Intro to Education Test 1

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71.When a student turns 21, the IEP must include a plan for a postgraduate transition into a career setting.


87. Many controversies exist about the teaching of which of the following topics?

-ethnic studies, class differences, evolution, sex education, ethical or moral education

124. Seven of the eight Smith sisters have been students in Mrs. Riley's music class, and every single one has excelled at playing the piano. This year Mrs. Riley will have the youngest Smith sibling and automatically begins preparing pieces for her to play in the school's spring musical. Mrs. Riley is stereotyping this student based on her family.


29.) Students who live in poverty tend to suffer the most from the lack of ______.

Achievement opportunities

17.) Which of the following scenarios might best explain why there is a shortage of special education teachers?

Because they need highly qualified teachers in that area.

5.) Stephanie was hired to teach pre-K at Littlefield Elementary in June. Class does not start until mid-August, but Stephanie has been at the school preparing her classroom, creating learning centers, writing curriculum plans, and cleaning. The best explanation for this would likely be which of the following?

Classroom culture.

120. Parents usually grade schools tougher than the general public because they know the faculty and staff on a personal level and are therefore more critical of their performance.


19.) If you have a degree in elementary education and a certification to teach from your state, you can easily move to any state in the United States and begin teaching in your field.


68.Modifications or accommodations are generally made in which of the following areas?


59. The importance of a teacher using the Multiple Intelligences approach is to ______?

Reflect on how well his or her teaching strategies align with his or her students leaning styles.

2.)Which of the following is a type of intrinsic reward in the teaching profession?

Students grasping the concept or task they have been teaching.

58.Architects and interior design specialists display which of Howard's Gardner's multiple intelligences in their careers?

Visual-spatial intelligence

65.Matthew's IEP team met to discuss appropriate goals for student progress in his eighth-grade classes. Unfortunately, his parents did not agree with the goals. They stood up and walked out of the meeting, and no consensus was reached on the IEP goals. Can the school move forward with Matthew's service for these IEP goals?

Yes, Matthew can still be working toward these goals while his parents work with the team to reach an agreement on the IEP goals.???

28.) Teachers who value and respect students regardless of the socioeconomic status of their families can best demonstrate this with evidence from_____.

Making AYP or AMO or fall within the confidence interval overall in standardized testing scores with students from low-income families; their actions and treatment of students

39.) One way that teachers can help male and female students interact together in classrooms where they naturally segregate themselves by gender would be to_____.

Mix students up for group work; line/pair them up based on factors besides gender (birthdays and height and hair color etc...); treat them all equally;

113. All the following are reasons why a parent might choose a private school over a public school for their child except which one?


55. Students can show high ability and intelligence in which of the following way?

Problem solving

40.) LGBTQ students compromise a disproportionate percentage of homeless students, likely because these students_____.

are not accepted by their families.

66.Resource teachers should not pull out any special education students during language arts or mathematics instruction in the regular education classroom because ______.

they are not receiving more instruction during this pullout time, only alternative instruction

43. To ensure that the civil rights of students are not violated, schools could ______?

Involve the parents of their religious communities to provide Professional Development about their religious traditions and cultures as well as advice.

52. Which of the following is one of Piagets four stages of cognitive development?


69. One particular flaw of the No Child Left Behind law regarding the education of gifted and talented students was that .

To enchanted learning for the brightest students

63. What is one reason why teachers may be apprehensive about the inclusion of special education students in their regular education classrooms?

They are not familiar with research showing that the impact of inclusion is neutral or positive in terms of academic achievement for regular education students.

94. The National Report Card released in 2014 by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) showed little improvement in closing the achievement gap between black and Hispanic students and white students.


98. All children have equitable opportunity for academic success because there is no distinction between classes in public education settings.


81. High-needs, high poverty schools struggle to attract and retain the best and brightest teachers in the profession. Which of the following might best help with that issue?

-The federal government contributing 9% of public school funding

83. What is taught in schoools is generally determined by standards adopted by the state. The means that to best effect change, it's important for parents and teachers to ___.

-become knowledgeable about who they vote for during legislative elections within their state because what candidates think about education matters.

84. Robert wants to encourage multiple perspectives in his seventh-grade classrooms. He should incorporate all the following except which one?

