Intro to psych final (120)

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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a person who scores high on the neuroticism dimensions of the Big Five model of personality

cooperative NEED TO CHECK

The transparent and protective outer covering of the eye is the


The two hemispheres of the brain are connected by the

corpus callosum

Biologically based treatments for reducing or eliminating the symptoms of psychological disorders are known as

bio medical therapies

Differences between infants during development are due to

both nature and nurture

Processing that is controlled by the physical message delivered to the senses is

bottom-up processing

The key function of motor neurons is to

carry messages and commands out from the brain and spinal cord

The research method that focuses on a single individual is

case study research

Within the hind brain, the structures that is linked to coordination of complex motor skills is the


The terms "unconditional positive regard" and "empathy" are most closely associated with

client-centered therapy

One of the problems associated with diagnostic labels

often bias our perceptions of the individual

When Cattel used mathematical analysis to identify basic personality traits he identified a total of

16 source traits

The basic aim of behavioral therapies is to


The following name most clearly linked with the behaviorist view in psychology is

B.F. Skinner

Cross-cultural studies of personality traits are most commonly interpreted to support

The Big Five approach

Which of the follow is NOT true about clinical psychologists

They have a medical degree

The psychology department is located in a building named the founder of scientific psychology. The name of the building must be

Wundt Hall

When using the DSM to diagnose a psychological disorder

a persons medical history is considered to be important

Peter is usually reserved and quiet, but when he goes to a football game he screams at the officials when they make a call he dislikes. Allport would say that Peter's aggressiveness is an example of

a secondary trait

The process through which individuals are induced to act in ways that are consistent with expectations held by others is called

a self-fulfilling prophecy

Visual acuity is the

ability to process fine detail in vision

The medical model of mental illness suggests that

abnormal behavior is symptomatic of an underlying disease that can be cured with the appropriate therapy

An external factor that has the capacity to motivate goal-directed behavior is called

an incentive

Last month, Sam wrecked his parents SUV. The parents decided the accident occurred because Sam is not a good driver. This illustrates

an internal attribution

Drugs that are used to reduce the severity of the positive symptoms are called

anti psychotic drugs

Today, virtually all psychologists accept that psychological characteristics, such as intelligence, emotion and personality

are influenced by genetic factors

When people overestimate the influence of internal personal factors and underestimate the role of external, situational factors in interpreting another persons behavior they

are making the fundamental attribution error

Electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT) is used

as a last resort, when drugs and other therapies have failed

3yr old Chloe mistakes her next door neighbor's new rabbit for a kitty cat. Chloe's error best illustrates the process that Piaget referred to as


When people show the actor-observer effect they

attribute their own behavior to external factors but the behavior of other to internal factors

Operational definitions

define concepts in terms of how they will be measured

The age-related physical, intellectual, social and personal changes that occur throughout life are specifically called


During infancy neurons that are not used

die off

Any behavior that functioning and individual from functioning well in typical daily activities would be considered


the general job description of a psychologist can be divided into 3 main categories. Which of the following is NOT one of them

eclectic psychologist

The term for a psychological event involving a physiological and expressive reaction, along with a subjective experience is


You make an appointment to see a therapist and, as you are waiting, you notice that a lot of books on the therapists shelves deal with the work of Sigmund Freud. You might expect this therapist will

emphasize the need to bring the unconscious conflicts into conscious awareness

In a random sample

everyone in the target population has an equal likelihood of being selected

Anxiety disorders are a class of disorders characterized by

excessive apprehension that impairs normal functioning

Insanity is a legal term used in situations where individuals who commit crimes

fail to appreciate or understand that certain actions are legally or morally wrong

One example of intrinsic motivation would be reading a newly released novel

for your own enjoyment and pleasure

Schizophrenic disorders are a class of disorders characterized by

fundamental disturbances in thought processes, emotion, or behavior

The three stages of prenatal development, in order are

germinal, embryonic, fetal

If lines cross or are interrupted people tend to still see continuously flowing lines. this is a statement of the Gestalt law of

good continuation

When one responds less and less to a stimulus that is being repeated, one is demonstrating which of the following


Arnold is extremely talkative and sociable. He likes to have fun, and is very affectionate. Based on the Big Five model of personality , Arnold would probably score

high in extroversion

Prejudice involves

holding a negative attitude toward members of a group

The process through which a body maintains its steady state of equilibrium is called


