they are better

What's a Pinkerton?

-Tactic of Management -A private security guard guard (company owner can secretly have a "regular" person do whatever they want)

What is a wildcat strike?

-Tactic of labor -A strike that is started by a group of workers without the approval of their union (often deals with emotions)

What is informational picketing?

-Tactic of labor -Informing the public about bad things about the union (not apart of a union)

What is closed shop?

-Tactic of labor -Only hiring union workers

What is a boycott?

-Tactic of labor -Refusing to buy or have anything to do with a product because of a personal reason

What is a sympathy demonstration?

-Tactic of labor -Trying to gain public sympathy by making your workplace look bad

What is open shop?

-Tactic of management -A place of work where employees are not required to join a labor union

What is blacklisting?

-Tactic of management -Group or authority putting names on a blacklist to have the person/company seen as bad or untrustworthy

What is a lockout?

-Tactic of management -Locking factories so that workers can not do anything because they did something wrong

What were scabs?

-Tactic of management -Replacement workers (if someone didn't show or protested against then they just got replaced and lost their job)

What is a yellow-dog contract?

-Tactic of management -a contract between a worker and employee that says the employee agrees to not join a union

What is a P.R. campagin?

-Tactic of management -A series of planned activities to give a company publicity

What is a court injunction?

-Tactic of managment -Order from a judge that forces a person to do something

What other union got involved with the Pullman Strike?

-The American Railway union -They brought in Pullman workers to issue a national strike against Pullman cars

How does a tariff help a countries business?

-The country receives the extra revenue from the tariff's -Businesses benefit because it makes their goods cheaper than imported goods, which raises the demand for their goods

What was the National Labor Union?

-The first Union -Paved the way for other organizations to be started -Pressured Congress to make labor laws improvements

What industry created the first corporation?

-The railroad industry created the first big business/corporations -It was a key to opening the west -A financial magnet -Helped aid the development of other industry's

Why was Steel now used instead of iron?

-They could cheaply mass produce it -Steel absorbed energy whereas iron would crack+crumble -Steel is much lighter than iron -Steel can support 20 times more weight -Steel lasts longer than iron

What did competing companies do when the "enemy" sold items?

-They lowered their prices which attracted more people to buy their goods

What was the goal of the workers/residents of George Pullman?

-To try and negotiate with Pullman

What is a partnership?

-Two or more people going into/starting business by terms of their partnership agreement

What type of union was the Railroad Union?

-Vertical -Industrial

What happened a few days after the Chicago unions participated in a strike?

-Violence occured between union and non-union workers when the union workers found out that those who cross the picket line had been given 8 hr work days -The police intervened leaving many wounded and few dead

What did Frederick W. Taylor do?

-Visited factories and changed things to make the process and the factory more efficient

Why did the riot/strike produce fear in the labor movement?

-Was suspected that people in labor movement orchestrated the violence

What convinced the United States to adopt railroad time?

-While riding trains, it got very confusing about the times, so the United States decided that if they all adopt the plan it would put everyone on a similar schedule (instead of looking at the sun)

Who was another social Darwinist and what did he accept?

-William Graham Sumner -Said that Individuals must have absolute freedom to struggle, succeed, or fail; therefore, state intervention to reward society and the economy is worthless

What is a natural monopoly?

-the nature of the business makes it hard to get into the business (no competetors) ex:vectren

What conditions allowed the United States to grow into a powerful industrial nation?

1. Natural Resources- coal, oil, timber, and iron ore 2. Government Supports for businesses- tax breaks, subsidies (grant money), Protectionism, Tarrif (tax of foreign goods), favorable enviormental policies 3. Immigration and a growing urban population- provided us with cheap labor and markets for new producers

How many times did Eugene Debs run for president?

5 times, failing at all

When the police demanded the meeting to disperese, what happened after?

A unknown person threw a bomb killing and inguring many

What is a merger?

An agreement between two or more comapines to join together -Similar to Horizontial integration -Mergers can be hostile

How does the time change as you move from West to East?

The time increases by one hour

What book did Andrew Carnegie write in 1901?

Gospel of Wealth

What did Samuel Gompers believe in?

Gradual gains (slowly adding small raises)

What was the focused efforts of the IWW?

Hiring unskilled and often overlooked laborers

Did the Pullman Strike succeed?

No, George Pullman never backed down

What order were the four time zones in from West to East?

Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern

Who was the American Federation of Labor leaded by?

Samuel Gompers -A skilled worker -A leader -Main point was to use strikes as weapons

After Eugene Debs got out of jail, what did he become?

Socialism Spokesmen

What's an Anarchist?

Someone that doesn't believe in government

What strength did the Knights of Labor union hire?

Strength by number

What strength did the American Federation of Labor hire?

Strength by skill (meant it would be a smaller union)

Why did the National Labor Union (NLU) fail?

The Great Depression

What was the capitalist system?

System in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods

Where was Eugene Debs from?

Terre Haute

What did Eugene V. Debs lead?

The American Railway Union in a nation wide strike that brought railroads to a stand still

What did the SLP help set up?

The Industrial workers of the world

What is horizontal integration?

The buying out of competing companies that are in the same industry

What did the AFL preach?

The cause of Unionism (protect common interests of workers)

What did the SLP encourage?

The labor movement

When competing companies gained control over the "enemy", what happened to the prices?

The prices went up because there was nobody else to buy the goods from

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