Intro to Psychology Final 2301

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Michael complains that threatening voices are constantly telling him he is evil so he should kill himself. Michael is experiencing a(n):


Which parenting style is correctly matched with its label?

High warmth, low control--permissive

Which animal below most likely has the largest proportion of their brain take up by their Cerebellum?

Humming Bird

With of the ideas concerning hypnosis is FALSE?

Hypnotized people can be made to act against their will.

The desire to undertake a new task "just because you can" is called.


Difficulty falling or staying asleep is referred to as:


Erikson's Theory was based on case studies. This means that the theory was based on:

Intensive studies of individuals or small groups of people.

Which statement is correctly matched with its consequence?

Janie continues her drug use because it reduces her feelings of withdrawal--- negative reinforcement

sleep problems, lack of energy, and a "Down" mood syptoms are

Major depressive disorder

Skip would like his partner to stop leaving shaving cream and stubble in the sink after he shaves in the morning. At first, Skip complains to his partner about the mess. Then he changes tactics: he thanks his partner on the occasional mornings when he rinses out the sink. Skip has changed from using ______ to using ______.

Negative reinforcement; positive reinforcement

To stop baby Rudy from repeatedly reaching for a sharp knife on the kitchen table, Rudy's mother put it in a cabinet and closed the door. "Out of sight, out of mind," she thought, and it worked. Rudy's mother capitalized and his lack of:

Object permanence

Alberts Bandura's Bobo doll experiments were intended to demonstrate:

Observational learning

Medicines such as morphine and codeine are related to?

Opium, (Opiates)

Hallucination is to delusion as __ is to__

Perception ; cognition

What are the two major divisions of the nervous system?

Peripheral and Central Nervous System.

____ refers to the unique set of core characteristics that influence the way an individual feels, thinks, and acts.


Maturation refers to ________ development.


After Kai's serious motorcycle accident, doctors detected damage to his cerebellum. Kai is most likely to have difficulty:

Playing his guitar

After catching up on all her class readings and assignments. Leah treats herself by going to a movie with a friend. This outing is an example of ______ reinforcement.


"Cat food, cola, toothpaste." Ned's roommate recites items over the phone as he throws his books in the backseat and gets into his car. Ned is supposed to stop at the store on the way home. The roommate continues to list a few more items. Finally, he wraps up, "Coffee creamer, spaghetti sauce, dish soap, and iced tea mix." Ned forgets a a couple of things, but he does get the cat food, cola, and toothpaste. His memory for these items reflects the _____ effect.


Reinforcers that satisfy a biological need are called _______ reinforcers.


Dreams are most often reported when sleepers wake from _______ sleep.


The Anagram and Mneumonic Device that Processor Pannell gave the class for defining Memory was ________.


In variable-ratio reinforcement how are reinforcers delivered?

Reinforcers are delivered after a changing number of responses

If you were to lightly touch an infants cheek, they would turn and try to suckle. This reflex is called ______.


The best-known projective test of personality is the:

Rorschach Inkblot Test

Inkblots comprise the _____, while pictures comprise the _____.

Rorschach test, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Money is to food as_______ reinforcement is to ________ reinforcement.

Secondary ; Primary

abraham maslow used the term ___ to refer to tjhe need to reach ones fullest potential


Which sequence accurately reflects the order of Piagel's stages of cognitive development, from birth through adolescence?

Sensorimotor> peroperational> concrete operational> formal operational

What occurs with successive approximations?


Tommy is repeating a series of digits in the order in which he heard an experimenter read them. The experimenter is testing the capacity of Tommy's____ memory. Tommy should be able to repeat about ____ digits correctly.

Short-term; seven

The psychologist _______ taught pigeons to bowl through _____.

Skinner; shaping

When a person awakes in sheer panic soon after falling asleep they are experiencing:

Sleep Terrors

After lunch, kayla drinks coffee and smokes tobacco, what is she taking?


Baby Rebecca is easygoing and curious. She also adapts quickly to changes. These characteristics are part of Rebecca's _______. They will ultimately contribute to part of her adult ______.

Temperament; personality

Which is Barmrind's parenting styles tends to produce the most independent, competent, and socially responsible children?

The authoritative parenting style.

If you were to cut one hot-dog into 4 small pieces and another into 3 bigger pieces, in front of two children who have not developed a sense of conservation, which child would believe they got more?

The child with 4 smaller pieces

Which component of the personality uses defense mechanisms and why?

