ISHISPA Summative 2

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secretariat and general assembly

When was the UN formed?

October 24, 1945

Why did Palestinian people become refugees? (1)

-People who were well connected and people with money knew that war was coming. -People left because Arab leaders didn't want them to live under Jewish rule. -Most of the Palestinian refugees fled their homes to get to safer areas. -Some were forced to evacuate by the Israeli army because they were being strategically as bases to attack Jewish targets.

What are the six bodies of the United Nations? (4/6)

-The General Assembly- Brings everybody together and every country gets 1 vote. -The Security Council- Monitor how countries treat each other, how countries treat other countries, and bring to the attention of the world when there are atrocities, and to come up with sanctions if necessary. -The Economic and Social Council- Responsible for the economy in the member states and deals with social affairs. -The Trusteeship Council- International supervision to self-governed, independent trust territories. Lead the trust territories with own independence. -The Secretariat- Responsible for the administrative decisions of the UN, and organizes meetings. -The International Court of Justice- Deals with international law, makes decisions on conflicts between countries, and creates consequences.

What are the requirements to be a nation? Why is Palestine not a nation?

1. Established border 2. International recognition 3. Government 4. Sovereignty -Palestine lacks sovereignty- they are not a solid, secure country.

What are the five permanent members that the Council consists of? (5 powers)

1. USA 2. Russia 3. China 4. France 5. United Kingdom

How many countries, and how many members are in the UN?

51 countries and 191 members

What is the UN's definition of a refugee?

A person who flees their country due to a fear of persecution, war, or violence.

What do member countries agree to do?

Agree with the UN's goal and desire peace

Law of Return

Israeli law for Jews which states that Jews can return to Israel if they are being persecuted (unless they are criminals and not already a citizen of Israel). Any Jew able to gain citizenship after three months

Why can it be said that the Security Council does not operate as a democracy?

Bc they make own decisions. E.g. If they feel need to act immediately, will & the countries are forced to follow.

Why will Israel never be a part of the security council?

Because the United Nations is divided into blocks of countries. Israel should be part of the Middle Eastern block- which is the logical geographical block- but they aren't because the countries who are part of it hate the Israelis, so they won't allow Israel into that block. Since Israel is not part of their own block, they needed to be put into another block so they were placed into an Eastern European block. However, Israel is like an outsider in that block, so when it comes to vote on who will represent Europe from that block, that block will never vote for Israel over their neighbors and their friends.

Why doesn't it matter whether we have a historical/religious connection to Israel or not?

Because we won the war. Doesn't matter tho otherwise we would have West Bank and Gaza. We won it in 1967 and kept it in 1973.

What is UNESCO?

Education, science and culture organization. Resolution 2334.

There are three UN peacekeeping forces in Israel. Where are they?

Gaza, Lebanon (UNIFILL-unique because not just a peacekeeping force, also protective agency for Lebanese gov.)

Explain how each of the six bodies helps the U.N. achieve its mission.

General assembly - votes on large decisions Economic and social council -institute peace within countries. Trusteeship - lead the trust territories w own independence. International Court of Justice - consequences for countries Security Council - int. peace & security Secretariat - keeps UN in check w administrative tasks.

What kind of occupational skills would someone need to be a staff member or a diplomat at the U.N.?

Good at public speaking, mediating, and has international knowledge.

Right of Return

Has nothing to do with Jews. Palestinian refugees who lost their home or land are entitled to go back to their homes

UN's four areas of accomplishments

Human rights Development Creating and maintaining peace Culture and science improvements

Difference between November 29th and May 14th

November 29th, 1947- UN passed two-state solution (181). The UN offered a partition plan to the Jews in Palestine and Arabs in Palestine. Jews said thank you, and Arabs said no- war broke out. May 14th, 1948- Israel won the war. Declaration of Independence.

What is the Palestinian status in the UN?


What is UNRWA? What is their definition of a refugee?

Palestinian refugees- anybody who lost their home or livelihood due to the 1947-48 war. A person whose normal place of residence was Palestine, but lost both their home and livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. UNRWA services Palestinians and the other one doesn't. UNRWA only deals with Palestinians and the other one deals with everyone else.

What is UNIFL?

Peacekeeping force in Lebanon is called UNIFIL. It has become a peacekeeping force for Lebanon. Not just for Israel, but also to protect the Lebanese government from being overthrown by terrorists. Peacekeeping forces in Israel: Lebanon, Golan heights (Syria), and Gaza.

Different ways UN operates democratic principles such as rule of law, due process, separation of powers, and majority rule?

Separation of Power: Three branches + departments. Rule of law: goal of world peace. Due process: gives the countries a benefit, because they're initially innocent in their actions. Majority rule: majority needs to decide. Everyone has a say in the votes and decisions. Members are chosen/elected.

What are the flaws this institution suffered from?

The League of Nations failed. -They did not instill authority -They did not have an army -Some of most prominent countries in the world were not a part of it (USA, Russia)

What was one of the earlier attempts to create an institution to promote international cooperation?

The League of Nations was created to prevent future wars and to ensure Germany stuck to the Treaty of Versailles.

What is UDI?

The Palestinians would like to unilateral declare independence. They have appealed several times to the UN, but they are not able to get membership to the UN because they don't have sovereignty. On Nov 29th, 1947 Israel became internationally recognized.

What has the UN done to protect human rights? -Give an example

The UN created a Human Rights Council, which is responsible for the protection of human rights. The UN hold campaigns to prevent violence against children, or sexual abuse, and they set up organizations such as UNICEF. -Led campaigns to assist refugees and provide food production and aid in third-world countries.

What is the mission of the UN?

The UN is an international organization with the objective to bring nations together to encourage dialogue and cooperation, with the goal of - creating and maintaining international peace and security - friendly relations between countries - solving international problems -respecting human rights.

What is the UN's bias against Israel?

The philosophy of the UN is that the atrocities are not being committed by the Palestinians. It's being committed by Hamas, and since Hamas is a terrorist organization there is no one to sanction. There is nothing the UN can do because they see the Palestinians as victims of the terrorist organization by the name of Hamas. As far as the UN is concerned, it's not the Palestinians who are doing wrong, its terrorist organizations who have victimized Palestinians.

What is WHO?

The world's health organization. They say that the medical care that Israel is providing sub par healthcare for the Palestinian refugee, and that we aren't giving them enough aid and health care.

Resolution 181

Two-state partition plan passed to offer separate state to Arabs and Israelis. UN offered the Arabs a state and the Jews a state. Jews agreed, Arabs ddi not and then declared war. May 14th, 1948 Israel declared independence.

What would happen if the Palestinians gained independence?

UN will try for Israel to leave the West Bank Israel won't do it, the UN will sanction Israel


UNESCO said that all of the settlements of the occupied territory are illegal and that Israel has no meaningful historical or religious connection to Jerusalem. Passed on December 23rd, 2016. It doesn't matter whether we have a historical/ religious connection or not, because we won the war fairly, and we are entitled to the land. It's not about the bible. We won it in 1967 and kept it in 1973.

Legislative Bodies

economic and social, security, and trustee councils

Judicial Bodies

international court of justice

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