Intro to research test one

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Students who are interested in being consumers of but not producers of research might choose all of the following professions EXCEPT:

A political pollster

Another word for hypothesis is a/an ________.

A prediction

______________ by Cartwright-Hatton and his colleagues (2010) summarizes 10 studies on the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) as a treatment for anxiety disorders of childhood and adolescence.

A review journal article

___ means to establish relationships of trust; accept responsibility for professional behavior (in research, teaching and clinical practice).

APA 2. Fidelity and Responsibility

Strive to be accurate, truthful, and honest in one's role as a researcher, teacher or practitioner

APA 3. Integrity

Strive to treat all groups of people fairly. Sample research participants from the same populations that will benefit from the research. Be aware of biases.

APA 4. Justice

Recognize that people are autonomous agents. Protect people's rights, including the right to privacy, the right to give consent for treatment or research, and the right to have participation treated confidentially.

APA 5. Respect for people's rights and dignity

_____ means to treat people in ways that benefit them. Do not cause harm. Conduct research that benefits society.

APA. 1 Beneficence and Non- maleficence.

The ______________ outlines standards and guidelines for the treatment of animals

AWA - Animal Welfare Act

As part of an assignment for his Introduction to Psychology class, Gilbert has to read a journal article, summarize it, and compare it to what is reported in his textbook. Gilbert selects the article "Effects of Severe Daily Events on Mood," Stone & Neale (1984). Assuming that the article is written in accordance with APA style guidelines, what is the correct order of sections Gilbert should expect to find in this article?

Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Reference list

Which of the following is an example of applied research?

An educational psychologist who looks for a way to increase math skills in 8-year-olds

Which of the following is an example of basic research?

An experimental psychologist who examines people's ability to perceive a "sweet" taste

What is the item below in brackets? In your career you may be expected to know if it is worth spending money on a given treatment or program. 'FC has "no scientifically demonstrated support for its efficacy" (American Psychological Association, 1995)'

An in-text citation

_____ is done with a practical problem in mind; the researchers hope that their findings will be directly applied to the solution of that problem in a particular real- world context.

Applied Research

Which of the following is NOT an example of being a producer of research?

Attending a psychological conference

________ is not intended to address a specific, practical problem. The goal of __________ is to enhance the general body of knowledge.

Basic research

The Belmont Report principle of ________ means that researchers that must take to precautions protect participants from harm and to ensure their welfare.


What does it mean to say that research is probabilistic?

Conclusions are meant to explain a certain proportion of possible cases.

"___" are a set of observations.


_______________occurs when instead of recording what really happened in a study researchers invent data that fits their hypothesis.

Data Fabrication

__________happens when researchers influence the study's results, by deleting data or getting subject to act in a certain way.

Data Falsification

______ means that when researchers have used deception, they must spend time after the study is over debriefing each research participant in a structured conversation.


Which of the following claims is an association claim?

Depression scores among the elderly vary with dementia.

As part of an assignment for his Introduction to Psychology class, Gilbert has to read a journal article, summarize it, and compare it to what is reported in his textbook. Gilbert selects the article "Effects of Severe Daily Events on Mood," Stone & Neale (1984). If Gilbert wanted to read about the study's contributions and significance, he should look at which section of the article?


Articles that could be considered journalism:

Do not require specialized education to read

________ is the approach of collecting data and using it to develop, support, and/or challenge a theory


___________, is the approach of collecting data and using it to develop, support, or challenge a theory


Suppose you want to quote the exact words from a book. How should you include it in your own essay?

Enclose the words in quotation marks. Following the quotation marks but before the period you write in brackets the author's last name followed by the year and the page number. An example of this would be: "We hold these truths to be self-evident" (Jefferson, 1776, p. 1).

In the United States IRBs are mandated by _________.

Federal Laws

Professor Silva is a clinical psychologist who teaches a course in abnormal psychology at the university. He maintains a clinical practice and several of his current students are his clients. Which of the APA's Five General Principles does this violate?

Fidelity and Responsibility

Which of the following is an example of a causal claim?

Ice applied to a twisted ankle prevents swelling.

___________, as defined by the APA, is the researcher's obligation to explain the study to potential participants in everyday language and to give them a chance to decide whether or not to participate.

Informed Consent

The AWA mandates that institutions must have a local board called the _______________________.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

An ____ is a committee responsible for ensuring that research on humans is co

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

In terms of checking for copied text, what effect does submitting your essay to have?

It can check your essay against a bank of millions of documents on the Internet to detect any copied sentences. It can also check your essay against a database of previously submitted essays.

Dr. Friedman suspects that women who work outside of the home might be frustrated with the balance of responsibilities in their household. She devises a survey to give to married women employed outside the home that includes the question "Does your spouse bother to help you around the house?" What is the problem with Dr. Friedman's approach?

It is an example of confirmatory hypothesis testing.

As part of an assignment for his Introduction to Psychology class, Gilbert has to read a journal article, summarize it, and compare it to what is reported in his textbook. Gilbert selects the article "Effects of Severe Daily Events on Mood," Stone & Neale (1984). If Gilbert wanted to repeat the study, which section would he consult to find the details of the study's design?


