Intro to Sociology, Sociology Study Guide Chapters 1-4, Sociology 120, Sociology, Sociology Exam 1

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How many years passed between the establishment of the first men's college and the first women winning admission to an institute of higher learning? a. 50 years b. 100 years c. 150 years d. 200 years

200 years

In the U.S., one out of every four women is considered obese. How many characters are portrayed as obese on television?

3 out 100

In the U.S., one out of every four women is considered obese. How many characters are portrayed as obese on television? a. less than 1 out of 100 b. 3 out of 100 c. 20 out of 100 d. 30 out of 100

3 out of 100

What percentage of all physicians in the U.S. were women as of 2011? a. 3 percent b. 12 percent c. 18 percent d. 34 percent

34 percent

The number of people infected with HIV worldwide in 2013 was a. 35 thousand. b. 3 million. c. 300 million. d. 35 million

35 million.

The per capita gross national income is less than $1,000 in at least ________ countries. a. 15 b. 23 c. 39 d. 46


Approximately what percentage of couples in the U.S. will marry, divorce, and remarry over the course of a lifetime? a. 20 percent b. 35 percent c. 45 percent d. 60 percent

45 percent

In 1940, White non-Hispanics made up 87 percent of the U.S. population. What percentage do projections show them representing as of 2015? a. 18 percent b. 37 percent c. 62 percent d. 86 percent

62 percent

NIH-sponsored national surveys found that what percentage of adults used some form of alternative medicine including prayer? a. 16 percent b. 32 percent c. 47 percent d. 62 percent

62 percent

About what percentage of divorcees in the U.S. have remarried? a. 25 percent b. 50 percent c. 63 percent d. 90 percent

63 percent

A subculture is

A segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of mores, folkways, and values that differs from the larger group.


A segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of mores, folkways, and values that differs from the pattern of the larger society.

Representative sample

A selection from a larger population that is statistically typical of that population.

Dominant ideology

A set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interest.

Marx viewed the relationship between the capitalists and the exploited workers in systemic terms; that is, he believed that a system of _____________ relationships maintained the power and dominance of the owners over the workers..

All of these.

The sociological imagination is an empowering tool because..

All of these.


An abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all aspects of culture. It also includes gestures and other nonverbal communication.


An artificially created situation that allows the researcher to manipulate variables and introduce control variables.

Degradation ceremony

An aspect of the socialization process within total institutions, in which people are subjected to humiliating rituals.

Sociological imagination

An awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society.


An element or a process of society that may disrupt a social system or lead to a decrease in stability.

An operational definition is:

An explanation of an abstract concept that is specific enough to allow a researcher to measure the concept.

Operational definition

An explanation of an abstract concept that is specific enough to allow a researcher to measure the concept.

In Karl Marx's analysis, society was fundamentally divided between..

Classes that clash in pursuit of their own class interests.

Which sociological perspective argues that subcultures often emerge because the dominant society has unsuccessfully attempted to suppress a practice regarded as improper, such as the use of illegal drugs?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective emphasizes schools in the U.S. foster competition through built-in systems of rewards and punishments?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective sees the social world as being in continual struggle?

Conflict perspective

Nonmaterial culture

Cultural adjustments to material conditions, such as customs, beliefs, patterns of communication, and ways of using material objects.

Which of the following concepts employs the kind of value neutrality in scientific study that Max Weber saw as being so important?

Cultural relativism

General customs and practices that are found in every culture are called

Cultural universals

What term refers to the polarization of society over controversial cultural elements such as abortion, religious expression, gun control, or sexual orientation?

Culture war

Which sociologist studied the social composition of audiences to explain how an audience interprets news coverage? a. Erving Goffman b. Vivian Gornick c. Darnell Hunt d. David Demers

Darnell Hunt

If you were interested in studying the relationship between date and acquaintance rape victims and the characteristics of the rapist, your first step would be to:

Define the problem

Your boss has just screamed at the work staff for poor sales growth and high absenteeism. Consequently, you decide that this would not be a good time to speak to the boss about a promotion. In this instance, you are effectively

Demonstrating role taking

The self is the

Distinct identity that sets us apart from others

People who have visited China might have experienced culture shock if they ordered meat for dinner and discovered it was


An element or a process of society that may actually disrupt a social system or lead to a decrease in stability is known as a..


________ is the occupation in which the largest percentage of undergraduate sociology majors find employment. A. Management B. Sales and Marketing C. Education D. Social Services


A hypothesis concerning the role of languages in shaping cultures was created by linguist(s)

Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf

A hypothesis concerning the role of languages in shaping cultures was created by linguist(s) a. William F. Ogburn b. Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf c. W.I. Thomas d. George Murdock

Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf

A hypothesis concerning the role of languages in shaping cultures was created by linguist(s)

Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf.

Which of the following sociologists conducted an examination of suicide using secondary analysis? a. Max Weber b. Emile Durkheim c. Jane Poulsen d. William F. Whyte

Emile Durkheim

Norms governing everyday behavior, the violation of which raises comparatively little concern, are known as


According to Robin Williams, which of the following is not one of the basic American values?


Correlations are an indication that causality is always present.


From a functionalist perspective, the social significance of the dominant ideology is that a society's most powerful groups and institutions control the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education, and the media.


Herbert Spencer suggested that sociologists should be highly critical of the status quo and should work actively for social change..


Kissing is an example of a cultural universal.


The conflict perspective emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability.


The members of your nuclear family, your athletic coach, a teacher in a large lecture hall, and your best friend are all significant others.


The mores, folkways, and values of a subculture are the only elements similar to the dominant majority.


Which of the following would be of interest to a sociobiologist?

How behaviors that are advantageous to survival become genetically linked to human beings

A speculative statement about the relationship between two or more variables is known as a


In the study of language, which sociological perspective suggests that gender-related language reflects the traditional acceptance of men and women into certain occupations?

Feminist perspective

Which sociological approach focuses on the macrolevel and would tend to view inequality in gender as central to behavior and organization?

Feminist perspective

Total institutions

Institutions that regulate all aspects of a person's life under a single authority, such as prison, the military, mental hospitals, and convents.

Given that cultural diffusion could upset the stability of a society, which perspective is most likely to argue that most cultures resist new cultural components that do not fit comfortably into their social system? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. feminist


Modernization theory—as an explanation of global inequality—falls under which sociological perspective? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. feminist


Which sociological perspective is most likely to be concerned with television distorting gender roles and stereotyping, often rooted in the media's willingness to promote more traditional views?

feminist perspective

Which sociological perspective would contend that social scientists need to rethink the notion that families without an adult male present are automatically a cause for concern? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

feminist perspective

Norms governing everyday behavior, the violation of which raises comparatively little concern, are known as a. mores b. cultural universals c. folkways d. laws


When leaders imprison or even execute political dissidents, they are applying a. influence. b. force. c. authority. d. All of these answers are correct.


An individual being imprisoned for murder is an example of a(n)

formal sanction

An individual being imprisoned for murder is an example of a(n) a. formal sanction. b. value. c. informal sanction. d. norm.

formal sanction.

Clyde is imprisoned for "tagging," or "visual terrorism." The arrest is an example of a(n) a. formal sanction. b. value. c. informal sanction. d. norm.

formal sanction.

Social control carried out by authorized agents—such as police officers, judges, school administrators, and employers—is called

formal social control

According to Robin Williams, which of the following is NOT among the basic American values?


Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus on the functions of the mass media in conferring status on people, organizations, and public issues?

functionalist perspective

Talcott Parsons contends that societies experience value ________, the development of new values that tolerate and legitimate a greater range of activities. a. differentiation b. adaptation c. inclusion d. generalization


Which term was used by George Herbert Mead to refer to a child's awareness of the attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of society as a whole? a. generalized other b. significant other c. impression management d. symbolic other

generalized other

Which two theorists were most responsible for refining the theory of socialism? a. Émile Durkheim and Max Weber b. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels c. Max Weber and Adolph Hitler d. James William Gibson and Adam Smith

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Which of the following would be an example of cultural capital?

Knowledge of great American authors.

For W.E.B. Du Bois, which of the following was considered essential in combating prejudice and achieving tolerance and justice?


To date, 191 countries—not including the U.S.—are party to which agreement intended to reduce global emissions of heat-trapped gases? a. NAFTA b. IMF Relief Fund c. Kyoto Protocol d. Warsaw Pact

Kyoto Protocol

People may behave differently in artificial situations than they would in the "real world". This poses a particular problem for researchers using

Laboratory experiments

An abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all aspects of culture is called


Which population group represents the largest minority in the U.S.? a. African Americans b. Latinos c. Asian Americans d. Jews


In American society, we often formalize norms into


In 1909, W.E.B. Du Bois helped found which of these organizations?


The relative importance of cultural and biological factors in the socialization process is referred to as the debate over

Nature versus nurture

Which amendment gave women the right to vote in national elections? a. Tenth Amendment b. Fourteenth Amendment c. Nineteenth Amendment d. Twenty-second Amendment

Nineteenth Amendment


Norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society

Which sociologist coined the term matrix of domination? a. Correct Patricia Hill Collins b. Karl Marx c. bell hooks d. Ida Wells-Barnett

Patricia Hill Collins


Penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm

Which of the following is the definition of Erving Goffman's concept of "face-work"

People's efforts to maintain a proper image and avoid embarrassment in public

Which of the following is used to show the portion of 100?


Which term is used to refer to a person's typical patterns of attitudes, needs, characteristics, and behavior?


The looking-glass self is the

Phrase used by Charles Horton Cooley to emphasize that the self is the product of our social interactions with others

Which sociologist argued that sociological research should focus on social change and on relevant research developed by nonsociologists?

Shulamit Reinharz

Which social scientist believed that people are in constant conflict between their natural impulsive instincts and societal constraints?

Sigmund Freud

The analysis of Isabelle and Genie is important because it emphasizes the relevance of

Social interaction in human development

Harry Harlow's research with rhesus monkeys indicated that

Social isolation had a damaging effect on the monkeys

Impression management

The altering of the presentation of the self in order to create distinctive appearances and satisfy particular audiences.

Which of the following is true of public perceptions about mental illness in the U.S. since 1950? a. People have become less likely to associate "violence" with "mental illness." b. The general public has become less sophisticated about mental illness. c. People have turned more often to holistic remedies for mental illnesses. d. The general public has become more open to disclosure, recognition, and response to mental health problems.

The general public has become more open to disclosure, recognition, and response to mental health problems.


The gestures, objects, and language that form the basis of human communication.

Which of the following is an example of cultural diffusion?

The presence of McDonald's restaurants in Thailand, Saudi Arabia, and Japan

Diffusion is

The process by which a cultural item is spread from group to group or society to society


The process by which a cultural item is spread from group to group or society to society.


The study of an entire social setting through extended systematic observation.

Social science

The study of various aspects of human society.

Content analysis

The systematic coding and objective recording of data, guided by some rationale.


The systematic study of biological bases of social behavior.


The systematic study of social behavior and human groups.


The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others

Culture lag occurs because people in most societies are more likely to change their material culture.


Despite their differences, functionalists, conflict theorists, and interactionists would all agree that there is much more to sports than exercise or recreation.


Having a grandmother who sits on the board of trustees for your college is an example of social capital.


In criticizing the call for a value-free sociology, Alvin Gouldner suggests that sociologists may use objectivity as a sacred justification for remaining uncritical of existing institutions and centers of power.


Individuality is often lost within total institutions.


Karl Marx saw the factory as the center of conflict between society's exploiters and its exploited masses.


One of Robert Merton's most significant contributions to sociology was the attempt to merge the microlevel and macrolevel approaches to the study of society.


Sanctions can be positive or negative.


Selection of a research design will influence both the cost of a research project and the amount of time needed to collect the results of the research.


The methods of celebrating rites of passage can provide a means of dramatizing and validating changes in a person's status.


Twin studies are viewed with some skepticism because they are based on very small sample sizes.


Wearing two different colored socks and a tie that does not match the shirt with which it is being worn are examples of violations of folkways and informal norms.


Latent functions

Unconscious or unintended functions; hidden purposes

Which nation has the largest number of the top 100 worldwide brands? a. Germany b. Japan c. United States d. Great Britain

United States

Collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, and proper, as well bad, undesirable, and improper, are known as


Income, religion, race, gender, and marital status can all be examples of


The word that Max Weber used to stress the need for sociologists to take into account people's emotions, thoughts, beliefs, understandings, and attitudes was..