-classrooms should include people of color, labor class, woman, non christian religion

85. In order for school curriculum to more accurately reflect the histories and cultures of the many groups that populate our nation other than the dominant culture, teachers will have to ___.

-explore multiple perspectives on the content being taught.

110. Cheryl is a Jehovah's Witness and is a student in your eighth-grade homeroom classroom. When the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States is spoken over the intercom, you can require Cheryl to stand up and participate.


112. In order for a student to attend a magnet school, the parents must first request a school voucher, since the student is no longer attending public schools.


61. Children with disabilities are categorized into specific areas by educators for the purpose of _________.

-to determine the most appropriate services for a child

106. Mr. Fitzgerald teaches sixth grade at Hoover Middle School and is concerned that one of his students is living in a "food insecure" home. His best course of action is to .

-use community partnerships with local food banks to help those families get the food they need

107. The size of families is largely influenced by all the following factors except which one?

-women's participation in the labor force and higher education -as well as improvement in contraception and fewer marriages -These factors contribute to lower fertility rates

79.Which of the following is typically a reason why students drop out of school?

individual and contextual factors. These students face challenges such as economic hardships, housing instability, homelessness, health issues, family dysfunction, and bullying (

24.) While being interviews for a fifth-grade social studies position, Julia was asked a specific question about the Common Core Standards for that grade level and subject area. Julia was prepared for her interview and able to answer specific questions about the content referred to in the interview question because she had reviewed it ahead of time. This type of question in interviews is normal and can be expected.

Standards-based curriculum; Your program should be preparing you to meet the InTASC standards mentioned earlier in this chapter. You are also expected to know the professional standards for your field (e.g., mathematics or early childhood education). Are you familiar with any of these standards?

109. We acquire our culture and become competent in its language and ways of behaving and knowing through a process called ____.


108. The fact that there are more single-parent families living in the United States today directly impacts the standardized test scores of our nation.


70. Which of the following is used to categorize students with disabilities?


32.) The rate of poverty is greater for children of color because_____.

Because families of color generally earn less than white families

78.Teachers can best change students' negative stereotypical perceptions of themselves by .

Provide critical feedback to all students When possible, ensure that students are not assigned to classrooms in which they are the only child from a specific cultural, ethnic, or language group Foster intergroup conversations among students from diverse groups Encourage students to affirm their sense of self Allow students to express frustration about their experiences with racism or ostracism in ways that contribute to positive engagement and success (Steele, 2010)

51. For teachers to meet the needs of their students, they must differentiate institution. To differentiate means to _____?

Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs.

54. Violet cannot sit still long enough to complete her 45- item reading comprehension exam; however, she is labeled as a gifted learner in the arts. How can her teacher accommodate her needs to help her complete this required assignment?

Violets teacher can put foot fidgets under her feet or allow her to sit on an exercise ball to complete the exam. This will allow for movement while helping her focus on the task at hand.

41. One method of censorship that LGBTQ student's experience is ______?

leaving LGBT people out of school curriculum, which does not allow students to identify with the materials they are taught with in the classroom.

102. One reason that might explain why engagement in elementary and middle schools is so much higher than at the high school level is that ____ .

Parents of high school students are less likely to agree that their child's school helps all parents understand what they can do at home to support a student's success in school

53. How does plasticity of the brain allow a child who grew up impoverished or in a high-stress environment to later achieve at the same level as his or her peers?

The brain architecture and it's neural circuit continue to adapt throughout adulthood, so new learning is always possible.

25.) Teaching is a unique profession because the expectation is that a first-year teacher will have the same desired outcomes as a veteran teacher, even though there may be a span of 20 or more years of experience between the two.


35.) The goal of dual-language programs is for students to develop_____.

students' development of strong skills and proficiency in both the home language and English

60. The nation's Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was established to make sure children with disabilities have the opportunity to receive _________.

—a free and appropriate public education

105. Problematic student behavior and lack of academic success are most likely not the result of students raised in which environment?

-more directly related to poverty, conflict, and instability in families than to marriage status.

67. A student's IEP states that accommodations must be made in the regular education classroom for wheelchair access. Unfortunately, the class whiteboards are hung too high for him to have easy access for writing. The teacher should ______.

locate a small portable whiteboard that the student can use to write on at his level with ease

90. According to the National Education Association (NEA), it takes which of the following to educate the whole child except which one?

