Intro to Counseling

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The ACA has _________ sections of its code of ethics.


In choosing a theory to apply to consultation, it appears most important to consider how it:

-Defines itself relative to consultation. -Uses intervention strategies to solve problems (both of above)

The term ___________ is used to describe those individuals from Central and South America, Mexico, and various islands in the Caribbean.

-Lation -Hispanic -Latina (all of these)

All counselors tend to have common coursework in:

-Professional orientation -ethical practice -social and cultural diversity. (All of above)

Individuals who serve as human service practitioners have generally obtained what level degree human services?

-associates -bachelor's (A or B)

Since the year 2000, the following issue has gained importance in the counseling profession:

-certification and licensure -cross-cultural counseling and advocacy -evidence-based practice (all of above)

Psychodynamic theories consider which of the following to be important in understanding a person's functioning?

-child rearing practices -the unconscious and conscious -examining the past (all of the above)

Theories help counselors and other helping professionals in the following way(s):

-conceptualizing clients' problems -offer specific techniques to apply (both a and c)

To prove that they are following best practices of their professions, counselors should:

-know relevant laws -maintain good records -stay professional with clients (all of above)

Those who obtain a degree in clinical mental health counseling are generally trained to conduct counseling or psychotherapy for individuals struggling with:

-life problems -emotional issues -mental health issues (All of above)

Learning theorists believe that individuals learn behaviors through:

-operant conditioning -classical conditioning -modeling (all of these)

What are the primary area(s) for accreditation by CACREP?

-the learning environment -professional identity -professional practice (all of these)

Freud believed that there are _________ structures that make up personality.


In 1908 Clifford Beers, a Yale graduate who had been hospitalized for years due to schizophrenia wrote ___________.

A Mind that Found Itself

What is the paradigm shift?

A change in the way information is perceived.

In an effort to supply leadership for heling professionals in the area of multicultural counseling, the ___________ a division of ACA, provides workshops, graduate, program training standards in multiculutral counseling, and publications.


Cognitive Therapy was developed during the 1960s by ______.

Aaron Beck

During WW1 some of the first crude tests of ________ where used on a large-scale basis.


__________ is sometimes call positive regard.


These counselors study a wide range of addictive behavior.


__________ believed that every child was born with innate and unique capabilities and is inherently moving toward the future, not determined by the past.


The nervous system will not be completely functional until ________.


Which of the following is not a type of ethical decision-making model discussed in the text?

Advovacy Model

The Diagnostic and Statisitical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, is published by the ____________.

American Psychiartric Assocaition

This law, passed in 1992, ensures that qualified individuals with disbailities cannot be discriminated against in job application procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, fringe benefits, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges.

Americans with Disabilities Act

__________ ensures that individuals with disabilites cannot be discriminated against in job application procedures, firing, compensation, fringe benefits, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges?

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992

The five steps of the Trait and Factor Approach included the following (in order):

Analysis, Synthesis, Diagnosis, Counseling, Follow-Up

In Holland's Theory of Occupational Choice, what personality type does the "A" represent?


According to the text, a good listener does all but which of the follwoing?

Asks many questions

__________ occurs when the child uses his or her existing way of understanding the world to make sense out of new knowledge.


Expressive therapists may join number of associations. Of the following, which is a division of ACA?

Association for Creativity in Counseling

___________ has to do with protecting the independences, self determination, and freedom of choice for client.


A(n) ___________ is a chosen activity that is pursued by an individual because it gives that person satisfaction and fulfills an important aspect of the person's life.


__________ is considered the founder of American psychiatry.

Benjamin Rush

Erikson believed that psychosocial forces, in combination with ___________ and internal psychological factors were major contributors to the development of a healthy person.


How we identify with our cultural or ethnic group can be explained as a __________ process.


What is the name of the accreditation agency that offers standards for counselors and counseling programs?


________ is an independent organization that develops standards and provides accreditation processes for counseling programs.


An empathic person is one who:

Can understand the inner world of the client.

_________ is all of the psychological, sociological, educational, physical, economic, and other factors that are at play in shaping one's career over the life span.

