INF101 Midterm

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What all does the paragraph dialog box do?

- Control paragraph spacing between lines - Control first line indent

What are some similarities and differences between Google Apps and Microsoft Applications (cloud and desktop)?

- Google Apps basically only in the cloud. - Both use storage in the cloud (Google Drive and OneDrive) for sharing and for collaboration. - Microsoft - both in the cloud and on the desktop. - Advantage: can work off-line.

How does one share documents in Word?

- Save to the cloud first. - Share links in email. - Sharing read only or with edit privileges.

How does saving files differ using the Microsoft Online apps vs. the desktop apps?

- The Save button - used for desktop applications. -Online apps have no save button. - OneDrive synch on the PC or Mac synchs up files used offline with online (the cloud).

What can you do in Word table cells?

-Add tab stops -Add new rows by using the tab key in the last cell - Center text vertically and horizontally -Have multiple paragraphs

OneDrive files...

-Can be shared. -Can have links shared via email. -Have options to share with edit privileges or as read only (can't edit).

Creating Zip files

-Compresses files. -Can be done by Macs and PCs.

The Excel Survey or Form has what options?

-Yes/No questions. - Short text -Long text -Ratings (Form).

What does the comma number formatting do to numbers in Excel?

Adds commas to numbers

What does the accounting number formatting do to numbers?

Adds two decimal places and dollar signs.

What does the concept of conditional formatting mean? Give some examples of conditional formatting.

Allows us to feature certain results by highlighting them based on certain conditions. (above or below a specific number, data bars)

When you use the frequency function, what do the bins do?

Bins indicate the intervals desired for the various counts

____________________ show three dimensions with X values, Y values, and Bubble Size.

Bubble Charts

____________ are considered to show accurate information by data analysts

Column Charts

_________ show two sets of data using columns and a line.

Combo Charts

What are the shortcut keys for:

Copying selections, delete selections, pasting selections, centering text, left-aligning text, right-alighning text

Who has access to OneDrive?

Everyone who sets up an account

__________ have specific kinds of uses for specific kinds of charts.

Excel Charts

When editing charts there is a green cross, a pen, and a funnel. What is the function of the green cross?

Features chart elements

Does the format painter copy text or copy formatting?


How does one create a Macro?

Go to the View Tab and find the Macros group. Click on Macros. Select Record Macro. Create a name for your Macro. Start recording. Then do everything you need to do to accomplish some task. Stop the recording.

main tabs on the Excel ribbon.

Home, Insert, Draw, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, View

What does the frequency distribution function do?

It uses a range of values and a bins set of intervals

What is a Macro in Word?

Macros record actions in Word.

How do we automate using tables of contents in Word?

Note: Use heading styles. Note: Word has several styles for tables of contents.

Excel tables be used for filtering data? Sorting data? Formatting data? What does all that mean?

Numeric data can be sorted smallest to largest or vice versa. Text can be sorted alphabetically.

How do we create an absolute reference (cell reference) in Excel? What does an absolute cell reference do in Excel?

On a windows use F4

How does Microsoft's OneDrive work?

On the desktop and in the cloud

How are section breaks in Word different from page breaks?

Page formatting, margin formatting, etc. can differ in section breaks

________ Are good at highlighting selected data - think about how one uses pie slices

Pie Charts

What are QuickParts and how are they used?

QuickParts can be used for letterhead or other kinds of text.

What does the book icon signify?

Spell check

What characters does Excel allow when entering numbers?

These include (among others) parentheses, exponents, minus sign, plus sign, and decimals.

When do you use $ signs in properly formatted accounting worksheets? (Which rows?) How does the clear formatting option work?

Top and bottom row (total)

What is the difference between a displayed value in Excel and the underlying value?

Underlying value is the formula and displayed is what is seen.

What are typical commands or functions on the Quick Access Toolbar?

Undo, redo, save, macros

Can filtering be used to count records that have specific fields?


How do you control column width using tables in word?

You can manually resize the columns or use autofit (contents) to your advantage.

What is a CSE function?

an array function that uses Ctrl-Shift-Enter to activate the function.

When documenting research sources what sorts of things can Word document?

books, journal articles, performances, websites, and many other kinds of things.

Macros can be started by...

clicking on icons or by Viewing a macro name and starting it.

What are the functions of cover letters?

emphasize why you are a good fit for the company and highlight your skills.

What are bookmarks in documents? What is their function?

help your readers locate information quickly

What does Word's Inspect document function do?

it flags comments, privacy issues, and other kinds of issues.

What does track changes do? How is it useful?

it shows who made changes and it shows various kinds of markup.

What does converting a table to a range do?

keep the table formatting but remove the table (functions)

What is metadata about files?

metadata is data about data. It describes various things about files - author, file size, file modification, file creation, etc.

Where can we place pie charts in Excel?

pie charts can have their own page or are placed on the same sheet as the table.

How does the countif function differ from the count function?

the countif function can be used with text and numbers.

What does it mean to say that some formulas use relative address referencing in Excel?

the reference is adjusted for the position of the cell

How is the fill handle used?

to copy the formulas across the columns and the rows

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