Intro to Latin American Politics Exam 2

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What are some of the features of bicameralism typically utilized to classify legislatures? How is the Latin American bicameral congress grouped under such classifications?

-Bicameral congresses can be classified according to the similarity of preferences between each chamber & the relative powers allocated to each one -They are grouped by electoral rules, the size of the chamber, and the length of the mandate

Since the 1980s, 20 Latin American presidents have fallen from power before the stipulated end of their term in office without military intervention. How did their terms come to an end? What are some of the factors/variables associated with presidential interruptions?

1. -Impeachment or dismissal -Resignation before impeachment -Formal resignation 2. Four variables have been underlined in various works: -democracy -the economy -congressional support for the president -street protests.

Why do we consider proportionality an important outcome of electoral rules? What specific feature of proportional representation is closely associated with less disproportionality between the share of votes and the share of sets?

1. -One important criteria to evaluate electoral rules is how close the share of seats allocated to parties after an election is to the share of votes each party received during the election. -the relationship a reflection of the fairness of the electoral rule 2. Proportional representation rules reduce the bias in favor of large parties, which reduces disproportionality -A district that allocates many seats is likely to produce more proportional results

What are the two sources of committee power in legislatures? What are some of the reasons we tend to consider congressional committees in Latin America as weakly professionalized/specialized?

1. **the prerogatives given to the committee by the rules of procedure** (ability to review bills and report back to the chamber as to whether they should be passed, amended, or rejected) -**the capability of its members** (committees are strengthened by experienced legislators and a stable membership) 3. Instability and discontinuity of committee member is associated with lower expertise, absenteeism, infrequent meetings, and norms that force frequent rotation in positions of authority such as committee chairs

Which countries allow for indefinite reelection of the president? What are some of the potential problems of unlimited presidential reelection?

1. Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. 2. reasons why not: -it promotes perpetuating power by those already elected -having a limit on the # of times one can run acts as a check on the executive incumbent's advantages -may diminish fairness

Describe some of the mechanisms used in Latin American legislatures to oversee the executive branch.

1. call ministers or other high-ranking officials to answer questions on matters under their purview ("interpelaciones"). 2. Members of congress can also request information from the executive. 3. call investigative committees to ensure no corruption 4. oversight of national budget

What is the difference between abstract and concrete judicial review? What is the difference between a priori and a posteriori judicial review? Mention Latin American countries that utilize each procedure (one per rule).

1. concrete versus abstract: -concrete requires real case or controversy **vs** abstract can take place without an actual case. -concrete can only take place a posteriori **vs** abstract can take place both a posterior or a priori -concrete can be centralized or decentralized **vs** abstract must be centralized Abstract: Brazil Concrete: Argentina 2. -posteriori: a constitutional review can only take place after a law has been adopted (Costa Rica) priori: constitutional review can take place before a bill is formally enacted (Mexico)

What is the difference between "the personal vote" and "the partisan vote"? Name one rule that promotes the "personal vote" and another that promotes the "partisan vote."

1. personal vote: politicians pursue votes based on their individual popularity rather than on the reputation of their party. -rule that promotes: frequent contact between legislators and their constituents 2. partisan vote: less likely to run on their personal traits and more likely to campaign as members of a team: legislators from the same party are more likely to behave in a unified fashion in congressional votes. rule that promotes: provide nationally oriented public goods and less likely to spend funds on inefficient localized projects

Describe the three essential functions of legislatures. Include examples

1. the representation examples: -initiate bills, introduce amendments to executive proposals, speeches, casework on behalf of constituents 2.lawmaking examples: pushing,protecting and striking down legislature 3. oversight over the executive branch. examples: -deter corruption, budget allocation, investigative committee, request information from the executive

Name four institutions aimed at judicial independence, and describe how they may enhance such independence.

1.appointment rules: enhances independence from the executive and legislative branches of government but makes for appointees who are more likely to be cooped by judges from higher courts. When rules require a supermajority vote (e.g., two-thirds of members), judicial independence is usually enhanced, 2.length of tenure: Most agree that judicial independence is enhanced when the length of tenure is longer than that of the appointers. "permanent tenure of Supreme Court judges, which they thought would eliminate all sense of dependence on those who appoint them and, as a result, promote impartiality" 3.removal proceedings: the larger the number of actors involved in the process of disciplining high court judges and the greater the majority required for dismissal, the greater the potential for judicial independence. If the disciplinary process includes actors other than congress and the president, such as judicial councils, independence should also be enhanced. 3. clauses specifying the number of judges in higher courts: trait that is considered to influence judicial independence is whether the constitution stipulates the number of members in Supreme Court and the Constitutional Tribunal. When the specific number of judges in the court is written into the constitution, it is more difficult for political actors to modify the rules to pack the court with friendly appointees

Critics of presidentialism have argued that many political crises confronted by Latin American countries could have been avoided or resolved less painfully if a parliamentary system had been in place. Examples include that fall of democracy in Chile in the early 1970s and in Venezuela after 2015. Explain this argument. Why was presidentialism, presumably, a stumbling block to resolving these crises? How would parliamentarism have helped to overcome these crises?