-Using the latest technology

116. All of the following are areas in which local businesses can support and partner with their local public schools except which one?

-businesses -local chamber of commerce -charitable organizations -churches -civic groups -foundations -local government -local media -museums -military groups -nonprofit associations -senior citizens -youth groups.

119. One way to empower parents and community partners in the school is to create an advisory committee on which parents have a voice in matters that affect the school. They are openly invited to participate in those discussions before any decision is made. An advisory committee might assist with:

-parent-teacher associations that deal with fundraisers for the classroom, provided outdoor equipment for schools, tshirts, fieldtrip money, etc for children of the less fortunate.

117. Which of the following statements is a reason parents may not be involved with their child's school?

-the teacher not wanting to learn about their culture - the teacher not wanting them to help in her classroom - the teacher not wanting them to come in for show and tell day to share their job responsibilities.

6.) Roderick taught a lesson about multiplying and dividing fractions that did not meet his expectations for student learning. After talking to his mentor teacher and a partner teacher next door, he had several suggestions and a handful of new manipulatives that they advised him to use in his reteaching of the concept the next day. What method of storing this information might be useful for Roderick in the future?

Roderick should reflect and write about what went well and what did not go well in a lesson reflection journal.

74. An example of disproportionate placement in a special education class would be identifying a Latino or African American child asneeding services when there is no real discrepancy between ability and intelligence in his or her qualifying assessments.


26.) Sheila is teaching a lesson on Christopher Columbus discovering America. Thomas raises his hand and correct her by saying that his ancestors, the American Indians, were actually here first and inhabiting North America at that time. Sheila does not appreciate his remark, which she considers a challenge to her authority. In this instance, Shiela should______.

Don't react defensively; understand the bias; talk to student about being respectful in stating their opinion or what they believe is true;

77.A negative or a false stereotype can have all of the following effects on a student except which one?

Increase self worth, provide opportunities, help child reach full potential

56. How does Howard Gardner's interpersonal intelligence differ from interpersonal intelligence?

Interpersonal intelligence refers to a deeper understanding of others, while Intrapersonal intelligence refers to a deeper understanding of oneself.

31.) The Smith family is considered high poverty. This impacts the school where the Smith children attend because their lack of resources affects them in a number of ways. Which of the following would not be directly impacted by the family's high-poverty status?

These are things that ARE impacted: more likely to have low test scores, unsafe and unattractive schools, and less-than-stimulating schoolwork that has little meaning for their lives;they are in poorer health than students in higher-income families; not expected to go to college; lack of nutrition and All of these factors affect school attendance and their ability to concentrate and attend carefully to their work when they are in school

4.) In which of the following statements is a joy of teaching documented?

To see students achieve at high levels.

21.) Teaching is a rewarding profession because it gives you the opportunity to spend time with and support your family, posiimpact the future, and find a sense of personal worth.


20.) As a new teacher, everything you need to know about the curriculum will be outlined and addressed for your classes in the textbooks and academic standards you are given at the start of the school year.


100. A multicultural curriculum includes a range of cultural perspectives, a range of gender and class perspectives, balance, openness, and sensititvity. This curriculum could best be used in your class with less direct instruction and more student-led discussion, hands-on projects, and applications.


8.) Juan has taken his subject-level test for elementary education certification two different times and has yet to meet the cut score of 240 to pass the test. He is very discouraged and thinking of changing his major due to his struggle with passing the required assessment. What course of action should Juan follow?


121. Teachers and principals in high-poverty schools are less likely than those in low-poverty schools to rate their teachers as excellent because it is difficult to recruit the best and brightest teachers to work in areas that are often urban and struggling to perform academically.


122. One concern that parents have for their children in schools is the curriculum used for instruction, but they don't want them to have to work too rigorously in college prep classes.


125. Families without children typically don't vote in favor of school bonds because they may not see how the money used to support schools can directly benefit them.


44. One way to make sure your religious beliefs do not interfere with your ability to provide equal educational opportunities for all students is to _______?

Be aware of the religious groups to which their students belong and make appropriate accommodations in their classroom.

