ISA 2050 Final

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Which method can be used to return a string in upper case letters?


Protections are provided by a copyright include:

-who can make copies of the work -who can make derivative works from the original work -who can perform the work publicly -who can distribute the work ALL OF THE ABOVE

What is the correct file extension for Python files?


Which of these collections defines a DICTIONARY?

{name": "apple", "color": "green"}

___________ protects information collected from children under the age of thirteen.


The security triad is:

Confidentiality, Integrity, Accessibility

What is the output of the following code snippet: a = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'corge'] while a: if len(a) < 3: break print(a.pop()) print('Done.')

corge qux baz Done.

Regarding personal information security, which one of these statements is FALSE?

Be suspicious of anti-virus software.

Modem is:

short for "modulator-demodulator"

During the late 1990s,

the Internet protocols, such as SMTP (e-mail), HTML (web pages), and TCP/IP(network communications) became standards that were available for free and used by everyone.

What is a correct syntax to return the first character in a string?

x= "Hello"[0]

How do you create a variable with the numeric value 5?

x=5 x=int(5) BOTH OF THE ABOVE

How do you create a variable with the floating number 2.8?

x=float(2.8) x=2.8 BOTH OF THE ABOVE

Which of these collections defines a SET?

{"apple", "banana", "cherry"}

Intranets can be used to allow customers to log in and check the status of their orders, or for suppliers to check their customers' inventory levels


T/F In Python 3, the maximum value for an integer is 2^63 - 1:


A while loop in Python is used for what type of iteration?


How do you insert COMMENTS in Python code?

# This is a comment

Which operator can be used to compare two values?


Which one is NOT a legal variable name?


Which of these collections defines a TUPLE?

("apple", "banana", cherry")

Which operator is used to multiply numbers?


A good backup plan includes:

-A full understanding of the organizational information resources. -Regular backups of all data. -Offsite storage of backup data sets. -Test of data restoration. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of these is an advantage of International shipping?

-Shipping products between countries in a timely manner -Inconsistent address formats -dishonest customs agents -prohibitive shipping costs NONE OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following happened in the 1960's:

-The United states sought a competitive edge during the cold war. -idea was born for a global computer network. -Packet switching theory pioneers the way to the world's first wide-area computer network. -ARPANET ALL OF THE ABOVE

Fair use:

-allows a teacher to pass out copyrighted news to students without first getting permission -allows a person to quote a small porttion of copyrighted work in a research paper -guidelines are not well defined ALL OF THE ABOVE

The use of intranets and extranets:

-has allowed organizations to deploy functionality to employees and business partners alike. -has increased efficiencies. -has improved communications. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Virtual Private Networks (VPN) are useful:

-if an employee working from home requires access -when a consultant needs to do work on the internal corporate network from a remote location? BOTH ABOVE CORRECT

An example of the challenges of language, customs, and preferences is:

-in some parts of the world, people prefer to eat their french fries with mayonnaise instead of ketchup; in other parts of the world, -specific hand gestures (such as the thumbs-up) are offensive. BOTH OF THE ABOVE

In the US Constitution, __________________________, the authors saw fit to recognize the importance of protecting creative works: Congress shall have the power . . . To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing ___________________________ to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

Article 8, Section 8; for limited Times

The World Wide Web:

It is made up of web servers that have HTML pages that are being viewed on devices with web browsers

Which collection is ordered, changeable, and allows duplicate members?


Get the answer from your professor.


Which country has the highest average Internet speed?

South Korea

Which of these collections defines a LIST?

["apple", "banana", "cherry"]

A domain name is:

-a descriptive text followed by the top-level domain (TLD) like .com, .net, and .gov. -a human-friendly name for a device on the Internet. BOTH OF THE ABOVE

Which statement is used to stop a loop?


>>> print(r'foo\\bar\nbaz') Which of the following is the correct REPL output?


(An) Example(s) of multi-factor authentication is/are:

four digit pin # and a generated code

How do you start writing an if statement in Python?

if x > y:

Environmental monitoring:

is important for temperature, humidity, and airflow, as the risk of a server failure rises when these factors go out of a specified range.

In the US, a patent holder has the right to "exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States for a ____________________ in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted."

limited time

Which of the following first happened in the 1970's:

protocol for linking multiple networks together.

Which method can be used to replace parts of a string?


A firewall:

restricts flow of packets leaving, eliminating the possibility of employees wasting time watching YouTube videos or using Facebook from a company computer.

How do you start writing a while loop in Python?

while x > y:

Collecting large quantities of a variety of information and then combining it to create profiles of individuals is known as non-obvious relationship awareness (NORA). First commercialized by big casinos looking to find _____________, NORA is used by both government agencies and private organizations, and it is _________________.

cheaters; big business

In regards to the first sale doctrine the copyright owner has no recourse if the collector ____________ her artwork. But the collector does not have the right to ________________ of the artwork

destroys ; make copies

The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project failed to live up to expectations, running into many of the problems related to:

different cultures, corruption, and competition.

_________ protects student educational records.


The current global economy:

has the capacity to work as a unit in real time on a planetary scale.

In the European Union privacy is considered a fundamental right that ________________ the interests of commerce.


Which of the following is the correct way to open the CSV file hrdata.csv for reading using the pandas package? Assume that the pandas package has already been imported.


A code of ethics always has legal authority.


What is a correct syntax to output "Hello World" in Python?

print("Hello World")

What is the correct syntax to output the type of a variable or object in Python?


Which of these is an example of the economic divide?

some people can afford to have a computer and Internet access while others cannot

Which method can be used to remove any white space from both the beginning and the end of a string?


Who said the following? ""Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

Teddy Roosevelt

In regards to separated value files such as .csv and .tsv, what is the delimiter?

Any character such as the comma (,) or tab (\t) that is used to separate the column data.

In role-based access control (RBAC) administrators manage users and roles together, simplifying authentication and integrate security.


Which collection does not allow duplicate members?


This code is identical to the code in the previous question except that the break statement is replaced by a continue statement: a = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'corge'] while a: if len(a) < 3: continue print(a.pop()) print('Done.') How does that change the behavior?

The code prints the same list items as the loop in the previous question, but this loop never terminates.

In separated value files such as .csv and .tsv, what does the first row in the file typically contain?

The column names of the data

Which of these statements is false regarding Globalization?

The two World Wars have made all nations next-door neighbors.

An IDS provides the functionality to identify if the network is being attacked.


As soon as electronic mail was invented, it began driving demand for the Internet. People connecting to people was the killer app for the Internet.


Because of Moore's Law, the price of hardware has continued to drop and, at this point, we can now access digital technologies, such as smartphones, for very little.


In Python, 'Hello', is the same as "Hello"


In public key encryption two keys are used: a public key and a private key.


Since waves are limited to a distance of 65 feet, home users are purchasing Wi-Fi routers, connecting them to their broadband connections, and then connecting multiple devices via Wi-Fi.


T/F Python dictionaries are similar to lists in that they are mutable and can be nested to any arbitrary depth (constrained only by available memory).


The Web 2.0 revolution has made us all authors of web content.


The convergence of the personal computer, fiber-optic Internet connections, and software has created a "flat-world platform" that allows small groups and even individuals to go global.


What is the correct way to create a function in Python?

def myFunction():

Which of the following is not a Python built-in function:


How do you start writing a for loop in Python?

for x in y:

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