Interpersonal Relationship prepU

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A nurse is caring for a terminally ill client in the home. The family wants to know how to respond when the client asks whether the client is dying. Which is the best response by the nurse?

"Answer truthfully in a caring, gental manner."

A client who recently gave birth to her third child expresses a desire to have her older two children come to the hospital for a visit. What should the nurse say in response to this request.

"As long as they are well, absolutely. Why don't we give you a dose of pain medication beforehand so that you will enjoy the visit?

The nurse is educating the parents of a 10-year-old girl in ways to help their child avoid tobacco. Which suggestion should be part of the nurse's advice?

"As parents, you need to be good role models."

The parents of a 14-year-old adolescent states to the nurse that the adolescent is moody, shuts oneself in the bedroom, and fights with a younger sibling. Which comment is most helpful to support the parent?

"Calmly talk to your adolescent about your concerns."

The following statments are examples of communication blocks. Click to specify the type of communication block being expressed by the nurse.

"Everybody should be allowed to die if they want to" - Being moralistic "Do not worry, this is a minor surgery. You will do great!" - False Reassurance "I think you should get a second opinion becaue your health care provider has had a lot of complaints against him."- Nonprofessional involvment "Why did you not use a condom? They are given at the clinic for free."- Being Moralistic "Injecting insulin is nothing for you to worry about. Even children can do it!"- False Reassurance "My ex-boyfriend did not come pick up the kids again and I did not get much sleep last night."- Nonprofessional involvement

Which question woud the nurse ask to determine a client's coping abilities during a lengthy hospital stay?

"How is this illness impacting you and your family?"

Which statment by the nurse demonstrates acceptance to the client who has mse a sexually inappropriate comment?

"Our relationship is one of a professional nature."

A parent voices concern to the nurse that a 2-year-old toddler never seems to want to play with other children at the park. What would be the nurse's best response?

"That is considered normal at this age"

A teen mom asks the discharge nurse if it is okay to sleep in bed with her baby. She says her mom always did it with her siblings and it seemed okay. How should the nurse respond?

"The baby can sleep in your room in an infant crib, but not in an adult bed."

A nurse is caring for a 13-year-old boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. He says he feels isolated and that there is no one who understands the challanges of this disease. How should the nurse respond?

"There are a lot of kids with the same type of muscular dystrophy you have at the MDA support group."

The nurse determines that both parents share the role as the culture bearer in the family. Whoch client statment did the nurse use to make this assessment?

"We make sure we celebrate holidays with both our traditions."

The mother of a 13-year-old child with special needs reports concerns wit her child's requests to eat lunch in th ecafeteria at school with the rest of the children as opposed to eating in the nurse's office. What information should be contained in the nurse's response?

"efforts should be made to accommodate your child's request. "

Approximately what percentage of women rape victims are raped by someone they know?


A nursing student learning about intimate partner violence (IPV) correctly identifies the percentage of deaths attributed to IPV to be what?

70% women and 30% men

Which nurse leader most clearly exemplifies transformational leadership?

A leader who is dynamic and inspiring and promotes change by the power of the leader's convictions

What nursing care behavior by the nurse engenders a client's trust in the nurse?

A nurse answers the client's questions about an upcoming test in a calm gental voice while making eye contact with the client.

The nursing instructor is conducting a class exploring the various changes that occur in the early postpartum period. The instrctor determines the session is successful when the students correctly point out which definition of bonding?

A process of developing an attachment and becoming acquainted with each other

An adolecent confides in the school nurse that the adolescent is arguing daily with her mother and often wonders whether her mother loves her. The school nurse recognizes that the student faces which risk factors for altered family health?

A psychosocial risk factor

Which characteristics would indicate a professional relationship? Select all that apply.

An emphasis on addressing the client's needs in the current situation The relationship ending with goal achievement

A newborn requires skin care that includes bathing. Besides hygiene, what is another reason for bathing the newborn?