13.) Stephan just taught a lesson in mathematics on fractions and their meaning. He wants to follow up with real- world applications of fractions and their meaning. He decides to work with a colleague in science to design a lesson that both can use in their departmentalized elementary classrooms. This is an example of .


27.) Tim is teaching Oklahoma history in middle school in Enid, Oklahoma, when a student raises his hand to make this comment: "My dad says the government is going broke because it has to provide free cheese and benefits to all the lazy Indians with diabetes who don't work any really jobs." Tim wants to make this a teachable moment. He should_____.

Correct the inaccuracy in what the student says in a respectful and teachable way to inform the students;don't be defensive or insult the opinion of the parent/student; talk about how every has opinions, but make sure the students understand facts and the standards in regards to the subject; correct hate speech

34.) Justine is planning to tech in the Houston, Texas, area and is concerned about how she can best serve ESL students in her future classroom. Which of the following preparation strategies might be of great benefit to Justine?

ESL teacher or teacher's aide translates if needed and uses ESL strategies to help students learn the content. Newcomer programs for immigrant students who know limited English use ESL to help students learn English, the content, and the common culture; create a safe learning environment; bond with students; make things visual; prepare lessons in advance; learn about students in advance;

22.) If you have a degree in elementary education and a certification to teach from your state, you can easily move to any state in the US and begin teaching in your field.


47. The majority of students in city schools attend low-poverty schools, whole minority of suburban students attend high-poverty schools?


62. A student displays inappropriate behaviors with peers in his class and appears excessively clingy with the male school personnel. Inclass, he acts out in aggressive manners. This child is displaying symptoms of which category of disability?

Emotionally disturbed

49. The reason that bilingual education programs are so controversial is that they value the native language and support it's use in school rather than marginalized the native language and seek to extinguish its use altogether.


75.Students from high socioeconomic status (SES) are disproportionately placed in special education classes because of teachers'low expectations for them based on their family income.


16.) Alexis has just obtained her first teaching job. Which of the following organizations will she likely consider joining?


23.) As a new teacher, everything you need to know about the curriculum will be outlines and addressed for your classes in the textbooks and academic standards you are given at the start of the school year.

True ?

21.) While being interviewed for a fifth-grade social studies position, Julia was asked a specific question about the Common Core Standards for that grade level and subject area. Julia was prepared for her interview and able to answer specific questions about the content referred to in the interview question because she had reviewed it ahead of time. This type of question in interviews is normal and can be expected.


11.) Juan earned a teaching license in one state but wants to teach in another state. Which teaching field would most likely be in demand in another state?

Special Education

14.) After graduation, Kelsey is unable to find a job in her chosen field of preschool. She knows she wants to teach preschool children. Which licensure area should she consider adding to allow her to still work with preschool children?

Special Education

73.Allowing a special needs student to take frequent breaks throughout the day would be an example of a scheduling modification.


64. Jacob's parents are very concerned that he is not showing progress on his third-grade learning objectives. His teacher has tried multiple accommodations and modifications to his work, but to no avail. His parents have reached out to the school to request an evaluation for a possible learning disability. Can the school immediately test him based on this verbal request?

Yes, as long as the parents request the evaluation and give their permission, whether verbally or in writing, Jacob can be assessed.

7.) Julie is denied admission into a teacher education program because she does not meet the required 2.5 GPA for the university. She decides to take several more psychology and social science courses to increase her GPA so she can enter the program next semester. Can Julie still become a successful teacher?


91. Tiffany teaches at the middle school and wants to help students understand their sexuality as they enter pubery. She discusses several options with her department, and they decide to invite the counselor to come talk to their homeroom classes within the security of a safe classroom climate about the changes they are experiencing physically, emotionally, and socially. Is this an effective effort to support students?


33.) Teachers in heritage language and indigenous language programs provide_____.

aides who speak the native language to ensure students are understanding concepts and developing academic skills while they learn English; supports the preservation and revitalization of the native languages of American Indians, Native Hawaiians, and Native Pacific Islanders while encouraging a focus on developing English proficiency to meet state academic standards

10.) Sarah completed her education degree in secondary English and is hoping to find a job in her hometown. She is unwilling to move to another city because she wants to remain near her family and friends. She takes a résumé to all the area secondary schools, but there are no openings for secondary English at this time. To improve her chances of getting a job, Sarah should consider .

moving to another city.

