IS 52 Final

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How do you measure CPUs?

The speed that a CPU works at is measured in hertz (Hz). Modern processors often run so fast that gigahertz (GHz) is used instead, which means a billion cycles per second.

Backups and other precautions: UPS, RAID, bootable backups, etc

UPS: uninterruptible power supply can protect computers from data loss during power failures RAID: redundant array of independent disks enables multiple hard disks to operate a single logical unit Bootable backups: a disk utility capable of cloning can make a complete, exact duplicate of a disk

What's machine language?

Uses numeric codes to represent the most basic computer operations

What's Ergonomics and repetitive-stress injuries?

Ergonomics: human engineering, the science of designing work environments that enable people and things to interact efficiently and safely. Repetitive stress injuries: painful affliction resulting from repeating the same movements over long periods

Be familiar with types of media: coaxial, Ethernet and Fiber-optic cables

Ethernet is a popular networking architecture developed in the 70s; and industry standard. Traditional cable companies use coaxial cables (also referred to as copper cables) to provide service for homes and businesses. But some service providers are using newer technology: fiber-optic networks. Both coaxial cables and fiber optics can provide homes and businesses with Internet, TV and phone service. Fiber are better

Magnetic disks are divided in: sectors, tracks, _____ ______

Platters Armature

Be familiar with the multi-use of computers: work, school, etc.

entertainment, publishing, medicine, airlines, science

Desktop publishing

the bulk of the production process can be accompanied with tools that are small, affordable, and easy to use

What's ARPANET and when was it established?

1969. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. experimental network. Had to overcome its own unreliability. All computers were equal to one another.

What's 3D modeling, what' are the CAD programs, examples, what's CAM, CIM, animation, presentation graphics, digital video, image-compression software, synthesizer, and MIDI.

3D modeling: create 3D objects CAD programs: computer aided design; the use of computers to design products CAM: compute and manufacturing; process by which data related to the product design are fed into a program that controls the manufacturing of parts CIM: computer integrated manufacturing; combination of cad and cam animation: creating motion from still pictures presentation graphics: helps automate the creating of visual aids for presentations digital video: computers can be used to edit videos, split screens, add transitions, create titles, and do other tasks in the fraction of the time. video can be converted into digital form so the computer can treat it as data image compression software: it is a type of compression technique that reduces the size of an image file without affecting or degrading its quality to a greater extent synthesizer: synthetically generated; digitally recorded computer sounds MIDI: musical instrument digital interface. a standard interface used to send commands between computers and musical instruments.

Be familiar with 3G and 4G, GPS, SMTP, POP, phishing, newsgroups, web forums, text messaging, etc.

3G networks carry multimedia data and voice communications simultaneously, making it possible for mobile phones to serve as internet multimedia devices. 4G networks complete the transition to the IP packet switching technology of the internet. GPS are satellites around the Earth that can display locations, maps, and directions. SMTP is simple mail transfer protocol for sending mail. POP is post office protocol for those who download all their mail and attachments to personal PCs. Phishing are bogus emails designed to trick people into sits that intend to capture financial info. Wb forum is built on Web application and accessed through a web browser but not through email.

What's a domain name registry and where do we use it?

A company for names that relate to their organization, product, or service. URL of web pages.

Be able to describe a basic network as well as the largest network in the world

A computer system that links two or more computers. Internet.

What's an embedded system and where do you find them at home?

A microprocessor used as a component of a larger system. Toys, Tv, camcorder, oven; anything that's powered by electricity of batteries or house current

What are integrated circuits and what did they accomplish in computers?

A small silicon chip containing hundreds of transistors and other electronics. Smaller, more powerful that replaced transistors.

CPU: ALU, control unit, word size, single/multicore

ALU: arithmetic logic unit is where the actual execution of an instruction is performed. It includes registers, each usually 32 or 64 bits in size Control unit: directs operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic/logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to a program's instructions. Word size: the number of bits a CPU can process at one time- usually 32 or 64 Single/multicore: A multi-core processor is a single computing component with two or more independent actual processing units (called "cores"), which are the units that read and execute program instructions.