Within the fore brain, the structure that plays an important role in the regulation of eating drinking body temperature and sexual behavior


the standard deviation for a data set

indicates how much the individual scores vary from the mean

The retina is the

light sensitive surface of the back of the eye

The term for the set of factors that initiate and direct behavior, usually toward some goal is


The facial feedback hypothesis suggests that

muscles in the face deliver signals to the brain that are interpreted as subjective emotional states

The main components of the nervous system are


Imagine the human eye only had rods and no cones. Based on what is known about the differing functions of the visual receptors, you should predict that under these conditions people would have

no color vision

In the nature-nurture debate, the role of experience would refer to


The blind spot is located in the point in the retina

optic nerve leaves the eye

Several times over the past month Sam went to the hospital because he thought he could hardly breathe. If the diagnosis wasn't heart attack, it probably was

panic disorder

Loss of external validity can occur when

people react to being observed

Which of the following is not one of the 3 major anatomical regions of the of the brain


Obsessive-compulsive disorder involves

persistent and uncontrollable thoughts, accompanied by the compelling need to perform repetitive acts

The distinguishing pattern of psychological characteristics that differentiate us from others and leads us to act consistently across situations is called


before the field of psychology became an independent science, the study of the mind was conducted mainly by

philosophers and physiologists

The order of human needs, from the most basic to the least basic needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs is

physiological,safety, love and belongingness,esteem and self-actualization

Freud suggested that the portion of the personality that seeks immediate gratification of innate urges is

the id

The myelin sheath

protects the neuron and speeds neural transmission

Somatic symptom disorders involve

psychological problems that focus on the body

The function of dendrites is to

receive info and carry info into the cell body

When a person has damage to their brain produces prosopagnosia that individual loses the ability to

recognize faces

Naturalistic observation involves

recording naturally occurring behavior without any interference

In the covariation model of attribution, 3 types of info are used in making decisions. Which of the following is NOT one of them


Unconsciously motivated attempts to subvert or hinder psychoanalysis


The cells in the eye that convert electromagnetic energy into the neural signals are called

rods and cones

the study of how people use processes such as perception, memory, thought, and emotion to help make sense of other people as well as themselves is

social cognition

General knowledge structures about social experiences or people are called

social schema

John Watson is most clearly linked with

the behaviorist view in psychology

The central nervous system consists of

the brain and spinal cord

As neurons are lost during aging

the brain compensates by better using remaining neurons

The two-factor theory of emotion states that

the cognitive interpretation or appraisal of physiological reactions drives the subjective experience of emotion

One of the key functions of the amygdala is

the control of motivational and emotional behaviors

Freud suggests that the portion of the personality that seeks appropriate outlets for basic needs while adhering to social constraints is

the ego

Sensations are

the elementary features or building blocks of experience

The term diagnostic labeling effects refer to

the fact labeling may increase the likelihood of a person acting in an abnormal way

By lesioning (destroying) part of the brain of a laboratory rat a scientist has caused the rat to eat continuously and balloon up to several times its normal weight. Which part of the brain has the scientist lesioned?

the hypothalamus

Attitudes have 3 components, which one is NOT one of these components

the internal component

The measure of the central tendency that is most sensitive to extreme scores within the data set is

the mean

According to Piaget schemata are

the mental models of the world

descriptive research refers to

the methods used to describe and observe behavior

Which of the following is the most powerful determinant of a first impression

the physical attractiveness of the person

The main reason it is not possible to determine causality from a correlation is

the presence of potentially uncontrolled factors

When an experiment is designed using a longitudinal design

the same individuals are tested repeatedly over time

a researcher who observes a behavior, detects regularities in the behavior, generates a hypothesis about the behavior and checks the accuracy of their predictions through additional observational is utilizing

the scientific method

psychology is defined as

the scientific study of behavior and mind

An advantage of projective personality test is that

they are highly objective and can be scored by computer NEED TO CHECK

Babies possess several characteristics which allow researchers to study their perceptional abilities. Which one of the following is NOT one of them

they control their ability to smile

Psychologists use the term behavior to refer

to anything that can be observed and measure in a systematic way

Formal systems for assessing how people differ, particularly in their predispositions to respond in certain ways across situations are called

trait theories

Resistance refers to

unconsciously motivated attempts to subvert or hinder psychoanalysis

Instincts refer to

unlearned, characteristic patterns of responding that are controlled be specific triggering stimuli

Systematic desensitization is designed to remove

unwanted negative associations using classical conditioning techniques

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