Which of the following is considered a cultural universal? a. athletic sports b. war c. money restrictions d none of these

athletic sports

The statement "Eating fewer fats and carbohydrates will lead to weight loss" is an example of a. casual logic b. a dependent variable c. an independent variable d a cross-tabulation

casual logic

A primary group is a small group that is a. characterized by impersonality, with little intimacy or mutual understanding. b. characterized by intimate, face-to-face association and cooperation. c. used as a standard for evaluating oneself and one's behavior. d.characterized by impersonality and face-to-face associations.

characterized by intimate, face-to-face association and cooperation.

Which of the following was NOT one of the goals of social scientists embedded with the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Iraq? a. identify local customs b. look at family structures c. d. identify local internal social conflicts

conduct experiments on local communities

People, organizations, and public issues appearing regularly on the covers of prominent magazines is a method used to

confer status

Which sociological perspective would be likely to suggest that polyandrous cultures devalue the social worth of women? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. ethnocentric perspective

conflict perspective

As primary agents of childhood socialization, schools play a critical role in teaching children the values and customs of the larger society. This view of the socialization process is most likely of particular interest to which sociological perspective? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. global perspective


Sociological studies have indicated that people who are married are less likely to commit suicide than people who are divorced. In this example, suicide is a(n) a. hypothesis b. independent variable c. dependent variable d. index

dependent variable

A research design is a(n)

detailed plan or method for scientifically obtaining data.

Organized collective activities that address values and social identities as well as improvements in the quality of life are called a. social movements. b. new social movements. c. false consciousness. d. resource mobilization.

new social movements

The belief in a higher power can be considered a. material culture b. non-material culture c. an argot d. substance culture

non-material culture

Which of the following would be considered a valid measure of an individual's intelligence? a. his or her age b. the researcher's opinion c. the number of years of school completed by the individual d. none of these

none of these

folkways are

norms govern everyday behavior

Secularization is the a. process through which religion's influence on other social institutions diminishes. b. process through which religion's influence on other social institutions increases. c. ordinary and commonplace element of life, as distinguished from the sacred. d. element beyond everyday life that inspires awe, respect, and even fear.

process through which religion's influence on other social institutions diminishes.

As of 2005, how much bottled water did the U.S. consume annually? a. over 225 million gallons b. over 675 million gallons c. over 1.5 billion gallons d. over 7.5 billion gallons

over 7.5 billion gallons

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx argued that the working class must

overthrow the existing class system of capitalist societies

Sociologist Talcott Parsons suggests that the doctor-patient relationship is somewhat like that between a. parent and child. b. peers. c. teacher and students. d. nurse and patient.

parent and child

When a sociologist actually joins a group for a period to get an accurate sense of how it operates, the approach is called a. an experiment b. ethnography c. face-to-face interview d. participant observation

participant observation

Regina wants to study the homeless in her hometown. In order to do so, she lives at a homeless shelter for a month. During this time, she does everything that the women she is studying does and tells no one of her true identity. This method would be

participant observation.

Sanctions are defined as

penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm.

interactionalist perspective

people develop their beliefs, identities and values according to individual and small group interactions.

In Max Weber's view,

people hold three distinct ranks in society

Anticipatory socialization refers to

processes of socialization in which a person "rehearses" for future positions, occupations, and social relationships.

Which term is used by sociologists when speaking of any group that individuals use as a standard for evaluating themselves and their own behavior? a. primary group b. secondary group c. tertiary group d. reference group

reference group

causal logic

relationship between a condition or variable and a particular consequence, with one event leading to the other

Which term refers to the conscious feeling of a negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actualities? a. relative deprivation b. relative mobilization c. resource deprivation d. resource mobilization

relative deprivation

A research measure that provides consistent results is considered


A research measure that provides consistent results is considered a. valid b. reliable c. an index d. a scale


research measure that provides consistent results are


Which of the following functional prerequisites was NOT fulfilled by the religious sect known as the Shakers? a. replacing personnel b. teaching new recruits c. producing and distributing goods and services d. preserving order

replacing personnel

The United States utilizes which type of government? a. democracy b. dictatorship c. oligarchy d. representative democracy

representative democracy

Why does cultural lag occur?

resistance to change

Prestige refers to the

respect and admiration with which an occupation is regarded by society.

Prestige refers to the a. reputation that a particular individual has within an occupation. b. ability to exercise one's will over others. c. respect and admiration with which an occupation is regarded by society. d. people who have similar levels of wealth and income.

respect and admiration with which an occupation is regarded by society.

The fact that an unemployed coal miner in Appalachia has a higher standard of living than a doctor in Congo illustrates the idea that

poverty is relative

Max Weber defined ________ as the ability to exercise one's will over others.


Max Weber defined ________ as the ability to exercise one's will over others. a. control b. status c. class d. power


The owner of a major league baseball team can fire employees for not winning a pennant, have the city build him a new ballpark, and prevent companies that compete against his own team from airing advertisements during the team's televised games. In Max Weber's view, this owner would most likely be considered to have


Employment that is poorly paid and, from the worker's perspective, insecure and unprotected is called a. pink-collar work. b. white-collar work. c. hard work. d. precarious work

precarious work.


preference for someone else's culture

In Karl Marx's view, social relations during any period of history depend on who controls the a. mass media. b. primary mode of economic production. c. legislature. d. most powerful religious organizations.

primary mode of economic production

chief ethical concern concerning all the new sources of data available through new technological means like internet research


Diffusion is the

process by which a cultural item is spread from group to group or society to society.

What type of sample is specifically used for gathering information about clandestine or difficult-to-identify groups? a. snowball sample b. random sample c. valid sample d. blind survey

snowball sample

In his study of the Saints and the Roughnecks, William Chambliss concluded that a key factor in the varying fortunes of the two groups was their differing a. ages. b. social class standing. c. political views. d. All of these answers are correct.

social class standing.

Teachers and guidance counselors may encourage male students to pursue careers in the sciences, but they steer equally talented female students into careers as early childhood teachers. Such socialization into traditional gender roles is considered a form of a. social integration. b. political integration. c. social control. d. None of these answers is correct.

social control.

A condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power is called

social inequality

A condition in which members of society have differing amounts of wealth, prestige, or power is referred to as

social inequality

A condition in which members of society have differing amounts of wealth, prestige, or power is referred to as A. social inequality B. pure sociology C. applied sociology D. social psychology

social inequality

Which term is used by sociologists to refer to organized collective activities aimed at bringing about fundamental changes in existing society? a. social movements b. social groups c. power movements d. pressure groups

social movements

Sociology, anthropology, economics, and history study various aspects of human society and are therefore considered

social sciences

In which type of economic system is the laissez-faire philosophy rejected, and the central government acting as a representative of the people makes basic economic decisions? a. informal economy b. capitalism c. socialism d. agrarianism


A teacher plans a trip to the theater for a junior high school class. As part of the preparation, the teacher tells students how they should dress and how they will be expected to act inside the theater. This is an example of


The scientific study of social behavior and human groups is known as


The scientific study of social behavior and human groups is known as A.psychology B. political science C. anthropology D. sociology


Every evening at a neighborhood bar, the clientele, which consists of construction workers, police officers, plumbers, and factory workers, watches sports events on the big screen television set and play pool. The people who hang out in this bar are an example of a a. status group. b. power group. c. class. d. caste.

status group.

The creation of unreliable generalizations that distort the reality of persons, groups, and cultures is indicative of


conflict perspective

struggle for power between groups engaging in conflict for limited resources

armed militia groups are a


Hawthorne effect

subject knows they are part of an experiment

Émile Durkheim is known for his classic sociological study of


Gestures and words that form the basis of human communication are known as


functionalist perspective

system of interconnected parts that work together in harmony to maintain a state of balance and social equilibrium for the whole

The term social control refers to

techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any society.

What were the primary media vehicles by which people bonded in the U.S. during, and in the aftermath of, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001? a. television, radio, and phones b. phones and Internet c. newspapers and television d. Internet, radio, and television

television, radio, and phones

The code of ethics for the discipline of sociology was developed by a. Max Weber b. the U.S. Department of Education c. the American Association of University Professors d. the American Sociological Association

the American Sociological Association

Which of the following is an example of a denomination in the United States? a. an Amish church b. the Episcopalian religion c. a storefront church in an inner-city community d.Jehovah's Witnesses

the Episcopalian religion

What term do sociologists use to describe the phenomenon whereby subjects deviate from their typical behavior because they realize they are under observation? a. the control group effect b. the spurious response c. the Hawthorne effect d. skewing

the Hawthorne effect

Which of these historical events led to the emergence of the Luddites? a. the Industrial Revolution b. the computer revolution c. socialism d. the civil rights movement

the Industrial Revolution

Which medium experiences the least amount of gatekeeping?

the Internet

Which medium experiences the least amount of gatekeeping? a. television b. radio c. the Internet d. publishing

the Internet

What term did Max Weber use to refer to a disciplined work ethic, this-worldly concerns, and a rational orientation to life emphasized by John Calvin and his followers? a. the sanctuary movement b. the Protestant ethic c. predestination d. liberation theology

the Protestant ethic

Validity refers to

the accurate measurement of the phenomenon under study.

Which of the following is the third stage of Jean Piaget's cognitive theory of development? a. the preoperational stage b. the concrete operational stage c. the formal operational stage d. the sensorimotor stage

the concrete operational stage

A Colombian woman and an Italian man, working together as members of a construction crew, overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other's talents and strengths. This is an example of a. the self-fulfilling prophecy. b. the contact hypothesis. c. exploitation theory. d. amalgamation.

the contact hypothesis.

What is the term used for the set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests?

the dominant ideology

What is the term used for the set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests? a. gatekeeping b. the surveillance function c. the narcotizing dysfunction d. the dominant ideology

the dominant ideology

Talcott Parsons's functionalist view of society as tending toward a state of stability or balance is known as a. the emergent-norm perspective. b. resource mobilization theory. c. stagnancy theory. d. the equilibrium model.

the equilibrium model.

Émile Durkheim's study of suicide related suicide rates to

the extent to which people were integrated into the group life of a society.

As children grow older, their peer groups become more and more important relative to the influence of

the family

As children grow older, their peer groups become more and more important relative to the influence of a. the family b. the state c. religion d. the mass media

the family

By 2012, female householders accounted for 50 percent of the poor in the U.S. This alarming trend is referred to as

the feminization of poverty.

According to George Herbert Mead, during which stage of development does a child respond to numerous members of the social environment and grasp his or her distinctive social position? a. the preparatory stage b. the game stage c. the play stage d. the concrete operational stage

the game stage

Capitalism is an economic system in which

the means of production are largely in private hands, and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profit.

Why is there so little reliable human sexuality data?

under reported

A man doing which of the following would be a violation of the male gender role? a. playing football b. getting into a fight c. joining a knitting circle d. spitting

joining a knitting circle

control variable

kept constant

Sociological studies that focus on a large-scale phenomena or entire civilizations are known as A. microsociology B. interactionism C. macrosociology D. dramaturgy


Why is sociology considered a science?

uses method of scientific research

Collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, and proper, as well as bad, undesirable, and improper, are known as


Of incidents reported in 2012, the most frequently reported hate crimes were a. physical abuse and intimidation. b. vandalism and intimidation. c. rape and murder. d. murder and vandalism.

vandalism and intimidation.

Income, religion, race, gender, and marital status can all be examples of


Income, religion, race, gender, and marital status can all be examples of a. indexes b. scales c. variables d. operational definitions


A sociologist interviews high-salaried corporate chief executive officers (CEOs) to discover whether they feel stress in their everyday lives as a result of the pressure to produce at an unrealistic level. The sociologist is employing A. alienation B. anomie C. verstehen D. globalization techniques


An inner-city youth spends many hours in the neighborhood playground shooting baskets on the basketball court and engaging in every game that he can play. His skills become outstanding, and he receives a college scholarship and then signs a lucrative contract to play in the National Basketball Association. This is an example of

vertical mobility

Thorstein Veblen is responsible for coining the term a. false consciousness. b. fads. c. vested interests. d. nonmaterial culture.

vested interests

central focus for Charles Horton Cooley

interaction of small groups

Sociological perspective an argot would encompass

interactionalist perspective

Mitchell Duneier's work regarding social networks operates from which sociological perspective? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. feminist


In order for the Millennium Project to succeed, United Nations planners estimated that the industrialized nations must each set aside how much aid for developing countries? a. 2.15 percent of gross national income b. 1 percent of gross national product c. 0.45 percent of gross national product d. 0.51 percent of gross national income

0.51 percent of gross national income

Today, the United States has about 24 physicians per 10,000 people, while African nations have fewer than ________ physicians per 10,000 people. a. 1 b. 5 c. 12 d. 17


How many U.S. senators out of 100 were women in early 2014? a. 50 b. 35 c. 27 d. 20


Random sample

A sample for which every member of the entire population has the same chance of being selected.