What's ASCII and Unicode. Difference between both

ASCII is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange that represents each characters as a unique 8 bit code. Unicode is a coding scheme that supports more than 100,000 unique characters

Most popular plug-ins

Adobe. Shockwave/Flash. Windows Media Player. Quicktime

Who is Gilberto Gil

Created tropicalismo music

Be familiar with what bandwidth is, protocols, NOS.

Bandwidth refers to the quantity of data that can be transmitted through a communication medium in a given amount of time. Protocols are rules for the exchange of data between devices. NOS: network operating system that shields the user from the hardware and software details of routine communication between machines.

What's binary system/code? What's open, closed, on/off in binary system?

Binary number system is a system that denotes all numbers with combinations of two digits 1= on 0= off if the switch is closed, the electricity flows; if the switch is open, the electricity does not flow

Measurements: Bit, byte, megabyte, ect

Bit: binary digit, the smallest unit of info a computer can process. 0 or 1. Byte: a collection of 8 bits Kilobyte: 1,000 bytes Megabyte: 1M bytes Gigabyte: 1 B bytes Terabyte: 1 T bytes Petabyte: 1 Quadrillion bytes

Bugs and breakdowns, smart weapons, autonomous systems

Bug: A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program Smart weapons: missiles that user computerized guidance systems to locate their targets Autonomous systems: a complex system that can assume almost complete responsibility for a task without human input, verification, or decision making

CBCL, computers and special needs, distance education, virtual schools, high-tech homes

CBCL: computer based collaborative learning. when students work together on technology enhanced projects Computers and special needs: schools have to use technology to give children with disabilities an equal opportunity at their education Distance education: using technology to extend the educational process beyond the walls of the school Virtual schools: blended learning- e learning with face to face teaching High-tech homes: soho- small office, home office market. smart card- contains embedded circuits that can process info. edutainment. narrowcasting- customized news or entertainment. filtering software- block children. social tv- encourages social interaction and communication. interactive tv and games.

How does a computer keep the data and time even when you unplug it?

CMOS RAM stores small amounts of data for long periods of time on battery power

What's the Silicon Valley?

California's San Jose area where dozens of semiconductor manufacturing companies sprouted and grew there

Know who Tim Berners-Lee is

Creator of the WWW

Spreadsheet: columns, rows, cells

Columns: lettered columns on a spreadsheet document Rows: numbered rows on a spreadsheet Cells: the intersection of a row and a column

Command-line vs GUI

Command line interface requires the user to type commands that the computer responds to. GUI is graphical user interface is a visual way of interacting with a computer using items such as windows, icons, and menus, used by most modern operating systems.

A compiler vs a translator

Compiler is the most common type of translator program. It compiles a complete translation of the program from a high level computer language into machine language before the program runs for the first time. It can run again and again. Translator is a program that translates from one programming language into another

Computer crime, cybercrime, cyberstalking, identity theft, spoofing, social engineering, phishing, etc.

Computer crime or cybercrime: any crime accomplished through knowledge or use of computer tecnology Cyberstalking: form of harassment that takes place on the Internet Identity theft: doesn't require a computer; attaining sensitive info by mostly dumpster diving- rummaging through company and personal trash Spoofing: masquerading as somebody else in order to trick the target into doing something they might not otherwise do Social engineering: slang for the use of deception to get individuals to reveal sensitive info Phishing: perpetrator is fishing for sensitive info under false pretenses

What's a video digitizer?

Converts analog signal to digital data

Be familiar with what cookies are and all the plugs ins (Flash player, Reader, etc.)

Cookies: small files deposited on the visitor's hard disk. Plug ins: software extensions that add new features. adobe, shockwave/flash, windows media player, quick time

Who is Linus Torvalds and what did he create?