Bathing is a time for bonding with the parents.

A nurse engaged in an interaction with a client recognizes body space zones and works to maintain the client's personal zone. The nurse would interpret this zone as which area?

Beginning at the boundary of the intimate zone and ending at the social zone

Of the following components of psychosocial development in the neonate and infant, which one facilitates emotional linkage between an infant and caregiver?


Today, families come in a variety of structures. Which statment best describes a blended family?

Both adults are custodial parents and bring their children to the Family structure

A new mother has been reluctant to hold her newborn. WHoch action by the nurse would help promote this mother's attachment to her newborn?

Bringing the newborn into the room

An 8-year-old child, immobilize with a hip spice cast, says to the nurse, " I am so bored! Do you have any video games I can Play? What is the best nursing action?

Give child access to the unit's prtable video game console and age-appropriate games.

A charge nurse assesses a group of staff nurses as competent indivdually but ineffective and nonproductive as a team. How should the charge nurse address the staff nurses about these concerns?

Have the staff nurses express their feelings and emotions.

The parents of an adolescent are concerned about his mental health and have brought the adolescent into the hysician's office for an evaluation. Which statments by the parents indicate that the child may have a mental health disorder? Select all that apply.

He has started sleeping for only 3 hours each night He has lost 10 pounds over the last 4 months He used to be a straight-A student and now he's and now he's bringing home Csand Ds.

Who was the first to introduce the concept of interpersonal relations and the therapeutic relationship?

Hildegard Peplau

While performing a community assessment, anurse notes a large increase in a single-parent families. She performs some research and finds that the increasing numbers of single-parent families are related to which trends? Select all tha apply.

Increasing divorce rate Changing attitudes toward children born out of wedlock Changing adoption laws

A group of students is reviewing material about ways parents can help to foster a child's self-esteem. The students demonstrate a need for additional studying when theyidentify which method as promoting self-esteem?

Limiting the choices and decisions that the child makes

While admitting a client, the client states, "Our budget is tight. My spouse determines which spending is appropriate anf okay for us since I am not allowed a job."Which action by the nurse is appropriate at this time?

Notify the client's health care provider of the client's situation

The pediatric nurse is caring for a child who comes from an abuseice background and who has been diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder. What behavior should the nurse anticipate when planning this child's care?

The child will be reluctant to engage with the nurse

A psychiatric mental health nurse is applying Erikson 's theory of psychosocial development in the care of young adult client. What outcome should the urseidentify to best address the developmental conflict that this client is experiencing at this age?

The client demonstrates new interpersonal skills to promote the development of intimate relationships

A client who is a victim of intimate partner violence fails to report the violence primarily because of which reason?

The client feels responsible for causing the incident

The nurse has established a therapeutic relationship with a client. Which behaviors identified will indicate that the client has entered into the identification phase of the nurse-client relationship?

The client is sharing deelings and emotions with the nurse

A newly admitted long-term care client refuses to attend afternoon group activities or social events offered by the facility. According to Maslow's therories on human needs, what is the reason the client refuses to participate in activities?

The client likes to go to have a nap in afternoon and go to bed early in the evening.

The nurse-client relationship is classified as which type of relationship?


A couple wit infertility has decided to adopt an infant and recieve a call several months later that an infant is available. The social worker gives them the history of the biological mom, a teenager who tried to conceal her pregnancy by dieting and taking laxatives. Howerver, at 26 weeks' gestation, the teenager shared her pregnancy with the family and recieved prenatal care. Given this history, the couple should conseled to observe the infant for which possible abnormality?

abnormal neurologic development

According to Yalom (2005), there are 11 therapeutic factors through which changes occur in group psychotherapy. Which factor correlates with learning to give to others?


