Intro to Cultural Anthropology Final

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All of the above

A cross-cultural perspective on manic depression would

A Creole

A language of mixed origin that developed from a complex blending of two parent languages is called


A paradigm that emphasizes humans that are made up of complex biological, cultural, and psychological processes is


A stoplight is a visual example of which of the following?

A summarizing symbol

According to anthropologist SHeery Ortner's analysis, the American flag is an example of

Can only communicate in response to real-world stimuli

Animal call systems

Native symbols

Anthropologist Sherry Ortner distinguished three kinds of culturally powerful symbols that include all of the following except


Anthropologists are deeply skeptical of grandiose claims about biological destiny and the belief that nature explains all of our behavior


Brent Berlin and Paul Kay found that if a language had only three color terms, they would always be black (dark), white (light), and

Building trusting relationships with people over a long period of time

Cultural anthropologists do research by

They provide a pattern for one's own behavior and interpreting others' actions

Cultural models help us make sense of the world because

Langue; parole

Ferdinad de Saussure made a distinction between the formal rules of language ________ and the ways people speak if _______

All of the above

Fieldwork involves

Elaborating symbol

For pastoral groups such as the Dinka and the Nuer, the cow acts as which kind of symbol

Marginalizes women's voices in work contexts

If you studied speech patterns such as those analyzed in Robin Lakoff's study of gendered speech, you might find that "talking like a lady"

Genealogical method

If you wanted to study patterns of kin relations in a community, which methods would you use?


In some cultures, people are not born as full persons but gain that as they fulfill social obligations

Not marked by a single fixed gene

Intelligence is


Most people are unaware of the structure of a language until someone speaking makes a mistake

Genetic drift

Random sampling effects that bring changes to the distribution of traits within a population


Refers to the structure of speech sounds

Action anthropology

Research committed to making social change and improving the lives of marginalized people is


Slight, unpredictable, variation in the genetic code that occurs during reproduction is called


Systematic conversations with informants to collect data are called _______


The application of genetic explanations for breast cancer is an example of

All of the above

The human mind is

Gene flow

The movement of genes through interbreeding or intermarriage among humans from distinct populations is


The people anthropologists gather data from are called

Call system

The set of sounds and movements that animals make to communicate is called a

A phenotype

The set of visible characteristics of an individual is called a


The study of grammatical categories, such as tense and word order, is called


The study of how people classify things in the world is called


The study of how sociocultural norms and contexts shape language use in society

Participant observation

This type of interaction may include playing basketball, cooking, dining, or having coffee with informants


Units that are made up of a combination of the smallest meaningful bits of sound are

Understand how a person's age affects his or her role in the community

Using life history interviews, researchers are able to


Western psychological terms and treatments are globalizing, and now there is evidence of mental illnesses in place where they never existed before

All of the above

When anthropologists go into the field


When anthropologists study the way people use language in real settings (on the street)rather than as a set of grammatical rules, they are focusing on


When humans are born, their brain is what percentage of its eventual weight?

koro in Japan and anorexia in California

Which of the following would most interest an anthropologist who studies culture-bound systems

Cognate words

Words that came from the same ancestral language and originated from the same word are called

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