Career development

________ developed client-centered therapy.

Carl Rogers

________ was a humanistic psychologist who had a dynamic impact on the field of counseling in the first half of the twentieth century.

Carl Rogers

According to Roe, ________parents give minimal attention to child after their needs are attended to.


_________ is the reponsibility under the law for a violation of federal or state criminal statute.

Criminal liability

_________ involves the formal recognition that individuals with a professional group have met certain predetermined standards of professionalism.


Which theory of consultation assumes that the world is largely unpredictable because of the vast number of inputs that can affect the functioning of a system?

Chaos Theory

__________ Organization Societies had volunteers visiting the poor to assist in alleviating conditions of poverty.


_________ was the first modern-day stimulant used to treat emotional disorders.


In grounded theory, which step has to do with identifying common themes among the various sources of data?


_________ ability tests generally require true/false or multiple responses.


Defining the problem clearly is crucial part of the _________ theory of consultation.


Rogers believed that we all have a need to be loved and that significant people in our lives often place _______ upon us.

Conditions of worth

Which of the following is NOT one of the three core conditions that Rogers believed together were sufficent to facilitate change?

Conditions of worth

People generally define __________ as some type of hostile challenge when attempting to overcome an obstacle, however it should not be that way in the counseling relationship.


_________ validity has to do with whether or not tests items are constructed in a manner that show they represent the defined body of knowledge being tested.


In Kohlberg's ____________ level, moral decisions are based initially on social conformity and mutualism (good girl-nice boy orientation) and later on rule-governed behavior (law and order orientation).


A __________ shows the relationship between two sets of scores.

Correlation coefficient

Section A of the ACA Code of Ethics highlights important issues within the ___________.

Counseling Relationship

Whihc of the following are the five wellness subfactors of Myers and Sweeney's Indivisible Self:

Creative self, coping self, social self, essential self, physcial self.

Counselors need to have knowledge of the ________ of the client and how clients' values, beliefs, and customs will play a part in the counseling relationship.

Cultural background

We should view the US as a _____________, as this term more accurately describes our ethnic diversity.

Cultural mosaic

The effective counselor needs to be __________ competent if he or she is going to connect with his or her clients.


___________ is exoressed through values, ideas, habits, norms of behavior, rituals, symbols, artifacts, language, customs, and worldviews.


_________models examine how individuals from cultural and racial groups pass through unique stages as they become increasingly aware of their cultural selves.


The study of ________ or control mechanisms in systems, has been used to explain the regulatory process of a system.


Which supervision model is an intergrative model that examines three roles that supervisors might adopt during the supervisory relationship?

Discrimination model

The ________ offers clinicians a mechanism for understanding how some individuals deviate from more typical behavior.


Freud, and later his daughter Anna Freud, identified a number of ______ that help people to cope with anxiety.

Defense Mechanisms

O*NET is an online database developed by the _________.

Department of Labor

_________ scores allow us to compare the same individual on different tests or on different subtests of the saem tests.


_________ achievement tests, which are used to delve more deeply into areas where there are suspected learning problems, are often given one-to-one bhy an experience examiner.


The purpose of the ___________ is to provide uniform criteria for making clinical diagnoses thereby enhancing agreement among clinicians.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

__________ boundaries often lead to lack of a sense of self, enmeshment, and dependence on one another.


If supervisors are to work effectively on cross-cultural issues with their supervisees, they must do all of the following, except:

Discuss cultural differences only when it is broughtup by the supervisee

___________ disorders occur when there is a disruption of consciousness, memory, identity or perception of the environment.


In which stage of the Racial Identity Development for People of Color (RIDPOC) model do individuals have a newfound awareness, which may lead to confusion about how they once viewed their culture/race and movement toward a positive experience of their culture/race?

Dissonance and beginning appreciation

Which section was added to the latest edition of the ACA Code of Ethics (2014)?

Distance Counseling, Technology, and Social Media

Which of the following is not one of the more common social problems experienced by American Indians?


People who have this view of the world, see things in balck and white, are very concrete, rigid and authoritarian.