An unemployed client, age 24, seeks help because of feelings of depression, abandonment, and lack of clarity about a life path. The client reposts quitting the last five jobs because the coworkers didn't like the client. Last week, the client's partner broke up with the client adter the client drove the partner's car into a tree after an argument. The client's initial diagnosis is borderline personality disorder. Which behaviors by the client threaten the nurse-client relationship?

low self-esteem, strong dependency needs, and impulsiveness

A young hospitalized patient cries constantly for daddy even though her mother has not left her side. When talking to the child's mother, the nurse learns that the 4-year-old wants only her father. The child has even told her her mother that she hates her on numerous occasions. What would be the best response by the nurse to support this mother?

"Her behavior is normal for her age. She will outgrow it. "

Which statment by the client best demonstrates a healthy relationship with family?

"I feel bette fter I visit with my Mom"

The nurse is leaiing a community support group with female clients that have been abused. Which statment(s) by the group member indicates why some of the clients stay in the abusive home situation? Select all that apply.

"I have no financial independence and would have nothing without them" "I don't think vert much of myself and feel this is the treatment I deserve." "Myspouse really does love me and just loses their temper weh. I do something stupid." "If I tried to leave, my spouse would likely kill me and take my children."

The nurse is caring for a client with social anxiety disorder. WHich statment by the client is of concern for the nurse?

"Ill have a drink before having lunch with a friend."

The nurse cares for 56-year-old client who recieved an impkantable cardiovertr defibrillator (IUD) 2 days prior. The client tellrs the nurse "My wife and I can never have sex again now that I have this ICD." What is the nurse best respnse by the nurse?

"You seem apprehensive about resuminng sexual activity."

The partner of a client with terminal cancer is affraid of hurting the client during sexual intercourse. Which action by the nurse is likely to be most helpful in reducing this client's fears?

Encourage discussion between the client and their partner regarding their intimacy needs

A 10-year-old girl has been referred for evaluation due to difficulties integrating with her peers at her new school. The counselor believes she is at risk for situational low self-esteem due to problematic relationships with both family meml=bers and peers. What is the best approach?

Engage the girl in dialogue regarding feeling about self/personal appearance.

What makes the area of family nursing a difficult arena in which to provide care at times?

family members who might not agree on treatments and a plan of care

The nurse is performing an assessment to determine the patient's social support systems. What question is important for the nurse to ask?

Does the patient belong to a group that is mutually dependent and communicative?

Which occurs in the second phase of Bowlby's grieving process?

Emotional yearining for the loved one

A nurse is conducting a 6-week social skills training program. A young adult with schizophrenia asks the nurse to call the client on the weekends so the client has someone to talk to who really cares. WHich action should the nurse take?

Remind the client about the importance of boundaries to keep the relationship therapeutic

The nursing student learning about intimate partner violence correctly identifies its prevalence in same-sex couples as what?

Same frequency as in heterosexual couples

The nursing student learning how intimate partneer violence correctly identifies its prevelent in same-sec couples as what?

Same frequency as in heterosexual couples

The nurse is assessing a 12-week-old infant in the clinic at a well-baby visit. Which assessment finding does the nurse predict to assess in this healthy infant?

Smiles at significant others

When an infant smiles at the mother and the mother in turn smiles and kisses her baby, this bould be which phase of attachment?


A nursing student correctly chooses which stage of behavorial adaption in the infant to reinforce teaching about feeding, positioning for feeding, and diaper-changing techniques?

second period of reactivity

The nurse is caring for a child admitted to the hospital. The child's mother has to go home to take care of her other children. The child has become quiet, is not crying and is refusing to eat. The nurse would document the child is in which stage of separation anxiety?

second stage

A nurse is at the end of a busy shift on a medical-surgical unit. The nurse enters a room to empty the client's urinary catheter and the client says, "I feel like you ignore me today." In response to the statment, the nurse should:

sit at the bedside and allow the client to explain the statment

Rubin identified a series of changes that a new mother makes during the postpartum period. The correct sequence of these changes is:

taking-in, taking-hold, letting-go

During the second day postpartum, a nurse notices that a client is initiating breastfeeding with her infant and changing her infant's diapers with some assistance from her partner. Which phase does the nurse recognize that the woman is experiencing?

the taking-hold phase

A new mother has been reluctant to hold her newborn. Which action by the nurse would help promote this mother's attachment to her newborn?