Created Linux

Data recovery, restoring disks

Data recovery: retrieving backed up data Restoring: restoring disk to its former state on same or new disk

1996 US. Communications Decency Act, Children's Internet Protection Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Decency act is the interest in encouraging freedom of expression in a democratic society outweighs any theoretical but unproven benefit of censorship. Protection Act requires public libraries and schools that receive certain types of federal funding to instal content filters on computers. Accountability act is easier for people to keep health insurance, protect the confidentiality and security of healthcare information and help the healthcare industry control administrative costs.

How do you measure a screen and what's aspect ratio?

Diagonally. Aspect ratio is the fractional relationship between the width and the height of the display

Be familiar with all the connections: DSL, Dial up, Cable, etc.

Dial up is a connection using a modem and standard phone lines. DSL is digital subscriber line, a technology for bringing broadband connections to homes and small businesses by sharing the copper telephone lines that carry voice calls. Cable modem connections allow internet connections through the same network of coaxial cables that deliver television signals to millions of homes. Satellite connections are available through many of the same satellite dishes that provide television channels to viewers. Wireless broadband connections; WiFi.

Digital Divide and Net neutrality

Digital divide separates the people who have easy access to computers and those who don't. Net neutrality is the principle that internet access should be free from restrictions related to the type of equipment being connected and performed.

Difference between analog and digital

Digital means that it's made up of discrete, countable units- digits- so it can be subdivided. Analog is a continuous signal that contains time-varying quantities

Be familiar with digital vs analog signal

Digital signal: refers to an electrical signal that is converted into a pattern of bits. Has a discrete value at each sampling point. Analog signal: a continuous signal that contains time varying quantities

Know what a digitizer is, data compressions, streaming

Digitizer: can record just about any sound as a sample, a digital sound file. Data compressions: software and hardware squeeze data out of movies so they can be stored in smaller spaces, often with a slight loss of image quality. MPEG4, windows media video 9 Streaming: can play while downloading, doesn't have to be downloaded all the way

What's downloading vs uploading and which one is faster?

Downloading: copying it from the server Uploading: copying it to the server Downloading is faster

What's a drawing software, vector file, examples of these programs, as well as the most common pictures formats.

Drawing software: stores a picture not as a collection of dots but as a collection of lines and shapes. Adobe. Pdf. Vector file: can be easily resized to any size it needs to be. Adobe. Al.

Electronic commerce including all the different models B2B, C2B, etc.

Electronic commerce: buying and selling stuff through the internet B2B: transaction between companies B2C: transaction between business and customer C2C: transactions between customers i.e ebay

Email servers, file servers, application servers, web servers, URL

Email server receives incoming mail, stores it, and provides it to the email client programs of the addresses when they request it. File servers distribute programs, media files, and other data files across LANs and the Internet. Application servers store applications and makes them available to client programs that request them. Web servers store Web pages and sends them to client programs that request them. URL is a uniform resource locator that the web is built around a naming scheme that allows every information resource on the Internet to be referred to .

Know Internet lingo: email, web, html, xml, tcp/ip

Email: electronic mail messages Web: WWW Html: the language used to construct most Web pages Xml: newer, more powerful data description language Tcp/Ip: controls the exchange of data

Firewall, encryption and audits, encryption keys, public vs private

Firewall: keep their internal networks secure while enabling communication with the rest of the internet Encryption: protect transmitted info Audit control software: used to monitor and record computer transactions as they happen so auditors can trace and identify suspicious computer activity after the fact Encryption key: when a user encrypts a message by applying a secret numerical code Public: free to anyone and the user Private: only available to the user

Formulas vs functions, automatic calculations, address, values

Formula: a step by step procedure for calculating the desired number Function: instructs the computer to perform some predefined set of calculations (in a formula) Automatic calculations: makes possible the easy correction of errors, but also makes it easy to try different values while searching for solutions Address: made up of a column letter and row number Values: numbers; raw material the spreadsheets software uses to perform calculations

What's grid computing, cloud computing?