Which of the following do sociologists recognize as an agent of socialization?

All of these

Which of the following is a culturally learned behavior?

All of these

Which of the following is an aspect of culture?

All of these

Which of the following is an example of a symbol?

All of these

Which of the following is true regarding feminist researchers?

All of these

Conflict theorists contend that multinational corporations are attracted to developing countries because developing countries a. have a large pool of cheap labor. b. discourage strong trade unions. c. often create a favorable "climate for investment." d. All of these answers are correct.

All of these answers are correct.

Contemporary conflict theorists are concerned with the conflict between

All of these answers are correct.

Which level of college degree serves as less of a guarantee of upward mobility today than it did in the past? a. A.A./A.A.S. b. B.A./B.S. c. M.A./M.S. d. Ph.D.


Which environmentalist suggests the primary cause of environmental ills is the increasing use of technological innovations? a. Karl Marx b. Barry Commoner c. Rachel Carson d. Paul Ehrlich

Barry Commoner

In the Albas's study of impression management, in which type of interaction did students often explain that they were not feeling well as a way of saving face?


Surveys and interviews that focus on macrosociological analyses would be likely to follow which theoretical perspective?

Both functionalist and conflict perspectives

Which sociological perspective is most concerned with macrolevel analysis?

Both functionalist and conflict perspectives

The results of an interview may be influenced by

Both gender and race of the interviewer

In which of the following countries does the top quintile of the citizenry receive 59 percent of the country's total income, while the bottom quintile receive only 3 percent of total income? a. United States b. Japan c. Brazil d. Mexico


C. Wright Mills advocated the use of the sociological imagination to view divorce in the United States because divorce..

Is not just an individual's personal problem but a societal concern

In the nature versus nurture debate, which position do social scientists take?

It is the interaction between environmental factors and biological inheritance that is important in human development.

Which child psychologist identified four stages in the development of a child's thought processes? a. Sigmund Freud b. Edward O. Wilson c. Shirley Weitz d. Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget

Which sociologist noted that religions often drug the masses into submission by offering a consolation for their harsh lives on earth and the hope of salvation in an ideal afterlife? a. Talcott Parsons b. Max Weber c. Émile Durkheim d. Karl Marx

Karl Marx

A research measure that provides consistent results is considered


Quantitative research

Research that collects and reports data primarily in numerical form.

Qualitative research

Research that relies on what is seen in field or naturalistic settings more than on statistical data.

What is commonly the second step in the scientific method?

Reviewing the literature

Which sociologist supported the pluralist model as the basis for power on the community level? a. Robert Dahl b. G. William Domhoff c. C. Wright Mills d. David Riesman

Robert Dahl

Which sociologist purported that newspapers helped to socialize immigrants to the customs and culture of the U.S.? a. Robert Park b. Deena Weinstein c. Paul Lazarsfeld d. David Demers

Robert Park

Which researcher's work yielded the concept referred to as the teacher-expectancy effect? a. Talcott Parsons b. Howard Becker c. Robert Rosenthal d. Max Weber

Robert Rosenthal

Which of the following is the largest single denomination in the United States? a. Roman Catholic b. Protestant c. Judaism d. Muslim

Roman Catholic

Penalties and rewards for conduct relating to a social norm are known as


Which of the following terms is used to describe a systematic, organized series of steps that ensures maximum objectivity and consistency in researching a problem?

Scientific method

Where was the feminist movement born in the United States? a. Philadelphia, PA b. Seneca Falls, NY c. Akron, OH d. Minneapolis, MN

Seneca Falls, NY

A dominant idealogy is a

Set of cultural beliefs that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests

Early female sociologists such as Jane Addams were often active in poor urban areas as leaders of community centers known as..

Settlement houses

Which one of the following would NOT be an example of assimilation? a. refusing to acknowledge darker-skinned grandparents on a public street. b. citizens of India who adopt British traditions and customs. c. a Muslim woman wearing her traditional headscarf while out shopping in her U.S. suburb. d. an Italian American family changing its name to one more easily found among White, Protestant families.

a Muslim woman wearing her traditional headscarf while out shopping in her U.S. suburb.

A researcher finds that those who have children at a young age are significantly more likely to have lower levels of education as a result of early childbearing. This would be an example of a. a hypothesis b. a correlation c. casual logic d. an effect

a correlation

An inmate enters prison and is stripped of her clothing and advised that from this point on she will be referred to only by number. This is an example of a. anticipatory ceremony b. a rite of passage c. a degradation ceremony d. ascription

a degradation ceremony

A society is

a fairly large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside it, and participate in a common culture.

A law is

a form of governmental social control

The expectation that a woman will be nurturing is an example of a. a genetic trait. b. a gender role. c. homophobia. d. None of these answers is correct.

a gender role.

An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity is known as a. pluralism. b. a glass ceiling. c. institutional discrimination. d. exploitation theory.

a glass ceiling.

Which of the following is an example of a symbol?

a hug, a Coca-Cola bottle, a frown

A variable is

a measurable trait or characteristic that is subject to change under different conditions.

Which of the following is considered a total institution?

a mental hospital

According to the concept of the looking-glass self, development of one's self-identity based on misperceptions may lead t

a negative self-identity

The requirement that individuals select mates from outside certain groups is known as a. exogamy. b. hypergamy. c. endogamy. d. homogamy.


Karl Marx used the concept of class consciousness to refer to

a subjective awareness held by members of a class regarding their common vested interests and the need for collective political action to bring about social change.

A study, generally in the form of an interview or a questionnaire, that provides sociologists with information concerning how people think or act is known as

a survey

The dramaturgical approach is

a view of social interaction in which people are seen as theatrical performers.

How many of the recognized Indian tribes are involved in gambling ventures since Congress passed the Indian Gambling Regulatory Act in 1988? a. about one-third b. about one-half c. about three-fourths d. All tribes are involved.

about one-third

Which of the college subcultures identifies with the intellectual concerns of the faculty and values knowledge for its own sake? a. academic b. collegiate c. fraternity d. nonconformist


accepted informal norms

accept practices that are against the law but are not harmful to society

According to Robert Merton, an innovator is an individual who has

accepted the goals of society, but pursues them with means regarded as improper

Which of the following is an example of a negative consequence of bureaucratization? a. the Peter principle b. employees deprived of a voice in decision making c. the stifling of initiative and imagination d. all of these

all of these

Which of the following would be an example of cyberbullying? a. sending a photo of a friend drunk to others b. sending a photo of a friend cheating to others c. sending a nude photo of a friend to others d.All of these

all of these

Which of these comments about a bureaucracy is correct? a.The division of labor has the positive consequence of producing efficiency in large-scale organizations. b. The hierarchy of authority has the negative consequence for the individual of depriving employees of a voice in decision making. c.An organization's written rules and regulations have the negative consequence of leading to goal displacement. d. all of these

all of these

Gender roles

expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females.

In schools in the United States, bilingual education has been defended on the grounds that it a. is a means to encourage cultural diversity. b. assists in the cultural integration of immigrant groups. c. assists in the political integration of immigrant groups. d. All of these answers are correct.

is a means to encourage cultural diversity.

According to world systems analysis, a periphery nation is a nation that a. along with its multinational corporations dominates all other nations socially, economically, and politically, such as the U.S. and Germany. b. has a marginal economic status, such as Israel and South Korea. c. is a poor, developing nation, such as Honduras and Ethiopia, that is exploited by more powerful nations and corporations. d. None of these answers is correct.

is a poor, developing nation, such as Honduras and Ethiopia, that is exploited by more powerful nations and corporations.

Women most often play a significant role in the economic support of the family when the family a. is among the poor. b. has no children. c. is affluent. d. is part of an industrialized society.

is among the poor.

C. Wright Mills advocated the use of the sociological imagination to view divorce in the United States because divorce

is not just an individual's personal problem but a societal concern.

Which of the following terms is used to describe a systematic, organized series of steps that ensures maximum objectivity and consistency in researching a problem? a. scientific method b. social science c. experiment d. value neutrality

scientific method

The U.S. government maintains a policy of "separation of church and state." The relationship between the church and the government in the U.S. illustrates a. creationism. b. fundamentalism. c. secularization. d. the Protestant ethic.


Which of the following is a criticism of social disorganization theory? a. too much focus on larger forces b. seems to "blame the victim" c. that there are no viable organizations d. that troubled areas are hopeless

seems to "blame the victim"

Which of the following would be an example of cyberbullying?

sending a photo of a friend drunk, cheating, or nude to others

When a person has several spouses in a lifetime, but only one spouse at a time, it is called a. polygamy. b. polygyny. c. serial monogamy. d. serial polygamy.

serial monogamy.

A particular college requires students to live on campus during their first two years to help foster a sense of community among diverse groups. This a. is illegal in most states. b. serves a latent function of education. c. serves a manifest function of education. d. is an attempt to re-socialize improper behavior

serves a latent function of education.


set of statements that seek to explain problems, behavior, or actions

Which of the following is NOT one of Weber's basic characteristics of bureaucracy? a. sharing of labor roles b. hierarchy of authority c. written regulations d. impersonality

sharing of labor roles

Social change has been defined as a. a theory that holds that society is moving in a specific direction. b. a view of society as tending toward instability. c. significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture. d. a view that society is moving in several different directions at the same time.

significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture

Typically, microloans are less than $600 and often as little as a. $100. b. $50. c. $30. d. $20.


What percentage of the world's population is nonreligious? a. 85 percent b. 60 percent c. 35 percent d. 10 percent

10 percent

In what year did the Supreme Court rule in favor of allowing women the right to terminate a pregnancy? a. 1953 b. 1963 c. 1973 d. 1983


In what year did Medicare become so expensive that the federal government introduced a price-control system? a. 1983 b. 1975 c. 1990 d. 1993


How many prime-time series out of nearly sixty—aired in recent years—did researchers find focused on minority performers?


Looking-glass self

A concept that emphasizes the self as the product of our social interactions with others.

Social inequality

A condition in which members of society have differing amounts of wealth, prestige, or power.

Ideal type

A construct or model that serves as a measuring rod against which actual cases can be evaluated

An ideal type is..

A construct or model that serves as a measuring rod against which actual cases can be evaluated.

In the US, the Amish would be considered:

A counterculture

Research design

A detailed plan or method for obtaining data scientifically.


A distinct identity that sets us apart from others.


A face-to-face or telephone questioning of a respondent to obtain desired information.

Control variable

A factor held constant to test the relative impact of an independent variable.

A society is

A fairly large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside it, and participate in a common culture.


A fairly large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside it, and participate in a common culture.

Which of the following is an example of absolute poverty?

A homeless man in tattered clothes begs in the streets for money and food.

Anomie refers to..

A loss of direction that is felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective.

A variable is

A measurable trait or characteristic that is subject to change under different conditions.


A measurable trait or characteristic that is subject to change under different conditions.

Sociologists consider secondary analysis to be

A nonreactive form of research

Facing forward in an elevator would considered:

A norm

Which of the following is the best example of a significant other?

A parent


A relationship between two variables whereby a change in one coincides with a change in the other.


A research instrument employed to obtain desired information from a respondent.


A research technique in which an investigator collects information through direct involvement with an observation of a group, tribe, or community.

Conflict perspective

A sociological approach that assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of conflict or tension between competing groups.

Functionalist perspective

A sociological approach that emphasizes the way that parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability.

Interactionist perspective

A sociological approach that generalizes about fundamental or everyday forms of social interaction.


A speculative statement about the relationship between two or more variables.

Which of the following would be an example of the use of the sociological imagination?

A study that concentrates on the behavior of people listening to a religious service compared to those listening to a rock concert.


A study, generally in the form of interviews or questionnaires, that provides sociologists and other researchers with information concerning how people think and act.


A subculture that deliberately opposes certain aspects of the larger culture.