Another word for data is a/an ________.


Occam's razor states that the simplest solution is the best, all things being equal. This speaks to a theory's:


Plagiarism is defined as the representing the ideas or words of others as one's own.


In the theory-data cycle, theories first lead to ________.


__________ means conducting research so as to use the fewest animals possible.


______ means modifying procedures to minimize or eliminate animal distress


________ means finding alternatives to animals in research when necessary.


Which of the following is NOT a reason why basing one's conclusions on research is superior to basing one's conclusions on personal experience?

Research definitively proves theories.

The Belmont Report principle of _____________ means that people should be free to make up their own minds about participating in a study.

Respect for Persons

Which of the following criteria is NOT required for a causal claim?

The correlation between the independent variable and dependent variable is zero.

here is a negative association between exercise and obesity. Which of the following would a researcher need to demonstrate in order to make the claim that a lack of exercise causes obesity?

The lack of exercise came before the obesity.

Dr. Gonzalez is a peer reviewer for a manuscript submitted to a journal. He is likely to provide comments on all of the following EXCEPT:

The prestige/reputation of the author

According to the text, the bridge between basic and applied research is known as:

Translational research

When researchers ... are intentionally using lessons from basic research to develop and test applications ... they are doing ____________.

Translational research

Researchers must demonstrate to the IRB that they have taken all appropriate steps to safeguard the participants' _______.


At the end of your essay how should you list the books you have quoted from if you are using the reference system APA 6.

You have to list the books in a specific format: author, year, book title, publisher location and publisher. You need to organize these in alphabetical order of each author's last name.

Research using animals must be approved by _______________.

an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Which of the following is NOT an example of information researchers must be careful to protect to ensure research participants' confidentiality?

answers to a completely anonymous questionnaire

What kind of a claim is the following headline making? "Status as a Former NFLer linked to Brain, Mood Problems.

association claim

Professor Kwan studies violence and designs a study of the effects of video game violence on children. She recruits low-income, Hispanic children from schools near the university to participate. Each child is assigned to play either a violent or non-violent video game two hours each evening for a month. The children's teachers are asked to assess changes in behavior. Some of the children assigned to play the violent video games begin acting out at school and get suspended. Which part of the Belmont Report was violated when the researcher didn't consider this possible harm to participants in planning the study?


Even when people are aware that people generally think in a biased way, they tend to think that they are unlikely to fall prey to those biases. This kind of bias is called ___________.

bias blind spot

Following a study using deception, how does the researcher attempt to restore an honest relationship with the participant?

by debriefing each participant in a structured conversation

A researcher suggests to potential study participants that if they do not participate they will suffer negative consequences. This undue influence is called ____________.


Dr. Sanders conducted a study that investigated the happiness of people listening to different kinds of music. He predicted that people would report being happier when they were listening to rock music than when they were listening to country music. Dr. Sanders threw out the data from several participants who reported being very happy while listening to country music because he thought that they weren't being honest. Dr. Sanders has committed what kind of ethical violation?

data falsification

What kind of a claim is the following headline making? "You Gotta Have Friends? Most Have Just Two True Pals."

frequency claim

Which of the following pieces of information should be provided to potential research participants as part of the informed consent process?

information about the risks and benefits of participating in the research study

Deception in a psychology experiments ______________.

is sometimes ethical if there is no other way to study a certain phenomenon, researchers minimize the potential for the participants to be distressed by the deception, and researchers fully debrief the participant after the study

The Belmont Report principle of _______ means striking a fair balance between the people who participate in a study and those who benefit from it.


Which principle from the Belmont Report suggests that potential harm to research subjects must be balanced by potential benefits from the research?


Which of the following is a quantitative technique used in some review articles that combines the results of many studies and gives a number that summarizes the magnitude of a relationship?


The articles in a scientific journal are __________. That is, when an editor receives a manuscript, the editor sends it out to three or four experts on the subject.


What type of research misconduct involves representing the ideas or words of others as one's own?


Which of the following is NOT a format in which psychological scientists typically publish their research?

popular magazine articles

Which of the following is NOT one of the "three R's" provided by the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals?


The idea that things that easily come to mind tend to guide our thinking is known as which of the following?

the availability heuristic

What is the name for the measured variable in an experiment?

the dependent variable

Pavlina believes that people in red cars are much more likely to speed than people in cars of other colors. She is probably the victim of what tendency?

the present/present bias

Which of the following is NOT a required member of an institutional review board (IRB)?

the researcher whose study is under review

Which of the following are two ethical issues raised by Milgram's studies of obedience?

the stress experienced by the teachers and the lasting effects of the study on the teachers

A _______ is a statement or set of statements that describes general principles about how variables relate to one another.


'The most important cycle in science is the __________in which scientists collect data to test, change, or update their theories.'

theory-data cycle

Which of the following groups is NOT recognized in the Belmont Report as entitled to special protection?


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