Interchange Book 2 Unit 4 Language summary

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pour (derramar, verter)

(especially of a liquid) flow rapidly in a steady stream.

Cooking methods (métodos de cocinar)

Cooking methods for food.

boil (hervir)

If a liquid boils, or if you boil it, it reaches the temperature where bubbles rise up in it and it produces steam.

contain (contener)

If one thing contains another thing, it has that thing inside it.

lean (magro)

Lean meat has very little fat on it.

pop (saltar)

Rise from the ground or other surface with an impulse to fall in the same place or another.

Food and beverages (Alimentos y bebidas)

Solid substance that is eaten and served as food.

tempting (tentador, apetitoso)

Something that is tempting makes you want to have or do it.

ramen (en la cocina oriental)

a Japanese meat or fish soup containing noodles (= long thin strips made from flour, water, and egg) and vegetables.

cookbook (libro de cocina)

a book that explains how to make many different kinds of things to eat.

roast (asar)

a cut of meat that has been roasted or that is intended for roasting.

slice (Rebanada)

a flat piece of food that has been cut from a larger piece.

plate (Plato)

a flat, round object that is used for putting food on.

charcoal (carbón)

a hard, black substance similar to coal that can be used as fuel or, in the form of sticks, as something to draw with.

clay (barro)

a heavy soil that is hard when it is dry, used for making bricks and containers.

coconut (coco)

a large nut with a hard shell, a white part that you eat, and liquid inside.

tablespoon (cucharada)

a large spoon used for measuring or serving food, or the amount this spoon can hold.

sauce (salsa)

a liquid that you put on food to add flavour.

recipe (Receta)

a list of foods and a set of instructions telling you how to cook something.

skewer (pincho)

a long pin of wood or metal for keeping meat together while roasting.

pan (sartén)

a metal container with a handle that is used for cooking food in.

bunch ( racimo)

a number of fruits, vegetables, etc. that are growing together.

server (camarero)

a person or thing that provides a service or commodity, in particular.

grill (asar a la parrilla)

a piece of equipment that cooks food using direct heat.

dish (plato)

a plate that you eat from.

order (Ordenar)

a request for food or drinks in a restaurant, or to make or supply goods.

bowl (tazón)

a round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid.

password (Contraseña)

a secret word that allows you to do something, especially to use a computer.

competition (Competencia)

a situation in which people or companies try to be more successful than others.

appetizer (aperitivo)

a small amount of food eaten before a meal or as the first part of it.

snail (caracol)

a small creature with a long, soft body and a round shell.

lime (Lima)

a small, green fruit that is sour like a lemon.

peanut butter (mantequilla de maní)

a soft, brown food made from peanuts, often eaten on bread.

soy sauce (salsa de soja)

a strong-tasting, dark brown liquid made from fermented soya beans and used dark brown liquid made from fermented beans and used especially in Chinese and Japanese cooking.

spice (especias)

a substance made from a plant, used to give a special taste to food.

oil (Aceite)

a thick liquid made from plants or animals that is used in cooking.

guacamole (guacamole)

a thick mixture of avocado, tomato, onion, and spices, usually eaten cold.

dough (masa)

a thick mixture of flour and liquid used to make foods such as bread and pastry.

cover (cubierta)

a thing that lies on, over, or around something, especially in order to protect or conceal it.

bagel (rosquilla)

a type of bread for one person to eat that is made in the shape of a ring.

curry (curry)

a type of food from South Asia, made of vegetables or meat cooked with hot spices.

garlic (ajo)

a vegetable like a small onion with a very strong taste and smell.

salt (Sal)

a white substance used to add flavour to food.

squeeze (exprimir)

an act of pressing something with one's fingers.

survey (encuesta)

an examination of people's opinions or behaviour done by asking people questions.

eggplant (berenjena)

an oval, purple vegetable that is white inside.

chili pepper (ají picante)

any of several types of red pepper (= type of vegetable) that are used to make foods spicy.

irritable (irritable)

becoming annoyed very easily.

secure (seguro)

confident about yourself and the situation that you are in.

outsmart (burlar)

defeat or get the better of (someone) by being clever or cunning.

fish (Pescado)

fish eaten as food.

stew (Guisado)

food made of vegetables and meat cooked together in liquid.

melted (derretido)

having turned soft or into a liquid.

close (cerrar, tapar)

it moves so that it is not open. If you close something, you move it so that it is not open.

lamb (Carne de cordero)

its flesh eaten as food.

soothing (tranquilizante)

making you feel calm or in less pain.

marinated (marinado)

o pour a marinade over meat or fish; to be left in a marinade.

juicy (jugoso)

of food full of juice; succulent.

kebab (brocheta)

pieces of meat or vegetables cooked on a metal or wood stick.

ethnic (étnico)

relating to a particular race of people.

popcorn (palomitas de maíz)

seeds of maize that break open, get bigger, and turn white when you cook them.

tough (duro)

strong and not afraid of violence.

cilantro (cilantro)

the leaves of the coriander plant, used to add flavour to food.

brain (Cerebro)

the part inside your head that controls your thoughts, feelings, and movements.

influence (influencia, influenciar)

the power to change people or things.

meat (Carne)

the soft parts of animals, used as food.

comfort foods (alimentos reconfortantes)

the type of food that people eat when they are sad or worried, often sweet food or food that people ate as children.

diet (Dieta)

the type of food that someone usually eats.

mood (estado de ánimo)

the way someone feels at a particular time.

free time (tiempo libre)

time available for hobbies and other activities that you enjoy.

shake (agitar)

to (cause to) tremble or move with jerks.

cool (fresco, frio)

to become less hot, or make something become less hot.

fry (freir)

to cook something in hot oil or fat.

bake (hornear)

to cook something such as bread or a cake in an oven.

steam (cocer al vapor)

to cook something using steam.

mash (hacer un puré de)

to crush food until it is soft.

cut up (cortar)

to cut something into pieces.

chop (picar)

to cut wood into smaller pieces with an axe so that it can be burned.

toast (tostar)

to heat bread so that it becomes brown.

refrigerate (refrigerar)

to make or keep something, especially food or drink, cold so that it stays fresh, usually in a fridge.

soothe (calmar)

to make someone feel calm or less worried.

cry (llorar)

to produce tears from your eyes because you are not happy.

spread (untar)

to put a soft substance on a surface and make it cover it, or to be able to be put on a surface in this way

mix (mezclar)

to put different things together in order to make something new.

calm down (cálmate)

to stop feeling angry, upset, or excited.

cheer up (Animo)

to stop feeling sad.

driver's license (licencia de conducir)

to travel somewhere in a car, or to take someone somewhere in a car.

mixture (mezcla)

two or more different things or people that have been put together.

strange (Extraño)

unusual or not expected.

delicious (Delicioso)

very good to eat or drink.

depressed (Deprimido)

very sad, often for a long time.

anxious (Ansioso)

wanting something to happen soon.

soda (gaseosa)

water with bubbles in it that you mix with other drinks.

stressed (Estresado)

worried and not able to relax.

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