Inquizitive Documenting Sources: MLA Style

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Kingsolver, Barbara. Flight Behavior. Harper Perennial, 2013. _________ The Poisonwood Bible. Harper Perennial, 2005.


A work of art is cited differently depending on whether it is an original, a reproduction in a print book, or an image found online. Match each works-cited entry below to the corresponding format.

online Davis, Stuart. The Mellow Pad. 1945-1951. Brooklyn Museum, www.brooklynmuseum.​org/opencollection/​objects/2101. original work Davis, Stuart. The Mellow Pad. 1945-1951, Brooklyn Museum, New York. reproduction Davis, Stuart. The Mellow Pad. 1945-1951, Brooklyn Museum. Stuart Davis: In Full Swing, by Harry Cooper and Barbara Haskell, Prestel, 2016, p. 111.

Books are cited differently depending on what format they're in. Match each book format below to its corresponding works-cited entry.

print book Warren, William W. History of the Ojibway People. 2nd ed., Minnesota Historical Society, 2009. book in a database Warren, William W. History of the Ojibway People. 2nd ed., Minnesota Historical Society, 1984. Project MUSE, ebook Warren, William W. History of the Ojibway People. 2nd ed., ebook ed., Minnesota Historical Society, 2009.

Which element is missing from this works-cited entry for a musical score? Wilson, Olly. Episodes for Orchestra. 2011.


If a writer wants to include a works-cited entry for a Wikipedia page, in what order should the writer place the following elements?

"Fossil Fuel." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 June 2021,

Edit the following works-cited entry for an editorial in a newspaper to correct any errors in formatting. Editorial Board. _________. _________, 27 Nov. 2018,​/11/27/opinion/mars-exploration​-nasa-insight-space.html.

"Mars Beckons." The New York Times,

Click on the elements of this works-cited entry for an entry in a print reference work that would also appear in the works-cited entry for the online version of the same reference work. "Vertebra." Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28th ed., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2006, pp. 2118-19.

"Vertebra." Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28th ed., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2006,

A writer cites the following two sources in his paper on Maya Angelou: Angelou, Maya. "Graduation." The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction, edited by Melissa A. Goldthwaite et al., 14th ed., W. W. Norton, 2016, pp. 45-54. Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Random House, 2009. The sentence below quotes from p. 54 of "Graduation." Fill in the blank to complete the sentence using MLA style guidelines. Maya Angelou writes, "If we were a people much given to revealing secrets, we might raise monuments and sacrifice to the memories of our poets, but slavery cured us of that weakness" _______.

("Graduation" 54)

A writer is quoting from Exodus 1.5 in The New English Bible for the first time in her essay. Fill in the blank to complete the sentence below using MLA style guidelines. Only a few of the Israelites who went to Egypt are mentioned in the beginning of Exodus, even though "[t]here were seventy of them all told, all direct descendants of Jacob" __________.

(New English Bible, Exod. 1.5)

A writer wants to use a quotation found on p. 950 of the following source in her paper: Obama, Barack. "Eulogy for Clementa Pinckney." The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction, edited by Melissa A. Goldthwaite et al., 14th ed., W. W. Norton, 2016, pp. 949-55. Fill in the blank to complete the sentence below using MLA style guidelines. Clementa Pinckney was "the progeny of a long line of the faithful—a family of preachers who spread God's word, a family of protestors who sowed change to expand voting rights and desegregate the South" ________

(Obama 950)

A student is writing a paper on eclipses and wants to cite the following entry from Encyclopædia Britannica: Stephenson, F. Richard, et al. "Eclipse." Encyclopædia Britannica, Britannica Group, 28 Jan. 2021, Fill in the blank to complete the sentence below using MLA style guidelines. An eclipse can be defined as the "complete or partial obscuring of a celestial body by another" _______

(Stephenson et al.)

Drag the punctuation marks into the correct locations in this works-cited entry for a personal letter. Ivan____Marty____Letter to the author____ 4 Feb.2021.

, . .

Hollinghurst, Alan _______ ."The Impersonator _______" The New York Review of Books _______ Dec. 2018 ________ pp. 8-10 _____

. . , , .

Drag the elements of the works-cited entry for this blog post into the correct order.

Borkowski, Liz. "Syphilis Prevention vs. Politics." ScienceBlogs, 28 Aug. 2017,

Drag the elements of the works-cited entry for this Zoom presentation into the correct order.

Budhathoki, Thir. "Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Literacies in Student Writing." Conference on College Composition and Communication, 9 Apr. 2021. Zoom.