Ethnocentric counselors may believe that when their clients present a differing view of the world they are:

Emotionally disturbed

In Holland's Theory of Occupational Choice, what personality type does the "E" represent?


Which stage of consultation involves making contact with the consulting system, exploring the problem, and defining the contract between the consultant and the consulting system.


This kind of assessment includes collecting information form a client's home, school or workplace, usually through observation or self reports.


The 1990s saw an increased emphasis on the important of ______ issues in counseling.


When a group of people share a common ancestry which may include specific cultural and social patterns such as similar language, values, religion, foods, and artistic expressions, they are considered to be of the same __________.


Three common methods used in ____________ research include observation, ethnographic interviews, and collection of documents and artifacts.


_________ family therapy is based mostly on humanistic and existential psychology, which has a positive view on human nature, believes that the individual (and the family) has a natural growth tendency, and relies on the relationship between the counselor and the couple or family to induce change.


Offering alternatives, providing information and giving advice are not typical counselor responses because they tend to place the counselor in the role of ________.


_________ therapists include art therapists, play therapists, dance/movement therapists, poet therapists, music therapists and others who use creative tools to work with individuals who are experiencing significant trauma or emotional problems in their lives.


__________ validty refers to the generalizability of the results to larger population.


The founder of guidance in America was _________.

Frank Parsons

___________ evalution is concerned with the collection of information that will guide improvement of the program.


Which term was replaced in the DSM-5 with "intellectual disability" in effort to be more inclusive?

Mentall retarded

Drawing on the work of Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg, _________ developed a theory of faith development.


Which of the following is not one of the ethical "hot spots" identified in the chapter?


_______ Systems Theory was developed to explain the complex interactions of all types of systems, including living systems, including living systems, family systems, community systems, and solar systems.


___________ is the tendency for stimuli that are similar to a conditioned stimulus to take on the power of the conditioned stimulus.


Which psychosocial stage of development occurs during middle adulthood?

Generativity vs. Stagnation

Each couple and family has its own unique __________ that describes how its members typically interact.


During the ________ stage of consultation, the consultant, usually collaboratively, decides on strategies for change and the implementation of those strategies begins.

Goal setting

_________ is focused on prevention and wellness, self enhancement, increased insight, self-acutalization, and conscious as opposed to unconscious motivations.

Group counseling

_______ refers to the ongoing interactions and interrelationships among the group members and between the leadar and group members.

Group dynamics

Which of the following typically focuses upon deep-seated, long-term issues, remediation of severe pathology, and personality reconstruction?

Group therapy

In general, a good place to start when begining career counseling is by doing all but which of the following?

Having the client make a firm decision about career choice

Evidence of the important of nurturing enviornment in a child's development can be seen through the success of the ___________ Program.

Head Start

The 1970s saw the deinstitutionalization of tens of thousands of patients in state mental hospital who had been _________.

Held against their own will

_________ presented reflections on the human conditions that were to greatly change the Western world's view of the person.


During the 1970s we saw the emergence of _________ personality theory of career counseling, which examined the importance of how and individual's personality "fit" into differing work environments.


Federal legislation now requires that all organizations that conduct research supported by federal funds have a human subjects committee or _________, whose purpose is to ensure that there is little or no risk to research particpants.


Adolescence is the time when teenagers will compare themselves to each other as they develop their _______.


_________ is a type of self-disclosure that can help a client see the imapct he or she has on the therapist and ultimately. on others in his or her life.


As children gain control over their impulses, they move into the ________ stage, where needs, interests, and wishes become primary and impulses can now be controlled incorporative.


S.O.A.P notes are just one example of a case note that some counselors use. S.O.A.P stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and ______.


The ___________ variable is the one that the experimenter manipulates.


Which important research issued, addressed in the ACA code of ethics, requires that subjects must be told the purpose of the research, procedures, any potential risks involved, the potential benefits, alternative procedures to the research, any limits to confidentiality, and the fact that they can withdraw from the study at any point?

Informed consent

The ______ stage of group development is highlighted by anxiety, apprehension, and lack of trust.

Initial Stage

Levinson's concept of life structures refers to all but which of the following issues?