Grid computing is like P2P, a form of distributed computing. About sharing processing power. Cloud computing, resources seem to be coming from 'the cloud', somewhere on the internet. Does not matter where as long as they're available when we need them.

What's Groupware, speech recognition software

Groupware is software designed to be used by a workgroup- can keep track of a document's history as it's passed among group members and make sure that all changes are incorporated into single master document Speech recognition software looks for patterns in the sound waves and interprets sounds by locating familiar patterns, segmenting input sound patterns into words, separating commands from the text, and passing those commands to the word processing software

Know what HTML is, DHTML, Hypertext, Hypermedia, Multimedia, virtual reality, Augmented Reality.

HTML: the language used to construct most web pages DHTML: a collection of technologies used together to create interactive and animated web sites by using a combination of a static markup language Hypertext: allow textual info to be linked in non sequential ways Hypermedia: combined text, numbers, graphics, animation, sound effects, music, and other media in hyperlinked documents Multimedia: using some combination of texts, graphics, animation, video, music, voice, and sound effects to communicate Virtual reality: eliminated the real world, creating virtual spaces that can be experienced by one of more visitors Augmented reality: the use of computer displays that add virtual info to a person's sensory perceptions

Hacking, cracking, hactivists, etc

Hacking: unauthorized access to computer systems Cracking: criminal hacking Hactivists: consider hacking as a form of political activism, performing illegal acts for what they claim to be a greater public good

High level vs low-level languages

High level language is programing language such as C++. Java, and Visual Basic, that fall somewhere between natural human languages and precise machine languages. Uses familiar terminology and notation. a low-level programming language is a programming language that provides little or no abstraction from a computer's instruction set architecture—commands or functions in the language map closely to processor instructions. Generally this refers to either machine code or assembly language.

Categories of printers (impact/nonimpact) as well as the different printers (laser, inject, etc)

Impact printers form images by physically striking paper, ribbon, and print hammer together Nonimpact printers have replaced impact printers. Used when there are multipart forms. The two types are laser and inkjet. Laser printers can quickly print numerous pages per minute of high quality text and graphical output Inkjet printers spray ink directly onto paper to produce printed text and graphic images

What's intellectual property, copyrights, patent, trademarks, and a contract.

Intellectual property includes results of intellectual activities in the arts, science, and industry. Copyright laws have traditionally protected forms of literary expression, including books, plays, songs, paintings, photos, and movies Trademark law has protected symbols, pictures, sounds, colors, and smells used by a business to identify goods Contract law has covered trade secrets

Understand the difference between the Internet, the World Wide Web, Intranet and Extranet

Internet is a global interconnected network of thousands of networks linking academic, research, government, and commercial institutions, and other organizations and individuals. World Wide Web is part of the Internet, a collection of multimedia documents created by organizations and users worldwide. Documents are linked in hypertext Web that allows users to explore them with simple mouse clicks. Intranet is a self-contained intraorganizational network that is designed using the same technology as the Internet. Extranet is a corporation's intranet that is opened up to work with strategic partners and customers.

The difference between WWW and the Internet

Internet: network for connecting computers; domain of researchers, academics, and government officials WWW: a vast tract of the internet accessible to just about anyone.

Workgroups: intranet, extranet, and paperless office

Intranet: self-contained intraorganizational network designed using the same technology as the internet Extranet: a corporations intranet that is opened up to work with strategic partners and customers Paperless office: office of the future in which magnetic and optical archives will replace reference books and file cabinets etc.

Who is Bill Gates

Inventor of Microsoft

What's a transistors and did it come about?

It was invented in 1948 as a substitute for the vacuum tube, and transistors first appeared in computers eight years later. They're made from silicon, a chemical element commonly found in sand. It can work either as an amplifier or a switch.