Drag the elements of the works-cited entry for the foreword (written by Arthur C. Clarke) to Unearthing Atlantis: An Archaeological Odyssey (written by Charles Pellegrino) into the correct order.

Clarke, Arthur C. Foreword. Unearthing Atlantis: An Archaeological Odyssey, by Charles Pellegrino, Vantage Books, 1991, pp. xiii-xv.

If a student wants to format his paper in MLA style, what elements are important?

Correct: one-inch margins paragraph indents a font that is easy to read double spacing a header with the author's last name and the page number Incorrect: title page two spaces following end punctuation

One reference book even arranges items visually (The Macmillan Visual Desk Reference).

Include date the comment was posted name or username of the commenter name of the periodical in which the article is published time the comment was posted title of the article URL Do not include author of the article

What information should you include in the works-cited entry for a comment on an online article?

Include: name or username of the commenter title of the article name of the periodical in which the article is published date the comment was posted time the comment was posted URL Do not Include: author of the article

Drag the elements of the works-cited entry for this article in a print journal into the correct order.

Inman, Joyce Olewski, and Rebecca A. Powell. "in the Absence of Grades: Dissonance and Desire in Course- Contract Classrooms." College Composition and Communication, vol. 70, no. 1, 2018. pp. 30-56

Complete this works-cited entry for a work by two authors, Stephen King and Owen King. _______. Sleeping Beauties. Scribner, 2017.

King, Stephen, and Owen King

Click or tap on any elements that should be italicized in this works-cited entry for a film. Moonstruck. Directed by Norman Jewison, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Star Partners II, 1987. Amazon Prime Video,

Moonstruck. Amazon Prime Video,

Which element is missing from this works-cited entry for a map?

title of map

Writers should not cite a paper heard at a conference if the paper hasn't been published yet.


Drag the elements of this works-cited entry for an edited collection into the correct order.

Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar, editors. The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: The Traditions in English. 3rd ed., W. W. Norton, 2007.

Drag the elements of the works-cited entry for this work in an anthology into the correct order.

Rose, Mike. "Blue-Collar Brilliance." The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction, edited by Melissa A. Goldthwaite et al., 14th ed., W. W. Norton 2016, pp. 449-57.

Complete this works-cited entry for a work by five authors: Andrea Schmitz, Melanie Beermann, Colin MacKenzie, Katharina Fetz, and Christian Schulz-Quach. ________ "Animal-Assisted Therapy at a University Centre for Palliative Medicine—A Qualitative Content Analysis of Patient Records." BMC Palliative Care, vol. 16, Oct. 2017, pp. 1-13. Springer Nature,

Schmitz, Andrea, et al.

If a writer cites an entire work rather than a part of it, or if the writer cites a single-page article, there's no need to include page numbers.


Drag each of the following elements to the area of the online magazine article below where that element can be found

URL Name of magazine Title of article Author Date

A writer wants to cite one book in a series. Drag the series title and number to the correct location in the following works-cited entry. Zamora, Margarita. ________ Reading Columbus. _________ U of California P, ________ 1993. ________

blank blank blank Latin American Literature and Culture 9.

Edit the following works-cited entry for a podcast to correct any errors in formatting. _________. __________, hosted by Erica Tamposi and Emma Samocki, __________, 8 Jan. 2020,

"The Year of the Broads." The Broadcast Podcast, Podcast One

Which works-cited entry should you use for "Transparency in Logo Design," a work with no known author and no date?

"Transparency in Logo Design." The Logo Company, Acessed 16 June 2021.

A student wants to quote from p. 19 of the first volume of Kirsten Olsen's All Things Austen: An Encyclopedia of Austen's World in an academic paper. The student quotes from the second volume elsewhere in the paper. Fill in the blank to complete the sentence below using MLA style guidelines. Olsen writes of architecture in Austen's time, "The number of rooms and their specificity of purpose depended on the wealth of the owner" _________.

(1: 19)

Complete this works-cited entry for a print cartoon with the correctly formatted date and page number. Bramhall, Bill. "Bramhall's World: Mars Refugee." New York Daily News, ________, _______.

28 Nov. 2018, p. 21.

A writer wants to cite two different sources for the same idea; she wants to cite p. 10 of a book by Isaac Cohen and p. ix of a book by Cara Munson. Which of the following sentences use correct in-text references?

Correct Many scientists and animal rights activists have weighed in on the importance of protecting endangered species (Cohen 10; Munson ix). Incorrect Many scientists and animal rights activists have weighed in on the importance of protecting endangered species (Cohen; Munson). Many scientists and animal rights activists have weighed in on the importance of protecting endangered species (Cohen 10, Munson ix).

