Internet Culture Exam 2 Cheat Sheet

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what did Richard Dawkins purpose what a meme was?

"Unit of cultural translon: a self-perpetuating cultural phenomenon analogous to the gene as a replicator of biological data.

What are the two things missing for "digital democracy" discourse according to Cokuntuncel?

(1) an analysis of the changes or continuations of the power relations exerting forces through new technologies and (2) "the power/resistance dialectic" that was more robust in the "old media" era.

suggested there is rich and lean media.

(Daft & Lengel, 1986)

says ostensible behavior or "relevance or relatedness" is how we emphasize, clarify, or draw attention to our intentions when communicating.

(Sperber & Wilson, 1996) (Herring, 2013)

What are the advantages of CMC?

--Enhances flow of information (collaboration through communication over distance). --Provides the capability to store, process, and transmit messages. --Breaks down the barriers to communication (status differences/geographical boundaries). --Provides a certain amount of anonymity. --Allows timely sharing of ideas. --Supports open discussion and exploration. --Provides accessibility to information and subsequent sharing of the same. --Establishes a safe environment with less risk to communicators (people feel less inhibited about communicating their ideas/opinions/feelings about certain issues). --Fosters more participation and contribution from people who would otherwise feel intimidated (introverts). --Fosters independent learning (learn/communicate at your own pace).

Give an example of how F2F and CMC compare in persistent.

--F2F is less persistent than CMC, where email or voice mail becomes almost like a document.

What are the disadvantages of CMC (related to the participants)?

--Frustration and stress because of sensory and data overload (one of our classmates referred to it as terrorizing). --Ineffective—time consuming (lack of self-discipline to manage time/messages). --synchronous CMC lacks spontaneous responses to comments.

What are the disadvantages of CMC (related to the medium itself)?

--The lack of socioemotional and nonverbal cues (often referred to as cues filtered out). --Confidentiality issues. Trust issues (how true and valid are the messages). --Creation of barriers because of the technology (the culture, rules, netiquette—example emoticons). --Anonymity can cause abuse/misuse of the technology (harassment, flaming and so on.) --The lack of true human contact.

what are the two modes that impose different structures related to our demands of time?

--synchronous (such as a phone call) --asynchronous (Email)

Cantoni and Tardini break down the Website Communications Model (WCM) into a cluster of four dimensions which are what?

1) Contents and services 2) Accessibility tools 3) people who manager 4) Users

What is the Non basic settings list begins with F2F communication? The last three is qualities of the medium rather than people interacting with each other.

1) Copresence, the participants share the same physical environment. 2) Visibility, they can see each other; 3) Audibility, they can hear each other; 4) Instantaneity, they perceive each other's actions with no perceptible delay. 5) Evanescence the message via the medium fades quick, like your breath on a cold morning; 6) Record lessness, the participants' actions leave no record or artifact; 7) Simultaneity, the participants can produce and receive at once and simultaneously

what are the three dimensions in providing a good user experience?

1) Information quality 2) Localization 3) Accessibility tools (such as phone access, hardware, software access, etc. etc.)

what are the eight characteristics of the third places that define and build a community as described by Ray Oldenburger (1999).

1) Neutral (people comes and go as they please) 2) Leveler (inclusive and nonhierarchical) 3) Conversation 4) Accessibility and accommodation 5) Regulars 6) Low profile 7) Playful mood 8) home away from home

What are the elements in The Language of New Media as explained by Manovich?

1) Not directly accessible to human sense 2) immaterial 3) perfectly reproducible 4) accessible though the network without spatial or distance limits 5) modifiable, estimable 6) each test can be made to multimedia document, file, or presentation 7) text is persistent 8) text channels themselves are customizable

What are the eight golden rules of interface design?

1) Strive for consistency. 2) Enable frequent users to use shortcuts. 3)Offer informative feedback. 4) Design dialogue to yield closure. Sequences of actions should be organized into groups with a beginning, middle, and end... 5) Offer simple error handling. 6) Permit easy reversal of actions. 7) Support internal locus of control. Experienced operators strongly desire to feel that they are in charge of the system and that the system responds to their actions. Design the system to make users the initiators of actions rather than the responders. 8) Reduce short-term memory load. The limitation of human information processing in short-term memory requires that displays be kept simple, multiple page displays be consolidated, window-motion frequency be reduced, and sufficient training time be allotted for codes, mnemonics, and sequences of actions (Schneiderman 2018).