To conduct a cross-cultural study of job discrimination against women, a sociologist interviews 75 women between the ages of 20 and 40 in an American city, and 75 women in the same age group in a Canadian city. This study would be classified as

A survey

Scientific method

A systematic, organized series of steps that ensures maximum objectivity and consistency in researching a problem.

Secondary analysis

A variety of research techniques that make use of publicly accessible information and data.

The dramaturgical approach is

A view of social interaction in which people are seen as theatrical performers

Dramaturgical approach

A view of social interaction that examines people as if they were theatrical performers.

Contemporary conflict theorists are concerned with the conflict between.

All of these

Norms are

All of these

Norms are often violated when

All of these

Researchers found which of the following to be true of cell phone users compared to landline users?

All of these

We have little reliable data on human sexuality because

All of these

Which of the following acts as an agent of socialization?

All of these

In many Third World nations, the pace of social change is very rapid and there is significant hunger and starvation, unemployment, and family disruption. Individuals who live in Third World nations are likely to suffer..


A key element in the sociological imagination is the ability to view one's own society..

As an outsider.

Which of the following groups has the highest median income level? a. White, non-Hispanic men b. Asian men c. Hispanic men d. African American men

Asian men

Which two theorists have taken an evolutionary position on social change, suggesting that all societies move in a definite direction toward a higher state of being? a. Karl Marx and Ralf Dahrendorf b. Talcott Parsons and Gerhard Lenski Jr. c. Auguste Comte and Émile Durkheim d. Richard Berk and Howard Aldrich

Auguste Comte and Émile Durkheim

_________ is most closely associated with the concept of the sociological imagination.

C. Wright Mills

The relationship between a condition or a variable and a particular consequence, with one event leading to the other, is known as

Casual logic

Which of the following existing data sources are used more frequently for sociological research?

Census data

The pioneering work of ________ in biological evolution contributed to nineteenth-century theories of social change. According to his approach, there has been a continuing progression of successive life forms. a. Louis Pasteur b. Charles Darwin c. William F. Ogburn d. Émile Durkheim

Charles Darwin

In 1979, Vietnam expelled nearly one million ethnic ________, partly as a result of centuries of hostilities between the two countries. a. Japanese b. Chinese c. Laotians d. Koreans


The use of the discipline of sociology with the specific intent of altering social relationships or restructuring social institutions is called:

Clinical sociology.

Which of the following is an example of a multinational corporation? a. a Swiss bank with many international customers but without foreign branches b. a hardware store that sells hammers from France and saws from Switzerland, as well as many products made in the U.S. c. Coca-Cola, which has bottling plants throughout the world d. All of these answers are correct.

Coca-Cola, which has bottling plants throughout the world


Collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, and proper—or bad, undesirable, and improper—in a culture.

A sociologist who studies the impact of the women's movement on the divorce rate would probably be following which of the following perspectives?


"Attacks on bilingualism represent an ethnocentric point of view". This statement would best reflect the views of which sociological perspective?

Conflict perspective

Critics of television often suggest that executives of major television networks and movie corporations are wealthy White males who decide which programs or movies will be produced and which directors and actors will obtain jobs in the industry. This analysis reflects the..

Conflict perspective

Inequality, capitalism, and stratification are key concepts of which theoretical perspective?

Conflict perspective

The view that laws are set up to assist those who are in positions of power would be held by:

Conflict perspective

What sociological perspective would most likely suggest that educational inequalities are purposeful and set up to reinforce the position of those in power?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would argue that the most powerful groups and institutions control wealth, property, and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education, and the media?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would maintain that the laws of a society are created by the groups in power and help those groups maintain their superior status?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely argue that the social order is based on coercion and exploitation?

Conflict perspective

George Herbert Mead suggested that the self is

Continually developing and changing

In an experiment, the group that is not exposed to the independent variable is called the

Control group

Which of the following is true of white-collar crime? a. The offender is more likely to receive a prison sentence than a fine. b. Conviction generally does not harm the person's reputation or career aspirations as much as conviction for a street crime would. c. Most cases are heard in municipal courts. d. All of these answers are correct.

Conviction generally does not harm the person's reputation or career aspirations as much as conviction for a street crime would.

The relationship between two variables whereby a change in one coincides with a change in the other is known as a(an)


Selecting a research design is important because it may affect both the amount of time and the

Cost of the project

After a sociologist reviews the literature, what is the next step in the process?

Create a hypothesis

Sociology is considered a science because sociologists..

Engage in organized and systematic study of phenomena to enhance understanding.

Which sociologist is associated with the concepts of the dramaturgical approach, impression management, and face-work? a. Charles Horton Cooley b. George Herbert Mead c. Erving Goffman d. Wilbert Moore

Erving Goffman


Established standards of behavior maintained by a society.

The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others is called


Gender roles are

Expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females

Gender roles

Expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females.

Which of the following does your textbook note as a common criticism of Exxon's actions after the 1989 Valdez disaster?

Exxon didn't volunteer to fund research on clean-up technologies or long-term environmental costs.

A primitive tribe that cultivates the soil by hand has much more culture than a modern, computerized society.


An argot is a specialized language used by members of a subculture. Doctors and nurses, for example, have developed a language system that is not easily understood by patients, but enables medical professionals to communicate more easily, rapidly, and precisely with one another. Which sociological perspective is likely to emphasize the value of this specialized medical language?

Functionalist perspective

As primary agents of childhood socialization, schools play a critical role in teaching children the values and customs of the larger society. This view of the socialization process is most likely of particular interest to which sociological perspective?

Functionalist perspective

In examining any aspect of society, which sociological perspective emphasizes the contribution that aspect makes to overall social stability?

Functionalist perspective

The authors of the National Health and Social Life Survey argue that their research on human sexual behavior is important and that using data from their survey allows policy makers to more easily address issues such as AIDS, sexual harassment, welfare reform, abortion, and teenage pregnancy. This position best reflects the view of which sociological perspective?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely suggest that education is necessary for people to earn more money and advance in society for the purpose of social stability?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely suggest that sports help to maintain people's physical well-being?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would suggest that if an aspect of social life does not contribute to a society's stability, then it does not serve a useful function?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would view society as a living organism in which each part of the organism contributes to its survival and stability?

Functionalist perspective

In a small town in the Midwest, all of the children attend the same school and most of the community members attend the same church. Everyone in this community knows everyone else, and they have shared numerous experiences with one another. This community would be characterized by Ferdinand Tönnies with the term a. Gesellschaft b. organic solidarity c. mechanical solidarity d. Gemeinschaft


Functionalists view gender roles in which of the following ways? a. Gender roles assist in keeping women oppressed within the family structure. b. Gender roles have a bias toward male power. c. Gender roles are necessary to keep the family in balance. d. All of these answers are correct.

Gender roles are necessary to keep the family in balance

Which sociologist suggested that during the second stage of development, children become capable of assuming the perspective of another and are thereby able to respond from that imagined viewpoint?

George Herbert Mead

The term "significant others" is

George Herbert Mead's term for those individuals who are most important in the development of the self.

The term significant others is a. Charles Horton Cooley's term for a child's awareness of the attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of society as a whole. b. George Herbert Mead's term for altering the presentation of the self in order to create distinctive appearances and satisfy particular audiences. c. George Herbert Mead's term for those individuals who are most important in the development of the self. d.George Herbert Mead's term for the sum total of a person's conscious perception of his or her identity as distinct from others.

George Herbert Mead's term for those individuals who are most important in the development of the self.

Today, Steve went into a grocery store where a stranger checked out his purchases and another stranger bagged his groceries. Then he went to Wendy's and purchased a hamburger from another stranger, and on his way home he stopped at an intersection, where an unknown police officer raised her hand. These experiences are all characteristic of a. Gesellschaft relationships b. organic solidarity c. mechanical solidarity d. Gemeinschaft relationships

Gesellschaft relationships

A law is

Governmental social control


Governmental social control.

Which sociologist has identified a number of social, economic, and political functions that the poor perform for society (e.g., poor people do society's dirty work at low cost; poverty creates jobs for those in occupations serving the poor; the existence of poor people guarantees the higher status of the more affluent)? a. Herbert Gans b. Émile Durkheim c. Peter Blau d. Daniel Rossides

Herbert Gans

Which early sociologist applied the concept of evolution to societies in order to explain how they change or evolve over time?

Herbert Spencer

World systems analysis is a. Karl Marx's view that the bourgeois nations such as England would dominate the proletarian nations such as India. b. Erving Goffman's view that world peace would result from many types of nations interacting with one another. c. Talcott Parsons's view that the inequality that exists among nations is necessary for world stability. d. Immanuel Wallerstein's view of the global economic system as divided between certain industrialized nations that control wealth and developing countries that are controlled and exploited.

Immanuel Wallerstein's view of the global economic system as divided between certain industrialized nations that control wealth and developing countries that are controlled and exploited.


In everyday speech, a person's typical patterns of attitudes, needs, characteristics, and behavior.


In sociology, a set of statements that seeks to explain problems, actions, or behavior.

Norms that are generally understood but not precisely recorded are known as

Informal norms


Information about how to use the material resources of the environment to satisfy human needs and desires.

In forming a sense of ourselves, we imagine how we appear to others and how others perceive us, and finally we develop a feeling about ourselves as a result of these impressions. This sociological approach to the development of a self represents the views of which sociological perspective?

Interactionist perspective

Socialization concerning not only masculinity and femininity but also marriage and parenthood begins in childhood as a part of family life. Children observe their parents as they express affection, deal with finances, quarrel, complain about in-laws, and so forth. Which sociological perspective would be most interested in studying this

Interactionist perspective

Which perspective would state that people are formed through the way in which they interact with and react to their social world?

Interactionist perspective

Which sociological approach would view sports as an agent for defining people's social positions as players, coaches, and referees as a result of their performances and reputations?

Interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective generalizes about everyday forms of social interaction in order to understand society as a whole?

Interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective holds the view that people create their social worlds through interaction and manipulation of symbols?

Interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective suggests that language and symbols offer a powerful way for a subculture to feel cohesive and maintain its identity?

Interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that nonverbal communication, such as the frequency of individuals touching each other during a conversation, varies from one culture to another?

Interactionist perspective

Cross-cultural studies have suggested which of the following about industrialized and developing nations? a. Spain has an informal economy. b. Intergenerational mobility is increasing in most countries. c. Modernization has benefited Kenya. d. Mobility exists only in non-industrialized societies.

Intergenerational mobility is increasing in most countries.

Which of the following was a central focus for Charles Horton Cooley?

Intimate face-to-face groups

The Supreme Court of which state ruled in a 4-3 decision in 2003 that gay couples have the right to marry? a. California b. Oregon c. Illinois d. Massachusetts


"Value neutrality" in social science research was initially called for by

Max Weber

Who among the following created a classification system of authority that distinguishes between traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic authority? a. Michael Harrington b. Émile Durkheim c. Karl Marx d. Max Weber

Max Weber

The number calculated by adding a series of values and then dividing by the number of values is referred to as the


The midpoint or number which divides a series of values into two groups of equal numbers of values is referred to as the


In 2009 among the following nations, which had the lowest percentage of persons who had graduated with a higher education degree? a. Ireland b. Great Britain c. Turkey d. Mexico


The single most common value in a series of scores is referred to as the



Norms governing everyday social behavior whose violation raises comparatively little concern.

Informal norms are

Norms governing everyday social behavior, the violation of which raises comparatively little concern

Mores are

Norms that are deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society.

Informal norms

Norms that generally are understood but are not precisely recorded.

Formal norms

Norms that generally have been written down and that specify strict rules for punishment of violators.

Manifest functions

Open, stated, and conscious functions.

A sociologist who is interested in examining racism in sports might determine what percentage of team owners, general managers, coaches, and managers are members of each racial group. This would be an example of developing a(an)

Operational definition

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx argued that the working class must..

Overthrow the existing class system of capitalist societies.

When a sociologist actually joins a group for a period to get an accurate sense of how it operates, the approach is called

Participant observation

Anticipatory socialization

Processes of socialization in which a person "rehearses" for future positions, occupations, and social relationships.

What is a potential problem when sending out Internet-based surveys?

Protection of the respondent's anonymity AND defining the potential audience

Which sociologist discussed the concept of and coined the term for multiple masculinities? a. Arlie Hochschild b. R. W. Connell c. Margaret Mead d. Robert Merton

R. W. Connell

In which type of sample does each member of the entire population being studied have the same chance of being selected?