Be familiar with the sizes of networks or coverage areas: LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN

LAN: local area network in which the computers are physically close to each other. MAN: A metropolitan area network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that covered by LAN but smaller than the area covered by WAN. WAN: wide area network is a network of LANs that extends over a long distance. PAN: personal area network links a variety of personal electronic devices so they can communicate with each other.

Operating systems: MS-DOS, Windows, Mac OS, Unix, Linux, etc.

MS-DOS: microsoft disk operating system became the standard operating system on IBM compatible computers Windows: the most popular operating system for PCs Mac OS: first low cost computer operating system designed with a graphical user interface Unix: enables a timesharing computer to communicate with several other computers or terminals at one time Linux: scaled down text book version of the powerful UNIX operating system designed to run on PC hardware

What are macros, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, etc.

Macro viruses: attach themselves to documents that contain macros- embedded programs to automate tasks Worms: use computer hosts to reproduce themselves Trojan horse: program that performs a useful task while at the same time carrying out some secret destructive act Logic bomb: programmed to attack in response to a particular event or sequence of events Time bomb: logic bomb triggered by a time related event Spyware: technology that collects info from computer users without their permission Tracking software or spybot: gathers user info and communicates it to an outsider via internet Drive by downloads: simply visiting certain web sites causes spyware or other malware to be downloaded to your computer Antivirus software: designed to search for viruses, notify users when they are found and remove them from infected disks or files Security patches: software programs that plug potential security breaches in the operating system or application

Magnetic vs optical disks

Magnetic disk has a magnetically coated surface that can store encoded info. Optical disk uses laser beams rather than magnets to read write bits of data on a reflective aluminum layer of the disk

What's file managements

Makes it easy to view, rename, copy, move, and delete files and folders

Modeling, simulation

Modeling: the use of computers to create abstract models of objects, organisms, organizations, and processes Simulation: the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. The act of simulating something first requires that a model be developed; this model represents the key characteristics or behaviors/functions of the selected physical or abstract system or process.

Statistical software: money managers, data analysis, scientific visualization

Money managers: accounting and financial management software- instead of relying on general purpose spreadsheets for accounting, most businesses (and any households) use this. Tax preparation software works like a prefabricated worksheet and every time you enter or change a number, the bottom line is recalculated automatically Data analysis: statistical analysis software can suggest answers to questions such as these by testing the strength of data relationships Scientific visualization: uses shape, location in space, color, brightness, and motion to help us understand relationships that are invisible to us

What's a motherboard and what devices attach to it?

Motherboard is the circuit board that contains a computer's CPU. On it holds the CPU, memory, and several other important chips and components

Know the different types of input devices: mouse, keyboards, touchpads, etc.

Mouse: designed to move a pointer around the screen and point to specific characters or objects Keyboards: Touchpads: small flat panel that is sensitive to light pressure (touchscreen) Trackpoint: mini embedded joystick in the middle of the keyboard Trackball: upside down mouse that stays still while you control pointer on the screen

Multitasking, virtual memory, booting, device drivers

Multitasking is the concurrent execution of multiple applications. Operating system creates dozens of processes called tasks Virtual memory is space on a hard disk or other storage device that simulates random access memory Booting: A process when you turn on the computer and the remainder of the operating system is loaded into memory Device drivers: small programs that enable I/O devices- keyboards, mouse, printer, and others- to communicate with the computer

Narrowcasting, interactivity

Narrowcasting: custom newscasts and entertainment features aimed at narrow groups or individuals Interactivity: some control to the viewer or user

Optical mark readers, magnetic ink character readers, bar code readers, UPCs, RFID, OCR

Optical mark readers: use reflected light to determine the location of pencil marks on standardized test answer sheets and similar forms Magnetic ink character readers: read those odd shaped numbers printed with magnetic ink on checks Bar code readers: use light to read universal product codes, inventory codes, and other codes created from patterns of variable width bars UPCs: universal product codes RFID: radio frequency id, readers use radio waves to communicate with tags OCR: optical character recognition is the technology of recognizing individual characters on a printed page, so they can be stored and edited as text

Be familiar with network structures: Peer-to-peer, and client/server model

P2P enables every computer on the network to be both client and server. Client/Server is a hierarchical model in which one or more computers act as dedicated servers and all the remaining computers act as clients.