The ego uses defense mechanisms to prevent excessive anxiety.

What best describes the Principle of Motor Primacy?

The fact that the ability to perform physical acts at certain ages is dependent upon the development of our muscles, bones, and nervous system.

Tom rarely acts nervous in strange situations and pays little attention to whether his mother is present or absent. Tom would most likely be classified as having a(n) _____ attachment pattern.


A manipulative, callous individual with no appernet consience might be diagnosed with___ personality disorder


a person with ______ disorder is agressive, ruthless and shows no sign of the consience that would inhibit wrongdoing

Antisocial personality

If you were told to remember that the answer to this question is B, what is the answer?


B.F. Skinner's work reflected the psychological school of:


What is a CS that irritates him?

Being called mister

Professor Pannell gave the class a list of words to remember when covering chapter 6 on Memory. Which of these words was NOT on that list.


dramatic mood swings are characteristics of?


Dualism holds that our behavior is controlled by both ____ and ____.

Body; Mind

Time loves dill pickles, and the sight of a jar on the supermarket shelf makes his mouth water. In the terminology of classical conditioning, the sight of the jar is a(n):


Rosa becomes anxious when she enters the examination room at the clinic before a blood test. She also squirms when she views the injections on television. This paragraph illustrates:

Classical conditioning and stimulus generalization

Which statement accurately represents the main distinction between classical and operant conditioning?

Classical conditioning applies to involuntary behavior, whereas operant conditioning applies to voluntary behavior.

Western legal systems that suggest that children who are 7 or 8 years old have attained the ability to reason are consistent with Piagel's theory because basic reasoning skills appear during the ______ period.

Concrete operational

Kayla is helping her professor conduct an observational learning study in which the model is either similar or dissimilar to the participant. In this study, the similarity of the model to the participant is a(n) variable.


Don just turned 65, and he feels as if he made no real contributions through his career. He is starting to believe that his life has been meaningless and that it has had no purpose. Based on Erikson's theory, it is likely that Don will:

Develop a sense of despair.

What defense mechanism is correctly matched with its definition?

Displacement--- an unacceptable feeling is redirected from a threatening individual to a less threatening one.

_____ is characterized by the presnsence of two or more distinct personalities

Dissasociative Identity Disorder

Which laboratory example reflects a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement?

EX: Every 7th time a rat presses a lever, it gets food pellets

Young girls experience the _____ complex during the ______ stage of psychosexual development

Electra; phallic

After a researcher conditions a dog to salivate in response to the sound of a tone, she continues to present the tone but does not give the dog any food. Eventually, the dog stops salivating to the tone. The dog is demonstrating?


A rat in a skinner bocx is trained to press a bar for food pellets. The rat is then placed on a partial reinforcement schedule, receiving pellets every 5 minutes. What is this kind of reinforcement?

Fixed-interval Reinforcment

John B Watson and Rosalie Reyner found that little Albert's conditioned fear was elicited not only by a rat but also by a number of other white fluffy things. What is this called?


excessive worry, and unease concerning multiple aspects of life

Generalized anxiety disorder

The first psychology laboratory was established in ______ by ______.

Germany; Wilhelm Wundt

Identical twins are more similar in intelligence than are fraternal twins. This fact would be of most direct relevance to the _______ perspective.

behavior genetics

Boris is a prolific painter. He is prone to periods of hopelessness and depression, which are followed by periods of great creativity. It is likely that Boris is suffering from ______ disorder.


The anxiety disorders identified in the DSM-5 do NOT include:

bipolar disorder

Circadian rhythms are regulated by:

both the suprachiasmatic nucleus and patterns of light and dark

The central nervous system consists of:

brain and spinal cord

freud based much of his theory on

case studies

Psychologists first learned about the hippocampus's involvement in memory through the detailed study of a single individual with brain damage, namely Henry Molaison (H.M.). The in-depth study of H.M. exemplifies the ____ research method in psychology.

case study

The "little brain" attached to the rear of the brainstem is called the.


Biological processes occurring on a cycle of approximately 24 hours are called:

circadian rhythms

Psychologists who study, assess, and treat troubled people are called:

clinical psychologists

According to Mary Ainsworth, a child with resistant attachment will:

continue to show signs of distress when the mother returns after a brief absence.