Chile in 1970s: Salvador Allende was president in Chile for 6 years in the 1970s, however, his opponents had a majority in Congress. Allende's major policies accused him of doing various unconstitutional actions. The opposition wanted to take him out of power, however, there was no safety valve to provide a way out of the executive-legislative crisis because of fixed terms of office under the presidentialism system in Chile. However, the parliamentary system would have helped resolve this crisis due to the vote of confidence. Allende could have dissolved congress and called fora new election to legitimize his standing or the opposition could have voted no confidence in the government and called for an early election. Venezuela 2015: There was an executive-legislative deadlock which paralyzed normal lawmaking and in the face of extreme political polarization, so the executive began to govern around Congress. This crisis intensified political violence and unconstitutional maneuvering on the part of the government. All due to the government party losing a paliamentary majority in congress. so in the presidentialism system the deadlock cannot be easily overcome due to fixed term limits. However, if Venezuela had a parliamentary system, the available institutional tools might have provided a democratic way out of this impasse. The executive in a parliamentary system needs the support of a paliamentary majority to remain in power, this could have stopped the executive govern around congress or even govern at all.

Latin America is a region of the world where rules for mandatory voting are very common. What are the pros and cons of compulsory voting?

Pros: - increase voter turnout -enhances the legitimacy of the elected representatives. -fosters political equality because it primarily increases the participation of the economically disadvantaged -makes political polarization more likely by increasing the relative influence of the hard-core partisans Cons: -infringement of individual freedom -less informed voting (voluntary voters are usually more informed)

What were the three most common restrictions regarding the right to vote in early 20th century Latin America? What were some of the arguments in favor of such restrictions?

Restrictions: 1. wealth 2. education 3. gender arguments for: 1.the poor had no will of their own - they would be manipulated, shouldn't enjoy the benefits they didn't reap 2. restricted indigenous, ensured an educated vote would be made 3. giving women the right to vote would give husbands/fathers double votes, it would distract women from the home, involve them in dirty politics, cause problems in homes

Several analysts of presidential politics have argued that divided government or fragmentation of power among the elected branches tends to support judicial independence, whereas unified government undermines it. What is the rationale behind this claim?

When the judges have autonomy from the executive and legislative branches they are freely able to make decisions "according their own ideas of what the law requires, without undue political or private pressures conditioning such decisions".

Some Latin American countries, like Uruguay, Venezuela, and in particular Peru, have some institutional attributes that differ from the pure presidential type. Explain what those attributes are.

presidentialism entails three defining features: 1. A popularly elected president as the chief executive. 2. Fixed terms in office for the chief executive and the legislative assembly. 3. A president who names and leads the cabinet and has some lawmaking authority. Differences: In these countries, motion to censure the cabinet can trigger dissolutions of Congress by the president. In Peru, individual ministers or the cabinet can be censured. The president can also dissolve congress. The Peruvian constitution allows Congress to dismiss members of the president congress. In Uruguay & Venezuela, cabinet members may also be censured and fired (and under special circumstances the president may also dissolve congress.

What are some of the most significant institutional differences between US and Latin American presidentialism regarding the power of the executive?

presidents in Latin America are given greater authority over legislative matters than the U.S. president. 1. the right to initiate bills US: -presidents do not have the right to initiate bills directly LA: -presidents have the authority to introduce bills directly. 2. veto power US: -the president has the authority to veto LA: -give the executive veto power 3.influence over the legislative agenda US: -controlled by the majority party, -the president lacks the formal authority to interfere in the scheduling of bills. LA: -presidents have powers to influence the legislative agenda 4.executive decree power US: -federal courts have been reluctant to overturn executive orders LA: -presidents typically have the power to issue executive decrees.

What is the most common rule for electing presidents in Latin America? What is the most common electoral rule for choosing members of congress in Latin America?

three rules: plurality, majority runoff, and reduced-threshold runoff. 1. electing presidents: majority runoff. 2.electing congress: proportional representation

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