99.All of the following social factors influence what is taught: geographic locations of the school, students' home experience and background, and what students absorb from friends, social media, and pop culture.

- True

89. Culturally responsive teachers would likely do which of the following?

-They incorporates the culture and experiences of students and their families into curriculum and instruction, to make content relevant to students' lives.

114. Many Title I schools are required to host parent involvement nights where parenting skills are directly taught. The goal is to help families create home conditions that support children as students. Schools can increase attendance at these events by doing which of the following?

-letting the parents know that they were the first teachers to the children and they will continue to be the teachers in their child's life??

104. A common practice for failing schools is to close them and transport the students to higher-achieving schools within the district. African American and Latino parents are generally not in favor of that practice. What is a concern they may have?

-that their children will basically get put on the back burner because they might be in poverty or low economy students??

111. One difference between a private school and a public school is ____.

-the cost to a family

88. The phrase "Winners write history" is best explained by which answer?

-those who profit from the outcome of historical events and economic progress.

80. Zero-tolerance policies fail to consider all of the following except which one? A. Teachers' feelings B. Regard for extenuating circumstances C. simple misunderstandings D. Innocent mistakes

A. Teachers' feelings

37.) Which of the following teaching strategies would not be a good choice for helping boys learn?

DO: treat all students equally and encourage education in boys DONT: treat girl and boys different based on sex; teach based on gender stereotypes; treat boy education less than girl because girls tend to do better or for masculinity reason

76.When we blame low-income people for their own economic disparities or consider them intellectually and culturallyinferior, we are projecting a .

Deficit ideology

57. Using Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligence to identify a student who shows exceptional ability to read and write poetry would likely categorize that student with which intelligence?

Linguistic intelligence

46. A family goes to enroll the children at south Texas school district and is asked to provide Social Security Numbers for each child, as well as birth certificates. When the family can not produce the requested documents, they are denied the opportunity to enroll their children and told to consider homeschooling. This is legal and commonplace in areas with large populations of illegal immigrants.


92. Teachers and schools can fill a void stuents may feel that may lead them to join a gang by helping them network with other agiencies where they can feel safe and supported outside school hours. Examples of this activity may be any of the following except which one?

-Schools have created partnerships with health and social service providers and volunteer organizations to provide wraparound services for children and their families.

101. Schools with high-quality learning environments have all the following except which one?

-These schools provide a safe place for their children -have qualified teachers who are committed to student learning -have a record of preparing graduates who are successful, contributing adults.

95. One way that teachers and administrators feed the school-to-prison pipeline is by using harsh and punititive punishments that troubled students from the school enviroment rather than working with them to remediate the problem and find solutions for underlying issues.


96. Because No Child Left Behind placed such an emphasis on high-stakes testing as an accountability measure for public school achievment, it created a climate of desperation in which teachers felt a great deal of pressure to produce higher test scores. Most likely, this led to a decline in time spent on disciplines that weren't being tested.


103. Which of the following rationales might explain why the 2014 Harris Poll found that teaching is no longer ranked in the top 10 of the most prestigious occupations?

-because teachers and principal are less likely to be rated as excellent in high-poverty schools

93. Teenage pregnancy has been on the decline for several decades. Fewer adolescent pregnancies are largely attributed to which of the following?

-easier access to and education about birth control.

15.) Enrique is in the second year of his teacher education program. His plan is to graduate with his bachelor's degree and elementary education licensure in two years. Which of the following will probably not be a step toward his goals?


82. One of the ways to get secondary students to invest in themselves by taking their education seriously and by making the most of their opportunities in high school is to_____.


86. Andrea wants to address inequalities in her local community by creating social justice learning activities and community service projects in which her students make contributions to local needs/issues/concerns. An example of this would be____.


42. Shawna is teaching sixth grade at Cherokee Middle School and is approached by a student after class, who states that she is struggling with her sexual identity and feels as if she has no one to talk to. Shawna can best support this student by ______?


1.) Teaching is a demanding profession. Which of the following would be an example of the demands of the profession?

It requires making hundreds of decisions during a school day, managing 20 to 40 (or more after hour), analyzing data about learning, and interacting with parents and colleagues.

9.) Teachers across the nation earn different wages; this is likely due to .

The location in which they teach.

