Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri

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What does the doctor conclude that will cure Haldar?

A marriage

What does Mrs. Das do in the car as her family drives through India?

paint her nails

What is Lilia's mother's occupation?

part time bank teller

What does Ronny Das want to give the goat he sees from the car window?

piece of gum

What do Elliot and his mother usually have for dinner?


What attracts the monkeys to Bobby Das?

puffed rice

What does Mrs. Sen wear on her scalp to show she is married?

red poweder

What does Mrs. Das call Mr. Kapasi's work as an interpreter?


When the building improvements begin where does Boori Ma sleep?

rooftop on a bed of newspapers

What kind of box does Lilia keep beside her bed?

sandlewood box

Who does Boori Ma say her third daughter married?

school principal

What does Mr. Das do for a living?

science teacher in middle school

What does Mr. Pirzada do each time he enters the home of Lilia's family?

shakes hands and takes off shoes

What is Mrs. Dalal's reaction to her husband bringing home two basins?

she argued with Mr. Dalal

What did Boori Ma claim she was before coming to the building?

she claimed to have an extravagant life/ she was a landowner

How does Mrs. Sen feel about driving?

she hates driving

How does Mrs. Das comfort Bobby after monkey attack?

she puts a bandage on his knee

What important function did the residents think Boori Ma did for them?

she stood guard between them and the outside world

What did Mrs. Dalal promise to bring for Boori Ma

sheep's-hair blanket

Mr. Kapasi thinks the Das couple acts like what?

siblings, brother sister

What does Boori Ma carry on the end of her Sari?

skeleton keys for coffer boxes

What is Boori Ma's main job at the building she lives in?

stairwell sweeper/gatekeeper

What is on the front of Mrs. Das' shirt that keeps attracting Kapasi?


What does Lilia tell Dora about Mr. Pirzada's daughters?

that they're missing

How did residents of building know Boori ma was a refugee?

the accent of her Bengali

What gets stolen from the building while Boori Ma is away?

the stairwell basin

Where do Elliot and his mother live?

tiny beach house

What does Mrs. Das complain about as they drive around India?

too hot/no AC

Where does Boori Ma sleep?

under the letter box/ behind the gate

What does Elliot think the blade of Mrs. Sen's knife looks like?

viking ship

When did Mr. and Mrs. Das meet?

when they were very young

Which resident of the building decided Boori Ma should be thrown out?

Mr. Chatterjee

What is the name of Lilia's teacher?

Mrs. Kenyon

What is the name of Elliot's babysitter before Mrs. Sen?

Mrs.lindon / abby

Mr. Pirzada sneds Lilia's family a card for what occasion?

Muslim New Year

What does Mrs. Croft eat everyday?


What did Elliot think Mrs. Sen smelled like?

moth balls and cumin

Because of the war with India Mr. Pirzaada does not hear from his family for how many months?

over 6 months

What does Mrs. Croft tell the narrator of "The Third and Final Continent" is on the moon?

A flag

What do the townspeople bring to try to heal her?

A healer

What does Bibi get worked up on finding?

A husband

What type of business does Bibi's cousin have?

A local goods store

How old was Mr. Kapasi's son when he died in his mother's arms?

7 years

How much is the rent for Mrs. Croft's place?

8 bucks

Mr. Pirzada's daughters' names all start with what letter?


What is Lilia's father's occupation?


What phrase accompanied all of Boori Ma's stories


What do the doctors say was Bibi's actual ailment?


How long will the Dalals be away?

10 days

How old is Lilia during the events of her story?

10 years

How old is Elliot?


What year was Mrs. Croft born?


Lilia's father explains to her that the British gave Independence to India in what year?


What year did the narrator of "The Third and Final Continent" leave India?


Lilia recalls events that occur in the fall of what year?


How old is Mrs. Das?


How old is Mrs. Sen?


How old is Mr. Kapasi?


How long has Mr. Kapasi been a tour guide?

5 years

How long does Mr. Kapasi calculate it will be before he receives mail from Mrs. Das?