Marco is training his dog to sit. Initially, he gives the dog a biscuit each time the dog sits on command. Later, he gives the doga biscuit every fourth time the dog sits on command. Marco has replaced a(n) _______ schedule of reinforcement with a(n) ________ schedule.

continuous; fixed-ratio

Schizophrenia is associated with a(n):

decrease in total brain volume

Negative punishment ______ a given behavior. Negative reinforcement ______ a given behavior.

decreases, increases

Mr james incorrectly believes the FBI is following him. This is an example of?


In transmitting sensory information to the brain, an electrical signal within a single neuron travels from the:

dendrites, cell body, axon

the factor that may be influenced by the manipulated variable is called the

dependent variable

The primary purpose of the DSM-5 is to provide:

descriptions of disorders

Ava is wheeling her toddler, jamie, through the supermarket after a long and tiring day. When jamie begins to fuss, ava scolds her sharply and the toddlers fussing subsides. Ava used what?

positive punishment

Rhonda is currently attending preschool. According to Piaget, Rhonda is in the _ stage of cognitive development


The egocentrism characteristic of Piagel's ______ stage of cognitive development reemerges in a new cognitive development.


Eugene is 27 years old, and he feels very insecure about some of the personal and career choices he has made so far, and consequently he is reluctant at this point to undertake a serious, committed relationship with another person. Based on Ericksons theory, it is likely that Eugene will;

develop a sense of isolation

Psychologists use the term ______ to refer to the patterns of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional change occurring throughout life.


fugue states are characteristics of ___ disorders


According to Erikson, the psychosocial crisis of intimacy versus isolation occurs:

during the early adult years.

recall the 3d's. The extent to which behavior interferes with a persons daily life and relationships is referred to as its:


In class we watched a film dealing with a sleep disorder. The disorder was about sleep _______.


In Feud's model of the mind, the _____ acts as a mediator or negotiator.


Because she drank too much alcohol, Deanna barely remembers her 21st birthday. That is, her _______memory of that evening is sketchy.


Positive punishment is:

exemplified by a spanking

If erickson and collegues randomly assign participants to random activities becuase they delipertly manipulated the activity, their invesstigation is an example of the___ research method


______ occurs when a previously conditioned response decreases in frequency when the CS is presented in the absence of the US.


In Hans Eysenck's theory, an outgoing, active, sociable person is MOST likely high in:


the text suggests that dissasociative disorders generally occur as a result of:

extreme stress or trauma

narcistic personality disorder is characterized by a(n)

exxagerated sense of self-importance

which of the following body parts is associated with the greatest amount of brain tissue in the motor cortex?


Paychecks and course grades are delivered on a ____ schedule of reinforcment


A laboratory cat could be made to twitch its whiskers by direct stimulation of the______ lobes of its cerebral cortex.


the motor cortex is located in the ______ lobes


People's moral judgments are most likely to seem unrestrained by normal emotions if they have suffered damage to their:

frontal lobes

diane is concerned about things at work even when she is at home. She is constantly worried about her home life even when she is at work. Diane has free floating anxiety that leaves her tense and irritable, impairs her concentration, and results in many sleepless nights. What is diane most likely suffering from?

generalized anxiety

In freuds theory of psychosexual development, mature adult sexuality develops during the

genital stage

One positive symptom of schizophrenia is:


People with schizophrenia often have disturbed perceptions called ______, which are sensory experiences without sensory stimulation from the environment.


Nature is to nurture as ______ is to ______.

heredity and environment

which component of the limbic system plays an essential role in the formation of new memories?


A true "drama queen" may well have _______ personality disorder.


which is the best sequence in which Freuds personality structures operate consioucsly?

id, superego, ego

People use the defense mechanism of _______ when they model their actions or feelings on those of individuals they admire.


the MMPI was originally designed to

identify broad dimensions of personality

In Erikson's view, adolescent development is largely defined by the search for:


According to Erikson, adolescents must resolve the psychosocial task of:

identity versus role confusion

In a psychological experiment, the actor that is manipulated by the investigator is called the _______ variable.


Erickson and colleagues randomly assigned older adults to one of two activities; a gentle stretch, or an intense workout. The activity in this experiment is the?

independent variable

in an experiment to determine the effects of exercise on motivation, excersise is the

independent variable

When a parent attempts to reduce a child's unwanted behaviors by removing desired privileges, the parent is using:

negative punishment

In a Skinner box, a rat escapes a painful electric shock by pressing a lever. The rat's bar-pressing behavior is maintained by:

negative reinforcement

For Edward Thorndike's cats, fish was a _______ reinforcer.