To format a works-cited list properly in MLA style, what elements are important?

Correct beginning each entry at the left margin alphabetizing each entry using hanging indentation starting your works-cited list on a new page centering the heading Incorrect presenting the entries in the order the sources were mentioned in the paper single spacing the list

Drag the elements of the works-cited entry for this online magazine article into the correct order.

Mull, Amanda. "Victoria's Secret Has a Mean-Girl Problem." The Atlantic, 3 Dec. 2018,

Drag the elements of this works-cited entry for a website with no author or editor and no publication date into the correct order.

Open Doors. Organization for Transformative Works, Accessed 2 June 2021.

Which works-cited entry would you use if you were writing a paper that focused on one particular translation of Crime and Punishment?

Pevear, Richard, and Larissa Volokhonsky, translators. Crime and Punishment. By Fyodor Dostoevsky, Vintage Books, 1993.

Complete this works-cited entry for a work by one author, V. E. Schwab. _______ The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Tor Books, 2020.

Schwab, V. E.

Which works-cited entry would you use for a comic written by Harvey Pekar and illustrated by R. Crumb in an essay comparing the work of R. Crumb to the work of other illustrators?

Crumb, R., illustrator. Bob and Harv's Comics. By Harvey Pekar, Running Press, 1996.

Sound recordings are cited differently depending on whether they are accessed on a CD or online. Match each works-cited entry to the corresponding format.

CD Pavarotti, Luciano. "O Holy Night." O Holy Night, Decca, 2005. CD. online source Lamar, Kendrick, and SZA. "All the Stars." Black Panther: The Album, Top Dawg / Aftermath / Interscope, 2018,

A student wants to use the following legal case about the desegregation of public schools in an academic paper: United States, Supreme Court. Brown v. Board of Education. 17 May 1954. Legal Information Institute, Cornell U Law School, This is the only government source in the student's paper. Which of the sentences below correctly cite the legal case in question?

Correct In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional to have separate public schools for Black and White students (United States). Incorrect In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional to have separate public schools for Black and White students (United States, Supreme Court). In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional to have separate public schools for Black and White students (Brown v. Board of Education).

Click or tap on any elements of this works-cited entry that should be italicized. If the works-cited entry doesn't contain any elements that should be italicized, click the "No Errors" button.

Teaching English in the Two-Year College

Which works-cited entry should you use for a work that is both written and published by the Ohio Department of Education?

Standards Revision in Fine Arts and World Languages. Ohio Department of Education, 2018.

What follows is a reference list entry for the third edition of a book. Drag and drop the edition number to the correct location in the citation. McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. ________ (2011). _______ Theoretical basis for nursing ________ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. __________

blank blank (3rd ed.). blank

Which element is missing from this works-cited entry for a post to Twitter? NPR's Planet Money. "Europe and the U.S. have different definitions of 'safe' when it comes to cars. And it's very annoying to car companies." Twitter,​/planetmoney​/status​/1070858941201047552.

date of post

Works-cited entries for short emails and text messages are very similar. Match each works-cited element to the kinds of sources that require it. (Works-cited elements may match to multiple sources.)

email sender's name date recipient's name or text of the message text message recipient's name or text of the message sender's name date

Interviews are cited differently depending on whether they are published or personal. Match each works-cited entry below to the corresponding format.

personal Lim, Jenny. Telephone interview with the author. 4 April 2019. published Pope Francis. "A Big Heart Open to God: An Interview with Pope Francis." America: The Jesuit Review, 30 Sept. 2013,​faith/2013/09/30​/big-heart-open​-god-interview-pope​-francis.

Consider the three sentences below. One is from a novel with chapters and page numbers (Jane Eyre); one is from a verse play with act, scene, and line numbers (Much Ado about Nothing); and one is from a poem with parts and line numbers ("Christabel"). Fill in the blanks with the appropriate parenthetical references. In Jane Eyre, Mr. Rochester shares some insights into his own personality as he tries to guess at Jane Eyre's: "Do you never laugh, Miss Eyre? Don't trouble yourself to answer—I see, you laugh rarely; but you can laugh very merrily; believe me, you are not naturally austere, any more than I am naturally vicious" _________. In Much Ado about Nothing, Benedick often exchanges barbs with Margaret; at one point he says, "Thy wit is as quick as the greyhound's mouth; it catches" ________. Samuel Taylor Coleridge uses onomatopoeia in the first few lines of "Christabel" to show the sounds of owls: "'Tis the middle of the night by the castle clock, / And the owls have awakened the crowing cock; / Tu—whit! Tu—whoo!" _______.