Paperless publishing and the web

PDF enables documents of all types to be stored, viewed, or modified on virtually any PC making it possible for organizations to reduce paper flow

What's parallel processing, multiprocessing

Parallel processing: sometimes called symmetric multiprocessing or just multiprocessing in the PC world, has been used in high end servers and workstations for some time. The use of two or more central processing units (CPUs) within a single computer system.

What are the different types of scanners?

Pen scanners: wireless scanners that can perform character recognition on the spot Handwriting recognition scanner: translates your handwriting into computer readable characters Flatbed scanners: like a photocopy machine but creates computer files Film scanners: scans slides and negatives Drum scanners: like film scanners but for museum archival and high end publishing Digital camera: Speech recognition:

Categories of computers: Personal computers, handheld devices, servers, mainframes and Supercomputers.

Personal computer: low cost, microprocessor based microcomputers as powerful as many of the room sized computers that came before Handheld devices: computing devices small enough to tuck into pockets and serve the needs of users who value mobility over a full sized keyboard and screen Servers: a computer that provides other computers connected to the network with access to data, programs, and other resources Mainframes: room sized machines; industrial strength computers that must be in climate controlled rooms Supercomputers: superfast, superpowerful computers that are constructed out of thousands of microprocessors

Different charts

Pie charts: show the relative proportions of the parts to a whole Line charts: used to show trends or relationships over time or to show relative distribution of one variable through another Bar charts: when data falls into a few categories Stack chart: shows how proportions of a whole change over time Scatter charts: used to discover, rather than display, a relationship between two variables

Know what a pixel, painting software, bitmap graphics, gray scale graphics, color depth, resolutions, and anti-aliasing are.

Pixel: tiny dots of white, black, or color arranged in rows Painting software: enables you to "paint" pixels on the screen with a pointing device Bitmap graphics: pictures that are simple maps showing how the pixels on the screen should be represented, created by painting and photo editing programs Gray scale graphics: allow each pixel to appear as black, white, or one of the several shades of gray Color depth: the number of bits devoted to each pixel Resolutions: the density of the pixels, described in ppi Anti-aliasing: smooth the artifacts created by less than ideal resolutions

Screens: pixels, CRT, LCD and video cards

Pixels: tiny dots that make up images CRT: cathode ray tube, monitors that resemble 20th century televisions (not flat screen) LCD: liquid crystal display, technology of flat screens Video cards: they are removable and contain video ports and video controllers

Different categories of software: Public Domain, Shareware, etc.

Public domain software is free for the taking. Shareware is free for the trying, with a send payment if you keep it honor system. Open source is freely accessible software in which the program's source code is freely accessible software in which the program's source code is part of the distribution.

What's RAM memory, buses, ports and peripherals?

RAM memory: Random access memory is the most common type of primary storage; stores program instructions and data temporarily; divided into many equal sized memory locations; retrieve data quickly Buses: groups of wires where info travels between components on the motherboard Ports: sockets on the outside of the computer chassis Peripherals: The input, output, and storage devices

The four basic functions of a computer

Receive input, Proces info, Produce output, Store info

Two main interfaces on hard drives: SATA and EIDE/ATA

SATA : serial advanced technology attachment' another interface standard for connecting computer to hard drives and optical drives; can transfer data up to Mbps. SATA is the newer standard and SATA drives are faster than PATA (IDE) drives. Inexpensive, large storage capacity. ATA: IDE is also called Parallel ATA or PATA. Maximum compatibility.

