IQ: B. Questions About You

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What three things really make you angry?

(1) I get really angry when a lesson doesn't go as well as it should. (2) I also get angry with myself when my enthusiasm and excitement for history lesson isn't there. Sometimes we have to rush a unit and I don't get to go into more depths, I lose a bit of enthusiasm that I usually bring to all my lesson. (3) I get angry when we run out of time; hard working with hands-on and minds-on activity; wish I had another hour or two in the school day in order to get everything in.

Do you believe you're qualified for this position?

- Absolutely! I had terrific experiences in all my college methods courses. - I especially appreciated all the learning opportunities I had as a student teacher. - My college supervisor continually challenged me to be a better teacher and my cooperating teacher was an absolute inspiration. - I sometimes can't believe the incredible growth I've made as a teacher and I want to continue that process here at...

What personal skills or work habit have you struggled to improve?

- Early in my student teaching experience I often found it difficult to say "no." I would volunteer for anything and everything. I guess I just say so many jobs that needed to be done that I jumped in and wanted to do them all. - I soon saw that this was taking time away from lesson planning, classroom management, and individualized instruction. Now, instead of trying to be all things to all people, I try to tackle those duties that will have the greatest impact on student learning. I haven't perfected that yet, but 'm much better now at managing my time.

What are your professional goals for the next five years?

- First, I would like to attend a number of regional and national conferences so that I can connect with other high school teachers in addition to staying up-to-date on the latest strategies and techniques for teaching at the middle school level. - When it comes to looking at my professional goals, I prefer to view in terms of seven years, instead of five years. I want to spend the next two years strengthening my teaching skills. Afterwards, I want to attend graduate school and get my masters in History, with a focus on U.S. foreign relations. One of my life goal is to get a master degree and publish a paper that will contribute to the overall historical knowledge. - After taking a year off to rest, I would want to pursue a master in Curriculum and Instruction.

What is the greatest asset you will bring to the teaching profession?

- From a very early age I've always considered myself a learner... a very passionate learner. - I enjoyed the challenge of learning new material, new ideas, and new perspective on old concepts. - I believe I can bring that excitement about learning and that passion for new information into my classroom. - If my student see my excitement for learning, they will also be excited about learning.

What is your philosophy of teaching?

- I believe teachers act as facilitator of the laenrign process rather than monitors. - I want student to achieve a measure of independence and motivation that will carry them beyond the four walls of my classroom. (*) The way we teach is - as important as- if not more important than - what we teach. - Guide students in their own explorations; while providing the tools and necessary instruction to help students discover the joys and excitement of learning as a person goal rather than a dictated one.

How do you define success?

- My definition of success is student-centered. i want each student to succeed to the best of her or his abilities. - My challenge is to identify student strengths and weaknesses and provide an individualized curriculum that will ensure maximum growth and development - not just in academics - but in life as well.

What are some of your hobbies or leisure-time activities?

- I guess I've always been a "tennis enthusiast". I started playing tennis in high school and fell in loved with it. I have been playing tennis ever since. The best aspect of tennis is the level of development. The best way to be a better tennis player is to play a better tennis player. I have always been eager and willing to learn from others, even if it means losing to the same person over and over again. Nowadays, I spend most of my time as an assistant tennis coach at Oroville High School. - Additionally, I was able to get my sister involved in tennis and we usually spend extra hours on the weekend practicing. Even though my students might now be interested in tennis, I would always encourage my students to join a sport during their high school year. It is just an experience that students cannot miss out on.

What sets you apart from the crowd?

- I guess you can say that I am success-oriented. I really like it when my students succeed - not just one or two - but when every one has the chance to improve in some selected areas - whether it their critical thinking skills, questioning skills, or reading skills. - My daily lesson plans always have differentiated instructional strategies so that every child has the opportunity to enjoy some measure of success. - My friends would say that my success is my passion; my college supervisor would say that it's really something I always strive for with my students.

What special skills or talents will you bring to your classroom?

- I have always been fascinated with the intricacy of giving presentations. I find that all students have a message, but not all students know how to successful convey their message to everyone else. The same can be said about history. - If a historian was not able to successfully present their historical findings, then all the research would have been for nothing. I will definitely emphasize communication and its significance as a large aspect of my lessons.

How will you compliment this school?

- I particularly enjoyed an environment in which there is a great deal of camaraderie and support. - My pervious visits to this school revealed that teachers here are quite supportive of each other. - There are... - There is a spirit of cooperation and collegial support throughout the school - a spirit I can embrace and prosper in.

What are the three courses you took that shaped the teacher you will be?

- I took "Access & Equity in Education" from Dr. Schulte. She truly helped me understand the diversity within our student populations. Students comes from every bulks of life with their own characteristics. After taking her class, I was more invested in the teaching profession, because I believe I have the positive disposition to support all my student in achieving their educational goals. - In "Intensive Theory& Practice of 2nd Language Acquisition," Dr. Eggers drilled into me the theories of language acquisition. The class has given me a wider understanding of the theories and processes that comes with developing English proficiency, which will definitely be helpful with my my students that are English learners. - I also had to take HIST 490 which was my historical writing class. It was in this class that I truly discovered the joy of being a historian. I can remember the excitement of developing a thesis and countless hours pouring over primary sources. These three courses, these three individuals, showed me that teaching can be exciting, dynamic, and practical for each and every student in a classroom. They are lesson I will never forget.

What do you want to achieve as a teacher?

- I want my students to succeed. I want them to achieve to the best of their abilities. I want them to be successful, not just in social science, but in life. - I want them to see how history touches every aspect of our lives - how it helps us solve problems, tackle difficult assignments, and think more clearly. - I truly want to be more than just a history teacher- I want to be someone who motivates, models, and inspires.