Bringing the newborn into the room

A nurse has transferred recently to a forensic practice setting form an axcute care medical setting. During the orientation period, the nurse's mentor helps th enurse learn the culture of forensic setting. The nurse learns to be alert to one of the most dominant barriers to building therapeutic relationship with forensic clients. What is this barrier?

Clients commonly stuggle with trusting others.

A nurse is conducting a discussion group at a local women's health center about violence and women. The nurse would include that women are at a higher risk for violence at which time?

during pregnancy

The nruse is talking a 13-year-old boy about choose friends. Which function do peer groups provide that can have negative results?

following role models

A nurse introduces herself to a cisuallt impaired client, addresses the client by name, speaks the client respectfully, and explains all the nursing activities. The nurse is implementing health promotion with this client by which mechanism?

fostering a sense of self

A nurse is seeing a client who is experiencing symptoms pf mpderate anxiety. She tells the nurse she and her parents disagree over her sexual orientation. Which theory would best explain the course of the client's anxiety?


The nurse must give instructions before discharge to a 13-year-old in a sickle cell crisis. Threeof the client's friends from school are visiting. In order to assure effective instruction, what should the nruse plan to do?

Delay the instruction until the visitors leave.

Which experience could be the possible cause of grief due the loss of security and belonging for the client?


The nurse observes that a coworker is unable to understand that an intelligent person would engage the services of a medicine man. The nurse's coworker has strong ethnocentric tendencies and an inablility to recognize other's values, beliefs, and practices. The nurse understands that the coworker's behavior is an example of which attitude?

Cultural blindness

A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. This client has a history of fighting, cruelty to animals, and stealing. Which trait is the nurse likely to uncover during assessment?

a low tolerance for frustration

A 60-year-old cllient tearfully explains to the nurse how her husband downplays her frequent migraines and tells her that she needs to "just push through a headache." She describes how her migraines have limited her ability to provide childcare for her young grandchildren and explains that she is unable to keep up her garden. The nurse should identify what nursing diagnosis when planning this client's care?

ineffective role perdormance related to migraine headaches

A client scheduled to have a surgery for a hernia the next day is anxious about the procedure. The nurse assures the client that surgery for hernias is very common and that the prognosis is very good. What skill is the nurse demonstrating?

interpersonal skills

The nurse is caring for a chld who has been hospitalized repeatedly at multiple hospital. There is no clear medical diagnosis and the parent is threatenting to leave the hospital against medical advice. The nurse suspects what issue?

medical child abuse (formerly Munchausen syndrome by proxy)

A client with psychiatric illness is referred to the day treatment program. Which services should the nurse include while teaching the client about the program? Select all that apply.

Development of social skills Stabilization of symptoms Training to perform activities of daily living

The nurse is talking with a client that is suspected of having an avoidant personality disorder. Which behaviors observed by the nurse correlate with this suspicion?

Does not speak out in group therapy because fears criticism from others

The nurse is caring for the family of a medically fragile 2-year-old girl. Which activity is most effective in building a theraputic relationship?

Listening to parents' triumphs and faliures

A nurse is caring for a client woth advanced heart faliure. The client can't cre for themselfs and hasn't been able to eat for the past week becasue of dyspnea. The client doesnt want a feeding tube inserted and expressess their desire for "nature to take its course." The client's family is pleading with the client to have a feeding tube inserted. What is the most appropriate action for the nurse to take?

Talk with the client's family about the client's right to decide for themself.

A new mother talking toa friend states, "I wish my baby was more like yours. You are so lucky. My baby has not slept straight through the night even once, It seems like all she wants to do is breastfeed. I am so tired of her. "This is an example of which behavior?

negative attachment

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