Cantoni and Tardini (2006, p. 162) offer a three-pronged metric for assessing how strong the connections are in an online community. these are?

1) belonging 2) identity 3) interest

What are the principles of universal design?

1) equitable use 2) Flexibility in use 3) Simple and intuitive 4) perceptible information 5) Tolerance for error 6) low physical effort 7) Size and space of approach and use

What are the three tenants conclude by Pankoke-Babatz and Jeffery (2002) about early netiquette?

1) positive behavior (be polite) 2) Negative behavior (do not engaged in personal attacks) 3) sanctioning mechanism for taking action against the violated of netiquette such as banning them from forum or list0serves

Wrote a song abouit the danger of accepting what happens on the screen as reality or a replacement for reality. Indicment of a sleep-deprived, media hypnotized society and its member have fallen into the trap of thinking that if an activity of blah blah blah...

Annie clark

Network Etiquette originated with email messages going back to 1982 from a handbook written and compiled by Christopher Stacy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial Intelligence Lab. The suggestions of what and what not to do were based on what?

Avoid conflicts of interests or the appearance of wrongdoing because the Lab received funding from the US government.

Wrote designing the user interface: Strategies for effective human-computer interaction list the eight golden rules of interface design

Ben Schneiderman

produced a story for CBC in 1993 and interviewed playwright John Allen about how these online communities worked.

Bill Cameron

Suggest that there is an 8*8 matric that can be used to explain the features and settings. What are these 8 features and setting?

Cantoni and Tardini 1) spoken/written 2) copresence 3) visibility 4) audibility 5) instantaneity 6) Evanescence 7) reviewability 8) revisability

Said "Obama's campaign started with a simple idea, 'change begins from the bottom up" Also wrote an essay on computer architecture called the "Cathedral and the Bazaar"


analyzed the use of Oldenburg's conceptualization to describe the communication of computer-mediated contexts such as chatrooms and multiuser environments.

Charles Soukup (2006)

is credited with developing the hashtag for its current use back in 2007.

Chris Messina

Wrote 1982 handbook on computing at the MIT called Getting started computing at AI LAB.

Christopher Stracy

Example of the stolen phone story shows: "the power of group actions given the right tools. Also, show the power dynamic is reinforced through familiar structures.

Clay shirky

is a term that can be used to describe this type of online activism, but it has also been criticized for reducing activism to a mouse-click with little or no real engagement with the cause.


Social media scholar and author of "its complicated: The social lives of Networked Teens" focuses her research on teens, how they connect to each other through online networks, the addictive impulses of digital natives, and best practices for setting limits for parents and teens.

Danah boyd

Noted the advantages and disadvantages of CMC. Sayed "Many of the disadvantages of CMC appears to relate to the participants rather than the medium itself". And other disadvantages "are a result of the medium itself"

Derrick Lane.

Lev Manovich explains how Electronic Texts, including photos, videos, and audio recordings, are persistent. This means that what?

Electronic documents hang around, and can be easily searched and found with a keyword or date

is the practice of getting heated over an email exchange intentionally or unintentionally reaching up tensions by expressing emotions such as anger and frustration, escalating in attempts by each party to "Burn" the other, neglecting to consider the sequences of a "scorched earth" Policy.


a sociocultural anthropologist who studies hacker culture and online activism, writes of Anonymous that "it may be impossible to gauge the intent and motive of thousands of participants, many of who don't even bother to leave a trace of their thoughts, motivations, and reactions. Among those that do, opinions vary considerably"

Gabriella Coleman

Used to create new opportunities for users to localize their communities.

Hashtags and Geolocators.

suggested a matrix which has two features or qualities, spoken and written, with seven other qualifiers, or setting of communication: Personal, Nonpersonal (like a public lecture), Institutional (business or legal), Prescriptive (like wedding vows or oaths), Fictional (a play or a novel), Mediated (translated or retold), and Private (note to self).

Herbert Clark

Characteristics of information to meet or exceed customer expectations and quality information is information's that meets specifications or requires. what are the five factors that contribute to this term?

Information quality 1) accuracy: What and how? 2) objectivity: Who? 3) Authority: Why? 4) currency: when? 5) Coverage: What and for whom?

