international business test 2

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CADE International has foreign operations in Taiwan, India, and China. The Firm pays an annual insurance premium to the overseas private Investment corporation. The firm is most likely protecting itself from

wealthier, westernized countries

Christopher Electronics plans to expand into foreign markets. Top executives want the firm to focus only on locations where the rule of law prevails. Which of the following should most likely be considered by Christopher?

usage of the most abundant factors of production, while the focus of the comparative advantage theory is on the productivity of the production process

Factor proportions Theory differs from the theory of comparative advantage in that the focus of factor proportions theory is on the blank

encourage MNEs to increase production activities in a country

Local content regulations are primarily intended to ________.


Nations following the theory of ____ believed that the world's wealth was limited and that a nation could increase its share of the pie only at the expense of its neighbors

developing countries

Nations having the poorest infrastructures in the lowest personal incomes are called


Rockwall Enterprises is planning to expand the firm by establishing operations outside of the US in which of the following countries would Rockwell most likely be able to establish operations most quickly?

a centrally planned economy to a free market economy

Russia is transitioning from

purchasing Capital Equipment outright

SJE Enterprises, a global firm, operates a facility in Angola. managers want to reduce the firm's vulnerability to political risk in Angola. All of the following actions would most likely accomplish this task except

the cost of living in the country is lower than that of France

The GDP per capita of a country is lower than that of France. If the GDP per capita of the country is adjusted for PPP, the country's revised GDP is higher than that of France. Which of the following is most likely true about the country?


____ can occur when a firm sells its goods in a foreign market at a price below what it charges in its Home Market

currency controls

____ make it more difficult for importers of non-essential Goods to acquire foreign exchange

cultural imperialism

____ refers to the unwanted cultural influence in the nation that can cause great distress and Lead governments to block Imports it believes to be harmful

purchasing power

____is the value of goods and services that can be purchased with one unit of a country's currency


a ___ (or duty) is levied as a particular fee for each unit of an imported product


a ___ is an absolute ban of the exporting and importing of goods to a particular destination


a ___ tariff (or duty) is leveled on an imported product and calculated partly as a percentage of its stated price and partly as a specific fee for each unit

foreign trade zone

a ____ is a geographic area where imported or exported Goods receive preferential tariff treatment


a ____ is an absolute ban on the exporting and importing of goods to the particular destination

countervailing Duty

a ____ is calculated to offset the advantage an exporter receives from a subsidy

newly industrialized country n i c

a country that has recently increased the portion of its national production and exports derived from industrial operations is called

comparative advantage

a products components are manufactured in a country that can produce them at a very low cost will maintaining its quality. These components are then assembled in another country where productivity in assembly is high. This process resembles a theory of

promoting exports to enlarge gold and silver holding

according to mercantilism, what should a country's primary goal be?

technological infrastructure in the nation

according to the porter diamond, which of the following is an example of an advanced Factor?


an individual from a country with a high degree of political risk would most likely be from


both absolute and comparative advantage theories assume that____ is the only resource used in the production process

voluntary export restraint

countries might impose a ___ in response to the treatment of an import quota or total ban on a product by an importing Nation

new product stage

during which of the following stages of the international product life cycle Theory does high purchasing power and buyer demand in an industrialized Nation encourage a company to design and introduce a product concept?

manufacturing product stage

during which stage of the international product life cycle Theory does demand rise and remain sustained for a fairly lengthy period of time?

centrally planned to free market economies

economic transition is the process of moving from

transference of ownership from private to public sectors with compensation to private owners for their losses

expropriation is the best defined as the

implies that the national government exerts minimal influence on the exporting and importing decisions of private firms

free trade ___


had the government taken over (with compensation) the assets of global trading but not those of any other company, the government's actions would be an example of


has one of the highest levels of macro political risk


has the government taken over the assets of global trading without compensation, and not taken over the assets of any other company, the government's actions would be an example of

standardized product stage

in the____ of the international product life cycle, competition from other companies selling similar products pressures companies to lower prices in order to maintain sales levels

standardized product stage

in which stage of the international product life cycle does the innovating firms country become a net importer of the product?

political risk

is the chance that political forces may change a country's business environment in ways that lead investors to lose some or all of the value of their Investments or be forced to accept a lower than projected rate of return

trade protectionism may make it difficult for a company to buy what it needs from foreign suppliers

managers should understand the effect of trade protectionism because

manufactured goods

most of the world's merchandise trade is composed of trade in

settle trade disputes among its members

one of the main goals of the World Trade Organization is to

trade surpluses

one of the major pillars upon which the practice of mercantilism rested was

administrative delays

regulatory controls or bureaucratic rules designed to impair the rapid flow of imports into a country are called

it cost more to buy everyday Goods in the country than in Thailand

the GDP per capita of a country is higher than that of Thailand. If the GDP per capita of the country is adjusted for PPP, the country's revised GDP is lower than that of Thailand. Which of the following is most likely true about the country?