(106; ch. 15) (5.2.2419) (1.1-3)

A writer wants to refer to two pieces from the fourteenth edition of The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction, edited by Melissa A. Goldthwaite, Joseph Bizup, John Brereton, Anne Fernald, and Linda Peterson. The writer has chosen Langston Hughes's "Salvation," a narrative of a young boy's attempted conversion experience, and Lynda Barry's "The Sanctuary of School," an essay on the importance of public funding for arts education. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence below using MLA style guidelines. In The Norton Reader, readers will find a narrative of a young boy's attempted conversion experience________ and an essay on the importance of public funding for arts education _______.

(Hughes) (Barry)

Works without page numbers are cited differently depending on what information is available. Match each type of source to the MLA parenthetical reference it corresponds with.

(Tanner, par. 2) an online article with a stated author and paragraph numbers (00:00:05-08:30) an audio or video recording ("Hearing the Music") an online article without a stated author

A writer wants to use a quotation by Charlotte Brontë that she found on p. 243 of the following article in a journal: Quinn, Megan. "The Sensation of Language in Jane Austen's Persuasion." Eighteenth-Century Fiction, vol. 30, no. 2, winter 2017, pp. 243-63. U of Toronto P Journals,​/10.3138​/ecf.30.2.243. Fill in the blank to complete the sentence below using MLA style guidelines. Charlotte Brontë wrote to G. H. Lewes, "I should hardly like to live with [Austen's] ladies and gentlemen in their elegant but confined houses" _________.

(qtd. in Quinn 243)

A writer who is using MLA style wants to refer his readers to some additional sources that he doesn't directly reference within his paper. Which of the following are ways he could do this?

Correct Put a superscript at the appropriate point in the text, which tells readers to look for the footnote (at the bottom of the page) with the corresponding number and source information. Put a superscript at the appropriate point in the text, which tells readers to look for the endnote (on a separate page with the heading Notes or Endnotes just before the works-cited list) with the corresponding number and source information. Incorrect Put the additional source information in italics so it's set off from the rest of the paper.

A writer wants to cite the following source in her paper: Diagram Group. The Macmillan Visual Desk Reference. Macmillan, 1993. Which of these sentences include a correct in-text reference to this source?

Correct The Diagram Group created a reference book that arranges items visually. One reference book even arranges items visually (Diagram Group). Incorrect One reference book even arranges items visually (The Macmillan Visual Desk Reference).

A writer is working on a paper that cites two authors with the same last name: Stephen King and Tabitha King. Which of these excerpts from the writer's paper include correct parenthetical references?

Correct Writers often use hypothetical situations to convey a feeling or impression. Stephen King writes, "Wendy reached the lobby and looked around. The velvet rope that had cordoned off the ballroom had been taken down; the steel post it had been clipped to had been knocked over, as if someone had carelessly bumped it going by" (364). Writers often use hypothetical situations to convey a feeling or impression, as in the following description: "Wendy reached the lobby and looked around. The velvet rope that had cordoned off the ballroom had been taken down; the steel post it had been clipped to had been knocked over, as if someone had carelessly bumped it going by" (S. King 364). Incorrect Writers often use hypothetical situations to convey a feeling or impression, as in the following description: "Wendy reached the lobby and looked around. The velvet rope that had cordoned off the ballroom had been taken down; the steel post it had been clipped to had been knocked over, as if someone had carelessly bumped it going by" (King 364).

Select the correct requirements for quoting more than four lines of prose or more than three lines of poetry in MLA style.

Correct indent the quotation one-half inch from the left margin Incorrect use quotation marks include the parenthetical before the final punctuation

The sentence below references a work by authors Joel Best and Eric Best. Fill in the blank to complete the sentence using MLA style guidelines. _________ discuss the role that the issue of student loan debt played in the 2016 Democratic campaign (372).

Joel Best and Eric Best

Consider this works-cited entry for a republished version of Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Drag and drop the original year of publication, 1798, and the year of publication of this version, 2018, into the correct places. Wordsworth, William, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. _______ Lyrical Ballads. ________ Creative Media Partners, ________

blank 1798. 2018.

Which reference list entry represents a dissertation published on a database, and which represents a dissertation published elsewhere online?

published on a database Solomon, M. (2016). Social media and self-examination: The examination of social media use on identity, social comparison, and self-esteem in young female adults (Publication No. 10188962) [Doctoral dissertation, William James College]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. published elsewhere online Obinna, E. O. (2011). Negotiating culture: Christianity and the Ogo society in Amasiri, Nigeria [Doctoral dissertation, The University of Edinburgh]. Edinburgh Research Archive.

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