Intellectual development

_________ are used to determine the likes and dislikes of a person as well as an individual's personality orientation toward the world of work.

Interest inventories

_________ reliabilty gives an estimate of consistency based on a single administration of a test.

Internal consistency

___________ is a commonly used advanced skill that can assist clients in making giant leaps in counseling, but involves the risk of counselors being viewed as the "expert."


____________ counseling can be viewed as the development of counselor competencies to maximize effectiveness in their work with all clients.


During WW2 many people of ________ descent were placed in internment camps in the United States.


__________ tests measure a series of specific segments of ability.

Multiple aptitude

Multicultural competencies reflect attitudes, beliefs and ________ areas.


Today, most immigrants to the United States come from:

Latin America and Asia

Which of the five models discussed in the text approaches treatment by identifying problem behaviors, setting goals, and using behavioral and cognitive change strategies?

Learning theory

____________ is the most rigorous form of credentialing.


_______ is a mood stabilizing drug that was discovered during the 1800s and found to have positive effects for the treatment of a number of bodily afflictions.


Which of the following is not one of the reasons for deinstitutionalization of psychiartric patients discussed in the text?

Lower incidence rate of mental health concerns

Today, most people who are referred to as "counselors" have a ________ degree in their field.


According to Islamic faith, which of the following is not one of the five duties or pillars to which Muslims should adhere?

Memorization of Quran

Which group was said to have the most profound influence on the evolution of couples and family counseling?

Mental Research Institute (MRI; the Palo Alto group)

Influenced by his work with families in Israel, low income and minority families in New York City, and the work of Bateson and others, _________ developed one of the most widely respected approaches to couples and family counseling during the 1960s.


Which German word from the early existential philosophers refers to our common experiences that we share through our culture?


The DSM-IV had a _____________ diagnostic system, while the current edition has a _____________ approach to diagnosis.

Multiaxial; single-axis

___________ counseling is mostly focused upon the development of counselor competencies in an effort to maximize the ability of the counselor to work with all clients.


_________ family therapy has at its core the belief that there are no absolute truths and that it is critical to understand the stories that people and families tell in order to help them deconstuct how they come to understand their family.


The ____________ debate as it relates to personality formation has a long and turbulent history that continues today.

Nature versus group

_________ feedback loops maintain a family's unique ways of regulating itself, while __________ feedback loops are when change in one component in a system leads to a change in another component within the same system.

Negative; positive

____________ disorders refer to those that manifest during early development, although diagnoses are sometimes not assigned until adulthood.


_________ measure a broad range of behaviors related to brain functioning.

Neuropsychological assessments

Researchers often use a(n) __________ hyppthesis that they hope to show is false.


________ refers to the jobs of a similar nature that can be found within several work enviornments and connote the kinds of work a person is pursuing.


About what proportion of adult Americans are diagnosed with mental disorder every year?


________ questions allow clients to repond in a myriad of ways, whereas _______ questions focus on a particular topic or point of view and force clients to pick between the choices given.

Open; Closed

What is the correct order of the psychosexual stages through which Freud proposed developing children progress?

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, gential

Sexual ________ refers to the predominant gender toward which a person consistently has sexual feelings, longings, and attachments.


__________ occurs in the supervisory relationship where the client-counselor relationship is mirrored in the supervisor-supervisee relationship.

Parallel process

_________ cousnelors sometimes have a degree in counseling but can also have a degree in a related social service or a degree in religion or divinity.


__________ assessment evaluates an individual using a variety of informal assessment procedures that are based on real-world responsibilities which are not highly loaded for cognitive skills.


The ________ group counselor relies on the qualities of empathic understanding, genuineness and unconditional positive regard to guide the group process.


Which of the following are not one of the three areas of competence encompassed by the Advocacy Competencies.


The assessment of __________ includes measuring one's temperament, attitudes, values, likes and dislikes, emotions, motivation, interpersonal skills and level of adjustment.


Sigmund Freud was trained as a:


______________ wondered how children come to understand the world around them and to justify their behavior.


In more recent years, development has been viewed as a lifelong journey in which there is _______; that is, the individual has the ability to stretch and change cognitively, physcailly, interpersonally, intrapsychially, morally, and spiritually.