The conscious repetition of information to ensure its survival in short-term memory is termed _______ rehearsal.


Knowing how to serve a badminton birdie is an example of a(n) ______ memory.


the TAT and rorscharch tests are what kind of tests?

projective tests

The notion that behavior is motivated by unconscious inner forces and conflicts is at the core of the _____ approach to personality.


which are found in psychology pays the most attention to unconsious thoughts and motivation?


Major depressive disorder is a set of distressing, disabling cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. Major depressive disorder is a ______ disorder.


the scientific study of behavior and mental processess is called


reuptake refers to the

reabsorption of excess neurotransmitter molecules by a sending neuron

The function of dendrites is to:

receive incoming signals from other neurons

If Lola begins to list all the classes she's ever taken in college, she will most likely recall her last few classes particularly well. What is this phenomenon called?

recency effect

Humanistic psychologists suggest that people are consciously motivated to reach their maximum potential; that is, people have a fundamental drive toward:


According to Carl Rogers, one's ______ contains the set of beliefs an individual holds about what she is like as a person.


A brain tumor caused extensive damage to Mr. Thorndike's hypothalamus. It is most likely that he may suffer a loss of:

sexual motivation

what part of the memory system is the term magic number 7 plus or minus two revelant to?

short term memory

the term psychoanalysis refers to the psychological theory and system of treatment devised by

sigmund freud

you come home and find a bulgar in your house. your heart races and you start sweating. These physical reactions are triggered by the


Although Zebulon realizes his behavior is unreasonable, he is so distraught by high bridges that he avoids them, causing him to take an unnecessarily lengthy route to and from work each day. Zebulon appears to suffer from:

specific phobia

the knee-jerk reflex is controlled by interneuors in the

spinal chord

The sensory cortex is most critical for our sense of:


the corpus callosum is a band of neural fibers that

transmits info btwn the celebral hemispheres

According to Erikson, the first stage of a child's psychosocial development is the ______ stage.

trust versus mistrust

The distinctive feature of the psychodyamic perspective is its emphasis on:

unconscious conflicts

With negative reinforcement a(n):

unpleasant stimulus is removed following a behavior.

Playing a slot machine is reinforced on a ______ schedule.

variable ratio

beginning sometime in high school, bernie lost his way. he failed to find his niche and drifted into an aimless life of odd jobs and drug use. In ericksons terms, bernie failed to negotiate the identity versus____ stage

role confusion

One reason Carlos continues to work at his job is the check he receives every two weeks. Carlos's paycheck is a(n) ______ reinforcer.


Which attachment style describes an infant who is disturbed at his mother's departure in the strange situation, but who is easily soothed on her return?


The surgical removal of a large tumor from Dane's occipital lobe resulted in extensive loss of brain tissue. Dane is most likely to suffer some loss of :

visual perception

In Albert Bandura's observational learning work, which of the following is MOST likely a dependent variable?

whether the children mimic the model's aggressive behavior

On his computer desktop, Rodney can see several different files, each immediately accessible. Because he is actively working on them and can open them whenever he wants, these files are in fact very similar to the kind of information held in ____ memory.

working memory

contemporary psychology is best defined as the science of:

behavior and mental processes

which is NOT one of the five-factor personality dimensions?


The duration of short-term memory is about:

1 to 10 seconds

In round numbers, the DSM-5 lists approximately _____ disorders.


Which of the following correctly matches an age to the result of successfully accomplishing the corresponding identity crisis?

24 years old: intimacy; 4 years old: generativity; 73 years old: dignity.

How long is a typical sleep cycle, in which a sleeper progresses through some or all of the sleep stages?

90 minutes

Bonnie is 3 months old and her parents are inconsistent with attending to her needs. Sometimes they are very attentive, feeding her promptly when she cries and comforting her when she seems upset. Other times, Bonnie cries for a long time before her parents attend to her. Based on Erikson's Theory, it is likely that Bonnie will develop:

A general sense of mistrust

Derwood is 8 years old and likes to do art projects at school. However, the projects he has completed so far havent recieved good grades, and in several instances his friends have laughed. Derwood may develop:

A sense of inferiority

_____ is the most widely used depressant in the United States


A 4-year-old child is shown a row of seven red checkers. He is asked to place a black checker immediately above each red one. By doing so the child agrees that there are as many red as black checkers. The experimenter then spreads out the black checkers so that the line they form is longer than the one formed by the red checkers. The experimenter asks whether there are more red checkers or more black checkers in order to determine whether the child understands:


Neurotransmitters are found in _____ which are found in the terminal buttons.


butch alternates btwn periods of dark despair and times of elation, great energy, recklesnessness and creativity.