How do you deal with stress?

- I went into teaching knowing full well that it would be a stressful profession. During my teacher education program, I have developed several strategies to deal with the day-to-day stressors that inevitably come with the job. - I belong to gym which I visit five times a week. On weekends, I set times away from work to spend with my friends and family. - I try to maintain a wide diversity of physical and mental options that help me achieve balance in my life.

What skills or abilities do you still need to develop?

- I'd like to continue working on my "Differentiated Instruction" skills. I know the power of DI and was able to put it into practice during my student teaching experience. - But, I also know that it's not one of those skills a teacher learns overnight. - While I had a great experience with Mr. Buchanan, I'd like to talk with other teachers to see what else I can do to refine and solidify my DI skills for use in my own classroom.

What motivates you to be a teacher?

- I've been very fortunate to have several inspirational teachers in my scholastic career - teachers who have challenged and motivated me to be a dynamic educator. - These were teachers like Mrs. Lee in fourth grade who set consistently positive example for a misbehaving student, and Mr. Lor who taught me the joys of being a lifelong learner. - I have been motivated in ways I never thought possible and I'd like to inspire and help others do the same.

What motivates you as a teacher?

- I've had several inspirational teachers in my own schooling... all the way from Mrs. Lee in elementary school to Mr. Lor (my nephew who is older than me) to Mrs. Shultz at Chico State. - I want to be that force in the lives of students - presenting myself as a model of learning - as someone who teaches by example and inspires through purposeful instruction.

How would your best friend describe you?

- I've known Chan for a while now, ever since the start of Chico State. He would probably say that I was determined, because I'm always setting goals for myself and working to make sure they are all accomplished. - He would also say that I have a unique sense of humor and that I am a team player. He would say that I don't shy from speaking my mind, but I am also a great listener.

What aspect of your teaching style would you like to change?

- Like many teachers I tend to ask far too may low-level questions. I learned from my professors that student can become more involved in a topic when they are asked significantly more high-level questions. - Analyzing, Creating, and Evaluating, questions provide additional thinking and problem-solving opportunities for students.

Compared with the student teachers, how would you rate yourself?

- On a 1-5 scale, I consistently achieved an average of 4.7 on all five areas of student teaching competence. - While I know that student teaching is still a learning process, I achieved evaluative marks and comments that were some of the best. - I like to set high standards for myself, just as I do for my students. Always learning and always getting better are goals I always want to be working toward.

We have a number of applicants interviewing for this position. Why should we take a closer look at you?

- Teaching for me is a passion. I've worked closely with students inside and outside of the education settings. With me, you'll get passion and commitment - but you'll also get a wide range of experiences in several different settings. - In addition to my certification in teaching history, I am also working to get my certification in English. From my year of subbing, I believe it is truly essential for teachers to understand what their students are doing in their other course. If I am teaching those classes, then I would have a better understanding of my students. These are all experiences that give me a broad base beyond course work and student teaching.

What book are you currently reading or have you read recently?

- The Global Achievement Gap (Wagner) - The Great Exception (Cowie)

Why do you want to teach?

- The main reason I want to teach is because I believe education produces positive changes in our lives, and I want to be a part of that process. - I want those changes to be part of what I can share with young people. I want students to see how education can not only keep us current, but can also keep us growing, and changing, throughout our lives. Education is the only way for students to better understand the world. - There are so much unknown quantities out there in the world that students will never truly understand. I can personally attest to having my "eyes open" through my dedication to my own education.

What three expectations do you hold for yourself?

- When I'm teaching students I always want to be fair and consistent. I know that fairness isn't about treating everyone the same, it's giving everyone what they need. I also want to be flexible. I know that no two teaching days are the same and I need to be able to bend, adjust, and modify at the proverbial drop of a hat. - I want to display all the joy and excitement I have about education and let my students be part of that enthusiasm. I've always believed that good teachers are good models and I never want to forget that in any classroom or any academic activity.

What three adjectives would you use to descried yourself?

Adjectives: Passionate, Inquisitive, and Flexible (P) love for students, and passion for their subject. (I) continuously ask questions, looking for new explanations and myriad new answers. (In so doing, they serve as positive role models for their student , helping them ask their won questions for exploration). (F) I'm willing to modify, bend, and adjust - never letting the little things, or the inevitable interruptions, get me down.

What do you like best about teaching? What do you like the least?

Best - Influence future generations - Making a difference in the lives of others. Least - limited amount of time to work with students.

What two things would you like to improve about yourself?

Computer Skills & Time Management - CS: The field is constantly changing so rapidly that I should make sure I'm getting the latest information. - TM: I tend to be one of those ppl who always tries to do too much. I often find that there are not enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. I need to prioritize my work better and give myself some times for reflection and inquiry.

Describe your teaching style?

Constructivism - Learning is not simply the accumulation of knowledge (which is passive), but rather how we make sense of knowledge. - Knowledge is created in the minds of the learner and that I need to help student relate new content to the knowledge they already know. - Provide students with opportunities to process and apply knowledge in meaningful situations. - Example: asking open-ended questions, assisting students in pursuing answers to there self-initiated queries, engaging students in metacognitive thinking, and promoting self-initiated investigations and discoveries. - Knowledge is never a product but rather it is a process.

How would your college supervisor (or cooperating teacher) describe you?

Description: dynamic and persistent

Tell me something about yourself that I didn't know from reading your resume?

I am a volunteer firefighter for the county of butte. - Lifelong Learner - Working with a variety of individuals - Contributing to the community I am a certified person trainer - Lifelong learner (passion) - Help others in with their physical fitness level.

What is your greatest strength as a teacher?

I have three primary strength. (1) I am able to build strong bolds with students. (2) I'm a team player. (3) I enjoy learning.

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