Which of the following was not one of the first three "forces in counseling?"


If we have ______ notions about a client it can interfere with effective listening.


The ___________ consultation model involves the consultant collecting information, diagnosing the problem, and making recommendations to the consultee on how to solve the problem.


Therapists who hold _______ have a right to withhold information about their clients.

Privileged communication

In which stage of Helms' White Identity model is an individual not comfortable with racism but has intellectual acceptance and curiosity regarding indivduals from nondominant groups?


A _________ is a licensed physician who generally has completed a residency, or had extensive field placement training, in a mental health setting.


The popularity of ________ and its emphasis on personality development influenced the beginning of objective and projective personality assessment.


A theoretical approach to group work which focuses on re-creating, analyzing, discussing, and interpreting past expierences and working through one's defenses and resistances in which of the following?

Psychoanalytic group therapy

______ groups attempts to increase self understanding, promote personal growth and empowerment, and prevent future problems through the dissemination of mental health education in a group setting.


The American ___________ Association adopted the Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Girls and Women, which shoiuld be intergrate into practice of feminist therapy.


The field of _________ has affected the counseling profession more than any other related mental health profession.


Although clients generally have a right to access information about themeselves, HIPAA states that _________, are protected from the client's right to access them.

Psychotherapy/process notes

Insead of performing random assignment, ________ research examines already exisitng intact groups.


The use of _______ can reveal underlying issues or gently challenge the client to change.


____________ is traditionally defined as permanent physcial differences as perceived by an external authority.


This therapy was developed by Albert Ellis during the 1950s

Rational Emotive Therapy

Correlational research examines the ________ between two or more sets of scores, and generally uses correlation coeficents in examining results.


There is a relationship between ________ and social class, culture, ethnicity, race, and political attitudes.

Religious affiliation

_______ analyzes information in order to give us knowledge about the present.


Once the statement of the problem is developed, the _____________ can be formulated.

Research design

In 1956 ________ developed an elaborate theory that based career choices on the kinds of early parenting received.


_________ had a great impact on our modern day understanding and use of empathy.


The _________ section of a manuscrpit describes the types of statistical analysis or data synthesis that were used, as well as an objective description in writing or through the use of charts, tables, and figures.


_______ boundaries will often lead to disengagement on the part of family members and a heightened sense of autonomy.


Which of the following is not used to help distinguish diagnoses when making and reporting a diagnosis?


When family members are discontented with one another and when they directly or indirectly take out this unhappiness on a specific family member, that member is said to have been ____________.


________ counselors have significantly less clinical supervision than other types of counselors, and it my be less formal than one might hope.


Since the 1960s consultation has consistently been listed as one of the major responsiblities of

School Counselors

Passed in 1994 by Congress, this act provides incentives to help schools and community colleges develop programs that integrate academic learning with on-the-job experiences.

School-to-work Opportunities Act

The purpose of __________ groups is the education, affirmation, and enhancement of existing strengths of group members.


What level of consultant interventions is focused on remediation of nonsevere mental health problems?


Whereas one's __________ is biologically determined, one's ____________ inculdes the social, cultural, and psychological roles that are assumed of a person based on his or her sex.

Sex; gender

A healthy system has __________ boundaries that allow information to come into the system, be processed, and be incorporated.


___________'s views on mental health and mental illness were revolutionary.

Sigmund Freud

A recent addition to ethical decision-making is the _______ constructionist perspective.


In recent years, ___________ has become one of the more popular theories of career development.

Social Cognitive Career Theory

_____________ view knowledge and truth as something that is constructed through conversations.

Social Constructionists

__________ usually have extensive training in counseling techniques but less preparation in career counseling, assessment techniques, and quantitative research methods.

Social Workers

Having a ___________ philosophy, counselors in recent years believe that systems theory, and its close cousin, cybernetics, placed too much emphasis on causal factors and did not stress cultural context enough.

Social constructionist

_________ consultants believe that there is no one reality and it is critical to understand the different stories and narratives of the individuals with whom they are working.