Random sample

Cultural lag

Refers to a period of maladjustment during which the nonmaterial culture is still adapting to new material conditions.


Sociological investigation that concentrates on large-scale phenomena or entire civilizations


Sociological investigation that stresses study of small groups and often uses laboratory experimental studies.

Which of these statements about social change is true? a. Social change is always good. b. People who resist social change are doing so for the good of society as whole. c. Some people have a vested interest in resisting social change. d. Social change is not often frightening.

Some people have a vested interest in resisting social change


Specialized language used by members of a group or subculture.

Experimental group

Subjects in an experiment who are exposed to an independent variable introduced by a researcher.

Control group

Subjects in an experiment who are not introduced to the independent variable by the researcher.

Which of the following statements is an example of a sociological theory?

Suicide rates are a reflection of whether people are, or are not, integrated into the group life of a society.

Gestures and words that form the basis of human communication are known as


Which sociologist developed the concept of the sick role? a. Émile Durkheim b. Eliot Freidson c. Karl Marx d. Talcott Parsons

Talcott Parsons

Which sociologist saw "society as a vast network of connected parts, each of which contributes to the maintenance of the system as a whole"?

Talcott Parsons

Which sociologist saw society as a vast network of connected parts, each of which helps to maintain the system as a whole? a. Karl Marx b. Erving Goffman c. Max Weber d. Talcott Parsons

Talcott Parsons

Which of the following is an example of monogamy? a. Correct Ted and Tonya have been married to each other for 3 months. b. Tori, Tito, and Tabitha have been living with each other for 14 years. c. Troy and his sister Tracy live together in an apartment. d. All of these answers are correct.

Ted and Tonya have been married to each other for 3 months.

Culture shock

The feeling of surprise and disorientation that is experienced when people witness cultural practices different from their own.

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of total institutions? a. All aspects of life are conducted in the same place and are under the control of a single authority. b. The authorities devise rules and schedule activities after consultation with the participants. c. Any activities within the institution are conducted in the company of others in the same circumstances. d. All aspects of life within a total institution are designed to fulfill the purpose of the organization.

The authorities devise rules and schedule activities after consultation with the participants.


The belief that the products, styles, or ideas of one's society are inferior to those that originate elsewhere.


The body of knowledge obtained by methods based upon systematic observation.

Which statement about the international coffee trade is true? A. The coffee trade relies upon the exploitation of cheap labor B. The Starbucks success story only exists in the U.S. C. Most coffee pickers are unionized and well paid D. The coffee trade relies upon the exploitation of cheap labor AND most coffee pickers are unionized and well paid.

The coffee trade relies upon the exploitation of cheap labor.


The combination of existing cultural items into a form that did not previously exist.


The degree to which a scale or measure truly reflects the phenomenon under study.

George Ritzer's concept "The McDonaldization of society" refers to

The domination of numerous sectors of societies throughout the world by principles initially used by fast-food restaurants


The extent to which a measure provides consistent results.

Emile Durkheim's study of suicide, related suicide rates to..

The extent to which people were integrated into the group life of a society.

As children grow older, their peer groups become more and more important relative to the influence of

The family

A sociologist observing behavior at a college football game would probably focus on..

The interaction among fans during the pre-game ritual of tailgate parties.


The loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective.

Independent analysis has revealed which of the following regarding white-collar crime in the United States?

The number of cases prosecuted increased only modestly between 2000 to 2009.

Independent analysis has revealed which of the following regarding white-collar crime in the United States? a. The Martha Stewart case increased the number of prosecutions. b. The Enron case decreased the number of prosecutions. c. The number of cases prosecuted increased only modestly between 2000 to 2009. d. The mortgage crisis increased the number of prosecutions.

The number of cases prosecuted increased only modestly between 2000 to 2009.

Material culture

The physical or technological aspects of our daily lives.


The process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a transition in one's life.


The process of introducing new elements into a culture through either discovery or invention.


The process of making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality.

Role taking

The process of mentally assuming the perspective of another, thereby enabling one to respond from that imagined viewpoint.


The process whereby people learn the attitudes, values, and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture.

Which of the following statements about the minimum wage in the U.S. is accurate? a. Higher-income workers charge that minimum wage workers are often guilty of wage theft. b. The purchasing power of the minimum wage tends to shrink over time. c. Proponents of the minimum wage often refer to it as a "living wage" to make it sound more attractive. d. Economists are in majority agreement that increases in the minimum wage tend to cause the economy to shed very large numbers of jobs.

The purchasing power of the minimum wage tends to shrink over time.

Causal logic

The relationship between a condition or variable and a particular consequence, with one event leading to the other.

Nonverbal communication

The sending of messages through the use of posture, facial expressions, and gestures.

Which aspect of divorce would most likely be of interest to sociologists using the sociological imagination?

The structural impact of divorce

Cultural universals

The totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior.

Hawthorne effect

The unintended influence that observers or experiments can have on their subjects.

Which of the following statements about multinational corporations is true? a. The 10 largest multinational corporations all have their headquarters in the U.S. b. The value of sales of the largest multinational corporations exceeds the total value of goods and services of many peripheral nations. c. They are all state-owned—or public as opposed to private—businesses. d. All of these answers are correct.

The value of sales of the largest multinational corporations exceeds the total value of goods and services of many peripheral nations.

Independent variable

The variable in a casual relationship that, when altered, causes or influences a change in a second variable.

Dependent variable

The variable in a causal relationship that is subject to the influence of another variable.

Cultural relativism

The viewing of people's behavior from the perspective of their own culture.


The worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas.

Although some of the early sociologists saw themselves as social reformers, by the middle of the twentieth century, the focus of the discipline of sociology had shifted to..

Theorizing and gathering information

An attempt to explain problems, actions, or behavior in a comprehensive manner is called a(an)..


All research designs have positives and negatives associated with them.


Which of the following could be a manifest function of colleges?

They prepare students for post-college careers.

Which of the following could be a manifest function of colleges? A. They are a place to meet future husbands or wives. B. They sometimes fail to teach students how to read or write effectively C. They help to maintain the economic status quo in the U.S. D. They prepare students for post-college careers.

They prepare students for post-college careers.

Significant others

Those individuals who are most important in the development of the self, such as parents, friends, and teachers.

Which of the following is true of obesity in regards to social ties? a. The obese are most frequently in social groups with the non-obese. b. Weight gain in one person is often related to weight gain of that person's friends and family. c. Obese people have few social ties. d. all of these

Weight gain in one person is often related to weight gain of that person's friends and family.

Socialization is the process

Whereby people learn the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture

___________'s study of Italian street-corner men used participant observation.

William F. Whyte

The concept of ethnocentrism was originally formulated by a. Seymour Martin Lipset b. W.I. Thomas c. William Graham Sumner d. William F. Ogburn

William Graham Sumner

Which sociologist pointed out that one cannot devise methods for controlling and utilizing new technology before the introduction of a technique, and that nonmaterial culture typically must respond to changes in material culture? a. William Ogburn b. Talcott Parsons c. Sherry Turkle d. Thorstein Veblen

William Ogburn

A college law enforcement major watches the behavior of television police detectives with great admiration. These detectives could be considered a. an out-group b. a focus group c. a triad d. a reference group

a reference group

Conflict theorists view gender differences as a. a reflection of the subjugation of one group, such as women, by another group, such as men. b. necessary for the effective accomplishment of family and societal tasks. c. unrelated to the overall exploitation and injustice found in capitalist societies. d. All of these answers are correct.

a reflection of the subjugation of one group, such as women, by another group, such as men.

A worker is frequently late, takes extended "coffee breaks," and makes numerous mistakes while working on important tasks. As a result of poor performance, the worker is fired. This is an example of

a sanction

A worker is frequently late, takes extended "coffee breaks," and makes numerous mistakes while working on important tasks. As a result of poor performance, the worker is fired. This is an example of a. a sanction b. a law c. cultural diffusion d. replication

a sanction

A subculture is

a segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of mores, folkways, and values that differs from the larger group.

A subculture is a. a segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of mores, folkways, and values that differs from the larger group. b.a large number of people who live in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside it, and participate in a common culture. c. the totality of learned, socially transmitted behavior. d. a specialized language that is used by members of a group.

a segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of mores, folkways, and values that differs from the larger group.

A dominant ideology

a set of cultural beliefs that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests

A dominant ideology is a. a set of cultural beliefs that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests. b. a subculture that rejects societal norms and values and seeks an alternative lifestyle. c. a specialized language used by members of a group or subculture. d. none of these

a set of cultural beliefs that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests.

Which of the following does your textbook define as a family? a. a set of people related by blood, marriage (or some other agreed-upon relationship), or adoption who share the responsibility for reproducing and caring for members of society b. a married couple and their unmarried children living together c. two unrelated adults who have chosen to share each other's lives in a relationship of mutual caring d. All of these answers are correct.

a set of people related by blood, marriage (or some other agreed-upon relationship), or adoption who share the responsibility for reproducing and caring for members of society

Positive efforts to recruit minority group members or women for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities are known as a. reverse discrimination. b. quotas. c. pluralism. d. affirmative action.

affirmative action

Wealth is a. all of a person's material assets, including land, stocks, and other types of property. b. salaries and wages. c. a term used by Max Weber to refer to people who have a similar level of income and prestige. d. a term used by Thorstein Veblen for people who have the same lifestyle, independent of their class position.

all of a person's material assets, including land, stocks, and other types of property.

Contemporary conflict theorists are concerned with conflict between A. women and men B. cities and suburbs C. blacks and whites D. all of these

all of these

Formal organizations may vary in a. size b. degree of efficiency c. specificity of goals d. all of these

all of these

In a society organized around mechanical solidarity, which of the following tasks would you likely engage in? a. preparing food b. building homes c. making clothing d. all of these

all of these

The state of Ohio has a dwindling population. In an effort to increase the birthrate in the state, it offers a $5,000 bonus to all families giving birth in the state for the next three years. Which of the following is the latent function? A. an increase in the birth rate for the state of Ohio B. an increase in the population in the state of Ohio. C. an increase in the need for teachers as a result of more children in the Ohio educational system D. all of these

an increase in the need for teachers as a result of more children in the Ohio educational system

An unemployed young adult wants a stereo, but he doesn't have the money or the means of earning the money needed to buy it. His desire for the stereo overwhelms him, and he steals one from a local store. This incident illustrates which theory of deviance? a. conflict theory b. labeling theory c. anomie theory of deviance d. cultural transmission theory

anomie theory of deviance

A young girl decides that she wants to become an Olympic swimmer. She takes swimming lessons, joins her school's swimming team, reads magazine articles about champion swimmers, and goes to swimming meets at a nearby college. This is an example of

anticipatory socialization

The former policy of the South African government that was designed to maintain the separation of Blacks and other non-Whites from the dominant Whites was known as a. institutional discrimination. b. apartheid. c. afrocentricity. d. White power.


Control theory states that we

are bonded to our family members, friends, and peers in a way that leads us to follow the mores and folkways of our society.

Control theory states that we a. are bonded to members of our subculture, and if they engage in deviant behavior, we use them as role models and act in the same manner. b. are bonded to our family members, friends, and peers in a way that leads us to follow the mores and folkways of our society. c. are "convinced" to act in a law-abiding manner because of the "control" that law enforcement agencies have over our lives. d. act in a conforming manner because of self-control.

are bonded to our family members, friends, and peers in a way that leads us to follow the mores and folkways of our society.

Male nurses, grade school teachers, and librarians may experience some scorn in the a. larger society. Within the position, they b. are often similarly scorned. typically earn the same as women. c. are automatically considered "better." d. are more encouraged to become administrators.

are more encouraged to become administrators.

A key element in the sociological imagination is the ability to view one's own society

as an outsider

An 83-year-old woman is placed at a small table in a dark corner of a trendy nightclub and is ignored by the staff. Her shoddy treatment is probably due to her age, which is a(n) ________ status.


An ascribed status is a social position

assigned to a person without regard to the person's unique characteristics or talents.

Which of the following terms refers to power that has been institutionalized and is recognized by the people over whom it is exercised? a. influence b. Correct authority c. legitimacy d. political efficacy


The U.S. government was heavily criticized for which of the following media monitoring behaviors after the September 11, 2001, attacks?

authorizing wiretaps of U.S. citizens' telephone conversations

sociological imagination

awareness of your connection to society

pure sociology is also know as

basic sociology

A White male lawyer mentors a young female Latina lawyer. According to the contact hypothesis, this situation would a. be likely to increase stereotypes rather than reduce them. b. be likely to cause them to become less prejudiced. c. encourage the White lawyer to engage in color-blind racism. d. involve the operation of sexism as well as racism.

be likely to cause them to become less prejudiced.