36.) In ESL programs, use of appropriate programs and instruction is vital. Which of the following would not be an effective approach to an ESL program?

Things that ARE effective approaches: include students from multiple linguistic and cultural backgrounds in the same class. Visual aids and the home language are used to help students learn English; Students are pulled out of the classroom for English instruction that focuses on grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills. In the push-in ESL program, ELLs are in a regular English-only classroom where an ESL teacher or teacher's aide translates if needed and uses ESL strategies to help students learn the content (NCELA, 2017). Newcomer programs for immigrant students who know limited English use ESL to help students learn English, the content, and the common culture; Most universities offer one or more courses on ESL or SEI that could expand your skills and make you more attractive to school districts with growing ELL populations.

45. The problem that arises when the ethnic and racial diversity of the teaching staff does not match that of the student population is that the teachers don't understand their students cultures and misunderstandings cues. This misunderstanding can lead to miscommunication?


48. Teachers must be aware that students from low-income families typically have higher incidence of health problems, high mobility, and lower graduation rates. To help these students defy the odds in the classroom, teachers must give special attention and spend additional time and resources to equip these students for academic success. This does not indicate a watering down of standards or lower expectations for students of poverty.


50. When the teacher lectures, the class discusses the content, and students quietly sit and take notes or work on a group assessment. This teacher has organized his or her classroom and designed the lesson based on the way girls learn.


72.An example of a modification for a student would be giving a student an oral assessment rather than a written assessment if the student has difficulty with writing.


38.) Which of the following would not be an example of a source of learning for most learned male and female differences in socialization patterns?

What I could find on the subject: Schools historically reinforce society's view of gender. Girls are expected to display feminine traits and boys masculine traits. In school, girls are expected to be quieter and better behaved than boys. Girls are more likely than boys to be encouraged to break out of their stereotypical modes. Many parents today tell their daughters that they can be whatever they want. They play on sports teams, are the leaders in many school activities, and attend college at higher rates than boys. Women and girls may struggle to develop a balance between their femininity and their participation in a masculine world. Young men are generally encouraged to be independent, assertive, leaders, self-reliant, and emotionally stable. They are pushed toward these characteristics, in part, to prevent them from being labeled gay or a sissy, which could lead to harassment by others. As a result, they sometimes go overboard in proving their masculinity. The problem is that not all males fit the masculine stereotype

115.While it is important for teachers to increase communication between school and home through open conversations, teachers must be mindful of using email to communicate specific concerns about students. The main concern is that .

-the email account could be hacked so never mention a child's name

118. Which of the following is an idea a school might use to increase parent involvement?

-try and work around the parents schedule -have back-to-school nights for parents to get involved

12.) Amelia is considering entering the field of teaching. She has a bachelor's degree, but not a teaching degree or certificate. Which route to becoming a teacher would probably be the best to meet her professional goal of becoming a teacher?


123. Nearly one in four children lives in a single-parent household, which could negatively affect their ability to succeed in public schools.


18.) The ISTE Standards for Teachers require teachers to be able to design and develop digital-age learning standard?

experiences and assessments?

97. One of the great frustrations for teachers is the state legislators have the power and authority to set policies and make curricular decisions that directly impact teachers and students, although legislators have no teaching experience. This has created a level of distrust and resentment between state teachers and legislators who hand down the directives.


30.) The following strategies were identified by a school as part of their effort to eliminate the achievement gap for children in poverty. Which one is NOT a good selection for eliminating the achievement gap for students in poverty? (I am going to list all that ARE good selections)

ARE good selections: reducing class sizes, expanding early-childhood programs, improving the quality of teachers, encouraging more students of color to take high-level courses, and using culturally responsive teaching practices in the classroom; Don't blame students or parents for low scores;prioritize the learning needs of the most vulnerable students (Boykin & Noguera, 2011). Having such a positive impact on a group of students should be celebrated. When students aren't learning, the challenge is to figure out what changes we can make to engage them in their learning.

3.) Which of the following explanations details why this scenario is not an example of an extrinsic reward? A teacher decides to pursue a graduate degree in reading after experiencing the joy of teaching reading

Because an extrinsic reward is when students, other teachers, parents acknowledge you. Seeking a degree after your own inclination is not an extrinsic award because it is you acknowledging you and not others.

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