Scripts, Javascript, Java, Ajax, XML,

Scripts are short programs that can add interactivity, animation, and other dynamic features to Web pages. Javascript are scripts that typically are written in a scripting language. Java is a more powerful client side programming tool. Ajax is asynchronous javascript and xml to make web pages more responsive by eliminating the need to reload an entire page every time a user makes a small change. XML is extensible markup language is widely used system for defining data formats.

What's sequential vs random access?

Sequential access is when the computer must read through info in the order in which it was recorded Random access: is when disks can rapidly retrieve info from any part of a magnetic disk in any order

Different types of ports found in a computer

Serial Port: Used for external modems and older computer mouse Parallel Port: Used for scanners and printers PS/2 Port: Used for old computer keyboard and mouse Also called mouse port Universal Serial Bus or USB Port: It can connect all kinds of external USB devices such as external hard disk, printer, scanner, mouse, keyboard etc. VGA Port: Connects monitor to a computer's video card. Has 15 holes. Power Connector Firewire Port: Transfers large amount of data at very fast speed. Connects camcorders and video equipments to the computer Modem Port: Connects a PC's modem to the telephone network Ethernet Port: Connects to a network and high speed Internet. Connect network cable to a computer. Game Port: Connect a joystick to a PC Digital Video Interface, DVI port: Connects Flat panel LCD monitor to the computer's high end video graphic cards. Sockets: Connect microphone, speakers to sound card of the computer

Physical access restrictions, password and access privileges

Smartcard: containing digitally encoded id in a built in memory chip Biometrics: voice print, finger print, retinal scan, facial feature scan, or other measurement of individual body characteristics Passwords: most common tools used to restrict access to PCs, mainframe computers, and Web sites Access control software: use passwords to restrict users so they can open only files related to their work System administrator: permission to install software apps, change system settings, and more

What's soft copy vs hard copy?

Soft copy is that information shown on the screen of your monitor. Hard copy is that physical copy of the document

What's a end-user license agreement (EULA)?

Software warranty. Includes limitations on your right to install and use the software on multiple computers, copy discs, install software on hard drives, and transfer info to other users

word processing tools: spell check, grammar, style check, digital references

Style checker and grammar: analyzes each word in context, checking for errors of context, common grammatical errors, and stylistic foibles Spell checker: compares the words in your document with words in a disk based dictionary Digital references: Thesaurus is an invaluable tool for finding the right word but it's not particularly user friendly

The two main categories of software: Systems vs Applications software

System software is a class of software that includes the operating system and utility programs, handles these details and hundreds of other tasks behind the scenes. Application software can be divided into two general classes: systems software and applications software. Applications software (also called end-user programs) include such things as database programs, word processors, Web browsers and spreadsheets.

What is TCP/IP, IP address (static vs ???), domain, top level domains, and ISP.

TCP/IP is transmission control protocol/ internet protocol. Connecting different types of networks and computer systems. IP address is a string of four number separated by periods. Included in every packet routed through the Internet. Static IP address is a manually assigned permanent address.. Dynamic IP address is assigned when guest arrive and taken away when the guest leave. Domains maintain look up tables that map them to IP addresses. Top level domains are the dot"_". ISP are local businesses with permanent connections to the Internet.

Technophobia, e-learning, courseware, and computer-based training

Technophobia: fear of technology E-learning: use of electronic digital technology to facilitate teaching and learning Courseware: educational software. individualized rate, small steps, and positive feedback Computer-based training: programs that embed the lesson in animated games, smart phone apps etc.