Social constructionist

The ___________ group counselor rejects the notion that individuals have an inherent tendency toward mental health problems or illnesses and focuses almost exclusively on client strengths, not client deficits.


The steps involved in ________ family therapy are based on an understanding of communication and systems theory, and because unconscious motivations play little if any role in this type of therapy, the approach is relatively pragmatic.


__________ counselors work in a variety of settings in higher education.

Student Affairs and College

Which of the following is not one of the more salient ethical issues in the supervisory relationship outlined in the text?

Supervisee competence

___________ has become an expected and crucial part of a counselor's professional respnosibility, regardless of whether one is a school, agency, or college cousnelor.


In ___________ research, a questionnaire is developed or an interview designed with the purpose of gathering specific information from a target population.


Groups, like families, can be viewed from a _________ perspective in which individuals in the group can be understood by examining the dynamic interaction of its members and how that interaction results in specific communicartion patterns, power dynamics and hierarchies.


During the 1940s and 1950s an increased emphasis on understanding the dynamics of the social and family _______ emerged.


Which legal case led to a decision that mandates to make all efforts to prevent danger to another or to self, also known as "duty to warn?"

Tarasoff v. Regents of University of California

_______ groups emphasize conscious behaviors, focus on group dynamics and the successful completion of a product.


Paralleling the rise of the vocational guidance movement was the ________ movement.


_________ are considered a subset of a broad pool of assessment techniques and yield scores based on the gathering of collective data (e.g., adding a number of correct answers on a multiple-choice exam).


Which of the following is not one of the four truths of Buddhism?

The acknowledgement of suffering

Some of the basic assumptions of solution-focused group counseling include all but which of the following?

The counselor is the expert on the problem, not the client.

After one does a review of the literature, what is the next step?

The statement of the problem

Existential-humanistic approaches embrace a phenomenological perspective, stressing all but which of the following?

The role of the unconscious

____________ and Sir Francis Galtom developed laboratories to examine similarities and differences in responses by individuals to sensory experiments as they attempted to understand how responses to external stimuli we related to the mind.

Wilhelm Wundt

What is one major role of school psychologists?

To test children in the schools

Which of the following is a form of nonverbal behavior discussed in the text that can affect the counseling relationship?

Tone of voice

When a consultant is hired to come into an agency to do "staff development" this is known as the _______ Model.


The _______ approach grew out of the early works of Parsons.


In the ________ stage of group development, issues of control, power, and authority become increasingly important in this stage as members position themseleves within the system.


Levinson believed that there were four eras through which men and women pass and that they are preceded by a ________ period.


Consultation involves a __________ relationship.


Glasser believed that individuals labeled as mentally ill, as well as those having daily living problems, were exhibiting irresponsible behaviors because they had not formed relationships that had helped them learn how to effectively meet their needs.


Families have __________ and idiosyncratic rules, which can be overt or covert, and are partly responsible for determining the nature of the couple of family.


Which Gestalt therapeutic encourages clients to take ownership of their defensive projections?

Use of "I" statements

_________ describes how well a test measure what it is supposed to measure.


___________ in a code sometimes lag behind the values of society and of professional associations.


Which of the following is an advantage of group counseling?

Vicarious learning can occur in groups

Although Ludwig Binswagner is generally acknowledged as being the first existential therapist, who is seen as the person who popularized this approach through "logotherapy"?

Viktor Frankl

State licensure of counselors had its beginnings in 1976, when __________ became the first state to offer licensing for counselors.


During the _________ stage, important leadership skills may include support and confrontation, higher-level empathy, probing questions, and interpretations.


In which stage of counseling does the client begin to work on the issues that were identified and increasingly take responsiblity for progress in sessions?


Children in the _________ stage will have difficulty with metaphors or proverbs, because they haven't developed the capacity to think abstractly.


__________ refers to judging a group or person based on the preconceives notions about the group.


Over __________ of Americans have a diagnosable mental disorder within any year.


John Holland's Personality Theory of Occupational Choice is considered both a trait and factor theory and a _______ theory.


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