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Where do you see yourself in 5 years

In 5 years I hope to be in medical school maybe even ahead and in 10 years I hope to Maybe be doing my residency

How have your educational background and your work experiences prepared you to be a part of our University

well AVID has been one of the major educational backgrounds that has prepared me to be a part of this University by teaching me multiple ways the stay organized and excel in all my classes

From your perspective what would it mean to be part of our University

To be a part of your University it would mean that it is an amazing privilege that should be taken seriously but that all of my hard work and commitment these past years have really paid

Described educational environment in which you excel

An educational environment in which I excel is when working in Groups working with people has always been something that I've been really good at

Recounts an incident or time were you experience failure how did it affect you what lessons did you learn

An incident where I occurred failure was actually This year in my twk class I didn't pass with the grade that I wanted at the end of the semester I actually got a d and that really disappointed me because I have never failed a class before so having that on my transcript really sucked but when I talk to my counselor she explained to me that there's other options in order to make up for that grade I can take options I can do methods or even summer school if available and thats When I realized that in life I'm not always going to succeed I am going to have my Downs it's just a matter of how I Pick myself up and fix the failure

Reflect on an Internet or a time where you challenge your belief or a idea what prompted you to act would you make the same decision again

A time where I challenged my belief was in my English class when we had a debate and the teacher chose the side we stood on so the student was unable to pic and the side that we were put on which was actually the one that I opposed so having to the debate a topic that I didn't believe in was pretty hard and difficult because I had so much negative opinions towards it that it just made it difficult to find anything positive in it but I knew that if I was going to debate and get a good grade I had a put that aside and and I did i got it together and no matter what my beliefs were initially I had to debate the side that I was put on and that actually worked for me but what I got out of it was that now had a more open minded to that side that I was put on and I had a better perspective of it I'm still not for that side but I do have a more open mind towards it

Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content why do you experience there why is it so meaningful

A place where I am perfectly content would be in my backyard my backyard is actually a place where my whole family gets together my immediate family or even distant family that's always Where good memories are made Since I can remember in this has been the area where we all come home to and hang out on a summer afternoon when everyone is home from work and home from school in the afternoon we will just hang out there listen to music and talk but also its a place where we've had our celebrations we have all our pets there and we get a perfect view of the sunset to it's an area where just thinking about it makes me smile if I'm ever stressed i just go outside I sit on the hamik make and everything seems to get better

Describe a situation in which you worry leader and how you handled the situation

A situation in which I had to be a leader was when I was in my English class and I was assigned To be in a group where the students weren't doing their work so I had to step up and assign them something to do in order to get the project done and I had to get the members to stay after school to work on the project too

how do you describe yourself?

I describe myself as a dedicated student who works hard but also trustworthy and responsible

the Rigor of courses you took in high

Some of the rigor courses that I took in high school were chemistry anatomy and Medical terminology

Discuss an accomplishment or event formal or informal or that worked your transition from childhood to adulthood within called true community or family

Well in my culture there is a specific Celebration for the girls that are transitioning from childhood to adulthood and is called a quinceanera and this is a really big celebration that honors the girl who is starting to grow up into a young woman the celebration isn't just a party It's to show a girl that she is blossoming into something special and is growing up now and that is what happened to me I celebrated that I am putting my immatureness away in order to become a well and honorable woman

What would you say are your strengths and areas of growth as a student

Well one of my strengths would be that I am a good listener when it comes to direction and I also work well under pressure but where I grew as a student was to get out of my shell because I used to be a very shy and quiet girl but now I'm more willing to volunteer and participate in class

Tell me about yourself outside the school setting

Well outside of the school setting I am normally trying to help out our home to take off the workload of my parents and here and there I'll be at the church trying to help out there to

What have you learned from your participation in extracurricular activities

What I have learned from participating in extra curricular activities is that teamwork is a very important component because working with one another will always get us farther then working alone.

Do you feel like you're standardized test score SAT ACT reflect you as a student why or why not

Yes I believe that SAT accurately reflects me as a student Because that shows all the hard work I've put into my English and math classes

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