Telecommuting, electronic cottage, electronic sweatshops, globalization, etc

Telecommuting: how information workers connect to their company via wireless or broadband connection Electronic cottage: a home where technology allows a person to work from home Electronic sweatshops: data entry offices containing data entry clerks that are paid to sit in massive terminals and input information Globalization: the creation of world wide business markets

Telemedicine, robots, and automation

Telemedicine: computers monitor patient vital signs in hospitals, at home, and on the street with the portable units that analyze signals and transmit warnings Robots: computer-controlled machines designed to perform specific manual tasks. (used for assembly jobs) Automation: allows for tighter integration of planning with manufacturing, reducing time that materials and machines sit idle; reduces waste in facilities, raw materials, and labor

What's a template, macro, footer,etc

Templates: empty documents that can be easily adapted to specific user needs Macros: custom designed procedures that you can add to the existing menu of options Footers: text that appears at the top and bottom of every page

What's a CPU

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the part of a computer system that is commonly referred to as the "brains" of a computer. The CPU is also known as the processor or microprocessor. The CPU is responsible for executing a sequence of stored instructions called a program. The desktop.

Cyberwarfare and cyber terrorism

The front lines in the future may be by attacking through vast interconnected computer networks, a terrorist can cripple telecommunication systems, power grids, banks, hospitals, etc

What's a peripheral?

The input, output, and storage devices

Be familiar with the topologies of the networks: star, Bus, Token Ring, Mesh

The most widely used of these is bus, because it is employed by Ethernet, which is the dominant LAN architecture. In a bus topology all devices are connected to a central cable, called the bus or backbone. This topology is relatively inexpensive and easy to install for small networks. In a ring topology each device is connected directly to two other devices, one on either side of it, to form a closed loop. This topology is relatively expensive and difficult to install, but it offers high bandwidth and can span large distances. A variation is the token ring, in which signals travel in only one direction around the loop, carried by a so-called token from node to node. In a star topology all devices are connected directly to a central computer or server. Such networks are relatively easy to install and manage, but bottlenecks can occur because all data must pass through the central device. The mesh topology can be either a full mesh or a partial mesh. In the former, each computer is connected directly to each of the others. In the latter, some computers are connected to most of the others, and some are connected only to those other nodes with which they exchange the most data.

Be familiar with Asynchronous communication and how it is used

The poster and the reader don't have to be logged in at the same time. Mailing lists, forums, and blogs.

What are sensors and where do you find them?

They measure or detect real world conditions- temperature, humidity, motion, pressure, radioactivity, or even odor- and even provide computers with digital representations of those conditions.

Who are Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs?

They were the inventors of Apple. Wozniak constructed a scaled down computer system and Jobs convinced him to take that and start a company in his garage.

What's the digital divide?

Those who have technology and those who do not

Disk formatting: tracks, sector, clusters

Tracks: putting electronic marks on the disk, dividing the disk into a series of concentric tracks Sector: dividing each track into a collection of sectors Clusters: disk drives bundle sectors into clusters

Be familiar with the most used protocols for the Internet

Transmission speed. Prearranged messages for computers to understand each other. TCP/IP controls the exchange of data.

Be familiar with Wireless network standards and security

WPA. Short for Wi-Fi Protected Access, a Wi-Fi standard that was designed to improve upon the security features of WEP. This technology features improved data encryption through the temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP) and user authentication through the extensible authentication protocol (EAP), PEAP - MSChapV2.

Web crawlers/spiders, web portals, push and pull technology,

Web crawlers or spiders are software robots that systematically explore the web. Web portals are web entry stations that offer quick convenient access to a variety of services and links. Pull technology is when browsers on client computers pull info from server machines. Pull technology us when the sever automatically send info delivered on the client computer

Mobile Device Operating Systems:

Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Google Chrome, Google android, Blackberry OS, Palm WebOS, Linux, Sun solaris, Unix

The Wordsmith's Toolbox

Word Processing enhanced features include: Outliners and Idea Processors Synonym Finders Digital References Spelling Checkers Grammar and Style Checkers Form Letter Generators

All viruses and malware

malware: sabotage of of hardware or software. malicious software virus: piece of code hidden in the operating system of a computer or in an application program

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