Narrative is built, woven, or synthesized from bits or traces of other text also known as the "mosaic of quotations"


A Danish human-computer interaction researcher who founded and helped to define the concept of usability on the Web. Say: The first law of ecommerce is that if users cannot find the product, they cannot buy it either.

Jakob Nielsen

is a critic of Web 2.0 not only because of its ability to damage human relationships but also because of these kinds of nefarious privacy and labor practices of Internet companies. is a critic of Web 2.0 not only because of its ability to damage human relationships but also because of these kinds of nefarious privacy and labor practices of Internet companies.

Jaron Lanier

Wrote how to do nothing resisting the attention economy and some strategies. At the core is the public refusal to live immersed in social media and retraining her attention to focus on IRL.

Jenny Odell

Author of Trick Mirror Reflection of self-delusions say that the best, most satisfying things in life happen off-screen, in real life. Maintain a healthy screen-life balance is important. Described social media as " endless performance with no backstage". descrives the monetization of being seen and loved.

Jia Tolentina

Canadian Internet Handbook, in an interview on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), explained how emoticons worked.

Jim Carroll

introduced these third places as the ones that we may know as valued settings from our favorite television shows and popular culture: "Central perk coffee shop in Friends, the Seinfeld delicatessen..."

John A. McArthur and Ashleigh Farley White (2016)

said "There is an interesting restraint that you find [on the Internet] . . . there's not a lot of cursing, swearing, personal cuts or put downs [ . . .] or screen-fulls of "go to hell." One would think if you are anonymous you'd do anything you want, but people in a group have their own sense of community and what we can do"

John Allen 1993

Said "Any text is contrasted as a mosaic of quotations; any text is the absorption and transformation of another" also coined the term intertextuality.

Julia Kristeva

Highlights the need for civility, He describe his craft as "innocent idiot nice guy vs unnecessarily hostile a**holes"

Ken M.

such s SMS text message, requires less bandwidth and may or may not rely on synchronous communication are considered less effective.

Lean media

What are the Five quality components of useability as defined by Nielsen?

Learnability: How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the design? Efficiency: Once users have learned the design, how quickly can they perform tasks? Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency? Errors: How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easily can they recover from the errors? Satisfaction: How pleasant is it to use the design?

How does the analogy of yogurt relate to internet?

Like Yogurt the internet is simply the medium in which culture can develop and thrive.

a lawyer at the University of Florida's Levin College of Law, notes that "WikiLeaks' initial self-presentation was as merely a conduit, simply neutral, like any technology"

Mark Fenster

create The Zuckerberg Files, a compilation and extensive analysis of every public statement that Zuckerberg, as Facebook's founder and CEO.

Michael Zimmer, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Said power does not "function in the form of a chain," where one or many could collectively break through to freedom, but rather "power is employed and exercised through a net-like organization" "And where there is power there is also always resistance"

Michel Foucault

Anthropologist at MIT and author of addiction by design, found that over the past three-decade, gambling has turned from more social forms to more solitary forms. shows that game and app designer look to emulate the addictive power of the of the slot machine. Explains much of addiction to technology.

Natasha Schüll

the brain's capacity to adapt to change.


nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for his 2010 book, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, believes that the way that we use the web, multitasking and constantly interrupting ourselves with distractions, is actually changing the way our brains work.

Nicholas Carr

Subtle facial expressions, winks, head tilts, raised eyebrows, and other kinds of gestures and body language that creates a kind of empty scape for insecurity of hostility to manifest.


Sketch out what he called "an elaborate intertextual matrix" designed to create deeper meaning for audiences by "cross-referencing "Films, music, videos, computer games, websites, books, etc."

P. David Marshall

does the communication leave a trail with which the content can be easily recovered?

Persistent vs ephemeral or evanescent

described in his book The Great Good Place a "third place "as a space and a social setting other than home (first) or work (second) that are establishments of community life. He was describing the importance of places like barber shops, bowling alleys, cafes, libraries, and parks to anchor community and foster creative, playful interactions. These are all places that are easy to get to, where there are regular, familiar people who welcome newcomers with light-hearted, good-natured, witty conversation.

Ray Oldenburg

proposed by Wolfgang Iser and Stanley Fish, also known as the: reception theory" say that the read always responses to the text. The relationship between the reader forms an ": interpretive community" meaning that shared values inform the individuals reading the text.