Which pattern of descent is most typical in the U.S.? a. matrilineal b. patrilineal c. bilateral d. bilineal


Since the change in U.S. immigration policy during the 1960s to encourage immigration of relatives of U.S. residents and people with desirable skills, where have a majority of immigrants originated from? a. Asia b. Europe c. Latin America d. both Asia and Latin America

both Asia and Latin America

Which sociological perspective is most concerned with macro-level analysis? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. both functionalist and conflict

both functionalist and conflict

A table, an incense stick, and candelabra can all be considered a. profane items. b. sacred items. c. neither sacred nor profane items. d. both sacred and profane items.

both sacred and profane items.

According to George Herbert Mead's stages of the self, the preparatory stage occurs when a. children imitate the people around them, particularly family members b.children become able to pretend to be other people. c.children grasp not only their own social positions but also those of others around them. d.we observe ourselves through the looking-glass self.

children imitate the people around them, particularly family members.

Some analysts suggest that inner-city riots have frequently occurred when poor people realize that their chances of climbing out of poverty are unlikely because of the structure of our social system. Their frustration is based on their perception that they are living in a(n)

closed stratification system

Which of the following resources has recently led to unfettered capitalism in the Democratic Republic of Congo? a. gold b. diamonds c. coltan d. uranium


In resisting segregation, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, founded by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is well known for its a. commitment to nonviolent civil disobedience. b. use of lawsuits in the courts. c.strategy of running candidates for public office. d. adherence to the philosophy of Black power.

commitment to nonviolent civil disobedience.

Obedience refers to

compliance with higher authorities in a hierarchical structure.

A sociologist who studies the unequal economic reality between men and women would probably be following which of the following perspectives? a. functionalism b. interactionism c. conflict d. all of these


What sociological perspective would most likely suggest that educational inequalities are purposeful and set up to reinforce the position of those in power? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. feminist


Which perspective would look to the disproportionate economic and lobbying power wielded by groups such as the National Rifle Association in the debate over gun violence in U.S. society? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. feminist


Which sociological perspective would argue that the most powerful groups and institutions control wealth, property, and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education, and the media? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. global perspective


Which sociological perspective would maintain that the laws of a society are created by the groups in power and help those groups maintain their superior status? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. global perspective


Which sociological perspective(s) would be most likely to emphasize that the mass media exacerbate many divisions in our society, including those based on gender, race, ethnicity, and social class? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict and feminist perspectives c. interactionist perspective d. global and interactionist perspectives

conflict and feminist perspectives

"Attacks on bilingualism represent an ethnocentric point of view," best reflects the views of which sociological perspective

conflict perspective

"Attacks on bilingualism represent an ethnocentric point of view." This statement best reflects the views of which sociological perspective?

conflict perspective

An important tenet of labeling theory is the recognition that some individuals or groups have the power to define labels and apply them to others. This view shares the emphasis on the social significance of power as purported by the

conflict perspective

Critics of television often suggest that executives of major television networks and movie corporations are wealthy White males who decide which programs or movies will be produced and which directors and actors will obtain jobs in the industry. This analysis reflects the

conflict perspective

Gerhard Lenski argues that social inequality may have once served the overall purposes of society, but the degree of social and economic inequality that now exists far exceeds the need to provide for goods and services. This facet of Lenski's analysis is consistent with which perspective?

conflict perspective

Inequality, capitalism, and stratification are key concepts of which theoretical perspective?

conflict perspective

What sociological perspective would most likely suggest that educational inequalities are purposeful and set up to reinforce the position of those in power?

conflict perspective

Which perspective would place a priority on the fact that many major environmental organizations accept funding from oil companies and chemical giants and as a result emphasize limited reform rather than profound structural change? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

conflict perspective

Which perspective would suggest that downsizing in the mid-1990s reflects the continuing importance of social class in the United States? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. ethnocentric perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective has influenced the creation of the feminist perspective the most? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. global perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus on gatekeeping as a process that reflects a desire to maximize profits by those with power and authority?

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus on gatekeeping as a process that reflects a desire to maximize profits by those with power and authority? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. global perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that multinational corporations exploit local workers to maximize profits? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. global perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be particularly concerned about studies that show that White criminal offenders receive shorter sentences than comparable Latino and African American offenders? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would likely suggest that members of new social movements tend to mobilize as they reject statements made by established authority figures, including scientists and technical authorities? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. epidemiological perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would likely view affirmative action as a legislative attempt to reduce inequality embedded in the social structure by increasing the opportunities of groups that have been deprived in the past? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. None of these answers is correct

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely be concerned with the association between the use of surveillance techniques as a means of social control and the power of an authoritarian government? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely compare the relationship between a colonial nation and the colonized people to the relationship between the dominant capitalist class and the proletariat class? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. global perspective

conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely suggest that although pure monopolies are not a basic element of the U.S. economy, competition is still far more restricted than is ideal? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. global perspective

conflict perspective

Which theoretical perspective views medicine as a form of social control? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective a. All of these answers are correct.

conflict perspective

An important tenet of labeling theory is the recognition that some individuals or groups have the power to define labels and apply them to others. This view shares the emphasis on the social significance of power as purported by the a. functionalist perspective. b. conflict perspective. c. interactionist perspective. d. global perspective.

conflict perspective.

When viewing the global economic system, sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein draws on the a. functionalist perspective. b. conflict perspective. c. interactionist perspective. d. dialectical perspective

conflict perspective.

The view that sports serve as an "opiate" for social injustices and distract people from focusing on the reality of personal problems and social issues would most likely be held by a. functionalists b. conflict theorists c. interactionist d. global sociologists

conflict theorists

What term did Thorstein Veblen use to refer to the behavior of those at the top of the social hierarchy when they engage in such activities as jetting off to a remote destination for dinner? a. consumption flow b. inconspicuous ridicule c. conspicuous consumption d. consumptive frivolity

conspicuous consumption

An ideal type is a(n)

construct or model that serves as a measuring rod against which actual cases can be evaluated.

A researcher studies adolescent attitudes about senior citizens by analyzing depictions of the elderly in the lyrics of popular music and the content of teen magazines. This is an example of a. content analysis b. replication c. survey research d. an experiment

content analysis

George Herbert Mead suggested that the self is a. a static phenomenon b. continually developing and changing c. a replication quite similar to others d. a quality that one is "born in"

continually developing and changing

George Herbert Mead suggested that the self is

continually developing and changing.

In 1995, the federal Glass Ceiling Commission found that glass ceilings a.leak. b. continue to block women and minority men from top management positions in the nation's industries. c. continue to block White men from top management positions in the nation's industries. d. continue to block women, minority men, and White men from top management positions in the nation's industries

continue to block women and minority men from top management positions in the nation's industries

In an experiment, the group that is not exposed to the independent variable is called the

control group

Which of the following theories offers a view of conformity and deviance that suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to conform systematically to society's norms? a. anomie theory of deviance b. labeling theory c. control theory d.theory of differential association

control theory

A factor held constant to test the relative impact of the independent variable is known as a

control variable

The federal bailouts of the banking and auto industries can be considered a. unemployment. b. corporate welfare. c. welfare reform. d. None of these answers is correct.

corporate welfare

"Data indicate that people who prefer to watch televised news programs are less knowledgeable than those who read newspapers and news-magazines." This statement is an example of a(n)


material culture

creations and abstract ideas that are not embodied in physical objects.

nonmaterial culture

creations and abstract ideas that are not embodied in physical objects.

Crime is a violation of

criminal law for which formal penalties are applied by some governmental authority.

The objective method of assessing social class assigns individuals to classes on the basis of a. criteria such as occupation, education, income, and place of residence. b. self-assessment. c. assessments by friends and colleagues. d. the neighborhoods in which they reside.

criteria such as occupation, education, income, and place of residence.

What is a popular form of summary many sociologists utilize to quickly and clearly show a relationship between two variables? a. cross-tabulation b. median c. mode d. mean


English-speaking people in the U.S. commonly use words whose origins are from various African, Asian, and non-English-speaking European cultures. This is an example of a. non-material culture b. cultural diffusion c. cultural shock d. cultural relativity

cultural diffusion

A U.S. sociologist receives a grant to study racial and religious prejudice among the people of southeast Asia. The sociologist makes a serious and unbiased effort to evaluate the norms, values, and customs of these groups in light of the distinctive cultures of which they are a part. This is an example of

cultural relativism

General customs and practices that are found in every culture are called a. cultural integration b. cultural diffusion c. cultural universals d. cultural relativism

cultural universals

A member of a rural Indian tribe in Central America who is suddenly taken to a large city, such as Mexico City, will probably experience

culture shock

cultural lag

culture takes time to catch up with technological innovations

Genocide refers to the process of a. combining a majority group and a minority group through intermarriage to form a new group. b. expelling a group of people from a territory. c. deliberately and systematically killing an entire people or the members of a nation. d. forsaking a cultural identity in order to become part of a different culture.

deliberately and systematically killing an entire people or the members of a nation.

Your boss has just screamed at the work staff for poor sales growth and high absenteeism. Consequently, you decide that this would not be a good time to speak to the boss about a promotion. In this instance, you are effectively a. demonstrating role taking b. playing the part of a significant other c. playing the part of a generalized other d. completing the preparatory stage of Mead's theory

demonstrating role taking

Émile Durkheim's explanation of suicide was scientific because he..

developed conclusions based on systematic examination of data.

The stained glass ceiling refers to the a. ability of women to fill leadership positions within religious institutions. b. difficulty women face obtaining leadership positions within religious institutions. c. difficulty women have in practicing their beliefs within the U.S. religious system. d. None of these answers is correct.

difficulty women face obtaining leadership positions within religious institutions.

Worldwide, low-income groups, racial and ethnic minorities, rural residents, and the citizens of developing countries have far less access than others to the latest technologies. This gap is referred to as the a. digital enclosure. b. digital world. c. digital dam. d. digital divide.

digital divide

The self is the

distinct identity that sets us apart from others.

George Ritzer's concept of "the McDonaldization of society" refers to the

domination of numerous sectors of societies throughout the world by principles initially used by fast-food restaurants.

An element or a process of society that may actually disrupt a social system or lead to a decrease in stability is known as a


An element or process of a society that may actually disrupt a social system or lead to a decrease in stability is known as a A. lantent function B. manifest function C. dysfunction D. conflict function


Children who experience divorce in their family are more likely to experience divorce themselves when they are adults. This could be considered an example of a

dysfunction of families

In Karl Marx's analysis, society was fundamentally divided between

economic classes that clash in pursuit of their own class interests.

A class system employs a social ranking based primarily on

economic position

A class system employs a social ranking based primarily on a. age. b. caste. c. economic position. d. religious and ethnic background.

economic position.

latent function is the

hidden function

Sarna, an Orthodox Jew, marries Nathan, a Reform Jew. Sarna is disowned by her parents because, as far as they are concerned, she has married outside their religion. She has violated the rule of a. hypergamy. b. endogamy. c. homogamy. d. exogamy.


A legal strategy based on claims that racial minorities are subjected disproportionately to environmental hazards is referred to as a. environmental prejudice. b. treadmill production. c. principled injustice. d. environmental justice.

environmental justice.

Characteristics of national origin or distinctive cultural patterns are used primarily by a society to set apart a. minority groups. b. ethnic groups. c. racial groups. d. polarization groups.

ethnic groups.

An American traveling abroad observes locals eating chocolate covered crickets. She expresses disgust to her traveling companions. She is exhibiting


Joe grew up in an Italian household in an Italian community in New Jersey. He believes that the traditional Italian celebration of Easter, which includes a large number of family members and mountains of food consumed during a long dinner, is the best way to celebrate this holiday. Joe is illustrating a. prejudice. b. ethnocentrism. c. discrimination. d. pluralism.


participant observation is


Which theory of social change holds that society is moving in a definite direction? a. multilinear evolutionary theory b. evolutionary theory c. bisocial change theory d. dichotomous change theory

evolutionary theory

Gender roles are a. expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females. b. the biologically determined patterns of behavior that are appropriate for males and females. c. universally consistent learned behaviors of males and females. d. the biological characteristics of males and females, such as genital organs, hormones, and body hair.

expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females.