smoot-hawley Act

the ___ altered the US trade policy from a stance of free trade to one of protectionism in the 1930s

International product life cycle

the ___ theory states that a country's export eventually becomes

a trade deficit

the condition that results when the value of a country's Imports is greater than the value of its exports is called

political turmoil in a country might affect all dependent countries

the danger of trade dependency is that

production and exporting Goods using the factors of production that are most abundant

the focus of factor proportions theory is on the

examining the volume of its trade relative to its total output

the importance of trade for a nation can be measured by

manufactured goods

the international product life cycle theory was put forth for

gross domestic product GDP

the measure of the value of production that occurs within a country's borders without regards to whether the production is done by domestic or foreign factors of production is its _____


the most common tariffs used today are the ___ tariffs

Factor proportions

the new trade theory is mainly at odds with the ___ Theory

purchasing power parity

the relative ability of two countries currencies to buy the same basket of goods in those two countries is called ______

government restrictions and competitive support actions to affect trade flows

the term protectionism, when applied to International Trade, refers to

Zero Sum game

the theory of absolute Advantage destroys the mercantilist idea that International trade is a

living standards of its people

the theory of absolute Advantage measures the nation's wealth by determining the

economic nationalism

today, country seen by others is trying to maintain a trade surplus and expand their National Treasures at the expense of other nations are accused of practicing

developing countries

using tariffs to generate government revenue is most common among

the theory of comparative advantage

watch production in the world today closely resembles what is predicted by the

positive-sum game

when there are gains to be had by both countries that are partly to an exchange, international trade is considered a

absolute advantage

which Theory suggests that a country should export those goods and services for which it is more productive than others an import those goods and services for which other countries are more productive?

Factor conditions

which element of national competitive Advantage Theory divides resources into two groups: basic and advanced?

export-import Bank

which of the following Financial companies in the US is involved in activities of selling of goods abroad, and offers Insurance on foreign accounts receivable?

companies required to hire local Personnel might be forced to take on inadequately trained workers

which of the following is a disadvantage of local requirement laws to foreign companies?

environmental degradation

which of the following is a major obstacle to economic transition?

local content requirements

which of the following is a method of restricting trade?

companies become more reliant on protection

which of the following is a result of the protection of domestic companies from International competition?

there are gains to be made from specialization and increasing economies of scale

which of the following is an argument offered by the new trade Theory?

maximization of production and consumption

which of the following is an assumption made by comparative advantage Theory?

ad valorem tariff

which of the following is an import tariff

exposure of I agribusiness to Market forces

which of the following is prompting farmers in many developed Nations to discover new ways to manage risk and increase agricultural efficiency?

the theory emphasizes that Nation should open their doors to trade so that people can obtain more Goods at cheaper rates

which of the following is true about the theory of absolute Advantage?

they help domestic producers maintain their market shares and prices

which of the following is true of quotas?

it is difficult for governments to identify the industry's worth protecting

which of the following is true regarding the protection of infant industries from International competition?

human development index

which of the following measures the extent to which a government equitably provides its people with a long and healthy life, an education, and a decent standard of living?

passive political risk management discourages managers from fully or partially hedging their bets against exposure to political hazards

which of the following statements about approaches to political risk management is not true

they served as a source of military protection

which of the following statements is incorrect with regards to the importance of colonies for mercantilist Nations?

unwanted cultural influence in a nation can cause governments to block Imports that it believes to be harmful

which of the following statements is true about cultural influences?

political risk is a major deterrent for companies that want to invest abroad

which of the following statements is true about the political risk in a Global Marketing environment?

governments May promote exports by offering loan guarantees

which of the following statements is true of export financing?

if forces companies from other countries to employ a local resources in their productionprocesses

which of the following statements is true of local content requirements?

marketers use GDP or GNP figures to determine whether a country's population is wealthy enough to purchase its product

which of the following statements is true of national production?


which of the following terms is used to refer to the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services instead of money?

gross national product GNP

which of the following terms refers to the broadest measure of economic development of a country?

reduced utility rate

which of the following would most likely be used as a subsidy to entice firms to locate or expand facilities in a particular community?


which results in a loss of assets, without compensation?

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