Reader_Reponse Theory

such as video teleconference, requires more bandwidth and often the participants are depending on synchronous communication and are considered more effective

Rich media

coined the term meme in his books The Selfish Gene. A combination of the Mimesis copy or imitation of something is real life and gene, a characteristics that is transferred from one generation to the next.

Richard Dawkins

Said "There are lots of people... who believe that this phenomenon is dangerous because it undermines the traditional authority of media institutions...The new media age of Web 2.0 is threatening only if you believe that an excess of democracy is the road to anarchy. I don't."

Richard Stengel.

said before the current age of new media clarified that the "Text can be approached, experienced, in reactions to the sign" and that it "is a work perceived, conceived, and received" in its symbolic firms.

Roland Barthes

said "Technology promises to let us do anything from anywhere with anyone. But it also drains us as we try to do everything everywhere. We begin to feel overwhelmed and depleted by the lives technology makes possible. We may be free to work from anywhere, but we are also prone to being lonely everywhere."

Sherly Turkle

in her 1995 book, Life on the Screen, Identity in the Age of the Internet, describes her conversation with a college student who considers "real life" as just another chat window on a screen.

Sherry Turkle

what communication can be both synchronous and asynchronous?

Short messages service.

is the "experience of presence" in a communication medium.


In the code is developed in viewed from the public through the internet.

The Bazaar models

In which code is restricted to an exclusive group of software developers, then opened after new releases.

The cathedral models

asserts that as humans we have agency, we get to frame the Internet and how we use it, whether we see it as an extension of ourselves and our senses or an engine that makes connections possible

Tiffany Schlain

n ex-design ethicist at Google, turned media activist and founder of the Center for Humane Technology, is one of the foremost critics (featured in the film) of the industry for exacerbating challenging social issues by using deceptive, enticing, and addictive strategies to get people to hand over their personal information.

Tristan harris

Ashely Feinberg: "causing annoyance as a result of your belief to simply believing in causing annoyance"


refers to the quality of a user's experiences across all types of tools, websites, software, apps, and other types of gadgets we use in everyday lives.

Usability or user friendly

Does it do what the user needs?


suggested that the trend of more and more social and business interactions taking place through CMC (computer mediated communication) would continue and that "CMC produces much different affective and relational patterns than do other types of communication, due to the reduction and types of cues available to participants.

Walther and Burgoon (1992)

don't have to remember: quote from Richard Dawkins.

We need a name for the new replicator, a noun that conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation. 'Mimeme' comes from a suitable Greek root, but I want a monosyllable that sounds a bit like 'gene'. I hope my classicist friends will forgive me if I abbreviate mimeme to meme. If it is any consolation, it could alternatively be thought of as being related to 'memory', or to the French word même. It should be pronounced to rhyme with 'cream

what is Win Butler of Arcade Fire "We use to wait" mean?

about writing letters and how it has been replaced by CMC

Collects and keep track of information about users' habits

adaptive hypertext

these algorithms are making decisions about what you see and what you can do. Moreover, that makes it harder to know who actually holds the power.

black-box society,

automatically produce nodes and links from databases

dynamic hypertext

what is a challenge with CMC communication?

emphasize or clarify our intentions in written remarket

Coined the term digital natives describe those people who have come of age in the time of the internet and could not remember a time before being able to "be online"

john perry Barlow

Psychological phenomenon in which the mind response to an image or sound by perceiving a familiar pattern where there is none.


said "Since Wikipedia is the most widely read online reference on the planet, it's the standard of truth that most people are implicitly using... On Wikipedia, truth is received truth: the consensus view of a subject"

simin Garfinkel

Not only the owners or manager, the people who bear responsibility for the content and functionality but also the people who use the services.


What Non basic setting apply to a phone call?

the conversation will lack copresence and visibility but retain and rely on audibility and instantaneity.

Hold the pragmatic philosophy that if a product, service, building, or environment is designed with all people in mind, including over people who may be technically challenged or ill-equipped, people without disability and people with disabilities, that inherent accessibility benefits all of society by creating more efficient and inclusive systems.

universal design

What is the intent of the first amendment and how does it apply to the internet?

was to prevent the powerful, namely the federal government, from silencing the voices of those less powerful individuals or groups who might be critical of those holding government power.

What is Marco?

what is behind the meme.

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