An artificially created situation that allows the researcher to manipulate variables and to introduce control variables is known as a(n)


Creating an artificial situation, manipulating a variable is


Which of the following terms is used by Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales to refer to concern for the maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family? a. expressiveness b. identification c. instrumentality d. gender roles


The term familism refers to pride in the a.nuclear family, expressed through the maintenance of a strong system of rituals and permanence. b. extended family, expressed through the maintenance of close ties and strong obligations to kinfolk. c. single-parent family, expressed through the maintenance of close bonds and attention to the needs of group members. d. None of these answers is correct.

extended family, expressed through the maintenance of close ties and strong obligations to kinfolk.

A married couple, their children, and other relatives—such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles—living together in the same household constitute a(n) a. nuclear family. b. extended family. c. matrilocal family. d. patrilocal family.

extended family.

In Karl Marx's view, a worker who identifies with the wealthy and believes that she can achieve great wealth through hard work is likely to have developed a

false consciousness

Which of the following terms did Karl Marx use to refer to an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect the class's objective position? a. false consciousness b. bourgeoisie consciousness c. class consciousness d. proletariat consciousness

false consciousness

According to anthropologist Karuna Chanana Ahmed, who are the most exploited among oppressed people in developing countries? a. young children b. males c. females d. None of these answers is correct.


The belief in social, economic, and political equality for women is referred to as a. social equality. b. glass escalator. c. feminism. d. None of these answers is correct.


Which sociological perspective would view society as a living organism in which each part of the organism contributes to its survival and stability? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d. all of these


As primary agents of childhood socialization, schools play a critical role in teaching children the values and customs of the larger society. This view of the socialization process is most likely of particular interest to which sociological perspective?

functionalist perspective

Ethnocentrism is the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others. Therefore, ethnocentrism fosters cohesion in a group. This observation would best reflect which sociological perspective?

functionalist perspective

In examining any aspect of society, which sociological perspective emphasizes the contribution that aspect makes to overall social stability?

functionalist perspective

The concept of the sick role is associated with which perspective? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. global perspective

functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective argues that when changes occur in one part of a society, there must be adjustments in other parts, and if these adjustments do not occur, the society's equilibrium may be threatened? a. Correct functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective views marriage as a social institution closely tied to human reproduction? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to point out that policymakers have both a humanitarian and a financial stake in promoting adoption? a. Correct functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. global perspective

functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would suggest that social change has influenced the family, in that many traditional family activities, such as education, have been assumed by other social institutions? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. anomie perspective

functionalist perspective

In his research, George Murdock determined which of the following to be a cultural universal? a. war b. astronomy c. funeral ceremonies d. all of these

funeral ceremonies

The child of about eight or nine years of age begins to consider several tasks and relationships simultaneously. At this point in development, children grasp not only their own social positions but also those of others around them. Mead calls this stage the a. preparatory stage b. play stage c. imitative stage d. game stage

game stage

Talcott Parsons believed physicians function as ________ for the sick role by verifying a patient's condition as illness or designating the patient as recovered. a. functionalists b. gatekeepers c. negotiators d. ambassadors


A major network news agency that discourages reporting of issues concerning homosexuality is most likely practicing a. a dominant ideology. b. a narcotizing dysfunction. c. a surveillance function. d. gatekeeping.


The process by which a relatively small number of people control what eventually reaches the audience is referred to as


The process by which a relatively small number of people control what eventually reaches the audience is referred to as a. the dominant ideology. b. gatekeeping. c. the surveillance function. d. the narcotizing dysfunction.


Which of the following terms refers to an advantage that men have when employed in female-dominated occupations? a. glass ceiling b. glass escalator c. crystal stairs d. transparent ascension

glass escalator

The worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas is known as a. globalization. b. dependency. c. colonialism. d. neocolonialism.


Feminist theorists are particularly interested in microfinancing because the majority of these loans a. go to men. b. go to women. c. have a high interest rate. d. go to sex traffickers.

go to women.

Neo-Luddites a. destroyed some of the machinery used in the early Industrial Revolution, when they raided factories at night. b. have questioned the incessant expansion of industrialization. c. were early supporters of Marxism. d. both destroyed some of the machinery used in the early Industrial Revolution and were supporters of Marxism.

have questioned the incessant expansion of industrialization.

Which of the following have sociologists suggested is a dysfunction of the mass media?

having a narcotizing effect

A college is run by a board of trustees, which hires a president, who in turn selects vice presidents, deans, and other administrators. This is an example of the bureaucratic characteristic of a. written rules and regulations b. division of labor c. impersonality d. heirarchy of authority

hierarchy of authority

Research in the United States and other countries has consistently shown that people in the lower classes have a. lower mortality rates. b. higher rates of mortality and disability. c. lower rates of cancer and heart disease. d. both higher rates of mortality and disability and lower rates of cancer and heart disease.

higher rates of mortality and disability.

Fear of and prejudice against homosexuality is called a. homophobia. b. gay fright. c. Ebonics. d. heterophobia.


The Yanomamö, a South American culture, live in a village and spend most of their time searching for food and tending small gardens. Their primary tool is a stone ax, which they use for cutting down trees to expand their gardens. The Yanomamö are an example of a(n) a. agrarian society b. horticultural society c. hunting-and-gathering society d. postmodern society

horticultural society

Sociologist Howard Waitzkin suggested that racial tensions helped explain which of the following? a. breast cancer b. diabetes c. hypertension d. lung disease


A speculative statement about the relationship between two or more variables is known as a


Bob is on his first date with Mary, whom he really likes. He tries to act in a manner that will cause her to like him, too, and to want to go out with him again. This is an example of

impression management

Bob is on his first date with Mary, whom he really likes. He tries to act in a manner that will cause her to like him, too, and to want to go out with him again. This is an example of a. face-work b. impression management c. idealization of the other d. role taking

impression management

Bilingualism is the use of two or more languages a. in all sectors of public and private life b. in particular settings, such as workplaces or educational facilities, treating each language as equally legitimate c. only educational settings d. only in workplaces

in particular settings, such as workplaces or educational facilities, treating each language as equally legitimate

Morbidity rates are the a. incidence of diseases in a given population. b. number of new cases of a specific disorder occurring within a given population during a stated period of time. c. incidence of death in a given population. d. total number of cases of a specific disorder that exist at a given time.

incidence of diseases in a given population.

In Talcott Parsons's equilibrium model, the incorporation of groups that were previously excluded because of their race, ethnicity, and social class is known as a. differentiation. b. adaptation. c. inclusion. d. generalization.


A panhandler makes $15 to $20 per day on the streets. This is his


Researchers find that pet owners live longer, healthier lives. Within this study, pet ownership is the

independent variable

Facing forward in an elevator can be considered a(n)

informal norm

Facing forward in an elevator can be considered a(n) a. informal norm b. formal norm c. more d. sanction

informal norm

Jennifer is attending a business luncheon with several corporate executives. At one point during the meal, she reaches in front of another executive for a saltshaker and hits the executive's arm as he is about to put a spoonful of soup in his mouth. The soup spills on his shirt, and he glares at Jennifer. The glare is an example of a(n)

informal sanction

Social control carried out casually by people through such means as laughter, smiles, and ridicule is known as

informal social control

Social control carried out casually by people through such means as laughter, smiles, and ridicule is known as a. neutralization. b. conformity. c. informal social control. d. formal social control.

informal social control.

Arnold gets an "A" on his organic chemistry exam because he copies most of his answers from Stanley, the "class brain" who is sitting next to him. According to Merton's anomie theory of deviance, Arnold would be classified as a(n)


Arnold gets an "A" on his organic chemistry exam because he copies most of his answers from Stanley, the "class brain" who is sitting next to him. According to Merton's anomie theory of deviance, Arnold would be classified as a(n) a. ritualist. b. retreatist. c. rebel. d. innovator.


At one time, many Puerto Ricans were effectively barred from serving in the Chicago Police Department because they failed to meet the height requirement. This was an example of a. prejudice. b. scapegoating. c. institutional discrimination. d. a self-fulfilling prophecy.

institutional discrimination

A scientific company lays off employees by seniority, retaining those that have been employed the longest. The majority of the female employees had been hired in the last 10 years and were educated as part of the push to get more females into math and sciences. This situation is an example of a. instrumentality. b. expressiveness. c. institutional discrimination. d. pluralism.

institutional discrimination.

Socialization concerning not only masculinity and femininity but also marriage and parenthood begins in childhood as a part of family life. Children observe their parents as they express affection, deal with finances, quarrel, complain about in-laws, and so forth. Which sociological perspective would be most interested in studying this? a. functionalist b. conflict c. interactionist d global perspective


Which sociological approach would view sports as an agent for defining peoples social positions as players, coaches, and referees as a result their performances and reputations? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. feminist


Which sociological perspective generalizes about everyday forms of social interaction to understand society as a whole? A. functionalist B. conflict C. interactionist D. All of these


In examining health, illness, and medicine as a social institution, which sociological perspective generally focuses on micro-level study of the roles played by health care professionals and patients? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. global perspective

interactionist perspective

In forming a sense of ourselves, we imagine how we appear to others and how others perceive us, and finally we develop a feeling about ourselves as a result of these impressions. This sociological approach to the development of a self represents the views of which sociological perspective?

interactionist perspective

In the United States, the fear of contracting AIDS has likely led to changes in sexual behavior among both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Which sociological perspective would focus on these changes in sexual relationships? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective is more likely to study the media's influence on society from the micro level to determine how social behavior is shaped?

interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective is more likely to study the media's influence on society from the micro level to determine how social behavior is shaped? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. feminist perspective

interactionist perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to study the bestowal of status that activists assume in their new social roles created through social movements? a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. epidemiological perspective

interactionist perspective

Thorstein Veblen suggested persons at the top of the social hierarchy convert wealth into conspicuous consumption while the behavior of the lower classes is often subjected to ridicule. Veblen's views are from the a. functionalist perspective. b. conflict perspective. c. interactionist perspective. d. feminist perspective.

interactionist perspective.

Communism, the Episcopalian religion, and the microwave oven are all examples of


Patrilineal descent refers to a a. kinship system in which both sides of a person's family are regarded as equally important. b. kinship system that favors the relatives of the father. c. pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with the husband's parents. d. society in which men are expected to dominate family decision making.

kinship system that favors the relatives of the father.

W.E.B DuBois considered this essential in combating prejudice and achieving tolerance and justice

knowledge and education

A sociologist studies how a teacher's attitudes toward particular students affects students' performance. Students of similar abilities who are "teacher's pets" perform at a high level, and students who are viewed as "troublemakers" perform poorly. This illustrates which explanation of deviance?

labeling theory

The social constructionist perspective is most closely affiliated with which other sociological explanation of deviance? a. the theory of differential association b. labeling theory c. the anomie theory of deviance d. social disorganization theory

labeling theory

People may behave differently in artificial situations than they would in the "real world." This poses a particular problem for researchers using

laboratory experiments

Adam Smith is associated with a. European socialism. b. Asian communism. c. laissez-faire capitalism. d. British socialism.

laissez-faire capitalism.

Abstract system of word meanings and symbols are


An abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all aspects of culture is called


argued by Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

language is culturally determined

Americans formalize norms into


In American society, we often formalize norms into


Traditional authority refers to a. legitimate power conferred by custom and accepted practice. b. power made legitimate by a leader's exceptional personal or emotional appeal to his or her followers. c. power made legitimate by law. d. None of these answers is correct.

legitimate power conferred by custom and accepted practice

According to G. William Domhoff's model of the political power structure, to which coalition would colleges and universities likely belong? a. corporate-conservative coalition b. liberal-labor coalition c. environmental-elite coalition d. policy-formation coalition

liberal-labor coalition

Anomie refers to a

loss of direction that is felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective.

Most adolescents seek jobs in order to a. identify a career choice b. make spending money c. assist with their parents' household expenses d. pay for education

make spending money

Teaching students to read and write, to calculate numbers, and to master the facts of their society's history are all examples of a. latent functions of education. b. manifest functions of education. c. manifest dysfunctions of education. d. latent dysfunctions of education.

manifest functions of education.

