A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller.
Samuel Gompers
First and longest serving president of the AFL
2 poor practices of businesses in the late 19th century concerning the employees
Poor pay, unhealthy and dangerous working conditions
Gustavus Swift and Philip Armour - Swift and Armour
Swift and Company, headquartered in Fort Worth, was a major branch of the nation's leading nineteenth-century meat-packing firm and one of the nation's Big Four meat-packers of the early 1900s. The company was founded in Chicago in the 1880s by Gustavus Franklin Swift, inventor of the refrigerated railway car. Swift's technological innovation enabled his company to deliver fresh meat from meat-packing centers in the Midwest to large urban markets in the Northeast. Prior to his invention, livestock were slaughtered and packed for shipment in barrels of salt. In order to get his meat products to market Armour followed the lead of rival Gustavus Swift when he established the Armour Refrigerator Line in 1883. Armour's endeavor soon became the largest private refrigerator car fleet in the U.S., which by 1900 listed over 12,000 units on its roster.
a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law
activity of competing -striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same
Examples of competition
football game, science fair, Pepsi vs. Coke in sells, airlines- ticket sales, car industry, creating and patenting an invention, conquering lands by war
George Washington Carver
1. crop rotation (cotton and peanuts) and agricultural education Jessup Wagon, a horse-drawn classroom and laboratory for demonstrating soil chemistry to sharecroppers. Yielded much cotton and peanuts. Because of the abundance of peanuts: 2. Carver developed approximately 300 products made from peanuts; these included: flour, paste, insulation, paper, wall board, wood stains, soap, shaving cream and skin lotion.
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell is the father of the telephone. After all it was his design that was first patented, however, he was not the first inventor to come up with the idea of a telephone. Antonio Meucci, an Italian immigrant, began developing the design of a talking telegraph or telephone in 1849. In 1871, he filed a caveat (an announcement of an invention) for his design of a talking telegraph. Elisha Gray, a professor at Oberlin College, applied for a caveat of the telephone on the same day Bell applied for his patent of the telephone. Bell was the fifth entry of that day, while Gray was 39th. Therefore, the U.S. Patent Office awarded Bell with the first patent for a telephone,
Cornelius Vanderbilt
In the late 1820s, he went into business on his own, building steamships and operating ferry lines around the New York region. In the early 1850s, during the California Gold Rush, a time before transcontinental railroads, Vanderbilt launched a steamship service that transported prospectors from New York to San Francisco via a route across Nicaragua. Vanderbilt's new line was an instant success, earning more than $1 million (about $26 million in today's money) a year. In the 1860s, Vanderbilt shifted his focus from shipping to the railroad industry, which was entering a period of great expansion. He gained control of a number of railway lines operating between Chicago and New York and established an interregional (from one region of the country to another region) railroad system.
Henry Bessemer
inventor and engineer who developed the first process for manufacturing steel inexpensively (1856), leading to the development of the Bessemer converter
Purpose of the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
to organize skilled workers into national unions consisting of others in the same trade for safe working conditions, fair pay and reasonable working hours