IReady Reading

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In passage 2, what does Blanc mean in the last paragraph when he compares cheapness to a hammer?

The promise of low prices is used to justify a system that destroys small businesses

In the first paragraph of the passage, click the sentence that is best illustrated by picture 1

They designed a flagpole with a horizontal bar...

In passage 1, what do the statements about Sir Lancelot suggest about him?

They establish him as an ideal of knighthood

How do the remarks about poetry and power support Kennedy's claims about Frost?

They illustrate that Frost's poetry helps combat the negative effects of excessive power.

In the last paragraph of passage 2, how does the author imply what he does not say directly?

Through sarcasm, he shows the flirtation between Lancelot an Guenever

Which section best develops the author's argument that entering Monterey was risky?

Twigg's description

How does the author create tension in the last two paragraphs of Passage 2?

by contrasting what Mrs. Brandeis was expected to do with what she did do

In the passage what does the underlined word precluded mean on page 2?


Which familiar trait of American literary characters do both Alexandria and Mrs. Brandeis embody?

self reliance

Which statement best describes how the themes that are developed in passage 1 support the title O Pioneers?

she is willing to endure financial hardships to make life better for future generations

What idea does this imagery convey that Grant later develops?

the effects of war on those having little knowledge of the war's purpose

Which statement does the image of the eagle landing on the moon contradict?

Outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty

Which sentence best states two central ideas that support Blanc's argument?

Private property limits poor people's access to essential natural resources and competition lowers their wages

Which best describes how the characteristically American settings shape both stories?

Prove difficult to endure and become a source of conflict

Which point would both authors likely agree on?

Rich people will not voluntarily give up their power

Which statement best interprets the author's use of figurative language in the underlined sentence on page 2?

After Christmas, little is left at the store that has any value

Based on passage 1, which statement best describes how the last paragraph contributes to the development of Alexandria's character?

Alexandria is able to articulate her connection with the land

What strategy does the author use to express his own feelings about the war?

By explaining the detail of the approach, he expresses pride in their victory

How does Blanc use this sentence to help develop his overall theme?

By saying the opposite of what he means, Blanc highlights the evils of the current system

Which common theme from American literature do both passages develop?

Determination in the face of hardship

What does the underlined figurative language on page 3 help the reader understand about Frost?

Frost endured a number of hardships during his lifetime

Which is the best summary of the speech?

Frost is worthy of being remembered. He helped people better understand themselves and the world around them?

What idea does Kennedy's repetition of the wording "not to our... but to our..." emphasize?

Frost made contributions that were distinct from those typically recognized in America

Which of these factors was most significant in bringing about the surrender of Monterey?

General Worth found an inventive means of approaching the plaza

Based on the information from the passage, which sentence would best complete the summary?

Guinevere travelled to camelot, where King Arthur greeted her joyfully and instituted a code of honor for his knights

In Passage 1, what effect does Eggert achieve by numbering his argument?

He conveys that many arguments can be made against it

What does the author mean when he says that Sir Kay played his hand like a major - and took every trick?

He was not easily fooled?

In Passage 1, what can be understood from Lou's argument at the bottom of page 3?

His family has been in debt before

In Passage 1 and 2, hod do the authors portray the relationship between Guinevere and Lancelot differently?

In passage 1, Guinevere admires Lancelot from afar; In passage 2, they are more linked?

In passage 2, how does the author's introduction of Sir Kay relate to what comes earlier in the story?

It contradicts the characterization of knights as mindless but continues to uphold traditional notions of knighthood?

What is the effect of describing a general situation in terms of an individual worker?

It engages sympathy

How does this paragraph help to develop the character of the narrator?

It establishes a shyness as a limitation to romance

How does the entrance of Mangan's sister effect the plot?

It introduces an important internal conflict

In passage 1, what criticism does Eggert apply to socialist reasoning?

It is based on abstract ideas rather than history and experience

In Passage 1, what do the underlined words royalty and freshly suggest about the mood?


Which statement best conveys the difference between the author's treatment of the King Arthur legend?

Knowles treats the subject mote reverently

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