Magazines would be considered

mass media

Magazines would be considered a. transmitters. b. opinion leaders. c. mass media. d. narcotizers

mass media

When Malcolm X's eighth grade teacher dismissed Malcolm's desired career goal of lawyer and instead suggested he become a carpenter, the teacher was viewing Malcolm's race as a(n) a. achieved status b. master status c. ascribed status d. assigned status

master status

A new Ford Explorer can be considered a. material culture b. non-material c. an argot d. substance culture

material cultural

A basketball arena, an airliner, a slice of pizza, and a television set can all be considered examples of

material culture

A basketball arena, an airliner, a slice of pizza, and a television set can all be considered examples of a. xenocentrism b. non-material culture c. material culture d. argot

material culture

Communism, Episcopalian religion and the microwave are all examples of

material culture

A kinship system that favors the relatives of the mother is based on a. bilineal descent. b. matrilineal descent. c. trilineal descent. d. patrilineal descent.

matrilineal descent

The midpoint or number that divides a series of values into two groups of equal numbers of values is referred to as the a. mean b. mode c. median d. percentage


A sociologist drug-use patterns among small groups of college students in a Midwestern college. This would be an example of A. conflict theory B. functionalism C. macrosociology D. microsociology


Sociologists have identified five basic properties—unequal treatment, physical or cultural traits, ascribed status, solidarity, and in-group marriage—to describe a. minority groups. b. racial groups. c. ethnic groups. d. polarization.

minority groups

Realistic portrayals of minorities and working-class persons tend to be ignored by mass media decision-makers primarily because

most decisions are made overwhelmingly by wealthy White males.

Which of the following is considered one way the media reaffirm proper behavior in society?

movie and TV scenes showing criminals getting caught by authorities

Which of the following is considered one way the media reaffirm proper behavior in society? a. newscasters discussing narcotic desensitizing b. a daytime talk show discussion on homosexuality c. movie and TV scenes showing criminals getting caught by authorities d. movie and TV scenes depicting the rape of women

movie and TV scenes showing criminals getting caught by authorities

Commercial organizations headquartered in one country that own or control other corporations or subsidiaries throughout the world are referred to as a. international companies. b. multinational corporations. c. megacorps. d. world system enterprises.

multinational corporations.

Auguste Comte saw societies as moving forward in their thinking from a. mythology to scientific method. b. scientific method to mythology. c. mythology to religion. d. monarchy to democracy.

mythology to scientific method

Areas where older Americans congregate and that gradually become informal centers for senior citizens are known as a. retirement communities b. naturally occurring retirement communities c. nursing homes d. assisted living communities

naturally occurring retirement communities

The relative importance of cultural and biological factors in the socialization process is referred to as the debate over

nature versus nurture

Mores are a. norms governing everyday social behavior, the violation of which raises comparatively little concern. b. norms that are deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society c. norms that are made by government for society, interpreted by the courts, and backed by the power of the state. d. none of these

norms that are deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society.

According to a study by Stanley Milgram, individuals will

obey the commands of people viewed as legitimate authority figures, even if the behavior may harm another individual.

When a researcher collects information about a group through direct involvement and inspection, this is known as


A stratification system that implies that the position of each individual is influenced by the person's achieved status is referred to as a(n) a. open stratification system. b. closed stratification system. c. egalitarian class system. d. fractured class system.

open stratification system

Status group refers to a. people who share a similar level of wealth and income. b. people who share the same prestige or lifestyle, independent of their class position. c. members of a class who have a subjective awareness regarding their common vested interests and need for collective political action to bring about social change. d. a feudal class.

people who share the same prestige or lifestyle, independent of their class position.

Which of the following is the definition of Erving Goffman's concept of "face-work"?

people's efforts to maintain a proper image and avoid embarrassment in public

Which of the following is used to show a portion of 100? a. mean b. mode c. median d. percentage


Under which marital form can a woman have several husbands at the same time? a. monogamy b. polygamy c. polygyny d. polyandry


A technologically sophisticated society that is preoccupied with consumer goods and media images is called a(n) a. preindustrial society b. industrial society c. postindustrial society d. postmodern society

postmodern society

Using an analogy to Marx's analysis of class conflict, conflict theorists would argue that women are in a position comparable to that of the a. bourgeoisie. b. proletariat. c. middle class. d. upper class.


According to the functionalist perspective, an aspect of social life would be passed on from one generation to the next if it

promotes value consensus among members of a society.

The function of media advertising is to support the economy, provide information about products, and underwrite media costs associated with

promotion of consumption

The function of media advertising is to support the economy, provide information about products, and underwrite media costs associated with a. conferment of status. b. promotion of consumption. c. enforcement of social norms. d. surveillance of the social environment.

promotion of consumption.

The patriotic behavior of U.S. citizens on January 20, 2009 in coming to witness the Inauguration of President Barack Obama represents what kind of functionalist prerequisite? a. teaching new recruits b. preserving order c. replacing personnel d. providing and maintaining a sense of purpose

providing and maintaining a sense of purpose

Secondary analysis includes a variety of research techniques that use

publicly accessible information and data, or data collected by another

Secondary analysis includes a variety of research techniques that use

publicly accessible information and data, or data collected by another.

Ethnography is the most common form of ________ research, which relies on what is seen in the field and in naturalistic settings more than it does on statistical data.


According to crime statistics, hate crime focus most frequently on which of the following?


African Americans are identified in the textbook as an example of a(n) a. ethnic group. b. racial group. c. reference group. d. status group.

racial group

If researchers wanted to examine the opinions of people listed in a city directory, they might call every tenth or fiftieth or hundredth name listed. This would constitute a

random sample

In which type of sample does each member of the entire population being studied have the same chance of being selected?

random sample

A social scientist would be likely to study the

reasons for the decreasing divorce rate in the U.S.

According to Robert Merton, members of revolutionary political organizations such as the Irish Republican Army would typically be classified as


In Karl Marx's view of class conscious workers in revolt, who will guide the working class in its struggle? a. bourgeoisie b. revolutionary leaders c. proletariat d. peasantry

revolutionary leaders


reward or punishment

A retirement party, a high-school graduation party, and a confirmation party are all examples of

rites of passage

Facing east toward Mecca while saying one's morning prayers is a characteristic of the Muslim religion. This behavior is an example of a religious a. ritual. b. experience. c. belief. d. totem.


An employee at a welfare office is so concerned with paperwork that he doesn't have time to administer to the needs of the poor, hungry, and homeless individuals who seek assistance. According to Merton's theory, this welfare worker would be a(n) a. ritualist. b. rebel. c. innovator. d. retreatist.


In Robert Merton's terms, people who overzealously and cruelly enforce bureaucratic regulations can be classified as a. ritualists. b. rebels. c. innovators. d. retreatists.


Which term is used to refer to incompatible expectations that arise when the same person holds two or more social positions? a. role strain b. role conflict c. role ambiguity d. role exit

role conflict

Penalties and rewards for conduct relating to a social norm are known as a. folkways b. mores c. values d. sanctions


Allison is playing in a high school field hockey game and passes the ball to Erika, who appears to have a scoring opportunity. Allison's pass suggests that she is aware of her role as a member of a team and that she is now in which stage of development, according to George Herbert Mead?

the game stage

Allison is playing in a high school field hockey game and passes the ball to Erika, who appears to have a scoring opportunity. Allison's pass suggests that she is aware of her role as a member of a team and that she is now in which stage of development, according to George Herbert Mead? a. the preparatory stage b. the imitative stage c. the play stage d. the game stage

the game stage

Activists in a large city join forces to create a new organization with the goal of preserving landmark buildings that have historical importance. At first, the organization functions democratically, but over time it is taken over by three people. These leaders establish a bureaucratic structure that helps them to maintain control of the organization. These developments can be best explained by a. Parkinson's law b. the Peter principle c. the iron law of oligarchy d. the scientific management approach

the iron law of oligarchy

Charles Horton Cooley is responsible for developing the concept of

the looking-glass self

Colonialism is defined as a. the maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural dominance over a people by a foreign power for an extended period. b. an approach that contends industrialized nations continue to exploit developing countries for their own gain. c. the far-reaching process by which peripheral nations move from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed societies. d. None of these answers is correct.

the maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural dominance over a people by a foreign power for an extended period.

People ignoring credible warnings about terrorist attacks due to the massive amounts of coverage in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, is an example of a. gatekeeping. b. the surveillance function. c. the narcotizing dysfunction. d. the dominant ideology.

the narcotizing dysfunction.

If someone failed to contribute money because massive amounts of media coverage made him or her less sensitive to the needs of victims of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, this would be an example of a. selfishness. b. the narcotizing effect. c. globalization. d. socialization.

the narcotizing effect.

What is the chief ethical concern concerning all the new sources of data available through new technological means like Internet research? a. conflicts of interest b. reliability of the data c. the high costs of money and time d. the privacy of the subjects

the privacy of the subjects

In Émile Durkheim's view,

the punishments established within a culture help to define acceptable behavior and thus contribute to social stability.

An inherent problem in using secondary sources of data is that a. the researcher may not find the exact data needed for his or her own research. b. the data are plagued with statistical errors c. the researcher may be more careless when using someone else's data d. all of the analysis has been completed by an initial research team

the researcher may not find the exact data needed for his or her own research.

The awareness that allows people to comprehend the link between their immediate personal social settings and the remote, impersonal social world is called A. the sociological imagination B. anthropology C. a theory D. verstehen

the sociological imagination

The awareness that allows people to comprehend the link between their immediate, personal social settings and the remote, impersonal social world is called

the sociological imagination

Which of the following would the functionalist perspective most likely view as creating the greatest collective experience?

the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001


the traditional behavior or way of life of a particular community or group of people

Although some of the early sociologists saw themselves as social reformers, by the middle of the 20th century the focus of the discipline of sociology had shifted to A. theorizing and gathering information B. a de-emphasis on the scientific method C. applied sociology D. advocacy of civil rights for minorities

theorizing and gathering information

The tendency of workers in a bureaucracy to become so specialized that they develop blind spots and fail to notice obvious problems is known as a. goal displacement b. oligarchy c. manifest destiny d. trained incapacity

trained incapacity

Communities developing around common interests or shared identities that are emerging online is referred to in the text as a. interactive niches b. tribalism c. online nests d. identity cells


A group of senators from states that are large suppliers to the space program protest the decision by the federal government to end manned space flights. This group would be an illustration of a. Gemeinschaft. b. technocrats. c. vested interests. d. bear liberals.

vested interests.

Deviance is behavior that

violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society.

Which of the following would have the greatest impact in terms of reaffirming social norms of proper behavior?

watching a televised execution of a mass murderer

A well-known Hollywood actress owns a home in Beverly Hills and another one on the French Riviera. She owns her own movie production company along with a large stock portfolio. The total of the different things she owns is considered her a. income. b. caste. c. esteem. d. wealth.


global perspective

when someone can think about a situation as it relates to the rest of the world

A corporate vice president is convicted of attempting to bribe a presidential aide. This type of crime is called a. professional crime. b. white-collar crime. c. organized crime. d. an index crime.

white-collar crime.

According to Robert Merton, a retreatist is an individual who has

withdrawn from the goals and means of society.

Which of the following is a minority group in the United States? a. women b. Protestants c. Whites d. All of these answers are correct.


According to Muslim traditions, a. women are permitted to wear revealing garments when they are with their families. b. a woman's feet must always be covered. c. there are no restrictions on men's clothing. d. women are permitted to wear revealing garments when they are with their families, but a woman's feet must always be covered.

women are permitted to wear revealing garments when they are with their families.

According to Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales, the expressive role is performed by a. men. b. women. c. children. d. whichever adult has a career.


Over 90 percent of microloan recipients are a. men. b. entrepreneurs. c. women. d. urban business owners.


A single mother who works in a factory sewing large sheets of canvass would be considered

working class

Karl Marx used the term proletariat to refer to the

working class

Karl Marx used the term proletariat to refer to the a. capitalist class. b. owners of the means of production. c. working class. d. middle class.

working class.

In Immanuel Wallerstein's view, the global economic system is divided between nations that control wealth and nations from which resources are taken. This view is referred to as a. neocolonialism. b. colonialism. c. world systems analysis. d. the world exploitation model.

world systems analysis.

A particular teacher spends eighty-percent of her time filling out proper forms required by the school district and the rest of her time actually teaching. This illustrates which characteristic of a bureaucracy? a. written rules and regulations b. impersonality c. division of labor d. hierarchy of authority

written rules and regulations

The concept of anomie was introduced into sociology by..

Émile Durkheim.

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