What does he suffer from?

In the final phase of the classical conditioning process:

a conditioned stimulus elicits a conditioned response

the case study is a research in which

a single individual is studied in great detail

A sleeper's first dream usually begins:

about 90 minutes after falling asleep

The PNS ____ digestion and ____ heartbeat

accelerates, deacelerate

A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron is called the:

action potential

according to maslow, a major prequisite for becoming self-actualized is having

all of ones lower-order needs fulfilled

pauletter cant recall long stretches of her difficult adult childhood. Paulettes case is an example of dissasociative:


Davina is a "neat freak". She can't stand to be late for anything. Other people have to do things "just right" for her to be happy. A psychoanalytic theorist might suggest that Davia is fixated at the _____ stage of development.


Kyle is extremely manipulative. He can look anyone in the eye and lie convincingly. His deceit often endangers the safety and well-being of those around him, but he is indifferent to their suffering as a result of his actions. His behavior BEST illustrates:

antisocial personality disorder

Neurotransmitters are released from vesicles located in knoblike terminals on the:


the reuptake of neurotransmitter such as serotonin would involve the reabsorption of serotonin into a a(n)

axon terminal

A synapse is a(n):

junction between a sending neuron and a receiving neuron

The Big Five refers to the five:

key personality factors.

Feelings of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, and changes in appetite are symptoms of:

major depressive disorder

To overcome the serial position effect, you could ______.

make items in the middle very odd, or unique.

the process whereby the brain colects, stores, and retrieves information for later use


If Mike is struggling to achieve generativity rather than stagnation, Mike is probably:


the speed at which a neural impulse trravels is increased when the axon is encased by a (n)

myelin sheath

Sudden "sleep attacks" are characteristic of a sleep disorder called:


Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzees in the jungle are using a research method known as:

naturalistic observation

dendrites are branching extensions of


Which psychological perspective emphasizes the interaction of the brain and body in behavior?

neuroscience perspective

The chemical messengers released into the spatial junctions between neurons are called:


______ personality tests use a standard set of questions and are scored in a standardized way.


Imitation is associated with ______ while consequences are associated with _______.

observational learning; operant conditioning

People who suffer from ______ disorder are so preoccupied by unwanted repetitive thoughts and/or actions that they are unable to function in their daily lives.


Sally is focused on cleaning her home, which she does for four hours per day. In particular, the fringe on her rugs must be straight on both sides in all five rooms. This takes considerable time, and she often repeats this 10 to 12 times per day. Her experience is most symptomatic of ______ disorder.


Which stage of psychosexual development is correctly matched with its key conflict?

oral - weaning

When people suffer from ______, they often feel intense fear that something horrible is about to happen. These feelings last several minutes and include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

panic disorder

Sensory neurons are in important part of the:

peripheral nervous system

According to Freud, during which stage of psychosexual development must the developing child negoiate the Oedipal conflict?


Which sequence BEST expresses the order in which the needs in Maslow's pyramid must be fulfilled, from the first to the last?

physiological and safety needs > love and belongingness > esteem > self-actualization and self-transcendence

Denise is in her mid-40s; she has never married and is childless. Her job is routine and she feels as if she hasn't really done much to contribute to society's future. In Erikson's terms, Denise is experiencing:


the parasympathetic nervous system

stimulates digestion and slows heartbeat

What one calls one's "conscience" in everyday life corresponds to the ______ in Freud's model of the mind.


A 4-year-old looks at a picture of a dragon while on the telephone with her grandfather. If Piagel's claims of egocentrism are correct, the child is likely to:

tell her grandfather to look at the dragon

Auditory stimulation is first processed in the ______ lobes.


Which brain structure receives information from all the senses except smell?


Which brain structure relays information from the eyes to the visual cortex?


REM sleep is paradoxical becuase

the brain is active, but the major skeletal muscles are paralyzed

which is the most helpful method for revealing cause-effect relationships

the experiment

an axon is

the extension of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body

in order to study the effects of lighting on mood, Dr. cooper had students fill out questionaries in brightly lit or dim rooms. In this study, the iv consisted of?

the room lighting

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