6 weeks

How old is Boori Ma?


How many daughters does Mr. Pirzada have?


What is the name of the Indian sun god that the Das family see statues of at the Sun Temple?

Astachala Surya

What did Lilia stop doing each night so as not to ruin her prayer for Mr. Pirzada's family?

Brush her teeth

In what city does "A Real Durwan" take place?


Lilia's parents were born where?


What city in India is Mrs. Sen from?


Mr. Pirzada is from what city in Pakistan?


What American television show does Mr. Kapasi refer to?


What is the British term for Thermos?


What language does Mr. Kapasi translate for the doctor he works with?


Where does the narrator of "The Third and Final Continent" son go for college?


What is the name of Mrs. Croft's daughter?


What does Haldar's wife keep from Bibi?

Her child

What did the neighbors think Bibi has never been thought correctly?

How to be a woman

Lilia's father wonders if she is learning about what at school?

If she is aware of East Pakistan's fight for sovereignty and if that is covered in history and geography that is taught at school

What happens to the piece of paper Mr. Kapasi gave to Mrs. Das

It falls out of her bag and flies away with wind

In which month does Mr. Pirzada return to Pakistan?


What does Mrs. Croft demand the narrator of "The Third and Final Continent" do every night?

Lock up

The narrator of "The Third and Final Continent" is offered a job at what American university?


What is the name of the narrator of "The Third and Final Continent" wife?


What does Mr. Sen teach?


What helps Bibi during her attacks?

Money from her business????

Where is the Das family from?

New Brunswick NJ

Mr. Pirzada has a grant to study what?

New England's fall leaves

The narrator of "The Third and Final Continent" marries because of what?


What did Haldar do to help Bibi find a husband?

Put her in a newspaper ad?

What game do Lilia's parents and Mr. Pirzada play ever night?


What does Elliot notice by the door the first time he visits Mrs. Sen's apartment?

Several pairs of shoes lined along bookcase

What does Bibi want all the neighbors to tell about her?

She wants them to spread the word about her (good things) so she can get married

What word does she command the narrator to say?


What did the neighbors learn about Bibi after her cousin abandons her?

That she is four months pregnant

From whose point of view is "The Treatment of Bibi Haldar" being told?

The community surrounding Haldar

What bothers the narrator "The Third and Final Continent" on his first night in the USA?

The noise?

What is the name of Mr. and Mrs. Das' daughter?


What does Haldar's wife not allow Bibi to do?

To come close to her child

Where did Haldar refuse to take Bibi?

To the studio to get pictures for the newspaper

What did Haldar think a wedding would be for them?

Too expensive

What do Lilia and Dora dress up as for Halloween?


In his first night in America, where does the narrator of "The Third and Final Continent" stay?


Lilia is unaware of national distinctions until she asks her father about setting a ______ for the Indian man.

a glass

What does Elliot's mother give him after he is in the car accident with Mrs. Sen?

a key

What did Mr. Chatterjee say Boori Ma's mouth was full of?


What does Mr. Pirzada give Lilia for Halloween?

box of chocolate covered mints

What does the narrator of "The Third and Final Continent" eat in his first days in USA?


What does Mrs. Das want to mail to Mr. Kapasi?

copies of their pictures

What makes Mrs. Sen happy?

fish from Seaside and letter from family

How does Mr. Kapasi feel about Mrs. Das' interest in his work as an interpreter?


What do Mrs. Sen and Elliot eat at the cafeteria the afternoon they explore the university?

french fries, elliot had soda, and mrs. sen had tea

Who died in Mrs. Sen's family?


Where does Mrs. Croft want the narrator to put his rent each week?


What does Mrs. Sen hope to find in the mailbox daily?

letter from her family

Lilia treats the little candies Mr. Pirzada brings her like what?

like a jewel or rare coin

Where does Mrs. Sen do all her vegetable chopping?

living room floor

What does Boori Ma think in her bedding?


What do the excited Das children see from the car as they drive through India?


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